With all the "yellow journalism" and spins which have been reported regarding the Penn State sex scandal, it clearly has been evident that there is a "deep pockets" mentality and agenda behind the madness...
Mr. Sandusky thus far has only admitted to "showering" and "snapping a towel" with underage boys, and I guess if this was a crime, then a good many parents of young children just might be guilty of child abuse or "crimes against children."
But maybe that is the point, or at least convincing the public that your local teacher, high school coach or priest just may be a sexual predator if he so much as "touches" your child, or engages in horseplay and showers with him.
There has been a widely publicized grand jury indictment circulating on the net.
Without so much as a date stamp on it.
This story has been in the news now for over three weeks, without an end in sight.
The Penn State Athletic Department and Administration has been purged of any and all who just might have had knowledge of a hearsay accusation made by one of the coaches, who was retained until just prior to their game against Nebraska, and after a head coach had been summarily dismissed.
Much has been reported about Joe Paterno's pension and retirement fund, and just how much he will stand to continue to earn even after his dismissal, and that his house was deeded to his wife several months ago, and that he has been diagnosed with cancer...
Although not a Pennsylvanian except by birth and a short couple years living in the East Coast mostly in Jersey thereafter, I may be disgusted by the amount of the pension and retirement plan for a public employee if even that is true, attempting to hijack the pension of an 84 year old man diagnosed with cancer at this point is even more despicable.
With all the unidentified "victims" now coming out of the woodwork, and the progression of this story although the accused has only been indicted, and not found guilty of any criminal charges, with civil suits already being initiated by the "victims" families, sounds to me like we have one of those "deep pockets" cases going on here...slinging enough mud around far and wide hoping that at least some of it will eventually stick for the prosecution of these civil cases.
The "deep pockets" civil lawyer style justice.
And the "deep pockets" which will be affected definitely will be those of the Pennsylvania taxpayers, and all American taxpayers in the end, since Penn State, it has been reported, receives one of the largest government grants of any university in the country.
THIS is American justice? Flinging mud everywhere when the criminal case has yet to be determined, and in this country the accused is SUPPOSE TO BE innocent until proven guilty by a jury of his peers, and not public pressure due to a media now that also has been sensationalized beyond measure?
I think not.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
George Washington's Wisdom

While reading of the ongoing demonstrations throughout the country by the Occupy Wall Street protestors, it occurred to me that Wall Street, and those bankers are not the sole criminals but co-conspirators (although even the word conspiracy is being ill defined in this country) of the majority of politicians in Washington.
The continued desecration of this country and its founding principles has been, of course, a joint venture between the bankers and those in both mainstream political parties leadership, with the corporately "organized" Tea Party appearing once again without a clue as to just when and where this country began this freefall, or just how to shift gears at this point from the progressive globalism agendas.
It is Washington in bed with the European bankers and our continued alliances with them that has continued to bite this country in the butt, so to speak, and ballooned our national debt and compromised this country's sovereignty and national security in the process.
Let's hope that the masses who are now gaining strength begin to see the forest for the trees, and not their individual grievances, but the "globalism" versus "sovereign America" economic and foreign policies that have got us here.
American economy,
George Washington,
Monday, November 14, 2011
Capitalizing on Gabby: Giffords Interview Poses Questions
As a former long term Arizonan of 45 years, I just could not bring myself to watch the entire much publicized interview with Gabrielle Giffords, the Congresswoman from Tucson who was shot ten long months ago by a gunman in a Tucson grocery store parking lot along with six others who perished in the incident.
It was far too personal, and painful for me personally...
Ms. Giffords was not my representative, but from a state that I hold dear to my heart and in which I grew up in long ago when times were different, and things were much simpler.
She, too, is a native and long term Arizonan from the second largest city in Arizona, in the still wild and wooly west (if you speak to any Easterner, that is, who has never been there for any length of time other than possibly for rehab).
I had seen snippets of the interview, which Diane Sawyer seemed to publicize on every ABC affiliated program and station in the nation the past several weeks.
Gabby is courageous, that much is evident.
And still very much healing...
What I found totally unbelieveable is that this interview comes on the heals of a book that she supposedly "wrote" with her husband, astronaut Mark Kelly.
