In the aftermath of the tragic death by suicide of a gay freshman student at Rutgers University, there has been much in the mainstream media focusing on the victimization of this young man prior to this tragedy allegedly at the hands of a disgruntled roommate, especially in the ease in which this roommate had to a public forums on the Internet through a webcam to violate and humiliate this young man so thoroughly, even going so far as to advertise in advance his intentions.
What has been left out has been much, it would appear, in just truly led to this disaster as more and more details are coming out.
It appears both had had trouble adjusting to each other and their new circumstances as freshman living away from home most likely for the first time. And clearly seemed ill suited to be "rooming" together to begin with, but obviously felt that school officials or their own parents were not ones in which they felt they truly could confide. It appears the victim had also written on several public forums his discontent with the situation.
Much has been made of the fact that the victim was gay, and that this also must have contributed to his torment. But I wonder how many freshman maybe having their first sexual experience, or even their first with a new partner, would have been just as humiliated if it had been a heterosexual encounter also distributed for their fellow classmates consumption and enjoyment. No doubt, other than those that have narcissistic tendencies to begin with or use sex for self-validation, would have had trouble seeing such an intimate encounter or act broadcast.
Hollywood celebrities or high level politicians, of course, are excluded since narcissism, at least body image and a rich and varied sexual history, seems to be a prerequisite in those lines of work.
I would also question some of the mainstream media's defense of the Internet still in light of what occurred.
There does clearly need to be some regulation of these social networking sites that many younger adults and teens have access to, or at least what is and is not afforded to be published on them insofar especially of imagery and videos of other individuals without their express consent. But that is even a little too broad. Live feed video of your roommate on a world wide web is not the same as sharing your latest vacation shots or science project.
But then again, since the state and federal governments have a rather loosey goosey definition of "civil" rights with respect to its spying and monitoring activities at this point against the American adult population in this country as has been in the press more and more also since 9-11, and its fascination with video surveillance and gadgetry, why should those in the media or in higher office be surprised that such a tragedy might not eventually occur?
Just what are students doing with webcams in college dormitories, I ask? Do they need webcams in order to complete an assignment, or get to class? I mean a snapshot broadcast worldwide would have been bad enough, but a live feed webcam broadcast?
It seems to me that Rutgers just might also need to re-evaluate its fascination with gadgetry, and just what is and what is not allowed in those dorms.
A webcam seems even a little more onerous than a keg of beer, yet I would bet there is more administrative monitoring of alcohol consumption by the students in the underage dormitories than there was of bringing live feed webcams, or cell phones.
I know, I'm sure the reason is so that those students can phone home live and in person, but maybe a university wide net nanny is needed here and on many college campuses also?
At the price of tuition nowadays, even if kids are there on scholarships it does seem that the scholarships more and more do not even near cover the costs of tuition at the rates they have increased, much less books, room and board.
And the social networking that most should be doing should happen in the classroom and at the MU.
And just maybe communications classes should become a prerequisite at the high school or freshman college level, and others such as this young man could be spared from any future anguish, embarrassment, or torture in the name of "free expression."
This was not an example of free speech, or free expression in any political arena.
This wasn't a politician, corporate special interest, public figure, or Hollywood star. His adversary was not a political opponent, corporate competitor, ripped off citizen/consumer, entertainment ragazine, or disenfranchised citizen/voter.
This was an 18 year old American boy.
On "youth marketed" and advertised public forums.
And a live feed camera in a dorm room on an American college campus is not a "free press."
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Medical Marijuana Laws New Stimulus For States, Tech Industries?
As another example of what appears to be a good idea and Constitutional, and yet approached and legislated in the "wrong" manner, the perfect example it now appears is the "legalization" of medical marijuana in quite a few states throughout the nation.
How so?
In an article published by the AP, it appears the State of Colorado is formulating legislation in order to "track" users and purchasers, using high tech gadgetry and video surveillance at the "points of purchase" in the state requiring these rather small businesses and clinics eventually to be mandated to purchsae, I'm sure, these gadgets and the software to hook them up to state databases.
It is being announced and publicized as in the interests of preventing large scale "black market" distribution of medical grade marijuana, although at the prices that most of these clinics are charging for these prescriptions, I'm sure the street variety will still have a much larger share of the market than the "purer" grade.
Until, of course, the companies manufacturing those joints decides to increase their profit margins, and starts using additives in those joints also to perhaps make a "drug" that is questionably addictive even more so.
Instead of merely rescinding and readdressing the laws which have banned the sale of marijuana for recreational or medicinal purposes and left it at that, and focused on increasing the penalties for large scale distribution on the street, this also appears aimed toward eventually another national or global entity cornering the market on distribution "rights" in many of the states, edging out the small businesses once again mostly owned by holistic physicians or solo MDs.
And there is already in place in most states throughout the nation tracking on prescriptions written by doctors for Class III drugs, and medical marijuana does take a prescription and is classified, to my knowledge, as a Class III drug.
So why isn't there a move to put such cameras in all pharmacies also throughout the nation? Or perhaps that is also already in the works, since there does seem to be more illegal activity regarding some of those "advertised" Class III drugs, anti-depressants, pain killers and the like by those large pharma companies and those inhibitors in those three minute ads on mainstream television every night during prime time.
Increasing penalties on pot in sales to juveniles and large scale operations which are moving imported and exported drugs globally and nationally appears again what may be needed here, but then I am only a mere citizen who can see where this all is eventually leading, and soon that marijuana needed for those whom are deriving health benefits will be $100.00 a joint, plus tax.
And consist of street quality pot, with three minute disclosure commercials "disclosing" all the chemical addictives that most likely will result in a major lawsuit for some patient that has an allergic reaction or develops lung cancer due to the additives in the paper or something else less than 20 years down the road.
Colorado is not the only state, it appears, that is jumping on the commercial marijuana bandwagon for the "jobs and the economies" of those that see bucks in the misfortune of others, however.
And as the prices begin to soar into the stratosphere due to such an agenda, the major drug traffickers, street vendors and black market cross borders importers are licking their lips.
Since such an attempt by the states to micromanage and monitor sales, by feeding another industry and the state itself off those whose numerous medical conditions and its symptoms truly are alleviated by medicinal or recreational use, or the small businesses who are now able to operate in many areas of local communities where such clinics are needed, will end up making them a bundle and increase the demand.
Those in poor health may not be working and already collecting social service benefits, and do need to cut costs whereever they can on prescriptions and extraneous expenses, and $100 joint will make the street value all the more attractive once again, unless the Medicaid supplements also will be increasing accordingly.
I'm sure those rolling paper manufacturers are also delighted.
How so?
