Today another fictional tale was published on the internet news sources by the AP in a story supposedly directed to flesh out the security arrangements that were in place for the G-20 meetings in Pittsburgh which was headlined as a "lockdown."
I wonder how much all that security detail cost the American people for Mr. Obama's hosting this conference of the Global Board of Directors for World, Inc. while this country is suffering its worst economic depression since the Great Depression?
Also, of course, this Board is accountable and manipulated by the European bankers who "fund" through their centralized banks all those member countries of the G20, including the U.S.
The British, primarily.
There was mention of the "peaceful protests" which were "legal" in that the required permits apparently were sought.
But, of course, the founders of this country never intended that the "freedom of assembly" and the "right of petition" for such a meeting that is and was such a fundamental breach of our Constitutional form of government and intended sovereign status with respect to this country's economy to have to be "applied for" at all, yet the AP used this little segway in an attempt to spin the story as one of the "anarchists vs. lawful protestors" a little further down in the telling.
And also there was comment and mention made about the number of arrests when some protestors were asked to "disassemble," and apparently did not do so upon command, and felt that their Constitutional rights were more "lawful" than an "unlawful" order by the federal police protecting the foreigners who called this meeting to begin with.
Given the circumstances in the U.S. due to the actual globalization of our economy with those others "progressively" due to the bankers merging and intermingling, and the primary impetus generally for America's worsening economy, and then tab the Americans were picking up for their "security detail" at this point did it ever occur to them to have the decency to just possibly move the host country for such an "in your face" event?
Those patrols and policemen so generously provided to rate a headline of "lockdown" status during these pow wows were being billed to the Americans, those that were asked to "disassemble" even.
Or I guess it never occurred to Mr. Obama, at this point, to possibly cancel his appearance and participation in it?
There was a quote from a U.S. postal carrier (who were made to use color coded stickers in order to get through the expensive security measures) that "he wasn't sure what they accomplished."
And just why Pittsburgh would be chosen for such a meeting (not one of your rather accessible areas from global destinations to the U.S.) seems that Mr. Obama's political acumen of the tenor of dissatisfaction with his "citizen of the world" concerns might need a little tweeking.
Or maybe reading our Constitution during the downtime on one of those global flights for his public relations appearances for the folks back home might help.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The Corporate Globalization of America: G8 Now Morphed Into G20
In all the media spins that have occurred also this past week with respect to the recent Pittsburgh meeting of the global movers and shakers of the "global economy" in which Mr. Obama was a willing participant and leader of the host country, little has been said about the actual reasons for much of the protestors disputes with this additional Constitutional violation for what it actually is.
Treason upon the U.S. Constitution in "globalizing" and merging our economy with that of the rest of the world to begin with, facilitated by Washington and its economic alliances outside of purely trade agreements that such meetings as this represent.
And during this economic meltdown of the U.S. economy which is being facilitated in order to pump up the economies of the European and Far Eastern countries, just goes to show how little true leadership we now have in Washington as represenatives of the people of this great nation and our intended form of government.
Since the meeting itself could only be likened to a "global" Board of Directors meeting for World, Inc.
Much spin also occurred with respect to rougue protestors and the damage that was suffered by local area businesses during the protests. Many of which, since they were miles from the actual site of the meeeting itself would be suspect insofar as whether these were G20 protestors at all, or rather "professional" protestors meant to also propagandize the dissatisfaction in this country of the true Americans who are becoming increasing outraged at the impact that such Constittuional violations as this meeting itself represent.
And Mr. Obama clearly demonstrates once again his agendas as one in which the American people are more an afterthought than the foreign and global interests of his corporate backers and Wall Street executives who were responsible for "globalizing" our economy to begin with, using Washington also as a joint venture partner in this arrangement again both our Constitution and the form of government the founders created as a sovereign country whose interests, both economically and politically, were never meant to be merged with that of other nations.
In fact, that was the true root and genesis of that original revolutionary war to begin with. To break free of European and global dominance and control of this country and its people.
Not ingratiate this country and subject its economy to ruination in order to bulk up the economies and assets of foreigners.
And in light of what is occuring in this nation at the present time and the number of Americans who have now been victimized by this agenda, Mr. Obama's ignorance of the plight of the Americans who he has continually pleaded with to sacrifice for the "greater good," of U.S.A., Inc. is getting more and more outrageous with each and every "act of Office," in not even rescheduling this blatantly treasonous meeting to some other host country to begin with.
Not as a self-appointed, apparently, Chairman of the Board for this meeting as the leader of the "host" country. And by no means serving in such capacity, a "representative" of the people of this nation by but more as he has personally stated, his primary focus as a "citizen of the world," which was declared soon after his assumption of office.
And the world's approval, apparently, more fundamentally important than that of those who are both paying his salary, and to whom his true duties and loyalties lie - not the "corporate" interests of the globalists, either individually or "corporately."
Treason upon the U.S. Constitution in "globalizing" and merging our economy with that of the rest of the world to begin with, facilitated by Washington and its economic alliances outside of purely trade agreements that such meetings as this represent.
And during this economic meltdown of the U.S. economy which is being facilitated in order to pump up the economies of the European and Far Eastern countries, just goes to show how little true leadership we now have in Washington as represenatives of the people of this great nation and our intended form of government.
Since the meeting itself could only be likened to a "global" Board of Directors meeting for World, Inc.
Much spin also occurred with respect to rougue protestors and the damage that was suffered by local area businesses during the protests. Many of which, since they were miles from the actual site of the meeeting itself would be suspect insofar as whether these were G20 protestors at all, or rather "professional" protestors meant to also propagandize the dissatisfaction in this country of the true Americans who are becoming increasing outraged at the impact that such Constittuional violations as this meeting itself represent.
And Mr. Obama clearly demonstrates once again his agendas as one in which the American people are more an afterthought than the foreign and global interests of his corporate backers and Wall Street executives who were responsible for "globalizing" our economy to begin with, using Washington also as a joint venture partner in this arrangement again both our Constitution and the form of government the founders created as a sovereign country whose interests, both economically and politically, were never meant to be merged with that of other nations.
In fact, that was the true root and genesis of that original revolutionary war to begin with. To break free of European and global dominance and control of this country and its people.
Not ingratiate this country and subject its economy to ruination in order to bulk up the economies and assets of foreigners.
And in light of what is occuring in this nation at the present time and the number of Americans who have now been victimized by this agenda, Mr. Obama's ignorance of the plight of the Americans who he has continually pleaded with to sacrifice for the "greater good," of U.S.A., Inc. is getting more and more outrageous with each and every "act of Office," in not even rescheduling this blatantly treasonous meeting to some other host country to begin with.
Not as a self-appointed, apparently, Chairman of the Board for this meeting as the leader of the "host" country. And by no means serving in such capacity, a "representative" of the people of this nation by but more as he has personally stated, his primary focus as a "citizen of the world," which was declared soon after his assumption of office.
And the world's approval, apparently, more fundamentally important than that of those who are both paying his salary, and to whom his true duties and loyalties lie - not the "corporate" interests of the globalists, either individually or "corporately."
Thursday, September 24, 2009
ObamaCare: Leading America Further Into Regressive World Government?
For Any And All Conserve-ative Americans:
As so much has been left out of the mainstream media coverage on this abysmal health care deform concocted in Washington and led at this point by Max Baucus (D-MT), it is evident that the ownership of our news sources in this country have also been "globalized" with the British and world government corporate interests, that much has been clear.
Montana does, after all, border Canada.
And the bulk of the state legislatures that are supporting also this legislation have also selfish concerns in mind. Due, of course, to the unlawful passage of the 16th amendment that was also concocted behind closed doors and, contrary to the 9th Amendment itself, never placed before the people with respect to a tax (whether direct or indirect) on the fruits of the labor.
A type of tax, actually, that the founders had warned would leave their posterity homeless. And such has been the case in many instances since that time (1913) and during the Great Depression (manipulated by the Federal Reserve, which is no more than a European central bank branch out of London) now in possession of our true wealth, the gold, as security for all those debt notes in circulation.
Flooding the market with those notes of course, then depresses our currency which then in turn also makes U.S. corporations and even public utility companies (such as Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant in Arizona servicing Arizona and parts of California) an attractive investment opportunity. Or a natural disaster and hurricane such as Katrina, or wildfires such as are now suspiciously occurring quite regularly in California more so than at any other time.
Many would say that is due to "global warming."
As one whose father was involved with the home builders and the lumber industry, I would say it is to reduce the amount of available timber in this country for, again, British (Canadian) import and trade agreements since lumber and timber is one of Canada's primary exports to this country.
But also during all of this debate, not a word has been spoken about the fact that absent Medicare and Medicaid benefits, which do cover most citizens at least for catastrophic care in their retirement years, every state in the nation now has such coverage. And it is a major expenditure due to the fact that Washington has also passed legislation affording such coverage for emergency treatments to non-U.S. citizens. And not simply foreign tourists or those working here for on-the-job injuries.
But the deliberate hirers also for the outsourced labor from Mexico, and also those here on work and student visas and other temporary arrangements. In fact, this provision instituted around twenty years ago (another backroom measure) is what has been the draw for so many of the poor Mexican citzens in the border towns, since Mexico also is one of those socialized countries where a great deal of its wealth is concentrated in Mexico City and some of the states there with the greatest populations.
Sort of like how California and parts of Texas received border fencing back in the 90's securing areas around San Diego and El Paso, while Arizona which has the largest open border by far received merely vehicle spikes for those areas which were at that time used by many of the coyotes and big time drug smugglers.
Which, of course, has changed as the terrain has in almost twenty years, since the maps printed in Mexico are revised annually.
The state legislatures which are mostly behind this just so happen to be those New England states, and border states.
The locally passed initiatives denying benefits to illegals such as has occurred in Arizona the past several years due to that state's residents contniued victimization on this issue in countless ways, has also caused those legislators grief from the federally funded illegal immigrant groups which have sprung up headed by lawyers mostly who receive their legal fees also paid by the U.S. taxpayers for any and all "civil rights" violations they bring in the U.S. courts now on behalf of illegals, whether defensive actions or now even afforded access to the courts to prosecute Americans on foreigners behalf for any manner of charges, some legitimate but many which are not. Such as the drug dealer reported suing this country in the Ramos and Compean case for the buckshot actually he received for crossing as a known drug trafficker, from all reports.
