The problems which such measures present should be clear to every American. It undermines and is a blatant disregard for our Constitution and also our intended representative government. The fact that those on Capitol Hill in the Halls of Congress cannot put aside their partisan political backbiting to challenge and dilute this presidential usurpation is simply nothing short of treason on the part of those claimed representatives.
There was a political challenge made at one point which made it's way to our Halls of Justice, the U.S. Supreme Court. In a divided opinion, the Court actually amended the Constitution in it's ruling in order to hold with the President. The Court also holds no power under the Constitution whatsoever to "make law," simply review any and all legislation for Constitutionality. The fact that such a power move by the President was not within the proscribed presidential powers was clear and not supported by the "evidence," our Constitution and it's clear language.
It does seem that the old addage "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely," appears to be holding true once again. And Mr. Obama is clearly on track at this point as one who's views of his presidential powers more align with his predecessor, than our Constitution.
The President actually has only two proscribed duties within the Constitution. One is as the last "check" in the "checks and balances," for Constitutionality of any legislation placed before him. The other is as Commander in Chief of the military in times of declared war.
Congress was to have the true power in Washington with respect to governance in their enumerated powers and duties, which far exceed that of the presidency.
In their negligence to enact the needed legislation in order to clarify the limited powers of the presidency and bring it back into Constitutional alignment, it does appear that cronism, "political correctness" and the new buzzword, "bipartisanship" is simply a way for those on the Hill to continue to "misrepresent" their constituents, the people of this great nation.