Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Washington Drama: Government Shutdown?

It has been widely reported in the mainstream media that both political parties are at an impasse in their attempts to "balance" the U.S. budget and our out of control deficits.

The question is, why is this so?

Left out of all those budget talks and negotiations are the real issues and reasons why there even is this claimed budget crisis, and with the creation of the Federal Reserve illegally after the crash on Wall Street and run on the banks in this country during the "Greater Depression" even how it would be possible given that fiat currency was created in order to avoid such a crisis in the first place.
Interesting facts also have been left out of these "talks," and the political posturing.

Such as the fact that our budget could be easily balanced by simply returning to a more accurate method of reporting.

Here are some facts that just might open the public's eyes to what has really been left out:

1. Offsetting our deficits to China, India and Mexico with the number of jobs which have been created for their citizens, and the amount of goods and services which have been outsourced to them progressively throughout the past several decades.
2. Offsetting our deficits with the wealth that foreigners now possess in U.S. industry, our gold and oil reserves, prime residential and commercial real estate, and even our ports.

3. Offsetting our deficits with the dollars now spent in order to continue progressively to defend and protect the "global good" rather than our country's true defense and self-interests and our out of control military budgets while our own country's back doors and shores are becoming less and less secure also by the day, week and month.

4. Offsetting our deficits with the amount of dollars poured into foreign aid to countries now in better financial position than our own, such as Israel, Great Britain (currency is still over ours), Canada - in fact, the entire European Union and most countries for which we have poured literally trillions over the course of years in foreign aid due to their "lobbyists."

5. Offsetting the amount of monies which are poured into global and foreign based pharmaceutical companies and their products and services, whose wealth is gained by now bypassing cures for various diseases of Americans in favor of instead treating the symptoms in order to support the global economy, while then also pouring more and more dollars into research without using some of the cures which have already been discovered.

So while tuning in and listening to the talking heads who also make their livings by reporting on the latest Washington theatrics and crisis, it does seems more and more Americans are asking one simple question...