Ms. Giffords has come a long way, but is still having a great deal of trouble with her speech, although is remarkably improved from where she has been to where she is now. But capable of even corroborating on a book, while continuing her intensive therapy?
I highly doubt it.
Not to mention the fact that most of the entire segment seemed geared also toward extolling the virtues of the medical profession and her somewhat unusual therapy for her traumatic brain injuries at TIRR Medical Center in Houston, Texas (which also just so happens to be the home of her husband, a non-Arizonan).
In Ms. Giffords present condition, though again remarkable, I just wonder how much she understood and consented to this interview, given her still healing brain function, and seemed she was once again being used clearly for a political agenda.
It is, after all, less than a year until the next major election, and the Supreme Court today "advised" the public that it would be hearing the lawsuits which have occurred in light of the passage of ObamaCare, and that dreaded and unconstitutional "mandatory" provision contained within it.
Gaining public support and sympathy prior to the hearing of that case, seems to be also a focus of both the medical profession (who will benefit ultimately) and also the politicians who sold out the American people with the passage of that provision and those founding fathers.
Gabby Giffords did vote for that bill, although is receiving care that will and is far exceeding that which would be given to any "regular" American citizen under some of those "low cost" health care plans marketed through those "co-ops" Mr. Obama envisions.
And in states such as Arizona, most of the "native" citizens have been paying for many of those hospital research grants, and also operating costs through their state property taxes, in addition to the monies they contribute to their state through the income tax, and also at the federal levels.
Here's to Ms. Giffords full and complete recovery, whenever that may be...
But let's hope that Diane Sawyer, and those media types leave her alone until then...and the politicians, lawyers and the Supreme Court start arguing their case for ObamaCare on Constitutional grounds.
On which, there really aren't any...
It was far too personal, and painful for me personally...
Ms. Giffords was not my representative, but from a state that I hold dear to my heart and in which I grew up in long ago when times were different, and things were much simpler.
She, too, is a native and long term Arizonan from the second largest city in Arizona, in the still wild and wooly west (if you speak to any Easterner, that is, who has never been there for any length of time other than possibly for rehab).
I had seen snippets of the interview, which Diane Sawyer seemed to publicize on every ABC affiliated program and station in the nation the past several weeks.
Gabby is courageous, that much is evident.
And still very much healing...
What I found totally unbelieveable is that this interview comes on the heals of a book that she supposedly "wrote" with her husband, astronaut Mark Kelly.
Ms. Giffords has come a long way, but is still having a great deal of trouble with her speech, although is remarkably improved from where she has been to where she is now. But capable of even corroborating on a book, while continuing her intensive therapy?
I highly doubt it.
Not to mention the fact that most of the entire segment seemed geared also toward extolling the virtues of the medical profession and her somewhat unusual therapy for her traumatic brain injuries at TIRR Medical Center in Houston, Texas (which also just so happens to be the home of her husband, a non-Arizonan).
In Ms. Giffords present condition, though again remarkable, I just wonder how much she understood and consented to this interview, given her still healing brain function, and seemed she was once again being used clearly for a political agenda.
It is, after all, less than a year until the next major election, and the Supreme Court today "advised" the public that it would be hearing the lawsuits which have occurred in light of the passage of ObamaCare, and that dreaded and unconstitutional "mandatory" provision contained within it.
Gaining public support and sympathy prior to the hearing of that case, seems to be also a focus of both the medical profession (who will benefit ultimately) and also the politicians who sold out the American people with the passage of that provision and those founding fathers.
Gabby Giffords did vote for that bill, although is receiving care that will and is far exceeding that which would be given to any "regular" American citizen under some of those "low cost" health care plans marketed through those "co-ops" Mr. Obama envisions.
And in states such as Arizona, most of the "native" citizens have been paying for many of those hospital research grants, and also operating costs through their state property taxes, in addition to the monies they contribute to their state through the income tax, and also at the federal levels.
Here's to Ms. Giffords full and complete recovery, whenever that may be...
But let's hope that Diane Sawyer, and those media types leave her alone until then...and the politicians, lawyers and the Supreme Court start arguing their case for ObamaCare on Constitutional grounds.
On which, there really aren't any...
Gabby Giffords,
health care,
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