So the illegal immigrant gravy train runs wide and deep in this country for a great many in the legal profession especially, as it does for those other corporate interests who profit off those annual work and student visas.
In fact, I visited Mt. Ruthmore a few years ago and was quite surprised at the number of students from the Soviet Union that work in the ice cream store there at the park. I happen to speak with one of them who informed me that they pay immigration attorneys and/or their schools a stipend amounting to about $2,000 U.S. dollars per student per year in order to spend the summer in the U.S. working at some of our national parks and tourist attractions, facilitated through U.S. immigration lawyers.
No U.S. high school or college students were employed in the store during the summer as it was in previous generations, strictly foreigners the day I visited. And lived three and four to a room at a local hotel, which costs were subtracted then from their wages.
On the return trip from a visit to the East Coast for personal reasons also a few years back, I traveled through Williamsburg, Virginia and stayed at an inexpensive hotel there overnight since I had some car trouble on the way. The hotel, as with many of the independently owned hotels in the area, was owned by a U.S. limited liability corporation that employed also Russian students during the peak summer holiday season, and also informed me that there were many lawyers who advertised in their countries for such work visas. She also was living with three others at the hotel, and whose accomodations were also deducted from her pay, but indicated that circumstances right now in Russia are not so good, since all power lies with Moscow under their "democracy."
Although the next day as I resumed my travels I had to laugh when recalling our conversation.
Since I'm sure she knows less than most of those in this country at this point it would appear.
All power does not reside with Moscow (or Washington, for that matter, all appearances now to the contrary in our now out of control Congress and successive Administrations).
All power really lies with the bankers, as with our Federal Reserve. They do, after all, fund the campaigns and the wars for all but a very, very few countries. And both sides, since bankers have really no country loyalty other than as an investment for profit.
And they are, for the most part, British.
As so much has been left out of the mainstream media coverage on this abysmal health care deform concocted in Washington and led at this point by Max Baucus (D-MT), it is evident that the ownership of our news sources in this country have also been "globalized" with the British and world government corporate interests, that much has been clear.
Montana does, after all, border Canada.
And the bulk of the state legislatures that are supporting also this legislation have also selfish concerns in mind. Due, of course, to the unlawful passage of the 16th amendment that was also concocted behind closed doors and, contrary to the 9th Amendment itself, never placed before the people with respect to a tax (whether direct or indirect) on the fruits of the labor.
A type of tax, actually, that the founders had warned would leave their posterity homeless. And such has been the case in many instances since that time (1913) and during the Great Depression (manipulated by the Federal Reserve, which is no more than a European central bank branch out of London) now in possession of our true wealth, the gold, as security for all those debt notes in circulation.
Flooding the market with those notes of course, then depresses our currency which then in turn also makes U.S. corporations and even public utility companies (such as Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant in Arizona servicing Arizona and parts of California) an attractive investment opportunity. Or a natural disaster and hurricane such as Katrina, or wildfires such as are now suspiciously occurring quite regularly in California more so than at any other time.
Many would say that is due to "global warming."
As one whose father was involved with the home builders and the lumber industry, I would say it is to reduce the amount of available timber in this country for, again, British (Canadian) import and trade agreements since lumber and timber is one of Canada's primary exports to this country.
But also during all of this debate, not a word has been spoken about the fact that absent Medicare and Medicaid benefits, which do cover most citizens at least for catastrophic care in their retirement years, every state in the nation now has such coverage. And it is a major expenditure due to the fact that Washington has also passed legislation affording such coverage for emergency treatments to non-U.S. citizens. And not simply foreign tourists or those working here for on-the-job injuries.
But the deliberate hirers also for the outsourced labor from Mexico, and also those here on work and student visas and other temporary arrangements. In fact, this provision instituted around twenty years ago (another backroom measure) is what has been the draw for so many of the poor Mexican citzens in the border towns, since Mexico also is one of those socialized countries where a great deal of its wealth is concentrated in Mexico City and some of the states there with the greatest populations.
Sort of like how California and parts of Texas received border fencing back in the 90's securing areas around San Diego and El Paso, while Arizona which has the largest open border by far received merely vehicle spikes for those areas which were at that time used by many of the coyotes and big time drug smugglers.
Which, of course, has changed as the terrain has in almost twenty years, since the maps printed in Mexico are revised annually.
The state legislatures which are mostly behind this just so happen to be those New England states, and border states.
The locally passed initiatives denying benefits to illegals such as has occurred in Arizona the past several years due to that state's residents contniued victimization on this issue in countless ways, has also caused those legislators grief from the federally funded illegal immigrant groups which have sprung up headed by lawyers mostly who receive their legal fees also paid by the U.S. taxpayers for any and all "civil rights" violations they bring in the U.S. courts now on behalf of illegals, whether defensive actions or now even afforded access to the courts to prosecute Americans on foreigners behalf for any manner of charges, some legitimate but many which are not. Such as the drug dealer reported suing this country in the Ramos and Compean case for the buckshot actually he received for crossing as a known drug trafficker, from all reports.
So the illegal immigrant gravy train runs wide and deep in this country for a great many in the legal profession especially, as it does for those other corporate interests who profit off those annual work and student visas.
In fact, I visited Mt. Ruthmore a few years ago and was quite surprised at the number of students from the Soviet Union that work in the ice cream store there at the park. I happen to speak with one of them who informed me that they pay immigration attorneys and/or their schools a stipend amounting to about $2,000 U.S. dollars per student per year in order to spend the summer in the U.S. working at some of our national parks and tourist attractions, facilitated through U.S. immigration lawyers.
No U.S. high school or college students were employed in the store during the summer as it was in previous generations, strictly foreigners the day I visited. And lived three and four to a room at a local hotel, which costs were subtracted then from their wages.
On the return trip from a visit to the East Coast for personal reasons also a few years back, I traveled through Williamsburg, Virginia and stayed at an inexpensive hotel there overnight since I had some car trouble on the way. The hotel, as with many of the independently owned hotels in the area, was owned by a U.S. limited liability corporation that employed also Russian students during the peak summer holiday season, and also informed me that there were many lawyers who advertised in their countries for such work visas. She also was living with three others at the hotel, and whose accomodations were also deducted from her pay, but indicated that circumstances right now in Russia are not so good, since all power lies with Moscow under their "democracy."
Although the next day as I resumed my travels I had to laugh when recalling our conversation.
Since I'm sure she knows less than most of those in this country at this point it would appear.
All power does not reside with Moscow (or Washington, for that matter, all appearances now to the contrary in our now out of control Congress and successive Administrations).
All power really lies with the bankers, as with our Federal Reserve. They do, after all, fund the campaigns and the wars for all but a very, very few countries. And both sides, since bankers have really no country loyalty other than as an investment for profit.
And they are, for the most part, British.
Barack Obama,
health care,
stock market
Monday, September 21, 2009
The Tories In State Government Behind ObamaCare