In an article published by the AP, it appears the State of Colorado is formulating legislation in order to "track" users and purchasers, using high tech gadgetry and video surveillance at the "points of purchase" in the state requiring these rather small businesses and clinics eventually to be mandated to purchsae, I'm sure, these gadgets and the software to hook them up to state databases.
It is being announced and publicized as in the interests of preventing large scale "black market" distribution of medical grade marijuana, although at the prices that most of these clinics are charging for these prescriptions, I'm sure the street variety will still have a much larger share of the market than the "purer" grade.
Until, of course, the companies manufacturing those joints decides to increase their profit margins, and starts using additives in those joints also to perhaps make a "drug" that is questionably addictive even more so.
Instead of merely rescinding and readdressing the laws which have banned the sale of marijuana for recreational or medicinal purposes and left it at that, and focused on increasing the penalties for large scale distribution on the street, this also appears aimed toward eventually another national or global entity cornering the market on distribution "rights" in many of the states, edging out the small businesses once again mostly owned by holistic physicians or solo MDs.
And there is already in place in most states throughout the nation tracking on prescriptions written by doctors for Class III drugs, and medical marijuana does take a prescription and is classified, to my knowledge, as a Class III drug.
So why isn't there a move to put such cameras in all pharmacies also throughout the nation? Or perhaps that is also already in the works, since there does seem to be more illegal activity regarding some of those "advertised" Class III drugs, anti-depressants, pain killers and the like by those large pharma companies and those inhibitors in those three minute ads on mainstream television every night during prime time.
Increasing penalties on pot in sales to juveniles and large scale operations which are moving imported and exported drugs globally and nationally appears again what may be needed here, but then I am only a mere citizen who can see where this all is eventually leading, and soon that marijuana needed for those whom are deriving health benefits will be $100.00 a joint, plus tax.
And consist of street quality pot, with three minute disclosure commercials "disclosing" all the chemical addictives that most likely will result in a major lawsuit for some patient that has an allergic reaction or develops lung cancer due to the additives in the paper or something else less than 20 years down the road.
Colorado is not the only state, it appears, that is jumping on the commercial marijuana bandwagon for the "jobs and the economies" of those that see bucks in the misfortune of others, however.
And as the prices begin to soar into the stratosphere due to such an agenda, the major drug traffickers, street vendors and black market cross borders importers are licking their lips.
Since such an attempt by the states to micromanage and monitor sales, by feeding another industry and the state itself off those whose numerous medical conditions and its symptoms truly are alleviated by medicinal or recreational use, or the small businesses who are now able to operate in many areas of local communities where such clinics are needed, will end up making them a bundle and increase the demand.
Those in poor health may not be working and already collecting social service benefits, and do need to cut costs whereever they can on prescriptions and extraneous expenses, and $100 joint will make the street value all the more attractive once again, unless the Medicaid supplements also will be increasing accordingly.
I'm sure those rolling paper manufacturers are also delighted.
United States
Friday, September 24, 2010
Job Hunting In The 21st Century
News from the front lines on the jobs situation and American economy in this 21st Century.
Things have really, really changed even absent the economic impact of what is occurring now throughout the U.S. in the job market.
As one who has held a job since she was a mere 15 years old in some form or another, even while raising three children, and as one who also has been attempting to rebuild after the mortgage and foreclosure mess in the Southwest, it doesn't seem there are a lack of jobs in certain industries, simply a lack of jobs for those either over-qualified, without "degrees," or ill suited for those which have been given the most "stimulus."
I began my working career as most teens do, working for a fast food chain in the Southwest.
I got the job through the business department of my local high school, and crunched sales reports daily for the various locations during the after school hours, and during the summers in addition worked in one of the restaurants during the busy lunch hours, and in the afternoons then made cold calls to businesses and homes in the areas offering tokens for discounts through their small local ad agency representatives.
It paid $1.60 per hour, and helped me save for my first car, a used Toyota.
I subsequently then went on to working for a "national" bank, a life insurance agent and agency, and then a credit card company before the age of 20. I was "playing the field" and also bulking up my resume in scope, or so I believed.
Today, that is "job hopping." Marketing yourself according to your experience and worth in different areas in order to expand your knowledge and experience is passé and not an attractive quality for those in the front offices of at least quite a few industries.
Although, now due to the exhaustive tests that are also given through employment agencies, it would appear that the costs for training new workers have even gone down due to the prescreening processes in many labor intensive and other industries. Fireman, for example, already go through exhaustive physical standards and training for their positions. Health care workers now are "graduates" of colleges of higher learning even in the nursing and support positions. I was a candy striper also in my youth, (serving meals, delivering flowers and running errands, making beds, and wheeling out patients as a volunteer, and that position no longer even exists in most hospitals today).
I married, and we moved in order for my spouse to pursue his degree with less than $1,000 and all our worldly possessions in a U-Haul, arriving in the Midwest just as Nixon gave his resignation speech on the White House lawn. We were lucky since it was August, and within the first two days found an apartment complex that catered to students without credit checks, and found a "reduced rent" apartment in a large complex run by the onsite owners. We even got a twelve month lease with free rent the last month, but as a one bedroom was $20 a month more than the apartment we had in the Southwest. At least utilities were paid.
I searched the want-ads daily then, and got an interview at a local law office.
Legal secretaries were actually the highest paid in the clerical field, and I had worked for an executive at American Express prior to the move being promoted from the typing pool (typing letters eight hours a day almost non-stop), and so was confident I was up to the job.
I was first interviewed by the Supervisor of the "section" seeking to fill the position, and then was asked to speak with the attorney for whom I would be working - one of the managing partners whose practice was in labor and employment law. At the ripe old age of 21.
We hit it off, as he also had family living in my former state (a son) and was impressed with my keyboarding most of all (typing tests were mandated for all new hires, the only test I was required to perform). He was a few years older than my own father, and was a mentor also and due to his busy, busy travel schedule, pretty much had the responsibility to be the "face" for our existing clients while he was traveling conducting seminars and advising local management personnel and owner/operators throughout the country.
The job lasted over six years, while my spouse obtained his undergraduate and graduate degree, and involved many, many extra hours over and above the call of duty and girl Friday duties in trips back and forth to the airport too, picking up mailed documents for filing and preparation also while he was on the road, but for which I was truly grateful as during that time I also became a new mother, and my "boss" was demanding, but fair and considerate, and even provided us with a car when ours was on the fritz one winter, and a month's bonus pay at Christmas every year.
In the corporate world then, the martini lunch was standard for most mid to upper level management, wining and dining potential new clients, and in office meetings of the lawyers on various client matters, and at one point during the start-up phase when my new "boss" left a 200 attorney practice to set out on his own with several others from our former firm, I even performed receptionist duties for those visiting the office, and prepared all the month billings and statements for our client load.
