The AP (American Propaganda) press reported today that due to a perceived reduction in the amount of unemployment claims for the "4th straight month" as reported to them by the U.S. Department of Labor, signs that employers have stopped laying off some of their employees.
And reaffirms the economists prediction that this "recession" ended in July.
Although the amount of "new" jobs reported by and large have been government jobs under this and the previous administration and simply funded through the general public's taxes by the taxpayers instead of those unemployment benefits by those major corporations.
And I would not hesitate to question whether the true number of jobless has decreased. During this entire recession/depression there has been no figures published of the amount of new businesses that have gone under, owners of which are not eligible for unemployment benefits nor any other type of social welfare benefits.
And if my experiences have been any indication, most of those government agencies are simply directing the homeless and jobless to the social service government grant civic organizations and churches to assist them, rather than the welfare offices, SSI or the unemployment offices.
So those figures are not at all indicative of just how many remain without a job, or have lost their businesses during this manipulated meltdown. Nor has the mortgage and foreclosure mess been addressed adequately in that arena, and from all indications it does appear that the housing market is not improving since absolutely nothing has been done in order to address the loans and terms under which most of those homes were sold which also led to the foreclosure tsunami.
Namely, loans that were "creatively" sold and marketed that were not even based on the U.S. currency, but the British LIBOR, and upfront fees and costs even in order to get those loans which now make purchasing a home more of a liability, than an asset.
This is, after all, the third banker/Washington market manipulation in housing in my lifetime, as a former resident of one of the states most affected - Arizona. And those 50+ page loan documents that are now part and parcel of this major purchase have put many a potential homeowner alone off purchasing a home at this point, not to mention any and all that have been affected this last cycle who are now both wiser, and have warned their posterity about the changes in the housing market which make that foreclosure "steal" nothing more than an instrument in which during the next cycle, it will be their home on the auction block.
Seems the distant AP press is as clueless as this Administration, and the last.
I wonder if they have walked into any of those unemployment offices lately, or are simply phoning their articles in on their iPhones?