Below is a listing of some of the state legislators who are also behind the Obama and the federally mandated health care measures now being concocted in Washington, against all the separation of powers, "consent of the governed 9th Amendment provisions," and public accountability and even fundamental regulation of those national and even global providers that such a law or measure would require, and thus nothing more than what I am referring to as the Torie (Global Socialist British Banker & Financier Sector Ruled "Government As God and Monarch") Party:
Rep. Robert Buch (AK)
Rep. Mike Doogan (AK)
Sen. Johnny Ellis (AK), Member, AKS Health & Social Services Committee
Sen. Hollis French (AK)
Rep. Berta Gardner (AK)
Rep. David Guttenberg (AK), Minority Whip
Rep. Elizabeth Kerttula (AK)
Rep. Chris Tuck (AK)
ARIZONA (High illegal immigrant state, and also with a high Canadian population as second homes or retirement purchases)
Rep. Ed Ableser (AZ)
Rep. Olivia Cajero Bedford (AZ)
Rep. Jack Brown (AZ), Minority Leader Pro Tem
Sen. Meg Burton Cahill (AZ)
Rep. Chad Campbell (AZ), Minority Whip
Rep. Cloves Campbell (AZ)
Rep. Tom Chabin (AZ)
Rep. Steve Farley (AZ)
Rep. Patricia Fleming (AZ)
Sen. Albert Hale (AZ), Member, Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Welfare
Rep. Matt Heinz (AZ)
Rep. Phil Lopes (AZ), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. David Lujan (AZ), Minority Leader
Rep. Barbara McGuire (AZ)
Rep. Ben Miranda (AZ)
Rep. Lynne Pancrazi (AZ)
Rep. Daniel Patterson (AZ)
Sen. Rebecca Rios (AZ), Assistant Minority Leader
Rep. Anna Tovar (AZ)
Rep. Nancy Young Wright (AZ)
Sen. Joyce Elliott (AR)
Rep. Steve Harrelson (AR)
Sen. David Johnson (AR)
Rep. Lindsley Smith (AR)
Rep. Kathy Webb (AR)
Asm. Bob Blumenfield (CA)
Asm. Jared Huffman (CA)
Sen. Mark Leno (CA), Member, Health Committee; Chair, Subcommittee on Health, Human Services, Labor and Veterans Affairs
Rep. Dennis Apuan (CO)
Sen. Morgan Carroll (CO), Member, Senate and Joint Houses Health & Human Services Committees
Rep. Lois Court (CO)
Rep. Mark Ferrandino (CO)
Rep. Randy Fischer (CO), Deputy Majority Whip
Sen. Joyce Foster (CO)
Rep. Sara Gagliardi (CO), Vice Chair, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. Dickey Lee Hullinghorst (CO)
Sen. Jim Isgar (CO), Majority Caucus Chair
Rep. John Kefalas (CO), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. Jeanne Labuda (CO)
Rep. Claire Levy (CO), Majority Whip
Rep. Beth McCann (CO)
Rep. Michael Merrifield (C0)
Rep. Joe Miklosi (CO)
Sen. Linda Newell (CO), Member, Health & Human Services Committee
Rep. Sal Pace (CO), Assistant Majority Caucus Chair
Rep. Su Ryden (CO)
Rep. Judy Solano (CO)
Rep. Edward Vigil (CO)
CONNECTICULT (Heavy Canadian influence and yet one of the original 13)
Rep. Theresa Conroy (CT), Member, Public Health Committee
Rep. Michelle Cook (CT)
Rep. Chris Donovan (CT), Speaker of the House
Rep. Elizabeth Esty (CT), Member, Public Health Committee
Rep. Mae Flexer (CT)
Rep. Steve Fontana (CT), Co-Chair, Insurance & Real Estate Committee
Rep. Henry Genga (CT)
Rep. Linda Gentile (CT), Vice-Chair, Public Health Committee
Rep. Bob Godfrey (CT), Deputy Speaker
Rep. Ted Graziani (CT)
Rep. Auden Grogins (CT), Member, Public Health Committee
Sen. Toni Harp (CT), Deputy President Pro Tempore
Rep. John Hennessy (CT)
Rep. Gary Holder-Winfield (CT), Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. Ed Jutila (CT)
Rep. Marie Kirkley-Bey (CT)
Rep. Barbara Lambert (CT)
Rep. Matthew Lesser (CT), Member, Public Health Committee
Sen. Andrew Maynard (CT)
Rep. David McCluskey (CT), Deputy Speaker of the House
Rep. Denise Merrill (CT), Majority Leader
Rep. Joseph Mioli (CT)
Rep. Tim O'Brien (CT), Member, Public Health Committee
Rep. Chris Perone (CT)
Sen. Edith Prague (CT), Assistant President Pro Tempore
Rep. Peggy Reeves (CT)
Rep. Elizabeth Ritter (CT), Co-Chair, Public Health Committee
Rep. Kevin Ryan (CT), Member, Public Health Committee
Rep. Ezequiel Santiago (CT)
Rep. Peggy Sayers (CT), Deputy Majority Leader
Sen. Gayle Slossberg (CT), Vice Chair, Joint Committee on Public Health
Sen. Andrea L. Stillman (CT), Deputy Majority Leader; Member, Public Health Committee
Rep. Peter Tercyak (CT), Member, Public Health Committee
Rep. Diana Urban (CT)
Rep. Peter Villano (CT)
Rep. Roberta Willis (CT)
Rep. Elissa Wright (CT)
Rep. Bruce "Zeke" Zalaski (CT)
Rep. Bradford Bennett (DE)
Rep. Ronald Brise (FL)
Rep. Keith Fitzgerald (FL), Member, Health and Family Services Policy Council
Rep. Mark Pafford (FL), Member, Full Apppropriations on General Governmentt & Health Care
Rep. Elaine Schwartz (FL), Ranking Minority Member, Healthy Seniors Appropriations; Member, Health and Family Services Policy Council Committee
Rep. Stacey Abrams (GA)
Rep. Kathy Ashe (GA)
Rep. Stephanie Benfield (GA)
Sen. Robert Brown (GA), Minority Leader
Sen. Gloria Butler (GA), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. Gloria Frazier (GA)
Sen. Emanuel Jones (GA)
Rep. Sheila Jones (GA), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. Ralph Long (GA)
Rep. Alisha Morgan (GA), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Sen. Nan Orrock (GA), Member Ex-Officio, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. Rashad Taylor (GA)
Rep. Brian Thomas (GA)
Sen. Frank Aguon, Jr. (GU)
Sen. Matt Rector (GU)
Sen. Rosalyn Baker (HI)
Rep. Bob Herkes (HI)
Rep. Michael Magaoay (HI)
Rep. Roy Takumi (HI)
Rep. Donna Boe (ID)
Rep. Wendy Jaquet (ID), Minority Leader
Rep. Phylis King (ID)
Sen. Nicole LeFavour (ID), Member, Health and Welfare Committee
Rep. Anne Pasley-Stuart (ID)
Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie (IL)
Sen. William Delgado (IL), Chair, Public Health Committee
Rep. Susana Mendoza (IL)
Sen. Sue Errington (IN), Ranking Minority Member, Health and Provider Services Committee; Member, Subcommittee on Public Health
Rep. Matt Pierce (IN)
Rep. Mara Candelaria Reardon (IN)
Sen. Vi Simpson (IN), Member, Health & Provider Services
IOWA (Unbelieveable how many in the Bible belt, no less)
Rep. McKinley Bailey (IA)
Rep. John Beard (IA)
Sen. Joe Bolkcom (IA), Member, Human Services Committee; Assistant Majority Leader
Sen. Thomas Courtney (IA), Majority Whip
Sen. Jeff Danielson (IA), President Pro Tempore
Sen. Robert Dvorsky (IA)
Rep. Gene Ficken (IA)
Sen. Eugene Fraise (IA)
Rep. Marcella Frevert (IA)
Rep. Mary Gaskill (IA)
Rep. Elesha Gayman (IA), Assistant Majority Leader
Sen. Michael Gronstal (IA), Majority Leader
Sen. Tom Hancock (IA)
Sen. Jack Hatch (IA), Co-Chair, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee; Assistant Majority Leader
Sen. William Heckroth (IA), Assistant Majority Leader
Rep. Lisa Heddens (IA), Co-Chair, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee; Member, Human Services Committee
Sen. Robert Hogg (IA)
Rep. Bruce Hunter (IA), Member, Human Services Committee
Sen. Pam Jochum (IA)
Rep. Jerry Kearns (IA)
Sen. Jack Kibbie (IA), Senate President
Sen. Keith Kreiman (IA)
Rep. Bob Kressig (IA)
Rep. Vicki Lensing (IA)
Rep. Jim Lykam (IA)
Rep. Larry Marek (IA)
Sen. Matt McCoy (IA)
Rep. Pat Murphy (IA), Speaker of the House
Rep. Rick Olson (IA)
Rep. Tyler Olson (IA), Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. Eric Palmer (IA)
Sen. Herman Quirmbach (IA), Member, Human Services Committee
Sen. Amanda Ragan (IA), Chair, Human Resources Committee; Vice-Chair, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee
Rep. Nathan Reichert (IA)
Sen. Becky Schmitz (IA), Vice-Chair, Human Resources Committee; Member, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee
Sen. Brian Schoenjahn (IA)
Rep. Thomas Schueller (IA)
Sen. Joe Seng (IA)
Rep. Mark Smith (IA), Chair, Human Resources Committee; Member, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee Sen. Steve Sodders (IA)
Rep. Sharon Steckman (IA), Member, Human Services Committee
Sen. Roger Stewart (IA)
Rep. Kurt Swaim (IA)
Rep. Dick Taylor (IA)
Rep. Todd Taylor (IA)
Rep. Phyllis Thede (IA)
Rep. Roger Thomas (IA)
Rep. Roger Wendt (IA), Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. John Whitaker (IA)
Rep. Wesley Whitead (IA)
Rep. Nate Willems (IA)
Rep. Cindy Winckler (IA)
Rep. Ray Zirkelbach (IA)
Rep. Delia Garcia (KS)
Rep. Annie Kuether (KS)
Rep. Connie O'Brien (KS)
Rep. Brent Yonts (KY)
Rep. Rickey Hardy (LA)
MAINE (Another of the original 13 and, of course, Bush country and borders Canada)
Rep. Herbert Adams (ME)
Sen. Justin Alfond (ME)
Sen. Philip Bartlett (ME), Senate Majority Leader
Rep. Henry Beck (ME)
Rep. Seth Berry (ME), Majority Whip
Sen. Lawrence Bliss (ME)
Rep. Anna Blodgett (ME)
Rep. Andrea Boland (ME)
Sen. Peter Bowman (ME)
Rep. Sheryl Briggs (ME)
Rep. Mark Bryant (ME)
Rep. Steven Butterfield (ME)
Rep. Emily Cain (ME)
Rep. James Campbell (ME), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. Michael Carey (ME)
Rep. Alan Casavant (ME)
Sen. Margaret Craven (ME)
Rep. Patsy Crockett (ME)
Rep. Timothy Driscoll (ME)
Rep. Robert Eaton (ME)
Rep. Mark Eves (ME)
Rep. Sean Flaherty (ME)
Rep. Elsie Flemings (ME)
Rep. Adam Goode (ME), Member, Joint Standing Committee on Insurance and Financial Services
Rep. Anne Haskell (ME)
Rep. Teresea Hayes (ME)
Rep. Jon Hinck (ME)
Rep. Robert Hunt (ME)
Rep. Melissa Innes (ME)
Rep. Peter Kent (ME)
Rep. Charles Kruger (ME)
Rep. W. Bruce MacDonald (ME)
Rep. James Martin (ME)
Rep. Jeffrey McCabe (ME)
Rep. Elizabeth "Lisa" Miller (ME)
Rep. Wayne Mitchell (ME)
Rep. Mary Nelson (ME)
Rep. Andrew O'Brien (ME)
Rep. Anne Perry (ME), Chair, Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services