Flash forward to 2010.
I have been hitting the local unemployment offices and resource centers and they are packed to the gills.
Computers lined up in one full room for those seeking job listings and any assistance that might be needed with resume writing (I didn't even have a resume for my early positions, simply filled out the standard two page front and back application).
Computer literacy is not simply a plus, but a necessity even in seeking a job.
Online applications are now preferred for even minimum wage jobs, and take a good 45 minutes to an hour to complete with all the questions that are included, and waivers included as part of the application process for requested testing over and above those tests which might be needed for the particular position applied for, and "background checks."
Many involve lengthy questionnaires even.
One recent one I filled out for a large big box company included a question that asked: "How many politicians today do you feel are dishonest?" and another that asked "Have you ever had a 'bad day?'
Occasional grumpy people, apparently, need not apply. Or those who might have reservations about at least a few of our political leaders, and given those polls it would seem that just might knock out about 70% at this point that might believe at least a good percentage of them just might be in political office for all the wrong reasons.
And if you are an experienced, or "older" worker, don't include anything that isn't part of your employment history prior to 2000.
The last ten years is all that matters, not the experience you gained from the varied positions I myself have held throughout my lifetime at this point.
Traffic tickets or other missteps with the law, even if you have "paid the price and done your time," or pled "no contest" in order to either not lose work time, or incur even added expenses for bench trials, not jury trials, or cannot afford a lawyer for many of these lower level offenses with hefty fines and penalties on more and more civil and criminal offenses, also are requested to be disclosed, except in about three states.
Which does tend to favor a younger workforce and population, since the question is preceded with "ever" meaning throughout your life, and of course the odds would go up the longer you live that at some point you have had a run-in with the law over something or other, since even the number of laws which have been passed progressively have increased in leaps and bounds.
Some even contradicting previously passed legislation, or placing citizens in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" position with respect to especially those low level DUI laws and blockades nation-wide based again on "science based" fallable technology, and evidentiary standards that are now at the point where you need a degree in science in order to even argue a speeding ticket anymore, since those are becoming more and more based on evidence that is not "witnessed" but "recorded," like those sports playbacks, although only from a single "fixed" angle, and in which the worlds "reasonable and prudent" means at times even driving the maximum speed on a snowy day won't result in a "speeding" ticket, but driving 11 miles over the speed limit on an abandoned highway in favorable, mild weather can.
The job search itself is now almost a full time job for many, and few that can meet some of those benchmarks.
Credit reports are also used routinely for almost any position, and if you are seeking work in this economy due to having also been impacted in a big way in either losing a home, or prior job, or need to get back into the workforce after an absence due to rising costs of living and expenses, those scores can mean you are dead in the water without the money to hire a lawyer even to assist with getting those reports to reflect the circumstances behind the debt, other than that one line explanation that really doesn't affect those ballpark scores at all.
And even one such as myself, who actually paid off all my credit card debt five years ago after an identity theft and during a refinance on a home, the fact that you have no debt or haven't had any in a number of years due to satisfying all your creditors through those highly advertised "home equity" loan programs also counts against you when it comes to attempting to re-establish or obtain any credit after more than a five year "debt free." You haven't had credit, so there are now brownie points, is how it now works, and most of those larger businesses pay the lower price for the "score" rather than the full reports, since drawing the full reports has also affected applicants, since pulling the reports themselves can also count against you in the number of reports pulled.
I went to a local job fair recently. I was seeking work in prior fields in which I had experience in the private sector.
The tables that were manned consisted of mostly universities seeking students for their educational programs and their grants tied in to the number of students they could encourage to go back to school and get re-educated, banking and finance companies seeking BAs in business or finance for some of those credit companies, hospitals and health care clinics seeking medical staff and personnel due to the new healthcare legislation (which definitely was a boom for their industry at the cost of the public and even the older generation who have paid local and state property taxes for many of the community hospitals that were built in the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's, and with now almost a hospital or health care clinic on every corner), a Mary Kay representative, a local television station "sponsor" with its fall lineup, and the local police force since there is a great deal of former military that are being recruited for local and state police forces throughout the nation (who are also demand for the government contractors for the infrastructure repair and jobs in the last federal jobs bill after working on rebuilding Iraq, in addition to many of the illegals in the West, Midwest and Southwest it seems).
It did appear that the job seekers were being mostly marketed to, in point of fact, by many there rather than those seriously seeking workers.
Keywords are stressed the most on those resumes and applications, and terms like those who "think outside the box" or are innovative, creative type individuals are now passé. Multi-tasking also seems to be out of vogue. The ability to "stay on task" is the 21st Century ideal. Some at the educational booths indicated that the largest hiring source now appears to be more and more "tech" jobs in the public sector, not private.
There are also new questions with respect to race, national origin, ethnicity, and disability, including whether or not you are collecting under any programs providing any benefits under state or federal programs, although some of those questions are merely asked to be provided voluntarily, although there isn't much room for explanations on some of those questions in order to further clarify anything other than the multiple choice answers.
Hiring definitely has also now become a "science," and it may be "science" once again that is preventing many of those workers who are truly qualified, and who need the work in all age brackets from finding it. Or a past due parking ticket, maybe. These "screenings" do seem to be geared toward also ferreting out those individuals whose dog may have eaten the parking ticket five years ago without "warrants," in these shared job resource pools from state to state in updating the movements of many now who are having to go from state to state at this point in order to get even interviewed or hired.
Migrant workers are not simply agricultural workers anymore.
And there are now even overlapping agencies that have taken up residence in many of the spaces at local malls formerly held by retailers that are not like to old jobs centers and boards with posted announcements and such, but provide resume writing classes, "test" interviews, and even clothing and fashion advice.
There seems to be a booming economy now, in another new industry.
Counseling and coaching the unemployed in order to recast them into "job material."
I wonder what Edison, Franklin, Grandma Moses, the Wright Brothers, or Albert Schweitzer would think?
Things have really, really changed even absent the economic impact of what is occurring now throughout the U.S. in the job market.
As one who has held a job since she was a mere 15 years old in some form or another, even while raising three children, and as one who also has been attempting to rebuild after the mortgage and foreclosure mess in the Southwest, it doesn't seem there are a lack of jobs in certain industries, simply a lack of jobs for those either over-qualified, without "degrees," or ill suited for those which have been given the most "stimulus."
I began my working career as most teens do, working for a fast food chain in the Southwest.
I got the job through the business department of my local high school, and crunched sales reports daily for the various locations during the after school hours, and during the summers in addition worked in one of the restaurants during the busy lunch hours, and in the afternoons then made cold calls to businesses and homes in the areas offering tokens for discounts through their small local ad agency representatives.
It paid $1.60 per hour, and helped me save for my first car, a used Toyota.
