Since we are now approaching the end of the first decade in the new millennium, and officially became what is known as a "senior" reaching my 55th year on this planet, I guess old age is finally rearing its ugly head as it tends to do.
Which involves looking back more often, rather than ahead and what's been lost throughout the years. Not just personally. But also this great country and my birthplace.
I grew up in the Beaver Cleever era, but also lived through Viet Nam, the Civil Rights Movement, and Watergate so have seen, as in the old Judy Collins song, "both sides now." And it isn't hard to see that this country has been on a downhill slide since almost the moment of my birth, if not several decades before.
I am beginning to feel more and more like a stranger in a strange land, and never more so than in the last almost nine years since that awful moment now etched in history. September 11, 2001. Less than a year after George W. Bush's contentious election, and after the first Bush and Clinton, two other "globalist" UN focused presidents whose primary agendas were on global economic and political government. Not our Constitution, or a sovereign America.
We are at a critical time in our history, and the time for political correctness actually is long, long past and is being used now more not to ensure "equality" but to facilitate population control on a massive scale.
This is no more evident than what has occurred with respect to our immigration policies, and now the focus is once again being directed at "legalizing" approximately 12 million foreigners in order to give them legal status in this country.
Which is almost laughable at this point, to the point where it hurts.
This will be the second such attempt since the first Reagan amnesty back in the 80's (which lead to where we are today, without addressing again the border issues, refugee policies, and immigration procedures) since 2006 just prior to our now economic crisis when many natural born Americans for several generations are now jobless and homeless.
Let's look at the pluses and minuses and advantages which would be given to these illegals over those that are now legal Americans.
Right now illegal immigrants in this country have:
1. Paid health care benefits for emergency room visits.
2. Paid legal defense expenses for any court actions through MALDEF, the ACLU and other American(?) civil rights organizations. Not only defensive actions, but recently have even been extended legal fees in bringing actions against U.S. citizens or government officials for so much as defending their own property against trespass or theft as has occurred in the border states. (Think the DOJ prosecuting Ramos and Compean against a known drug trafficker, or a case in Arizona recently against a rancher defending his own land against trespass and sued for "mental anguish" inflicted, although I believe both were political actions to begin with due to the high press exposure simply meant to terrorize or "scare" other Americans, whether brought with or without those involved foreknowledge).
3. Preferential treatment in hiring practices by small and large major corporate businesses affiliated with the state and national Chambers of Commerce.
4. Police protection for their demonstrations and protests in American cities throughout the country.
5. Ease and access to their former home country and extended families for holidays and vacations, with children educated in American schools now encouraging diversity, rather than assimilation into America.
6. Discounted wire transfers for their wages at local retailers for sums sent back to Mexico.
7. Credit cards and loans secured by U.S. banks without having to provide any social security records or proof of identification, with the legal and lawful citizens securing their debts (bank bailouts).
8. Discounted college tuition and free public lower educations for their children if renters.
9. Ballots and signs at retail outlets in order to facilitate use.
10. Federal legislation that protects the rights of foreigners over those of natural born Americans in tax free income and benefits, from whatever source. Crime, after all, is a job and economic stimulus. Even cross borders hard core drug trafficking.
11. Ease of access to state and federal legislators and government officials for complaints and concerns at election time.
The advantages of being an American:
1. Income taxes on wages earned at up to 50% (including Social Security) of gross wages;
2. Joblessness in major industry sectors such as construction, tourism, manufacturing, technology and agriculture that have been given to non-Americans in order to increase corporate profit margins, both insourced and outsourced.
3. Increased home, auto, and professional liability insurance to protect from the drug trade and criminal element, or increased rates based on claims filed, and to protect against all those American citizen funded lawsuits filed by MALDEF, the ACLU and other non-American civil rights organizations for "discriminatory" treatment and violation of foreigners "civil" rights under America's Bill of Rights (We the People.....For Us And Our Posterity" apparently has been judiciary amended in state and federal courts now without the "consent of the governed," with Americans now subsidizing the "legal industy" and courts for those cases, and now backlogs of years in order for a simple civil case to get through the court system as a result).
4. Six hour waits in several states for emergency room treatments if you are American, but there are illegals waiting for treatments for the flu for their federally provided taxpayer paid treatments;
5. Arranging for private transportation for your kids to and from school in order to bypass the drug dealers hanging around the corner from the middle schools and high schools in order to score some of their allowance or part time job monies;
6. Hours assisting your child with his homework and costly school projects in order to help them qualify for higher education scholarships at the state university you have been funding, only to watch those scholarships go to "disadvantaged" non-U.S. citizens children instead;
7. Paying for that college education with either your savings throughout his childhood, mortgage on your home, or supplementing or assisting with obtaining HIS overinflated bank loan for his five digit annual tuition, and then watching him graduate, diploma in hand and then reduced to waiting tables or taking a job that doesn't even pay back half of those loan payments or their interest due within ten months of graduation on a schedule that places him in the poverty level for the first ten years of his post college employment at a entry level position.
8. Waking up at night while helicopter searchlights search the neighborhood washes and desert areas for the drug dealers in most cities and towns within 300 miles of the borders.
9. Sending your beloved child off to war, only to find out that his benefits for his war related injuries are less than those given to illegal immigrants, and the paperwork and waiting at the VA much longer;
10. Sending your child off to war, and then finding out that the refugees from the war torn country have better federally provided benefits and housing accommodations than the average middle class American and diplomatic protection for any crimes they may commit. And duel citizenship.
So when that amnesty bill comes down the pike illegals, take a look around you. It appears from all indications that it is just a matter of time until this Middle Eastern war extends once again, and due to Americans who have now watched this progression and its continuation, fewer new recruits. Part of the amnesty most likely will be directed toward benefits in exchange for military service in the fine print of that next 1,000 page bill for an "economic" war meant to plunge this nation further in debt most of all for economic profit of the moneylenders.
And if it can happen to us many of whom are several generation Americans, it can and will happen to you. Or your near posterity in this global boom and bust manipulated game of human sacrifice for the "global greater good," of the money changers and money lenders.
Remember, a democracy is nothing more than gang rule, rather than our intended Constitutional Republic.
And neither of absolutely any effect whatsoever when the one that prints the money, also prints the ballots.
In at least ten different "global" languages.
P.S. If there appears any immigration related ads on this page along with this article, another backward glance on immigration policies for the U.S. when my immigrant relatives migrated from Great Britain two generations back. They did not need the assistance of a lawyer or immigration attorney, and the fees in order to immigrate were nominal based on security clearances and background checks, sponsorship by a U.S. citizens, and eventual sustainability or political reasons only. Not thousand dollar fees and costs leaving you bankrupt or at the mercy of those that only wish to profit from your circumstances for migration. But politically, due to the ongoing world socialism - you will not find this country in many respects taxation wise any different than the one you are leaving in this global market manipulation game.
And those ads are also meant to gain revenue to entice you for the application fees and costs, only to eventually fleece you if you should be approved. Sort of like your own country, if it is also enmeshed with the global economy at this point.
Because those Immigration Ads that are appearing on this site, are actually taxpayer paid to these corporate welfare recipients running them now in USA, Inc. if they are the from the "official" U.S. Immigration Service, which were the original ads that were appearing on this article as soon as I wrote it for this blog.