Rep. Matthew Peterson (ME), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. Hannah Pingree (ME), Speaker of the House
Rep. Diane Russell (ME)
Rep. Linda Sanborn (ME)
Rep. Michael Shaw (ME)
Rep. Sara Stevens (ME)
Rep. Peter Stuckey (ME), Member,Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. Sharon Treat (ME), Chair, Joint Standing Committee on Insurance and Financial Services
Rep. Richard Wagner (ME)
Rep. Joan Welsh (ME)
Del. Saqib Ali (MD)
Del. Charles Barkley (MD)
Del. Pamela Beidle (MD)
Del. Elizabeth Bobo (MD)
Del. William Bronrott (MD), Deputy Majority Whip
Del. Alfred Carr (MD)
Del. Virginia Clagett (MD)
Sen. George Della (MD)
Del. Kathleen Dumais (MD)
Del. Brian Feldman (MD), Member, Access to Mental Health Services Committee
Sen. Jennie Forehand (MD), Deputy Majoirty Whip
Del. C. William Frick (MD)
Sen. Brian Frosh (MD)
Del. Barbara Frush (MD)
Del. Jim Gilchrist (MD)
Del. Ana Sol Gutierrez (MD), Member, Subcommittee on Health and Human Resources
Sen. David Harrington (MD), Member, Access to Mental Health Services Committee
Del. Sue Hecht (MD)
Del. Anne Healey (MD)
Del. Henry Heller (MD)
Del. Sheila Hixson(MD)
Del. Marvin Holmes (MD), Deputy Majority Whip
Del. Carolyn Howard (MD), Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore
Del. James Hubbard (MD), Member, Health and Government Operations Committee; Chair, Subcommittee on Public Health and Long Term Care
Del. Tom Hucker (MD)
Del. Jolene Ivey (MD)
Del. Anne Kaiser (MD)
Del. Stephen Lafferty (MD)
Del. Susan Lee (MD), Deputy Majority Whip
Sen. Mike Lenett (MD), Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery and Financing; Member, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee
Del. Gerron Levi (MD)
Sen. Richard Madaleno (MD), Vice Chair, Subcommittee on Health, Education, and Human Resources
Del. Roger Manno (MD)
Sen. Nathaniel McFadden (MD)
Del. Heather Mizeur (MD), Member, Health and Human Resources Appropriations Subcommittee
Del. Peter Murphy (MD)
Sen. C. Anthony Muse (MD)
Del. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam (MD), Member, Health and Government Operations Committee; Chair, Subcommittee on Minority Health Disparities
Del. John Olszewski (MD)
Sen. Paul Pinsky (MD)
Del. Victor Ramirez (MD)
Sen. Jamie Raskin (MD)
Del. Kirill Reznick (MD), Member, Health & Government Operations
Del. Craig Rice (MD)
Del. Barbara Robinson (MD)
Sen. James Robey (MD)
Sen. Jim Rosapepe (MD), Member, Subcommittee on Health; Assistant Deputy Majority Whip
Del. Dana Stein (MD)
Del. Shawn Tarrant (MD), Member, Health and Government Operations Committee
Del. Herman Taylor (MD)
Del. Frank Turner (MD)
Del. Veronica Turner (MD), Member, Health & Government Operations; Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery & Financing
Del. Kris Valderrama (MD)
Del. Jeff Waldstreicher (MD)
MASSACHUSETTS (And this state already has comprehensive catastrophic provision at the state level as it should be, if any, and thus more accountable for disclosure of costs, and in providing for state citizens primarily as also a more governmental purpose than building the next strip mall with taxpayer funds, and also high Canadian influence)
Rep. Willie Mae Allen (MA)
Rep. Steven D'Amico (MA), Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Financing
Rep. Cory Atkins (MA)
Rep. Ruth B. Balser (MA), Vice Chair, Public Health; Member, Mental Health & Substance Abuse
Rep. William Brownsberger (MA)
Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz (MA)
Sen. Kenneth Donnelly (MA)
Sen. James Eldridge (MA)
Rep. Mark Falzone (MA)
Sen. Patricia Jehlen (MA) Member, Joint Committe on Health Care Financing
Rep. Jay Kaufman (MA)
Sen. Thomas Kennedy (MA)
Rep. Peter Kocot (MA)
Rep. Jason Lewis (MA), Member, Joint Committee on Public Health; Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Financing
Rep. David Linsky (MA)
Rep. Matthew Patrick (MA), Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Financing
Rep. Denise Provost (MA)
Sen. Stanley Rosenberg (MA)
Rep. John Scibak (MA)
Rep. Carl Sciortino (MA), Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Financing
Rep. Frank Smizik (MA)
Rep. Marie St. Fleur (MA)
Rep. Ellen Story (MA)
Rep. Benjamin Swan (MA)
Rep. Timothey Toomey (MA), Member, Public Health Committee
Rep. Alice Wolf (MA), Chair, Joint Committee on Elder Affairs
Rep. Fred Durhal (MI)
Sen. Gilda Jacobs (MI), Vice Chair, Families and Humans Services Committee; Member, Health Policy Committee
Rep. Deb Kennedy (MI)
Rep. Mark Meadows (MI)
Rep. Fred Miller (MI)
Rep. Mike Simpson (MI)
Sen. Samuel "Buzz" Thomas (MI), Minority Floor Leader
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (MI)
Rep. Mary Valentine (MI), Member, Health Policy
Rep. Rebekah Warren (MI)
MINNESOTA (Home of Mayo Clinic, of course, and high Canadian tourism)
Sen. Ellen Anderson (MN)
Sen. Linda Berglin (MN), Chair, Health and Human Services Budget Division
Rep. Kathy Brynaert (MN)
Rep. Lyndon Carlson (MN)
Rep. Jim Davnie (MN)
Sen. Scott Dibble (MN)
Rep. Al Doty (MN)
Rep. Patti Fritz (MN), Member, Health Care and Human Services Finance Division Committee; Member, Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight Committee
Rep. Paul Garnder (MN), Member, Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight Committee
Rep. Alice Hausman (MN)
Rep. Jeff Hayden (MN)
Rep. Frank Hornstein (MN)
Rep. Melissa Hortman (MN)
Rep. Larry Hosch (MN)
Rep. Sheldon Johnson (MN)
Rep. Phyllis Kahn (MN)
Rep. Kate Knuth (MN)
Sen. Gary Kubly (MN)
Rep. Carolyn Laine (MN), Member, Health Care & Human Services Policy & Oversight Committee
Sen. Ron Latz (MN)
Rep. Tina Liebling (MN), Vice Chair, Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight Committee
Rep. Bernie Lieder (MN)
Rep. Diane Loeffler (MN), Member, Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight Committee; Assistant Majority Leader
Sen. Tony Lourey (MN)
Rep. Carlos Mariani (MN)
Rep. Terry Morrow (MN)
Sen. Mee Moua (MN)
Rep. Joe Mullery (MN)
Rep. Erin Murphy (MN), Member, Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight Committee
Rep. Jerry Newton (MN)
Rep. Michael Paymar (MN)
Sen. Lawrence Pogemiller (MN)
Sen. Yvonne Prettner Solon (MN), Member, Health and Human Services Budget Division Committee; Member, Health, Housing and Family Security Committee
Rep. Roger Reinert (MN)
Rep. Brita Sailer (MN)
Rep. Bev Scalze (MN), Member, Health Care and Human Services Finance Division Committee
Rep. Linda Slocum (MN)
Rep. Loren Solberg (MN)
Rep. Paul Thissen (MN), Chair, Health Care & Human Services Policy & Oversight
Rep. Jean Wagenius (MN)
Rep. John Ward (MN)
Sen. Chuck Wiger (MN)
Rep. Mary Coleman (MS)
Rep. Don Calloway (MO)
Rep. Chris Carter (MO), Member, Healthcare Transformation Committee
Sen. Rita Days (MO), Assistant Minority Floor Leader
Rep. Michael Frame (MO)
Rep. Tishaura Jones (MO), Member, Appropriations - Health, Mental Health and Social Services Committee; Member, Health Insurance Committee
Sen. Jolie Justus (MO), Member, Health, Mental Health, Seniors and Families Committee
Rep. Jeanne Kirkton (MO), Member, Health Care Transformation; Member, Appropiations - Health
Rep. Sam Komo (MO)
Rep. Margo McNeil (MO), Member, Health Care Policy Committee
Rep. Charlie Norr (MO)
Rep. Jeanette Oxford (MO)
Rep. Paul Quinn (MO)
Rep. Jill Schupp (MO)
Sen. Jeff Smith (MO), Member, Health, Mental Health, Seniors & Families Committee
Rep. Mary Still (MO)
Rep. Rachel Storch (MO), Democratic Caucus Deputy Whip
MONTANA (Biggest suprise of all, that the Big Sky State and those rebels would be in on this, but then again does also border Canada)
Rep. Dick Barrett (MT)
Rep. Forrestina "Frosty" Calf Boss Ribs (MT)
Sen. Gary Branae (MT)
Rep. Mary Caferro (MT), Vice Chair, Human Services Committee
Rep. Jill Cohenour (MT)
Rep. Robyn Driscoll (MT)
Sen. Ron Erickson (MT)
Rep. Julie French (MT), Member, Human Services Committee; Majority Whip
Rep. Betsy Hands (MT)
Rep. Teresa Henry (MT)
Rep. Sue Malek (MT)
Rep. Margaret MacDonald (MT)
Rep. Carolyn Pease-Lopez (MT), Member, Subcommittee on Health and Human Services
Rep. Michele Reinhart (MT)
Sen. Carolyn Squires (MT)
Sen. Carol Williams (MT), Senate Minority Leader
Rep. Franke Wilmer (MT)
Sen. Jonathan Windy Boy (MT)
Sen. Tanya Cook (NE)
Sen. Ken Haar (NE)
Sen. Danielle Nantkes (NE)
Sen. Jeremy Nordquist (NE)
Sen. Maggie Carlton (NV)
Asm. Ellen Koivisto (NV)
Sen. David Parks (NV)
Asm. Peggy Pierce (NV), Vice Chair, Health and Human Services Committee
NEW HAMPSHIRE (Another with a high number of Tories of the original 13, and as with most New England states, high numbers of Canadian visitors and work force)
Rep. Susan Almy (NH)
Rep. Catriona Beck (NH)
Rep. William Brennan (NH)
Rep. Robert Bridgham (NH), Member, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee
Rep. Suzanne Butcher (NH), Member, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee
Rep. Edward Butler (NH)
Rep. Timothy Butterworth (NH)
Rep. Daniel Carr (NH)
Sen. Jacalyn Cilley (NH)
Rep. John Cloutier (NH)
Rep. Robert Cushing (NH)
Rep. John DeJoie (NH)
Rep. Rich DiPentima (NH), Member, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee
Rep. Susan Ford (NH)
Sen. Martha Fuller Clark (NH), Senate President Pro Tem
Rep. Jill Shaffer Hammond (NH)
Rep. Valerie Hardy (NH)
Rep. Timothy Horrigan (NH)
Rep. Charlotte Houde-Quimby (NH)
Rep. Pamela Hubbard (NH)
Rep. Naida Kaen (NH)
Sen. Sylvia Larsen (NH), President of the Senate
Rep. Steven Lindsey (NH)
Rep. Patrick Long (NH)
Rep. Jim McClammer (NH)
Rep. Evalyn Merrick (NH), Member, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee
Rep. Kate Miller (NH)
Rep. Marcia Moody (NH)
Rep. Lori Movsesian (NH)
Rep. Susi Nord (NH)
Rep. Jessie Osborne (NH)
Rep. Phillip Preston (NH)
Rep. Robin Read (NH)
Rep. Michael Rollo (NH)
Rep. Cindy Rosenwald (NH), Chair, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee
Rep. Trinka Russell (NH)
Rep. Tara Sad (NH)
Rep. Donna Schlachman (NH)
Rep. Dianne Schuett (NH)
Rep. Gilman Shattuck (NH)
Rep. Stephen Shurtleff (NH)
Rep. Suzanne Smith (NH)
Rep. James Splaine (NH)
Rep. Robert Thompson (NH)
Rep. Joy Tilton (NH), Member, Health, Human Services & Elderly Affairs Committee
Rep. Frank Tupper (NH)
Rep. Charles Townsend (NH)
Rep. Charles Yeaton (NH)
Asm. Herb Conaway (NJ), Chair, Health and Senior Services Committee
Sen. Shirley Turner (NJ), President Pro Tempore
NEW MEXICO (High numbers of illegals)
Sen. Carlos Cisneros (NM)
Rep. Nathan Cote (NM), Legislative Health & Human Services Committee
Sen. Dede Feldman (NM), Chair, Legislative Health and Human Service Committee
Sen. Stephen Fischmann (NM)
Rep. Miguel Garcia (NM)
Sen. Eric Griego (NM)
Sen. Linda M. Lopez (NM)
Rep. Patricia Lundstrum (NM)
Rep. James Roger Madalena (NM)
Sen. Cisco McSorley (NM)
Rep. William O'Neill (NM)
Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino (NM), Advisor, Legislative Health and Human Service Committee
Rep. Danice Picraux (NM), Legislative Health & Human Services Committee
Rep. Debbie Rodella (NM)
Rep. Nick Salazar (NM)
Rep. Edward C. Sandoval(NM)
Rep. Mimi Stewart (NM), Chair, Health and Government Affairs Committee
Sen. David Ulibarri (NM)
Asm. James Brennan (NY)
Asm. Adriano Espaillat (NY), Member, Committee on Insurance
Sen. Liz Krueger (NY)
Asm. Joseph Lentol (NY)
Asm. Joan Millman (NY)
Sen. Suzi Oppenheimer (NY)
Sen. Eric Schneiderman (NY)
Rep. Alma Adams (NC)
Rep. Alice Bordsen (NC)
Rep. Angela Bryant(NC)
Rep. Tricia Cotham (NC), Member, Health Committee
Sen. Katie Dorsett (NC), Vice Chair, Health Committee
Rep. Beverly Earle (NC), Chair, Mental Health Reform Committee; Vice Chair, Health Committee
Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield (NC)
Rep. Susan Fisher (NC)
Rep. Melanie Goodwin (NC)
Rep. Rick Glazier (NC), Member, Health Committee; Member, Mental Health Reform Committee
Rep. Larry Hall (NC)
Rep. Pricey Harrison (NC)
Rep. Sandra Spaulding Hughes (NC), Member, Health Care Committee
Rep. Verla Insko (NC), Chair, Health Committee
Sen. Ellie Kinnaird (NC), Co-Chair, Mental Health & Youth Services Committee; Member, Health Care Committee
Rep. Paul Luebke (NC)
Sen. Floyd McKissick (NC)
Rep. Annie Mobley (NC)
Rep. Earline Parmon (NC) Member, Health Care Committee; Member, Mental Health Reform Committee
Rep. Deborah K. Ross (NC), Minority Whip
Sen. Josh Stein (NC), Member, Health Care Committee Rep. Cullie Tarleton (NC)
Sen. Tom Fiebiger (ND)
Rep. Richard Holman (ND), Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. Lee Kaldor (ND)
Rep. Jerome Kelsh (ND)
Sen. Aaron Krauter (ND)
Sen. Tim Mathern (ND)
Sen. Carolyn Nelson (ND)
Sen. Ryan Taylor (ND)
Rep. Lonny Winrich (ND)
Rep. Edna Brown (OH), Chair, Subcommittee on Human Services
Rep. Ted Celeste (OH)
Rep. Michael Foley (OH)
Rep. Robert Hagan (OH), Member, Health Committee
Sen. Dale Miller (OH)
Rep. Ryan Kiesel (OK), Member, Public Health Committee
Rep. Al McAffrey (OK)
Rep. Jeannie McDaniel (OK)
Sen. Jim Wilson (OK), Member, Health & Human Resources Committee
OREGON (Euthanasia is already legal here)
Rep. Phil Barnhart (OR)
Rep. Elizabeth Terry Beyer (OR)
Rep. Peter Buckley (OR)
Rep. Ben Cannon (OR)
Rep. Michael Dembrow (OR), Member, Health Care Committee; Member, Human Services Committee
Sen. Jackie Dingfelder (OR)
Rep. Mitch Greenlick (OR), Chair, Health Care Committee
Rep. Chris Harker (OR), Vice Chair, Health Care Committee
Sen. Mark Hass (OR)
Rep. Betty Komp (OR)
Rep. Nancy Nathanson (OR)
Rep. Tobias Read (OR)
Sen. Diane Rosenbaum (OR), Assistant Majority Leader
Rep. Chip Shields (OR)
Rep. Jefferson Smith (OR)
Rep. Carolyn Tomei (OR), Chair, Human Services Committee
Rep. Brad Witt (OR)
PENNSYLVANIA (Another of the 13 and Ben is spinning right about now)
Rep. Mark Cohen (PA)
Rep. Eugene Depasquale (PA)
Rep. Todd Eachus (PA), House Majority Floor Leader
Rep. Richard Grucela (PA)
Rep. Patrick Harkins (PA)
Sen. Vincent Hughes (PA)
Rep. Babette Josephs (PA)
Rep. Keith McCall (PA), Speaker of the House
Rep. Barbara McIlvaine Smith (PA), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Sen. Robert Mellow (PA)
Rep. Phyllis Mundy (PA)
Sen. Michael O'Brien (PA)
Sen. Michael O'Pake (PA)
Rep. Tony Payton (PA), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. Joseph Preston (PA)
Rep. Josh Shapiro (PA)
Rep. Chelsa Wagner (PA)
Rep. Rosita Youngblood (PA)
Sen. Luz Arce (PR)
RHODE ISLAND (Another of the 13 but haven't yet researched the high number yet)
Rep. Edith Ajello (RI)
Rep. Joseph Almeida (RI)
Sen. Elizabeth Crowley (RI)
Rep. Roberto DaSilva (RI)
Rep. Elizabeth Dennigan (RI)
Sen. Frank Devall (RI)
Rep. Grace Diaz (RI), Secretary, Health, Education and Welfare Committee
Sen. Louis DiPalma (RI)
Rep. Frank Ferri (RI), Member, Health, Education and Welfare Committee
Rep. Christopher Fierro (RI)
Sen. Hanna Gallo (RI)
Rep. Alfred Gemma (RI), Member, Health Care Oversight; Member, Joint Committee on Healthcare Oversight
Rep. Joanne Giannini (RI)
Sen. Maryellen Goodwin (RI)
Rep. Scott Guthrie (RI)
Rep. Arthur Handy (RI), Member, Health, Education and Welfare Committee
Rep. Joy Hearn (RI), Member, Health, Education and Welfare Committee
Sen. Paul Jabour (RI)
Sen. Charles Levesque (RI), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Sen. Erin Lynch (RI)
Sen. John McBurney (RI)
Sen. Michael McCaffrey (RI)
Rep. Joseph McNamara (RI), Chair, Health, Education and Welfare Committee; Member, Joint Committee on Healthcare Oversight
Sen. Joshua Miller (RI), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. J. Patrick O'Neill (RI)
Rep. Edwin Pacheco (RI)
Sen. M. Teresa Paiva Weed (RI), Senate President; Member, Joint Committee on Healthcare Oversight
Sen. Rhoda Perry (RI), Chair, Health and Human Services Committee; Member, Joint Committee on Healthcare Oversight
Sen. Juan Pichardo (RI), Secretary, Health and Human Services Committee; Member, Joint Committee on Healthcare Oversight
Rep. Amy Rice (RI)
Rep. Michael Rice (RI)
Rep. Deborah Ruggiero (RI), Member, Health, Education and Welfare Committee
Rep. David Segal (RI)
Rep. Patricia Serpa (RI)
Rep. Mary Ann Shallcross-Smith (RI)
Rep. Raymond Sullivan (RI)
Sen. John Tassoni (RI), Member, Health Care Oversight Committee
Rep. Donna Walsh (RI)
Rep. Anastasia Williams (RI)
SOUTH CAROLINA (Home of Joe Wilson - Although woefully misled since the Feds have been providing health care reimbursement to emergency rooms for illegals under federal statute for at least 20 years, as this former border resident can attest, although used for the flu more than true medical emergencies, or other medical checkups, when their employers should have to provide this if outsourcing, in my opinion)
Rep. Anton Gunn (SC), Member, Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs Committee
Rep. Jay Lucas (SC)
Rep. Anne Parks (SC)
Rep. Elaine Elliott (SD)
Rep. Bernie Hunhoff (SD), Minority Leader
Sen. Sandy Jerstad (SD)
Rep. Larry Lucas (SD)
Rep. Eldon Nygaard (SD), Member, Health & Human Services Committee; Minority Whip
Rep. Darrell Solberg (SD)
Rep. Martha Vanderlinde (SD)
Rep. Joe Armstrong (TN), Chair, Health and Human Services Committee; Chair, Joint Health Equity Committee
Rep. Tommie Brown (TN)
Rep. Kent Coleman (TN)
Sen. Beverly Marrero (TN), Secretary, General Welfare, Health and Human Resources Committee
Rep. Jeanne Richardson (TN), Member, Health and Human Resources Committee; Vice Chair, Subcommittee on Public Health and Family Assistance
Rep. Johnny Shaw (TN)
TEXAS (Another high illegal immigrant state, which also surprises me due to the public's sentiments, by and large, on this issue of health care for illegals provided by the Texans, rather than those outsourcers, although again is New England influenced by the Bush interests)
Rep. Alma Allen (TX)
Rep. Roberto Alonzo (TX)
Rep. Rafael Anchia (TX)
Rep. Valinda Bolton (TX)
Rep. Ellen Cohen (TX), Member, Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services
Rep. Garnet Coleman (TX), Member, Public Health Committee
Rep. Dawnna Dukes (TX), Vice Chair, Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services
Rep. Jim Dunnam (TX)
Rep. Pete Gallego (TX)
Rep. Ana Hernandez (TX), Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. Abel Herrero (TX), Vice Chair, Human Services Committee
Rep. Terri Hodge (TX)
Rep. Carol Kent (TX)
Rep. Tracy King (TX)
Rep. Eddie Lucio III (TX)
Rep. Diana Maldonado (TX)
Rep. Marisa Marquez (TX)
Rep. Elliott Naishtat (TX), Vice Chair, Public Health Committee; Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. Dora Olivo (TX)
Rep. Solomon Ortiz Jr. (TX)
Rep. Eddie Rodriguez (TX)
Sen. Leticia Van de Putte (TX)
Rep. Marc Veasey (TX)
Rep. Armando Walle (TX)
Rep. Jackie Biskupski (UT)
Rep. Rebecca Chavez-Houck (UT), Member, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee
Rep. Christine Johnson (UT)
Rep. David Litvack (UT), Member, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee
VERMONT (Another of the original 13, and high employer of health care industries)
Rep. Janet Ancel (VT)
Rep. Margaret Andrews (VT), Member, Human Services Committee
Sen. Timothy Ashe (VT)
Rep. William Aswad (VT)