I subsequently then went on to working for a "national" bank, a life insurance agent and agency, and then a credit card company before the age of 20. I was "playing the field" and also bulking up my resume in scope, or so I believed.
Today, that is "job hopping." Marketing yourself according to your experience and worth in different areas in order to expand your knowledge and experience is passé and not an attractive quality for those in the front offices of at least quite a few industries.
Although, now due to the exhaustive tests that are also given through employment agencies, it would appear that the costs for training new workers have even gone down due to the prescreening processes in many labor intensive and other industries. Fireman, for example, already go through exhaustive physical standards and training for their positions. Health care workers now are "graduates" of colleges of higher learning even in the nursing and support positions. I was a candy striper also in my youth, (serving meals, delivering flowers and running errands, making beds, and wheeling out patients as a volunteer, and that position no longer even exists in most hospitals today).
I married, and we moved in order for my spouse to pursue his degree with less than $1,000 and all our worldly possessions in a U-Haul, arriving in the Midwest just as Nixon gave his resignation speech on the White House lawn. We were lucky since it was August, and within the first two days found an apartment complex that catered to students without credit checks, and found a "reduced rent" apartment in a large complex run by the onsite owners. We even got a twelve month lease with free rent the last month, but as a one bedroom was $20 a month more than the apartment we had in the Southwest. At least utilities were paid.
I searched the want-ads daily then, and got an interview at a local law office.
Legal secretaries were actually the highest paid in the clerical field, and I had worked for an executive at American Express prior to the move being promoted from the typing pool (typing letters eight hours a day almost non-stop), and so was confident I was up to the job.
I was first interviewed by the Supervisor of the "section" seeking to fill the position, and then was asked to speak with the attorney for whom I would be working - one of the managing partners whose practice was in labor and employment law. At the ripe old age of 21.
We hit it off, as he also had family living in my former state (a son) and was impressed with my keyboarding most of all (typing tests were mandated for all new hires, the only test I was required to perform). He was a few years older than my own father, and was a mentor also and due to his busy, busy travel schedule, pretty much had the responsibility to be the "face" for our existing clients while he was traveling conducting seminars and advising local management personnel and owner/operators throughout the country.
The job lasted over six years, while my spouse obtained his undergraduate and graduate degree, and involved many, many extra hours over and above the call of duty and girl Friday duties in trips back and forth to the airport too, picking up mailed documents for filing and preparation also while he was on the road, but for which I was truly grateful as during that time I also became a new mother, and my "boss" was demanding, but fair and considerate, and even provided us with a car when ours was on the fritz one winter, and a month's bonus pay at Christmas every year.
In the corporate world then, the martini lunch was standard for most mid to upper level management, wining and dining potential new clients, and in office meetings of the lawyers on various client matters, and at one point during the start-up phase when my new "boss" left a 200 attorney practice to set out on his own with several others from our former firm, I even performed receptionist duties for those visiting the office, and prepared all the month billings and statements for our client load.
Flash forward to 2010.
I have been hitting the local unemployment offices and resource centers and they are packed to the gills.
Computers lined up in one full room for those seeking job listings and any assistance that might be needed with resume writing (I didn't even have a resume for my early positions, simply filled out the standard two page front and back application).
Computer literacy is not simply a plus, but a necessity even in seeking a job.
Online applications are now preferred for even minimum wage jobs, and take a good 45 minutes to an hour to complete with all the questions that are included, and waivers included as part of the application process for requested testing over and above those tests which might be needed for the particular position applied for, and "background checks."
Many involve lengthy questionnaires even.
One recent one I filled out for a large big box company included a question that asked: "How many politicians today do you feel are dishonest?" and another that asked "Have you ever had a 'bad day?'
Occasional grumpy people, apparently, need not apply. Or those who might have reservations about at least a few of our political leaders, and given those polls it would seem that just might knock out about 70% at this point that might believe at least a good percentage of them just might be in political office for all the wrong reasons.
And if you are an experienced, or "older" worker, don't include anything that isn't part of your employment history prior to 2000.
The last ten years is all that matters, not the experience you gained from the varied positions I myself have held throughout my lifetime at this point.
Traffic tickets or other missteps with the law, even if you have "paid the price and done your time," or pled "no contest" in order to either not lose work time, or incur even added expenses for bench trials, not jury trials, or cannot afford a lawyer for many of these lower level offenses with hefty fines and penalties on more and more civil and criminal offenses, also are requested to be disclosed, except in about three states.
Which does tend to favor a younger workforce and population, since the question is preceded with "ever" meaning throughout your life, and of course the odds would go up the longer you live that at some point you have had a run-in with the law over something or other, since even the number of laws which have been passed progressively have increased in leaps and bounds.
Some even contradicting previously passed legislation, or placing citizens in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" position with respect to especially those low level DUI laws and blockades nation-wide based again on "science based" fallable technology, and evidentiary standards that are now at the point where you need a degree in science in order to even argue a speeding ticket anymore, since those are becoming more and more based on evidence that is not "witnessed" but "recorded," like those sports playbacks, although only from a single "fixed" angle, and in which the worlds "reasonable and prudent" means at times even driving the maximum speed on a snowy day won't result in a "speeding" ticket, but driving 11 miles over the speed limit on an abandoned highway in favorable, mild weather can.
The job search itself is now almost a full time job for many, and few that can meet some of those benchmarks.
Credit reports are also used routinely for almost any position, and if you are seeking work in this economy due to having also been impacted in a big way in either losing a home, or prior job, or need to get back into the workforce after an absence due to rising costs of living and expenses, those scores can mean you are dead in the water without the money to hire a lawyer even to assist with getting those reports to reflect the circumstances behind the debt, other than that one line explanation that really doesn't affect those ballpark scores at all.
And even one such as myself, who actually paid off all my credit card debt five years ago after an identity theft and during a refinance on a home, the fact that you have no debt or haven't had any in a number of years due to satisfying all your creditors through those highly advertised "home equity" loan programs also counts against you when it comes to attempting to re-establish or obtain any credit after more than a five year "debt free." You haven't had credit, so there are now brownie points, is how it now works, and most of those larger businesses pay the lower price for the "score" rather than the full reports, since drawing the full reports has also affected applicants, since pulling the reports themselves can also count against you in the number of reports pulled.
I went to a local job fair recently. I was seeking work in prior fields in which I had experience in the private sector.
