With all that has been occurring in Washington recently with now added taxes upon taxes in order to bulk up the global economy at the cost of America's own, it has struck me also that more Americans are not aware that the high costs and inflation which has occurred which also has lead to this economic and national security crisis we are facing today also has its roots in our government, at all levels, failing to abide by the U.S. and their own states constitutions with respect to collected tax revenues.
Increases in costs have occurred and deficits in state budgets throughout the nation also as a result. Yet the origins of these deficits and just why so many states are facing "bankruptcy" such as California have not been given even a cursory review by most in our mainstream media and news sources:
Privatizing governmental functions, and instead using the bulk of most tax revenue to fund discretionary expenditures and special interest groups in corporate "welfare" that far exceeds the sums budgeted and given to provide for the needs of those individuals in this country that truly have been made destitute or are unable to find suitable employment in order to provide for their, or their families needs.
For every job that is outsourced or insourced, the job of an American is "taken," in the process.
For every nongovernmental function or duty that is provided for in the state or federal budget, needed funding for true governmental functions gets lost in the process.
Our military budget is and has been huge, even since the Reagan years and the very expensive "Star Wars" programs and initiatives. Which, of course, didn't prevent this country from being attacked from within by several individuals from a militant and fringe terrorist organization eight long years ago. The most massive loss of American lives since Pearl Harbor and World War II.
But even with those costs, the added costs for providing for the welfare of foreign governments far exceeds even America's military defense budget.
While we are borrowing from China, we are still writing legislation after legislation giving foreign countries and foreign governments more and more American dollars in order to "socialize" the world into one big economic package where the fruits of all the people then will be split accordingly by those G-20 leaders - nothing more really than global communism.
And it appears it is Americans, many of whom now are jobless and homeless, that are still providing also for the economies of many of those living in third world nations - while ours is slowly also dissolving into one matching their own in the process.
Right now, though, in America someting else is happening that is making this country nothing more than a two class system at the present time, due to a progressive agenda masked as "capitalism" but is really nothing more than the British style of "class system" government of the past.
The one in which there was and still is "lords of the realm" who are awarded titles and property that is provided by the masses in tax revenue on their incomes, property and land holdings. The ones that own most of the major U.S. corporations involved in now "science based" technology, and military contracts. Or are involved in the global tourism industry and commerce, health care and financial sector.
To the point where now even the true governmental functions that the collected tax revenue on Americans property that was levied in the founders day and for 100 years beyond, is now being dolled out to those sovereign lords and ladies in also privatizing some of those governmental functions under their rule with added profit margins then socked to the public in higher costs in the process.
Many jails throughout the country, paid for the the state tax payers, have been sold by those states to private entities in which the state leases back then the land and jail facilities, and pays monthly "rent" then according to the number of inmates - which is then also subsidized by the taxpayers twice in federal government monies given to those states or entities according to the number of inmates.
Which does explain now more and more why there have become so many now low level offenses that have been criminalized in this country, or now provide for jail sentences and terms. In order to feed those private jails and industries profit margins once again.
Even our nuclear reactors and public utilities have become privatized in more recent years and shares are now sold on the global stock market, in effect compromising America's national security more so then even our open borders post 9-11, and raising the costs of energy and energy provision then in order to not only provide for those services and needs, but also the profit margins of those global investors.
This is not "free trade," or "free markets," except in the global respect with Americans providing their bottom line profits using the U.S. government then as its "agent", but actually nothing more than transferring unlawfully governmental purposes to third parties without sufficient regulation or control, and who have become then nothing more than "agents" of the government itself at this point.
Such as the auto insurance industry which was handed the task of settling property damage claims outside of the civil court system in order to supposedly "save" taxpayer dollars - but instead actually has increased the costs for all Americans as those premiums have exploded since the mandatory insurance laws went into effect several decades ago.
Arizonans saw their public utility bills increase, not decrease, once Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station was built back in the late 1970's due to the fact that shortly after it was built it was privatized and oversight turned over to the federal government instead of locally or regionally, and now the ratepayers in Arizona and California for the most part are paying not only for the provision of electricity and electric services as they did under the local service provider that provided those services, but also the profit margins now of the global investors which own the facilitiy.
Energy costs there now have soared, with the Arizona Corporation Commission now nothing more than "yes men" for the federal government and the globally traded entity that now "owns" that reactor and public uiltity.
Kinda makes you sleep well at night in this post 9-11 America to know that foreigners now own the nuclear power plant that is 50 miles outside Phoenix, doesn't it?
And it is not the only one. Most of those nuclear reactors and generators are now owned through a corporate shell that is marketed on the global exchange.
So just why are the U.N. and our leaders in this country so concerned now about Iran developing nuclear capabilities, when some of the movers and shakers in Iran within their government could own controlling shares in the nuclear reactor that is providing the power within their own homes at this point?
And just where did our government leaders at both the state and federal level get the authority then to "sell" publicly owned land and resources without the consent of the governed - the taxpayers and ratepayers that actually "own" that state and federal land and property?
The state and federal government may be a "corporate" entity, but it is a corporate entity that is funded "of the people, by the people, for the people," after all and has no authority to go into joint venture partnerships with America's infrastructure, or transfer governmental powers and provision to third party contractors for usually provided governmental services such as public utilities, street and road repairs and maintenance, jails and courts.
Even functions of the courts, at this point, are also being privatized under court rules for private arbitrators which are, for the most part, really nothing more than an added step and cost in the civil courts throughout the land.
So America, the tax bite also now that is making more and more homeless also is the result of not simply inflation or our deficit due to this continuing undeclared ever expanding war, but also in the government collecting more and more, and providing less and less with that tax revenue but instead using it award to "sovereign" governmental subjects, such as the British style of government is and was, at the cost of the American people.
Monday, December 7, 2009
The High Cost Of Living In America: Privatizing Governmental Functions
federal government,
United States