Saturday, August 15, 2009

Washington Giving State Governments The Pink Slip?

For Any And All Conserve-ative Constitutionalists:

With everything that has progressively occurred under the Bush and now Obama Administrations in the ever increasing Constitutional violations with respect to overstepping their proscribed duties and functions and being the intended "lesser" government with respect to the effects directly on the American people, I feel it is an important time to ask a very basic question:

When is Washington going to give the state governments the pink slip?

More and more federal mandates have come down the bureaucratic rabbit hole to the states now even to the point where seat belt laws and DUI traffic patrols are federally trained and funded. Local police services now are prioritized at the federal level, whether they be officers for Los Angeles or Des Moines.

Federal EPA standards on particulates are also federally mandated and apply to the Pittsburg steel manufacturers, Louisiana oil rigs, and Nebraska farms alike.

Since most states already fund programs for health care for those who are denied coverage by private insurers, or indigent or uninsurable for any reason, especially children under both federal and state funding by the taxpayers, just what is this health care reform movement all about anyway except in order to centralize more and more power in Washington, and less and less at the state and more local levels.

The government that is most responsive and in touch with the people is the one that is closer, not the "distant rule," which is why it was the states, not the federal government, that was intended to have the greater power with respect to domestic issues other than defense of this nation from foreign attack or invasion.

Which is the primary job it actually has not provided except in stimulating Silicon Valley and the science based "gadget" industry economy now eight long years after 9/11 in it continued refusal to still not protect with a physical deterrant our borders from the drug cartels, auto theft rings, or other foreign invaders compromising the citizenry and their safety, security and property.

Trials are now held nationally on the cable news networks before ever being placed before a jury for national consumption, all backed by federal grant monies as "educational" resources. The largest owner of America's media fare now consisting of Fox TV and Wall Street Journal is a former Brit, who merely became a U.S. citizen in order to buy up a portion of America's media for his own personal British style political forum, using sensationalized style of journalism in that country on politician, celebrity and average citizen alike. Unbridled hearsay and innuendos dished out 24 hours a day now for public consumption. The more sensationalized, the better.

The competition on the "other" cable stations and networks then responded in turn with "this just in" style reporting ad infinitum, and even when the market was speaking and cable news subscriptions were being cancelled right and left, effectively used fascist style lobbying and got Washington to pass the digital cable bill forcing Americans to carry their products whether they like it or not.

All presented with an air of "professionalism" and "respectability" using mostly former teachers or non-practicing lawyers as "news commentators" or "political analysts." Thus making due process and impartial trials consisting of peers of the accused in the state in which the crime was committed almost impossible in any capital or criminal proceeding in this country.

Truth and integrity in journalism has been replaced by tabloid journalism at even now the local news level fed by the Washington bureaus and affiliated stations which follow the same formats. Even down to the news anchors, clones of the national versions.

Banks and banking concerns in this country are incorporated at the state level. Washington stepped in and then "saved" numerous California domiciled banks, rather than those banks utilizing the formal bankruptcy process for the districts in which those banks were incorporated and outside Constitutional authority so to do.

Grabbing another state function and protection of the citizens, since formal bankruptcy proceedings are a matter of public record and involve accountability to the state in which they are located and which has authority over their commercial practices, since effectively there are no "national" banks anymore. Or at least none that are recognized at the federal level - although 3/4s of them are member branches of the Federal Reserve itself.

The states each session other than play acting balancing their states budgets (which never reflect federal sums received in those budgets) simply go through the motions of passing legislation that is now handed down by the feds, so much so that instead of being the intended barriers for the citizens against federal abuse, they are nothing more than agents of them.

Local and municipal governments are now under federal control and mandates, such as the DUI patrols, and now terrorism involved in the Ad Council advertising for the "Click It Or Ticket" campaigns.

And the Department of Homeland Security conducts training sessions for local patrol officers now in counter-terrorism through its Fusion Centers, and now even a local traffic stop in most communities is handled as if those officers might be dealing with a potential terrorist with guns or tazers drawn.

While, of course, Americas southern borders remain for the most part unfenced and unsecured.

So just when is Washington going to get around to handing out those pink slips, anyway? Or the states themselves finally acknowledging that they had long ago without the "consent of the governed" ceded their intended superior legal authority and power to the distant ruler, removing all pretense of the Republic this nation was intended to be, and to which we as Americans pledge our allegiance to. A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.

The sums paid for those positions that are no more than middle management at this point would save the citizens a bundle in taxes and be a major stimulus on our economy, streamline the bureaucracy and overlap, and eliminate this charade of a Republic which has dissolved into nothing more than a Washington monarchy once and for all.

The Tories have taken over the Capitol. The British aren't just coming, they are already here America.