The tables that were manned consisted of mostly universities seeking students for their educational programs and their grants tied in to the number of students they could encourage to go back to school and get re-educated, banking and finance companies seeking BAs in business or finance for some of those credit companies, hospitals and health care clinics seeking medical staff and personnel due to the new healthcare legislation (which definitely was a boom for their industry at the cost of the public and even the older generation who have paid local and state property taxes for many of the community hospitals that were built in the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's, and with now almost a hospital or health care clinic on every corner), a Mary Kay representative, a local television station "sponsor" with its fall lineup, and the local police force since there is a great deal of former military that are being recruited for local and state police forces throughout the nation (who are also demand for the government contractors for the infrastructure repair and jobs in the last federal jobs bill after working on rebuilding Iraq, in addition to many of the illegals in the West, Midwest and Southwest it seems).
It did appear that the job seekers were being mostly marketed to, in point of fact, by many there rather than those seriously seeking workers.
Keywords are stressed the most on those resumes and applications, and terms like those who "think outside the box" or are innovative, creative type individuals are now passé. Multi-tasking also seems to be out of vogue. The ability to "stay on task" is the 21st Century ideal. Some at the educational booths indicated that the largest hiring source now appears to be more and more "tech" jobs in the public sector, not private.
There are also new questions with respect to race, national origin, ethnicity, and disability, including whether or not you are collecting under any programs providing any benefits under state or federal programs, although some of those questions are merely asked to be provided voluntarily, although there isn't much room for explanations on some of those questions in order to further clarify anything other than the multiple choice answers.
Hiring definitely has also now become a "science," and it may be "science" once again that is preventing many of those workers who are truly qualified, and who need the work in all age brackets from finding it. Or a past due parking ticket, maybe. These "screenings" do seem to be geared toward also ferreting out those individuals whose dog may have eaten the parking ticket five years ago without "warrants," in these shared job resource pools from state to state in updating the movements of many now who are having to go from state to state at this point in order to get even interviewed or hired.
Migrant workers are not simply agricultural workers anymore.
And there are now even overlapping agencies that have taken up residence in many of the spaces at local malls formerly held by retailers that are not like to old jobs centers and boards with posted announcements and such, but provide resume writing classes, "test" interviews, and even clothing and fashion advice.
There seems to be a booming economy now, in another new industry.
Counseling and coaching the unemployed in order to recast them into "job material."
I wonder what Edison, Franklin, Grandma Moses, the Wright Brothers, or Albert Schweitzer would think?
Monday, September 20, 2010
Tinkerbell, Fairy Dust and The American Economy
It was announced with great fanfare by economists in Washington today that the "Great Recession" beginning in 2007 was over officially in June, 2009.
Say, what?
Apparently, in a townhall style meeting held by Mr. Obama later the American public just isn't buying it.
Those economists are failing to disclose, it appears, just which economy they are speaking of. The American economy, or the global one?
Could it be that the global economy has recovered, at the cost of the American economy which still is in a freefall, from the looks of those lining up still at the unemployment offices, and social service agencies.
I still am scratching my head, since the American economy began its freefall in 2006, back when the mortgage crisis began and the bubble burst in the West, Southwest, and other parts of the country, and that was in June, 2006.
I should know since I was one of those affected whose "creative" refinanced loan based on British LIBOR interest rates was scheduled to readjust (and for which hefty closing costs on that loan in which I was forced to take out due to escalating costs of ownership during the bubble), and who then watched the value of my home decrease then by the week it seemed while I was attempting to then sell it.
I was luckier than many, although the true circumstances under which I "lost" my home were egregiously assisted by state and federal banking and governmental friendly property statutes that had fundamentally changed even the terms of my ownership since I purchased my small townhouse back in 1994, and a court action then that upheld "the state" and its special interests groups over my property ownership rights in a house I had lived in for over 12 years.
I don't think that GM plant in Detroit has reopened, or am I missing something?
And the new jobs created in Louisiana appear to be coastline cleanup jobs, most held by the former fishermen and shrimpers from that region post Katrina, Gustav and Deepwater.
A member of the Wall Street linebackers attended the townhall, bemoaning the beating the bankers took (although if my memory serves, many of them were soaking up the rays in California with pina coladas with their executive bonuses, weren't they, when this all began?)
Seems that the housing market hasn't rallied, but then the terms under those loans that are now being offered for refinances haven't really changed much at all, simply a half percent or so drop in those lending rates. And fixed rates still, unless credit reports are in the 700's, are rare and hard to obtain.
It is those usurous loans which are now the bread and butter of the banking industry, and apparently Americans still are having a hard time justifying buying even a "cheap" home that they may in turn lose during the next housing meltdown within the next decade or two, since this cycle harkens back to the 70's 80' and even 90's in its scope, although affecting many, many more due to the amount of those loans which were marketed to the public by both East and West coast banking houses.
Foreclosure contracts at the get go, and how many now since so many thousands have been affected can, due to their lack of jobs, savings or bad credit, even qualify for those "interest only," cheap deals, or would have the means or inclination to put much "sweat equity" into those purchases?
Between those affected in both the 90's and this cycle, that removes quite a few Americans from ever having another shot at the American dream.
The jobs which have been created appear to be mostly directed toward those tech, science based jobs, or construction due to all these "disasters" that keep occurring on top of the piss poor economy and many of those jobs are going to foreigners at any rate due to all the insourcing and outsourcing.
So I guess my question is, who's writing these economic reports?
The author of Peter Pan, James Barrie?
Or are these reports actually bi-partisan efforts, since it seems that the only "change" that has occurred since the last election cycle, is simply a change of the face behind the podium, and the supporting players from the blue team now in this global economic rebalancing act.
Or is Robin Hood also a major player here too?
Taking from the poor Americans on balance, and redistributing their wealth, or whatever is now left of it from the formerly middle class private sector minions, globally?
If those dates are correct, must be another new invention of science-based technology.
The Tinkerbell calender.
Say, what?
Apparently, in a townhall style meeting held by Mr. Obama later the American public just isn't buying it.
Those economists are failing to disclose, it appears, just which economy they are speaking of. The American economy, or the global one?
Could it be that the global economy has recovered, at the cost of the American economy which still is in a freefall, from the looks of those lining up still at the unemployment offices, and social service agencies.
I still am scratching my head, since the American economy began its freefall in 2006, back when the mortgage crisis began and the bubble burst in the West, Southwest, and other parts of the country, and that was in June, 2006.
I should know since I was one of those affected whose "creative" refinanced loan based on British LIBOR interest rates was scheduled to readjust (and for which hefty closing costs on that loan in which I was forced to take out due to escalating costs of ownership during the bubble), and who then watched the value of my home decrease then by the week it seemed while I was attempting to then sell it.
I was luckier than many, although the true circumstances under which I "lost" my home were egregiously assisted by state and federal banking and governmental friendly property statutes that had fundamentally changed even the terms of my ownership since I purchased my small townhouse back in 1994, and a court action then that upheld "the state" and its special interests groups over my property ownership rights in a house I had lived in for over 12 years.
