It was reported in the mainstream media this weekend that Barack Obama's visit to Cartagena, Colombia for the "Summit of the Americas" has been marred by reports of several Secret Service agents apparent dalliances with local prostitutes, one of which reported to local authorities she had been denied payment for services rendered.
This story is deserving of its own media headline: HookerGate
Maybe this is why the President really was never intended to be involved in global dealings on foreign soil in the first place - rather using his ambassadors to represent the American people and its government at such conventions.
So that the President then remained in Washington while Congress was in session in order to serve the American people and fulfill his Constitutional function.
This summit is in its sixth year, which means it was started when President Bush was in office.
And appears it seems to be another attempt by the globalists to redefine "America" as "the Americas."
Since the entire summit was to be devoted to discussing joint concerns over national security, the economy, and trade.
Although it was reported that part of the summit was devoted to putting pressure on our government in order to "legalize" the drug trafficking (another "free trade agreement", maybe?) Not "decriminalize" adult use, but "legalize" it apparently so that there can be free and open commerce (and taxes) levied on all that heroin, cocaine, meth and other pharmaceuticals that are the largest export of many of those South American countries.
Wonder how that ties into the good old USA and its national security?
But getting back to "HookerGate," during this report and after the GSA scandal of the Las Vegas expenses which also was reported this past week, I wonder what the tab to the taxpayers will be on this one (including those "entertainment" expenses).
These weren't even American prostitutes, so that money went to stimulate the South American economy basically.
Quite recently while I was residing in a Western state recovering from the after effects of one of the hurricanes in the South a few years back, a state which has a heavy military presence, including an academy dedicated to training America's military - I had the unique experience of viewing up close just how our tax dollars are being spent for our national security.
I was forced to live in basically weekly rental rooms during that time due to not knowing how long I would be there (work was scarce, and I was ill a good portion of the time), and having fled from Arizona after the National Guard was called out in 2006 in order to "secure" the Mexican border.
My home for over 45 years.
A political refugee.
I had had several thefts within my last six years living there, and the political climate was not at all healthy and becoming worse by the year.
During this time and in two such rental situations, I met quite a few of the ladies who frequented when many of those soldiers returned home for either redeployment, or reassignment.
Some young, some older.
Most of them very nice, and very willing to share their stories of just why they needed the work. Some were supplementing their lowered wages in this economy which they received from their "day jobs."
Of course, my tax dollars were going toward their living expenses, but at least these were American hookers and my tax dollars were being used to stimulate the local economy.
Not so with HookerGate.
While the Republicans continue to worry what people on unemployment, welfare or food stamps spend the taxpayer dollars on, maybe their energies could be better spent elsewhere cleaning house or putting in some measures to ensure that those dollars are spent a little more wisely.
Ending this rather pointless war might me a start...and truly initiating national security, rather than regional security...because we have gotten in bed with so many other nations in the past and eventually been bitten in the rear.
But it seems turnng a blind eye to the invasion in this country and resettlement of foreigners without those foreigners even having an inkling of just how our country differs from theirs is being rather deliberately undermined.
Maybe those that wish to limit those expenditures so that taxpayer dollars are not spent on alcohol or sugar laden foods might see there may be higher priorities here...much higher...
I wonder, how much in medical expenses also might be needed after HookerGate since it doesn't appear these were "escorts" or "call girls."
The news simply labeled them "South American prostitutes."
Perhaps the number of these summits also needs to be addressed, and just who should be attending so that we are not also being taxed for several government employees and individuals who appear to be charged with performing the same functions?
THIS is where our money goes? To stimulate South America's economy?