Monday, November 8, 2010

America Subdivided: Washington Politicos Selling Off America?

While Barack Obama spends this last week after the disastrous election last Tuesday in India posing in front of some of India's architectural wonders, a country who has gained immeasurably by the generosity of both Republicans and Democrats in jobs and industries sold off bit by bit to foreign interests in order to "balance" the global economy at the cost of America's own, perhaps it is time to reflect on just what other industries, and America's own natural resources have been sold off to foreigners or foreign countries also progressively:

1. Our banks and currency regulation - Great Britain (London) through the Federal Reserve
2. Our oil reserves - Great Britain
3. Our gold mines - South Africa, Canada and Great Britain
4. Our independently owned or franchised hotels - India
5. Our auto industry - Mexico, Canada and China
6. Our state and national forests - now "controlled" or "wildfire" burned, in order to then honor those free trade agreements and import more Canadian lumber and timber domestically.
7. Our nuclear reactors - now foreign owned through various globally traded holding companies
8. Our clothing, apparel and durable goods (including those sovenirs) - China
9. Our cattle ranches - Korea, Japan
10. The Port of New Orleans - Great Britain
11. The Garden District and French Quarter real estate post Katrina - primarily BP execs, Britain
12. Our construction industry workforce - Mexico
13. Our agricultural workforce - Mexico
14. Our tech workforce - India
15. Our medical doctors and surgical staffs - more and more, India and South America
16. Our airlines - all globally traded, thus foreign owned
17. Our private hospitals - many "networks" globally traded, thus foreign owned

Does it really take an economist to calculate just why the American economy is continuing to spiral ever downward? Are there any American economists employed by this administration or the last several, or are they all "foreign" experts also more concerned with the world's economy than this country's, and has that industry also been "outsourced" as has been much of our television and print media?

This also does not factor in the contribution that other political branch and benefactor, the judiciary, have in their increased wealth as globalism believers in all the "corporate friendly" laws and statutes which have given "privileges and immunities" to not simply U.S. domestic global corporations, but even those foreign owned banks, insurance companies and financial institutions, PROGRESSIVELY under both Republican and Democratic administrations.

Protectionism does work for America, and always has in providing both jobs, and new industry, and in removing the personal income tax per those founder's intent on domestic production and labor in order to protect this country's economy, and placing it back on foreign production and labor, it can work again.

If an American citizen or American corporation wants to hire foreign workers or buy foreign goods, so be it, and those prices will be higher as a result, but if an American citizen or domestic corporation wants to outsource they SHOULD have to pay more for those goods and services, and would also result in domestic products and services being on par or at least more competitive in the process.

THAT would actually BE a global market based economy domestically, rather than one that we have now run by the foreign Global Governors in that G-20 who are for the most part Europeans and driving this country into the ground in the process, and bankrupting the American citizenry for their ultimate dominion and gain due to their also primarily regulating and controlling through those globally also traded U.S. banks our currency rates.

And in the mortgage banking and educational loans, imposing even their own currency (the British LIBOR) on those sums through the U.S. banks, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac even.

The Chinese definitely are not the only problem, America.

These are allies?

Euro-scavengers is more like it.

Subdividing America during those Global Governor's meetings.