I don't think that GM plant in Detroit has reopened, or am I missing something?
And the new jobs created in Louisiana appear to be coastline cleanup jobs, most held by the former fishermen and shrimpers from that region post Katrina, Gustav and Deepwater.
A member of the Wall Street linebackers attended the townhall, bemoaning the beating the bankers took (although if my memory serves, many of them were soaking up the rays in California with pina coladas with their executive bonuses, weren't they, when this all began?)
Seems that the housing market hasn't rallied, but then the terms under those loans that are now being offered for refinances haven't really changed much at all, simply a half percent or so drop in those lending rates. And fixed rates still, unless credit reports are in the 700's, are rare and hard to obtain.
It is those usurous loans which are now the bread and butter of the banking industry, and apparently Americans still are having a hard time justifying buying even a "cheap" home that they may in turn lose during the next housing meltdown within the next decade or two, since this cycle harkens back to the 70's 80' and even 90's in its scope, although affecting many, many more due to the amount of those loans which were marketed to the public by both East and West coast banking houses.
Foreclosure contracts at the get go, and how many now since so many thousands have been affected can, due to their lack of jobs, savings or bad credit, even qualify for those "interest only," cheap deals, or would have the means or inclination to put much "sweat equity" into those purchases?
Between those affected in both the 90's and this cycle, that removes quite a few Americans from ever having another shot at the American dream.
The jobs which have been created appear to be mostly directed toward those tech, science based jobs, or construction due to all these "disasters" that keep occurring on top of the piss poor economy and many of those jobs are going to foreigners at any rate due to all the insourcing and outsourcing.
So I guess my question is, who's writing these economic reports?
The author of Peter Pan, James Barrie?
Or are these reports actually bi-partisan efforts, since it seems that the only "change" that has occurred since the last election cycle, is simply a change of the face behind the podium, and the supporting players from the blue team now in this global economic rebalancing act.
Or is Robin Hood also a major player here too?
Taking from the poor Americans on balance, and redistributing their wealth, or whatever is now left of it from the formerly middle class private sector minions, globally?
If those dates are correct, must be another new invention of science-based technology.
The Tinkerbell calender.
American economy,
Wall Street,
Washington D.C.
Friday, September 17, 2010
BP, Driller Announce Busted Well Fixed
In an announcement today by the Associated Press, the driller hired to drill the relief well and plug the busted well which resulted in the deaths of 11 Americans five months ago stated that by Sunday he intends to finalize the sealing by pouring concrete in the bottom of the damaged well through the relief well thus curing the problem for good.
It was also stated that over 206 million barrels of oil have been released into the Gulf since the disaster occurred in late April.
I wonder, if only half of those millions of barrels of oil made their way to the Port of New Orleans and sailed out to Britain for refinement, just how much profit did BP and its "partners" make on this disaster at the current market price of $74.00 per barrel?
My calculator doesn't have that many zeros, but suffice it to say that Mr. Obama's "capping" the damages and claims process for all those fishermen, shrimpers, and other American industries and small businesses that will be feeling the impact of this disaster for years to come appears that Washington's new methods of bailing out foreign global corporations on the backs of Americans has sunk to a new low surpassing even AIG's bailout under the Bush Administration.
And more and more are finding themselves without any "change" whatsoever, other than those foreign citizens simply working here as resident aliens for the major foreign and globally based European industries.
And I wonder just how much Washington and the state governments will eventually profit from all that extra oil when it is sold back to the American public through their U.S. distributors in those energy and gas taxes for their primarily work related or domestic transportation costs.
And just where does it afford the government to "outsource" America's precious mineral resources to foreigners and foreign governments anyway, while we are still in the Middle East also at this point fighting a war that also is benefiting the "global" economy and European interests most of all, at the cost of Americans?
It was also stated that over 206 million barrels of oil have been released into the Gulf since the disaster occurred in late April.
I wonder, if only half of those millions of barrels of oil made their way to the Port of New Orleans and sailed out to Britain for refinement, just how much profit did BP and its "partners" make on this disaster at the current market price of $74.00 per barrel?
My calculator doesn't have that many zeros, but suffice it to say that Mr. Obama's "capping" the damages and claims process for all those fishermen, shrimpers, and other American industries and small businesses that will be feeling the impact of this disaster for years to come appears that Washington's new methods of bailing out foreign global corporations on the backs of Americans has sunk to a new low surpassing even AIG's bailout under the Bush Administration.
And more and more are finding themselves without any "change" whatsoever, other than those foreign citizens simply working here as resident aliens for the major foreign and globally based European industries.
And I wonder just how much Washington and the state governments will eventually profit from all that extra oil when it is sold back to the American public through their U.S. distributors in those energy and gas taxes for their primarily work related or domestic transportation costs.
And just where does it afford the government to "outsource" America's precious mineral resources to foreigners and foreign governments anyway, while we are still in the Middle East also at this point fighting a war that also is benefiting the "global" economy and European interests most of all, at the cost of Americans?
Barack Obama,
Deepwater Horizon,
United States,
Friday, September 10, 2010
Nine Years Later: Whitewashing 9-11
This past week our mainstream print and television media dedicated much of their programming once again to 9-11 and its aftermath, and using it in order to garner ratings and place their subjective spins on this black mark in American history.
One major news magazine has an article devoted to how America "over-reacted" to 9-11, and the threat of al-Qaeda (although originally it was the Taliban and Osama bin Laden which was the focus of those first weeks and months post 9-11, not al Qaeda at all). Another article in the same magazine written by a former President's daughter lambasts how the liberals are disappointed with the reaction of Mr. Obama to the Deepwater Horizon disaster and the weeks and months this Administration stood by while tens of thousands of barrels of oil were spewing into the Gulf, without a mention of the continuing war also whose candidate had pledged to end the war, one of their major concerns at election time.
To this American, it has been nine long years of betrayal and using 9-11 also for their agendas by both political parties which has resulted in the increased discontent of the American people with their leadership.
I would not state that the reactions of the general citizenry were "over-reactions," but that the actions of the Bush/Obama Administration have been "under-reactions."
Our borders, for the most part, and ports of entry are even less secure than they were pre-9-11. Our infrastructure and many of our vital industries and public utility companies are traded on the global exchange, and for all intents and purposes even our nuclear reactors could be "owned" through stock purchases, by foreigners.
There has also been two other attempts under even stranger circumstances, originating from Great Britain since that time used to justify then increasing security measures domestically, although the Bush Administration during his last 90 days in office expanded the Visa waiver program for foreign citizens wishing entry, requiring simply 48 hour security checks, to citizens from over 45 nations.