Rep. Kenneth Atkins (VT)
Rep. Sonny Audette (VT)
Sen. Claire Ayer (VT), Member, Health Access Oversight Committee
Sen. Susan Bartlett (VT)
Rep. Clem Bissonnette (VT)
Rep. Charles Bohi (VT)
Rep. Bill Botzow (VT)
Rep. Carolyn Branagan (VT)
Rep. Christopher Bray (VT)
Rep. Cynthia Browning (VT)
Rep. Mollie Burke (VT)
Sen. John Campbell (VT)
Rep. Margaret Cheney (VT)
Sen. Matthew Choate (VT), Clerk, Health and Welfare Committee
Rep. Alison Clarkson (VT)
Rep. Jim Condon (VT)
Rep. Chip Conquest (VT)
Rep. Michel Consejo (VT)
Rep. Sarah Copeland-Hanzas (VT), Member, Health Care Committee
Rep. Timothy Corcoran (VT)
Rep. Gale Courcelle (VT), Member, Human Services Committee
Sen. Ann Cummings (VT)
Rep. Susan Davis (VT)
Rep. David Deen (VT)
Rep. Dennis Devereux (VT)
Rep. Johannah Donovan (VT)
Sen. William Doyle (VT)
Rep. Sarah Edwards (VT)
Rep. Alice Emmons (VT)
Rep. Debbie Evans (VT)
Rep. Peter Fagan (VT)
Rep. Michael Fisher (VT), Co-Chair, Mental Health Oversight Committee; Vice-Chair, Human Services
Sen. Ed Flanagan (VT), Vice Chair, Health and Welfare Committee
Rep. William Frank (VT), Member, Health Access Oversight Committee; Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. Eldred French (VT)
Rep. Patsy French (VT), Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. Frank Geier (VT)
Sen. Harold Giard (VT)
Rep. Gary Gilbert (VT)
Rep. Maxine Grad (VT)
Rep. Adam Greshin (VT)
Rep. Sandy Haas (VT), Member, Human Services Committee
Sen. Robert Hartwell (VT)
Rep. Helen Head (VT)
Rep. Martha Heath (VT)
Rep. Mary Hooper (VT)
Rep. Steven Howard (VT)
Rep. Richard Howrigan (VT)
Rep. Tim Jerman (VT)
Rep. Willem Jewett (VT)
Rep. Mitzi Johnson (VT), Member, Mental Health Oversight Committee
Rep. Kathleen Keenan (VT)
Sen. M. Jane Kitchel (VT), Member, Health Access Oversight Committee
Sen. Sara Branon Kittell (VT), Member, Health and Welfare Committee
Rep. Warren Kitzmiller (VT)
Rep. Tony Klein (VT)
Rep. Diane Lanpher (VT)
Rep. Mark Larson (VT)
Rep. Joan Lenes (VT)
Rep. Lucy Leriche (VT), Member, Health Access Oversight; Assistant Majority Leader
Rep. Robert Lewis (VT)
Rep. William Lippert (VT)
Rep. Jason Lorber (VT)
Sen. Virginia Lyons (VT), Member, Health and Welfare Committee
Rep. Terry Macaig (VT)
Sen. Mark MacDonald (VT)
Rep. Steven Maier (VT), Chair, Health Care Committee
Rep. John Malcolm (VT)
Rep. Ann Manwaring (VT)
Rep. Michael Marcotte (VT)
Rep. Richard Marek (VT)
Rep. Cynthia Martin (VT)
Rep. Linda Martin (VT)
Sen. Hull Maynard (VT)
Sen. Richard Mazza (VT)
Sen. Richard McCormack (VT)
Rep. Jim McCullough (VT)
Rep. Francis McFaun (VT)
Rep. Virginia Milkey (VT), Vice Chair, Health Care Committee
Rep. Alice Miller (VT)
Sen. Hinda Miller (VT)
Rep. Sue Minter (VT)
Rep. Mark Mitchell (VT)
Rep. Anne Mook (VT)
Rep. John Moran (VT)
Rep. Mike Mrowicki (VT), Member, Human Services Committee
Sen. Kevin Mullin (VT), Clerk, Health and Welfare Committee; Member, Health Access Oversight Committee
Rep. Floyd Nease (VT)
Rep. Betty Nuovo (VT)
Rep. Anne O'Brien (VT), Co-Chair, Health Access Oversight; Chair, Human Services Committee
Rep. Michael Obuchowski (VT)
Rep. Pat O'Donnell (VT), Member, Health Access Oversight Committee; Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. Scott Orr (VT), Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. Carolyn Partridge (VT)
Rep. Kathy Pellett (VT)
Rep. Peter Peltz (VT)
Rep. Paul Poirier (VT), Member, Health Care Committee
Rep. Dave Potter (VT)
Rep. Ann Pugh (VT)
Sen. Doug Racine (VT), Chair, Health and Welfare Committee; Co-Chair, Joint Committee on Mental Health Oversight; Member, Health Access Oversight
Rep. Kesha Ram (VT)
Sen. Philip Scott (VT)
Sen. Richard Sears (VT)
Rep. Ernest Shand (VT)
Rep. Dave Sharpe (VT)
Sen. Peter Shumlin (VT)
Rep. Megan Smith (VT)
Rep. Shap Smith (VT)
Rep. Robert South (VT)
Rep. Kristy Spengler (VT)
Rep. Tom Stevens (VT)
Rep. Donna Sweaney (VT)
Rep. Tess Taylor (VT)
Rep. George Till (VT)
Rep. Kitty Toll (VT)
Rep. Larry Townsend (VT)
Rep. Ira Trombley (VT), Member, Health Care Committee
Rep. Donald Turner (VT)
Rep. Linda Waite-Simpson (VT)
Rep. Kate Webb (VT)
Rep. Rachel Weston (VT)
Rep. Scott Wheeler (VT), Member, Health Care Committee
Sen. Jeanette White (VT), Co-Chair, Health Access Oversight; Member, Mental Health Oversight
Rep. Jeff Wilson (VT)
Rep. Suzi Wizowaty (VT), Member, Health Care Committee
Rep. John Zenie (VT)
Rep. David Zuckerman (VT)
Del. Kristen Amundson (VA), Member, Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee
Del. David Englin (VA), Member, Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee
Del. Delores McQuinn (VA)
Del. Jim Scott (VA)
Del. Patricia Ticer (VA)
Del. Jeion Ward (VA)
WASHINGTON (Another Canadian border state and whose coveraged doesn't extend to the U.S., but is much influenced by Canadians either visiting or working there)
Rep. Maralyn Chase (WA), Vice Chair, Environmental Health Committee
Rep. Frank Chopp (WA), Speaker of the House
Rep. Judy Clibborn (WA), Member, Health Care and Wellness Committee
Rep. Eileen Cody (WA), Chair, Health Care and Wellness Committee
Rep. Steve Conway (WA)
Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson (WA), Chair, Human Services Committee; Member, Environmental Health Committee
Rep. Hans Dunshee (WA)
Sen. Rosa Franklin (WA), Vice Chair, Health and Long-Term Care Committee; Member, Health Disparities Committee; President Pro Tempore
Sen. Karen Fraser (WA)
Rep. Roger Goodman (WA)
Rep. Bob Hasegawa (WA)
Rep. Sam Hunt (WA), Majority Floor Leader
Sen. Ken Jacobsen (WA)
Sen. Fred Jarrett (WA)
Rep. Ruth Kagi (WA)
Sen. Karen Keiser (WA), Chair, Health and Long-Term Care Committee
Sen. Adam Kline (WA)
Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles (WA)
Rep. Marko Liias (WA)
Sen. Chris Marr (WA), Member Health & Long-Term Care Committee; Member, Comprehensive School Health Reform
Rep. Marcie Maxwell (WA)
Sen. Rosemary McAuliffe (WA)
Sen. Joe McDermott (WA)
Rep. Mark Miloscia (WA), Member, Health & Human Services Appropriations
Rep. Dawn Morrell (WA), Member, Health Care and Wellness Committee
Sen. Ed Murray (WA), Majority Caucus Chair
Sen. Eric Oemig (WA)
Rep. Timm Ormsby (WA)
Rep. Jamie Pedersen (WA), Member, Health Care and Wellness Committee
Sen. Craig Pridemore (WA)
Sen. Debbie Regala (WA)
Rep. Christine Rolfes (WA), Member, Environmental Health Committee
Rep. Mary Helen Roberts (WA)
Rep. Larry Seaquist (WA) Vice Chair, Health and Human Services Appropriations Committee
Rep. Mike Sells (WA)
Sen. Paull Shin (WA), Vice President Pro Tempore
Rep. Larry Springer (WA)
Rep. Dean Takko (WA)
Rep. Kevin Van de Wege (WA)
Rep. Deb Wallace (WA)
Rep. Scott White (WA), Assistant Majority Whip
Rep. Brendan Williams (WA), Majority External Relations Leader
Del. Bonnie Brown (WV)
Del. Michael Ferro (WV)
Del. Barbara Fleischauer (WV), Member, Health and Human Resources Committee
Sen. Dan Foster (WV), Member, Heath & Human Resources Committee
Del. Nancy Guthrie (WV)
Sen. Jeffrey Kessler (WV)
Sen. William Laird (WV)
Del. Michael Manypenny (WV)
Del. Charlene Marshall (WV)
Del. Clif Moore (WV), Assistant Majority Whip
Del. Don Perdue (WV), Chair, Health and Human Resources Committee
Sen. Roman Prezioso (WV)
Sen. Randy White (WV)
Sen. Jack Yost (WV), Member, Health and Human Resources Committee
WISCONSIN (Another Canadian border state)
Rep. Chuck Benedict (WI), Chair, Committee on Public Health
Rep. Terese Berceau (WI)
Rep. Penny Bernard Schaber (WI), Member, Health and Healthcare Reform
Rep. Spencer Black (WI)
Sen. Tim Carpenter (WI), Chair, Public Health, Senior Issues, Long-Term Care and Job Creation Committee
Sen. Spencer Coggs (WI), Member, Public Health, Senior Issues, Long-Term Care and Job Creation Committee
Sen. Jon Erpenbach (WI), Chair, Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and Revenue Committee
Sen. Dave Hansen (WI), Assistant Majority Leader
Rep. Gary Hebl (WI)
Rep. Steve Hilgenberg (WI)
Rep. Andy Jorgensen (WI)
Rep. Frederick Kessler (WI)
Sen. Patrick Kreitlow (WI)
Sen. John Lehman (WI), Majority Caucus Chairperson
Rep. Cory Mason (WI)
Sen. Mark Miller (WI)
Sen. Nick Milroy (WI)
Rep. Sandy Pasch (WI), Vice Chair, Public Health Committee; Member, Health and Healthcare Reform Committee
Rep. Sondy Pope-Roberts (WI)
Rep. Jon Richards (WI), Chair, Health and Healthcare Reform Committee
Sen. Fred Risser (WI)
Sen. Judith Robson (WI), Member, Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and Revenue Committee
Rep. Kelda Roys (WI), Vice Chair, Health and Healthcare Reform Committee
Rep. Donna Seidel (WI), Member, Health and Healthcare Reform Committee; Assistant Majority Leader
Rep. Christine Sinicki (WI)
Rep. Jim Soletski (WI)
Sen. Jim Sullivan (WI)
Rep. Robert Turner (WI)
Rep. Terry Van Akkeren (WI)
Sen. Kathleen Vinehout (WI), Member, Public Health, Senior Issues, Long-Term Care, and Job Creation Committee
Sen. Robert Wirch (WI)
Rep. Josh Zepnick (WI)
Rep. Ted Zigmunt (WI)
Rep. Peter Jorgensen (WY)
So it appears many legislators at the state level also sponsored by either the health care industries in special interest campaign contributions, southwestern or western border states with either high illegal immigrant numbers facing state residents now job and property losses due to the Mexican and/or Canadian borders and influence, or the original 13 colonies that are also close to the Canadian border are behind this, as this administration and the prior one attempt to spin mimmick our countries government with that of Great Britain more and more.
