While reading of the ongoing demonstrations throughout the country by the Occupy Wall Street protestors, it occurred to me that Wall Street, and those bankers are not the sole criminals but co-conspirators (although even the word conspiracy is being ill defined in this country) of the majority of politicians in Washington.
The continued desecration of this country and its founding principles has been, of course, a joint venture between the bankers and those in both mainstream political parties leadership, with the corporately "organized" Tea Party appearing once again without a clue as to just when and where this country began this freefall, or just how to shift gears at this point from the progressive globalism agendas.
It is Washington in bed with the European bankers and our continued alliances with them that has continued to bite this country in the butt, so to speak, and ballooned our national debt and compromised this country's sovereignty and national security in the process.
Let's hope that the masses who are now gaining strength begin to see the forest for the trees, and not their individual grievances, but the "globalism" versus "sovereign America" economic and foreign policies that have got us here.