Our southern and northern borders still remain relatively unsecured, and there are once again even since 2006 attempts being made to "legalize" individuals who are in this country who had absolutely no security checks at all as having entered illegally, and also who have overstayed their work, student or visitor visas.
While instead, Americans are being asked to submit themselves to full body scanners, and other invasive security measures at domestic airports.
In this same magazine, an article also appeared that harkened back to how "united" the American people were post 9-11, pulling together for a "common good," due to all the donations and volunteers that did what they could in the aftermath of the tragedy. As a nation, however, I would not say that this country was "united" except for the fact that it was united in its outrage that such an event, in this modern day and era and with all the monies spent for national defense in technology during the Reagan era, especially, could occur.
We were united in our wish to have the perpetrators of this heinous act brought to justice, which has alluded this nation still even nine long years later.
We wanted our leaders to abide by our Constitution, and close our borders and our country to "foreigners" until those individuals responsible for the act were brought to justice, and order any and all here illegally out until such time.
We wanted our president not to direct us to "go shop," or this president to expand the war without having any real hard intelligence indicating that the perpetrators were within our grasp, and not send any more of our young men and women to die on foreign sand to add to the losses.
We simply wanted our leadership to abide by their oaths of office, and their duties to Americans and protect this nation and its borders and legal and lawful citizenry, rather than their commercial interests and those domestic and foreign privateers.
Attempts are now also being made in order to "whitewash" 9-11 and its impact in declaring this day a "National Day of Service," rather than a memorial day as with Pearl Harbor. And the profiteers who wish to now see a Muslim mosque built in close proximity over the objections of most of the American people, promoting such an act as a demonstration of "tolerance," rather than the real agenda - a multi-million dollar redevelopment project for the city and state coffers of New York.
There is much in this puzzle still missing as those that viewed that attack for over seven full days replayed and replayed can attest.
And attempts to marginalize the Americans who still are not satisfied with the official explanations will not change that, nor cloaking 9-11 in patriotism and the flag, or minimizing the impact this massive attack and its scars have left on this nation and a new generation of Americans who didn't live through Pearl Harbor.
Interesting this mosque and its ramifications has reared its head just a short year before the 10th anniversary, and push toward this "National Day of Service" spin focusing on those that responded (although their acts of bravery are not to be discounted by any means), rather than the victims and tragedy itself? I wonder what incentives the City of New York, since it has the support of its Mayor, is extending for this massive, expansive project in order to feed the "jobs and the economy" on the memories of that day, and of the 9-11 victims?
I'm no "conspiracy" nut or theorist, but I still wonder how the mainstream media was able to get full camera crews to the site of the Trade Center within 20 minutes of the first crash since the financial district of New York is quite a distance away from where most of those media centers are located, and this was rush hour at that....even the date selected, an emergency code used throughout the U.S. and not the Middle East, bears scrutiny. If this was a religious attack as has been claimed of jihadists, just why wasn't a Muslim holy day selected, which would certainly make more sense if extremism within the Muslim faith was the origins of this heinous attack on our civilian population primarily and nation's economy and military headquarters.
And I have seen enough controlled demolitions during my years in Phoenix, Arizona when tearing down old buildings in order to redevelop and put in new was an ongoing annual process, since Phoenix and its metro area has exploded in the last two decades, to its detriment also, as a former longer term "almost native" Arizonan. I've been to New York, and it's population and traffic are well-known. Although after the events which occurred, such a decision could be understandable given the extent of the damage and "collateral" damage which also was an eminent threat, but this entire scenario cannot be dismissed by the mere "scientific" theories and explanations which were then subsequently published in an auto mechanics magazine.
To even use such a source by many in our leadershp and print and television media goes to show the utter contempt it does appear that some of those that survived have for their fellow countrymen and victims, in one manner or another all Americans have been progressively impacted, since that horrendous day.
And the ramifications and impact on the American people post 9-11 has been far greater in having their continued rights violated and victimized nine years later, while instead our leadership in the name of "commerce" above true national security, continues to open our doors and shores to all comers.
One major news magazine has an article devoted to how America "over-reacted" to 9-11, and the threat of al-Qaeda (although originally it was the Taliban and Osama bin Laden which was the focus of those first weeks and months post 9-11, not al Qaeda at all). Another article in the same magazine written by a former President's daughter lambasts how the liberals are disappointed with the reaction of Mr. Obama to the Deepwater Horizon disaster and the weeks and months this Administration stood by while tens of thousands of barrels of oil were spewing into the Gulf, without a mention of the continuing war also whose candidate had pledged to end the war, one of their major concerns at election time.
To this American, it has been nine long years of betrayal and using 9-11 also for their agendas by both political parties which has resulted in the increased discontent of the American people with their leadership.
I would not state that the reactions of the general citizenry were "over-reactions," but that the actions of the Bush/Obama Administration have been "under-reactions."
Our borders, for the most part, and ports of entry are even less secure than they were pre-9-11. Our infrastructure and many of our vital industries and public utility companies are traded on the global exchange, and for all intents and purposes even our nuclear reactors could be "owned" through stock purchases, by foreigners.
There has also been two other attempts under even stranger circumstances, originating from Great Britain since that time used to justify then increasing security measures domestically, although the Bush Administration during his last 90 days in office expanded the Visa waiver program for foreign citizens wishing entry, requiring simply 48 hour security checks, to citizens from over 45 nations.
Our southern and northern borders still remain relatively unsecured, and there are once again even since 2006 attempts being made to "legalize" individuals who are in this country who had absolutely no security checks at all as having entered illegally, and also who have overstayed their work, student or visitor visas.
While instead, Americans are being asked to submit themselves to full body scanners, and other invasive security measures at domestic airports.
In this same magazine, an article also appeared that harkened back to how "united" the American people were post 9-11, pulling together for a "common good," due to all the donations and volunteers that did what they could in the aftermath of the tragedy. As a nation, however, I would not say that this country was "united" except for the fact that it was united in its outrage that such an event, in this modern day and era and with all the monies spent for national defense in technology during the Reagan era, especially, could occur.
We were united in our wish to have the perpetrators of this heinous act brought to justice, which has alluded this nation still even nine long years later.
We wanted our leaders to abide by our Constitution, and close our borders and our country to "foreigners" until those individuals responsible for the act were brought to justice, and order any and all here illegally out until such time.
We wanted our president not to direct us to "go shop," or this president to expand the war without having any real hard intelligence indicating that the perpetrators were within our grasp, and not send any more of our young men and women to die on foreign sand to add to the losses.
We simply wanted our leadership to abide by their oaths of office, and their duties to Americans and protect this nation and its borders and legal and lawful citizenry, rather than their commercial interests and those domestic and foreign privateers.