SOURCE: Progressive State Network
Rep. Robert Buch (AK)
Rep. Mike Doogan (AK)
Sen. Johnny Ellis (AK), Member, AKS Health & Social Services Committee
Sen. Hollis French (AK)
Rep. Berta Gardner (AK)
Rep. David Guttenberg (AK), Minority Whip
Rep. Elizabeth Kerttula (AK)
Rep. Chris Tuck (AK)
ARIZONA (High illegal immigrant state, and also with a high Canadian population as second homes or retirement purchases)
Rep. Ed Ableser (AZ)
Rep. Olivia Cajero Bedford (AZ)
Rep. Jack Brown (AZ), Minority Leader Pro Tem
Sen. Meg Burton Cahill (AZ)
Rep. Chad Campbell (AZ), Minority Whip
Rep. Cloves Campbell (AZ)
Rep. Tom Chabin (AZ)
Rep. Steve Farley (AZ)
Rep. Patricia Fleming (AZ)
Sen. Albert Hale (AZ), Member, Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Welfare
Rep. Matt Heinz (AZ)
Rep. Phil Lopes (AZ), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. David Lujan (AZ), Minority Leader
Rep. Barbara McGuire (AZ)
Rep. Ben Miranda (AZ)
Rep. Lynne Pancrazi (AZ)
Rep. Daniel Patterson (AZ)
Sen. Rebecca Rios (AZ), Assistant Minority Leader
Rep. Anna Tovar (AZ)
Rep. Nancy Young Wright (AZ)
Sen. Joyce Elliott (AR)
Rep. Steve Harrelson (AR)
Sen. David Johnson (AR)
Rep. Lindsley Smith (AR)
Rep. Kathy Webb (AR)
Asm. Bob Blumenfield (CA)
Asm. Jared Huffman (CA)
Sen. Mark Leno (CA), Member, Health Committee; Chair, Subcommittee on Health, Human Services, Labor and Veterans Affairs
Rep. Dennis Apuan (CO)
Sen. Morgan Carroll (CO), Member, Senate and Joint Houses Health & Human Services Committees
Rep. Lois Court (CO)
Rep. Mark Ferrandino (CO)
Rep. Randy Fischer (CO), Deputy Majority Whip
Sen. Joyce Foster (CO)
Rep. Sara Gagliardi (CO), Vice Chair, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. Dickey Lee Hullinghorst (CO)
Sen. Jim Isgar (CO), Majority Caucus Chair
Rep. John Kefalas (CO), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. Jeanne Labuda (CO)
Rep. Claire Levy (CO), Majority Whip
Rep. Beth McCann (CO)
Rep. Michael Merrifield (C0)
Rep. Joe Miklosi (CO)
Sen. Linda Newell (CO), Member, Health & Human Services Committee
Rep. Sal Pace (CO), Assistant Majority Caucus Chair
Rep. Su Ryden (CO)
Rep. Judy Solano (CO)
Rep. Edward Vigil (CO)
CONNECTICULT (Heavy Canadian influence and yet one of the original 13)
Rep. Theresa Conroy (CT), Member, Public Health Committee
Rep. Michelle Cook (CT)
Rep. Chris Donovan (CT), Speaker of the House
Rep. Elizabeth Esty (CT), Member, Public Health Committee
Rep. Mae Flexer (CT)
Rep. Steve Fontana (CT), Co-Chair, Insurance & Real Estate Committee
Rep. Henry Genga (CT)
Rep. Linda Gentile (CT), Vice-Chair, Public Health Committee
Rep. Bob Godfrey (CT), Deputy Speaker
Rep. Ted Graziani (CT)
Rep. Auden Grogins (CT), Member, Public Health Committee
Sen. Toni Harp (CT), Deputy President Pro Tempore
Rep. John Hennessy (CT)
Rep. Gary Holder-Winfield (CT), Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. Ed Jutila (CT)
Rep. Marie Kirkley-Bey (CT)
Rep. Barbara Lambert (CT)
Rep. Matthew Lesser (CT), Member, Public Health Committee
Sen. Andrew Maynard (CT)
Rep. David McCluskey (CT), Deputy Speaker of the House
Rep. Denise Merrill (CT), Majority Leader
Rep. Joseph Mioli (CT)
Rep. Tim O'Brien (CT), Member, Public Health Committee
Rep. Chris Perone (CT)
Sen. Edith Prague (CT), Assistant President Pro Tempore
Rep. Peggy Reeves (CT)
Rep. Elizabeth Ritter (CT), Co-Chair, Public Health Committee
Rep. Kevin Ryan (CT), Member, Public Health Committee
Rep. Ezequiel Santiago (CT)
Rep. Peggy Sayers (CT), Deputy Majority Leader
Sen. Gayle Slossberg (CT), Vice Chair, Joint Committee on Public Health
Sen. Andrea L. Stillman (CT), Deputy Majority Leader; Member, Public Health Committee
Rep. Peter Tercyak (CT), Member, Public Health Committee
Rep. Diana Urban (CT)
Rep. Peter Villano (CT)
Rep. Roberta Willis (CT)
Rep. Elissa Wright (CT)
Rep. Bruce "Zeke" Zalaski (CT)
Rep. Bradford Bennett (DE)
Rep. Ronald Brise (FL)
Rep. Keith Fitzgerald (FL), Member, Health and Family Services Policy Council
Rep. Mark Pafford (FL), Member, Full Apppropriations on General Governmentt & Health Care
Rep. Elaine Schwartz (FL), Ranking Minority Member, Healthy Seniors Appropriations; Member, Health and Family Services Policy Council Committee
Rep. Stacey Abrams (GA)
Rep. Kathy Ashe (GA)
Rep. Stephanie Benfield (GA)
Sen. Robert Brown (GA), Minority Leader
Sen. Gloria Butler (GA), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. Gloria Frazier (GA)
Sen. Emanuel Jones (GA)
Rep. Sheila Jones (GA), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. Ralph Long (GA)
Rep. Alisha Morgan (GA), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Sen. Nan Orrock (GA), Member Ex-Officio, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. Rashad Taylor (GA)
Rep. Brian Thomas (GA)
Sen. Frank Aguon, Jr. (GU)
Sen. Matt Rector (GU)
Sen. Rosalyn Baker (HI)
Rep. Bob Herkes (HI)
Rep. Michael Magaoay (HI)
Rep. Roy Takumi (HI)
Rep. Donna Boe (ID)
Rep. Wendy Jaquet (ID), Minority Leader
Rep. Phylis King (ID)
Sen. Nicole LeFavour (ID), Member, Health and Welfare Committee
Rep. Anne Pasley-Stuart (ID)
Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie (IL)
Sen. William Delgado (IL), Chair, Public Health Committee
Rep. Susana Mendoza (IL)
Sen. Sue Errington (IN), Ranking Minority Member, Health and Provider Services Committee; Member, Subcommittee on Public Health
Rep. Matt Pierce (IN)
Rep. Mara Candelaria Reardon (IN)
Sen. Vi Simpson (IN), Member, Health & Provider Services
IOWA (Unbelieveable how many in the Bible belt, no less)
Rep. McKinley Bailey (IA)
Rep. John Beard (IA)
Sen. Joe Bolkcom (IA), Member, Human Services Committee; Assistant Majority Leader
Sen. Thomas Courtney (IA), Majority Whip
Sen. Jeff Danielson (IA), President Pro Tempore
Sen. Robert Dvorsky (IA)
Rep. Gene Ficken (IA)
Sen. Eugene Fraise (IA)
Rep. Marcella Frevert (IA)
Rep. Mary Gaskill (IA)
Rep. Elesha Gayman (IA), Assistant Majority Leader
Sen. Michael Gronstal (IA), Majority Leader
Sen. Tom Hancock (IA)
Sen. Jack Hatch (IA), Co-Chair, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee; Assistant Majority Leader
Sen. William Heckroth (IA), Assistant Majority Leader
Rep. Lisa Heddens (IA), Co-Chair, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee; Member, Human Services Committee
Sen. Robert Hogg (IA)
Rep. Bruce Hunter (IA), Member, Human Services Committee
Sen. Pam Jochum (IA)
Rep. Jerry Kearns (IA)
Sen. Jack Kibbie (IA), Senate President
Sen. Keith Kreiman (IA)
Rep. Bob Kressig (IA)
Rep. Vicki Lensing (IA)
Rep. Jim Lykam (IA)
Rep. Larry Marek (IA)
Sen. Matt McCoy (IA)
Rep. Pat Murphy (IA), Speaker of the House
Rep. Rick Olson (IA)
Rep. Tyler Olson (IA), Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. Eric Palmer (IA)
Sen. Herman Quirmbach (IA), Member, Human Services Committee
Sen. Amanda Ragan (IA), Chair, Human Resources Committee; Vice-Chair, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee
Rep. Nathan Reichert (IA)
Sen. Becky Schmitz (IA), Vice-Chair, Human Resources Committee; Member, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee
Sen. Brian Schoenjahn (IA)
Rep. Thomas Schueller (IA)
Sen. Joe Seng (IA)
