Sunday, January 3, 2010

Al Qaeda Now Blamed For Christmas Incident?

It appears now the "top story" that has gained media attention once again in order to deflect the Christmas Eve passage of the Senate of the largest unconstitutional tax on the American people during a time of economic recession that has ever come down the pike (the Health Care Deform Bill), is the story of the attempted bombing of a U.S. bound airline on Christmas Day by a citizen of Nigeria now connected by the Obama Administration to Al Qaeda, with a Yemen connection to a sect of this terrorist group operating there apparently.

It has amazed me and many other Americans how conveniently some of these terrorism attacks are planned and announced to the U.S. public. A public that has become increasingly disturbed at the turn this "War on Terror" has taken now for nine long years, and in which Mr. Obama was actually voted into office based on his positions that he would be the "alternate" candidate to the Bush Administrations "pro-interventionist" agendas with respect to the Middle East and the continuing war in Iraq, as opposed to the actual original Congressional authorization addressing directly those that claimed responsibility for the civilian and military attack on the U.S. in New York those many years ago.

The excuses now and rhetoric coming out of this Administration parallels once again those of the last. And it appears an agenda more so in order to ratchet up the terms of the Patriot Act and those "science based technology" and gadgetry measures that have been initiated by the new huge and ever-increasing Department of Homeland Security.

Which Department, by the way, was the biggest job stimulus and also tax increase also on the American people for both the government and its budgetary needs, and also Silicon Valley in addition to the ongoing war and profits they are making in the war and military industrial sector.

Ms. Napolitano, of course, is pointing fingers along with Mr. Obama at "security failures" that lead to the attempt. Which was carried out in Amsterdam, apparently, on a flight bound for the U.S.

Of course, this country also has afforded VISA waivers post 9-11 during the last 100 days of the Bush Administration for citizens of over 34 different countries to enter here merely upon a 48 hour security check over the internet.

And also has afforded most of the U.S. national and international airlines to afford foreign governments and individuals to invest in a great deal of America's infrastructure.

Including its airlines.

So if foreigners and foreign governments are allowed to become major shareholders in the U.S. airline industry itself, just how is Homeland Security going to deal with the fact that many and most of those foreign governments, if they own major stock in many of those airlines, also have access to intel on much of the security measures that are now in effect throughout the U.S. due to their ownership itself?

How convenient that this attack also was planned on Christmas Day, as the attacks of 9-11 using a U.S. emergency code in order to carry out the plan - a code that is unique really to this country, and holiday that is celebrated by Christians throughout the world.

If it was al Qaeda, don't you think these terrorists would be using their own religious holidays in order to facilitate this "holy war" and attacks on the U.S,, rather than Western holidays and cultural practices? I mean, this is suppose to be a "holy war" as portrayed by the media by this group of extremists that the U.S. just so happen to train during the Clinton Administration and wars with the Soviets in Afghanistan, right?

Even though those which claimed responsibility for the attacks of 9-11 were actually Saudi citizens, by and large, and not from Afghanistan at all.

Mr. Obama and Ms. Napolitano could be exchanged quite easily on those podiums for George W. Bush and Michael Chertoff, the rhetoric now so eerily familiar to most Americans.

And so, apparently, is the timetable for this continuing "war," and apparently the methods and madness of using "terrorism" threats and attacks, and patriotism, in order to continue to justify a war that appears to be expanding under this Administration, rather than being effectively ended as "unjust" (and clearly unconstitional, under America's "legal" form of government) at this point, to begin with.

And now merely the main job stimulus for the media, the ever increasing government security departments and divisions, public/private governmental contractors, and Silicon Valley and its "science based technology" fields.

And also strange that this "attack" would originate in the Netherlands, the home of the international and world government "courts" that also have been questioning the U.S. continued agendas in the Middle East in expanding also this "redress" now for over nine years, isn't it?

Is this rather small terrorist group being portrayed as engaged in merely a "holy war" for their Muslim extremist beliefs, really that politically savvy and adept in both choosing their targets, and their dates of attacks using Western "holidays" and cultural customs as their strike dates and focus?

Most of them do not even speak much English at all, and doesn't appear that in the areas in which most live, get much in the way of Western broadcasting or information to begin with, except with the satellites that the West (British - not truly American citizen owned corporate entities mostly) has placed there.

Which foundation actually is due to a British accord signed prior to World War I creating the nation of Israel, which also really is the primary "religous" basis for this continuing war - the U.S. continued alliances under that accord and the Israli government with the British government most of all now even sixty years after World War II - with Israel one of the richest countries now in the world, with a military on par to that of the West (since the U.S. did train many of their pilots and military personnel, as it did those terrorists also).

Terrorism comes in all forms. And appears the terrorism on the American people isn't restricted to Middle Eastern religious sects, with those now "have a plan" ads that taxpayer's are paying to the national media through another public/private partnership while this war continues.

With Hillary Clinton recently promoting U.S. corporate investment in Iraq as now as the Chamber of Commerce and Marketing Director and Ambassador for Iraq in recent months in media reports in order to stabilize the Iraqi economy now - while the U.S. economy continues to tank and promoting "outsourcing" U.S. goods to Iraq apparently rather contrary to the messages and rhetoric of the 2008 elections and dissatisfaction of the American people of this federally backed and sponsored "global" economic agenda at their expense - our continued presence in this region is clear has both mainstream political parties unconditional support and backing.

Capitalizing on such an incident such as this for now over a week, with the recent blame now once again on al Qaeda for a Nigerian citizens claimed "intent" is beginning to sound more like another "spin" in order to continue to use these segregated incidents to appear to be doing something in order to end this war, but really doing absolutely nothing at all other than to redemonstrate the "threat" of external attacks - yet while opening the gates, and increasing the "approved" countries for facilitated entry more and more thus increasing the risk of outside attacks such as these once again.

These "official" positions and stories really are getting truly incredible at this point, and the spins and excuses hollow and exercises in public relations manipulations for once again providing that although the face may change, in our now one party "global socialist" Congress and Administration, the "change" is merely the faces before the cameras and pay grades.