Attempts are now also being made in order to "whitewash" 9-11 and its impact in declaring this day a "National Day of Service," rather than a memorial day as with Pearl Harbor. And the profiteers who wish to now see a Muslim mosque built in close proximity over the objections of most of the American people, promoting such an act as a demonstration of "tolerance," rather than the real agenda - a multi-million dollar redevelopment project for the city and state coffers of New York.
There is much in this puzzle still missing as those that viewed that attack for over seven full days replayed and replayed can attest.
And attempts to marginalize the Americans who still are not satisfied with the official explanations will not change that, nor cloaking 9-11 in patriotism and the flag, or minimizing the impact this massive attack and its scars have left on this nation and a new generation of Americans who didn't live through Pearl Harbor.
Interesting this mosque and its ramifications has reared its head just a short year before the 10th anniversary, and push toward this "National Day of Service" spin focusing on those that responded (although their acts of bravery are not to be discounted by any means), rather than the victims and tragedy itself? I wonder what incentives the City of New York, since it has the support of its Mayor, is extending for this massive, expansive project in order to feed the "jobs and the economy" on the memories of that day, and of the 9-11 victims?
I'm no "conspiracy" nut or theorist, but I still wonder how the mainstream media was able to get full camera crews to the site of the Trade Center within 20 minutes of the first crash since the financial district of New York is quite a distance away from where most of those media centers are located, and this was rush hour at that....even the date selected, an emergency code used throughout the U.S. and not the Middle East, bears scrutiny. If this was a religious attack as has been claimed of jihadists, just why wasn't a Muslim holy day selected, which would certainly make more sense if extremism within the Muslim faith was the origins of this heinous attack on our civilian population primarily and nation's economy and military headquarters.
And I have seen enough controlled demolitions during my years in Phoenix, Arizona when tearing down old buildings in order to redevelop and put in new was an ongoing annual process, since Phoenix and its metro area has exploded in the last two decades, to its detriment also, as a former longer term "almost native" Arizonan. I've been to New York, and it's population and traffic are well-known. Although after the events which occurred, such a decision could be understandable given the extent of the damage and "collateral" damage which also was an eminent threat, but this entire scenario cannot be dismissed by the mere "scientific" theories and explanations which were then subsequently published in an auto mechanics magazine.
To even use such a source by many in our leadershp and print and television media goes to show the utter contempt it does appear that some of those that survived have for their fellow countrymen and victims, in one manner or another all Americans have been progressively impacted, since that horrendous day.
And the ramifications and impact on the American people post 9-11 has been far greater in having their continued rights violated and victimized nine years later, while instead our leadership in the name of "commerce" above true national security, continues to open our doors and shores to all comers.
border war,
national security,
New York,
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Top Stories: Obama Jobs Bill, Buffalo Wings Contest
The two top stories this Labor Day weekend were enough to send many Americans outdoors for the last barbecue of the season.
Obama's "Jobs" bill, and the "top" story about the woman who won the New York Buffalo Wings eating contest stuffing her face with 181 wings in 12 minutes.
America, don't you just love it?
Mr. Obama's bill from early reports is focused on providing jobs once again for the construction industry primarily in rebuilding and shoring up our bridges, roadways and railways. Although a great deal of our infrastructure at this point has been privatized which through our "global" economy is owned by foreigners, and of course the real beneficiaries of this jobs bill will be, once again, the large government contractors listed on the global exchange.
While we are already deep in debt rebuilding Iraq, and also the Gulf region after Katrina, Rita, Ivan, Gustav and Deepwater Horizon, and wonder if in the reporting of the new jobs created there will also be offsets in those lost due to those disasters during election time?
I mean, those now unemployed fishermen and shrimpers are the ones now cleaning up the beach down South, for the most part. Trash cleanup jobs seem to be the largest sector which has benefited from what has occurred in Louisiana especially these past five years.
And I'm wondering with all this construction and rebuilding just how much carbon will be spewed into the atmosphere, resulting then also in increased taxation on Americans for those carbon debts in their energy bills locally? Or increased gasoline taxes or those airport taxes on travel which have been collected for decades at both the state and federal levels.
What is the true costs of this bill after the offsets for past taxes collected, and future increases in the provisions of this bill? Are increases in state taxes that will also be levied against the states for the "grants" for this new bill and passed down to the citizenry also part of the fiscal impact study?
As far as the Buffalo wing contest, interesting that with all the focus on obesity that such an event received such wide reporting. I mean this contest based on a throw away part of the chicken must have put most in that audience off wings, at least for a time. I mean, 181 wings in 12 minutes? I wonder, did she swallow those last dozen or simply pack them in her cheeks? Who was counting the bones, since a recount just might in order here. Who can chew and swallow that fast?
I thought the story was missing quite a few details on the winner's chicken wing scarfing technique.
I wonder how that story played in Kansas?
Obama's "Jobs" bill, and the "top" story about the woman who won the New York Buffalo Wings eating contest stuffing her face with 181 wings in 12 minutes.
America, don't you just love it?
Mr. Obama's bill from early reports is focused on providing jobs once again for the construction industry primarily in rebuilding and shoring up our bridges, roadways and railways. Although a great deal of our infrastructure at this point has been privatized which through our "global" economy is owned by foreigners, and of course the real beneficiaries of this jobs bill will be, once again, the large government contractors listed on the global exchange.
While we are already deep in debt rebuilding Iraq, and also the Gulf region after Katrina, Rita, Ivan, Gustav and Deepwater Horizon, and wonder if in the reporting of the new jobs created there will also be offsets in those lost due to those disasters during election time?
I mean, those now unemployed fishermen and shrimpers are the ones now cleaning up the beach down South, for the most part. Trash cleanup jobs seem to be the largest sector which has benefited from what has occurred in Louisiana especially these past five years.
And I'm wondering with all this construction and rebuilding just how much carbon will be spewed into the atmosphere, resulting then also in increased taxation on Americans for those carbon debts in their energy bills locally? Or increased gasoline taxes or those airport taxes on travel which have been collected for decades at both the state and federal levels.
What is the true costs of this bill after the offsets for past taxes collected, and future increases in the provisions of this bill? Are increases in state taxes that will also be levied against the states for the "grants" for this new bill and passed down to the citizenry also part of the fiscal impact study?
As far as the Buffalo wing contest, interesting that with all the focus on obesity that such an event received such wide reporting. I mean this contest based on a throw away part of the chicken must have put most in that audience off wings, at least for a time. I mean, 181 wings in 12 minutes? I wonder, did she swallow those last dozen or simply pack them in her cheeks? Who was counting the bones, since a recount just might in order here. Who can chew and swallow that fast?
I thought the story was missing quite a few details on the winner's chicken wing scarfing technique.
I wonder how that story played in Kansas?
American economy,
Barack Obama,
Labor Day,
right wing
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