Rep. Mark Smith (IA), Chair, Human Resources Committee; Member, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee Sen. Steve Sodders (IA)
Rep. Sharon Steckman (IA), Member, Human Services Committee
Sen. Roger Stewart (IA)
Rep. Kurt Swaim (IA)
Rep. Dick Taylor (IA)
Rep. Todd Taylor (IA)
Rep. Phyllis Thede (IA)
Rep. Roger Thomas (IA)
Rep. Roger Wendt (IA), Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. John Whitaker (IA)
Rep. Wesley Whitead (IA)
Rep. Nate Willems (IA)
Rep. Cindy Winckler (IA)
Rep. Ray Zirkelbach (IA)
Rep. Delia Garcia (KS)
Rep. Annie Kuether (KS)
Rep. Connie O'Brien (KS)
Rep. Brent Yonts (KY)
Rep. Rickey Hardy (LA)
MAINE (Another of the original 13 and, of course, Bush country and borders Canada)
Rep. Herbert Adams (ME)
Sen. Justin Alfond (ME)
Sen. Philip Bartlett (ME), Senate Majority Leader
Rep. Henry Beck (ME)
Rep. Seth Berry (ME), Majority Whip
Sen. Lawrence Bliss (ME)
Rep. Anna Blodgett (ME)
Rep. Andrea Boland (ME)
Sen. Peter Bowman (ME)
Rep. Sheryl Briggs (ME)
Rep. Mark Bryant (ME)
Rep. Steven Butterfield (ME)
Rep. Emily Cain (ME)
Rep. James Campbell (ME), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. Michael Carey (ME)
Rep. Alan Casavant (ME)
Sen. Margaret Craven (ME)
Rep. Patsy Crockett (ME)
Rep. Timothy Driscoll (ME)
Rep. Robert Eaton (ME)
Rep. Mark Eves (ME)
Rep. Sean Flaherty (ME)
Rep. Elsie Flemings (ME)
Rep. Adam Goode (ME), Member, Joint Standing Committee on Insurance and Financial Services
Rep. Anne Haskell (ME)
Rep. Teresea Hayes (ME)
Rep. Jon Hinck (ME)
Rep. Robert Hunt (ME)
Rep. Melissa Innes (ME)
Rep. Peter Kent (ME)
Rep. Charles Kruger (ME)
Rep. W. Bruce MacDonald (ME)
Rep. James Martin (ME)
Rep. Jeffrey McCabe (ME)
Rep. Elizabeth "Lisa" Miller (ME)
Rep. Wayne Mitchell (ME)
Rep. Mary Nelson (ME)
Rep. Andrew O'Brien (ME)
Rep. Anne Perry (ME), Chair, Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services
Rep. Matthew Peterson (ME), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. Hannah Pingree (ME), Speaker of the House
Rep. Diane Russell (ME)
Rep. Linda Sanborn (ME)
Rep. Michael Shaw (ME)
Rep. Sara Stevens (ME)
Rep. Peter Stuckey (ME), Member,Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. Sharon Treat (ME), Chair, Joint Standing Committee on Insurance and Financial Services
Rep. Richard Wagner (ME)
Rep. Joan Welsh (ME)
Del. Saqib Ali (MD)
Del. Charles Barkley (MD)
Del. Pamela Beidle (MD)
Del. Elizabeth Bobo (MD)
Del. William Bronrott (MD), Deputy Majority Whip
Del. Alfred Carr (MD)
Del. Virginia Clagett (MD)
Sen. George Della (MD)
Del. Kathleen Dumais (MD)
Del. Brian Feldman (MD), Member, Access to Mental Health Services Committee
Sen. Jennie Forehand (MD), Deputy Majoirty Whip
Del. C. William Frick (MD)
Sen. Brian Frosh (MD)
Del. Barbara Frush (MD)
Del. Jim Gilchrist (MD)
Del. Ana Sol Gutierrez (MD), Member, Subcommittee on Health and Human Resources
Sen. David Harrington (MD), Member, Access to Mental Health Services Committee
Del. Sue Hecht (MD)
Del. Anne Healey (MD)
Del. Henry Heller (MD)
Del. Sheila Hixson(MD)
Del. Marvin Holmes (MD), Deputy Majority Whip
Del. Carolyn Howard (MD), Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore
Del. James Hubbard (MD), Member, Health and Government Operations Committee; Chair, Subcommittee on Public Health and Long Term Care
Del. Tom Hucker (MD)
Del. Jolene Ivey (MD)
Del. Anne Kaiser (MD)
Del. Stephen Lafferty (MD)
Del. Susan Lee (MD), Deputy Majority Whip
Sen. Mike Lenett (MD), Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery and Financing; Member, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee
Del. Gerron Levi (MD)
Sen. Richard Madaleno (MD), Vice Chair, Subcommittee on Health, Education, and Human Resources
Del. Roger Manno (MD)
Sen. Nathaniel McFadden (MD)
Del. Heather Mizeur (MD), Member, Health and Human Resources Appropriations Subcommittee
Del. Peter Murphy (MD)
Sen. C. Anthony Muse (MD)
Del. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam (MD), Member, Health and Government Operations Committee; Chair, Subcommittee on Minority Health Disparities
Del. John Olszewski (MD)
Sen. Paul Pinsky (MD)
Del. Victor Ramirez (MD)
Sen. Jamie Raskin (MD)
Del. Kirill Reznick (MD), Member, Health & Government Operations
Del. Craig Rice (MD)
Del. Barbara Robinson (MD)
Sen. James Robey (MD)
Sen. Jim Rosapepe (MD), Member, Subcommittee on Health; Assistant Deputy Majority Whip
Del. Dana Stein (MD)
Del. Shawn Tarrant (MD), Member, Health and Government Operations Committee
Del. Herman Taylor (MD)
Del. Frank Turner (MD)
Del. Veronica Turner (MD), Member, Health & Government Operations; Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery & Financing
Del. Kris Valderrama (MD)
Del. Jeff Waldstreicher (MD)
MASSACHUSETTS (And this state already has comprehensive catastrophic provision at the state level as it should be, if any, and thus more accountable for disclosure of costs, and in providing for state citizens primarily as also a more governmental purpose than building the next strip mall with taxpayer funds, and also high Canadian influence)
Rep. Willie Mae Allen (MA)
Rep. Steven D'Amico (MA), Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Financing
Rep. Cory Atkins (MA)
Rep. Ruth B. Balser (MA), Vice Chair, Public Health; Member, Mental Health & Substance Abuse
Rep. William Brownsberger (MA)
Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz (MA)
Sen. Kenneth Donnelly (MA)
Sen. James Eldridge (MA)
Rep. Mark Falzone (MA)
Sen. Patricia Jehlen (MA) Member, Joint Committe on Health Care Financing
Rep. Jay Kaufman (MA)
Sen. Thomas Kennedy (MA)
Rep. Peter Kocot (MA)
Rep. Jason Lewis (MA), Member, Joint Committee on Public Health; Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Financing
Rep. David Linsky (MA)
Rep. Matthew Patrick (MA), Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Financing
Rep. Denise Provost (MA)
Sen. Stanley Rosenberg (MA)
Rep. John Scibak (MA)
Rep. Carl Sciortino (MA), Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Financing
Rep. Frank Smizik (MA)
Rep. Marie St. Fleur (MA)
Rep. Ellen Story (MA)
Rep. Benjamin Swan (MA)
Rep. Timothey Toomey (MA), Member, Public Health Committee
Rep. Alice Wolf (MA), Chair, Joint Committee on Elder Affairs
Rep. Fred Durhal (MI)
Sen. Gilda Jacobs (MI), Vice Chair, Families and Humans Services Committee; Member, Health Policy Committee
Rep. Deb Kennedy (MI)
Rep. Mark Meadows (MI)
Rep. Fred Miller (MI)
Rep. Mike Simpson (MI)
Sen. Samuel "Buzz" Thomas (MI), Minority Floor Leader
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (MI)
Rep. Mary Valentine (MI), Member, Health Policy
Rep. Rebekah Warren (MI)
MINNESOTA (Home of Mayo Clinic, of course, and high Canadian tourism)
Sen. Ellen Anderson (MN)
Sen. Linda Berglin (MN), Chair, Health and Human Services Budget Division
Rep. Kathy Brynaert (MN)
Rep. Lyndon Carlson (MN)
Rep. Jim Davnie (MN)
Sen. Scott Dibble (MN)
Rep. Al Doty (MN)
Rep. Patti Fritz (MN), Member, Health Care and Human Services Finance Division Committee; Member, Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight Committee
Rep. Paul Garnder (MN), Member, Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight Committee
Rep. Alice Hausman (MN)
Rep. Jeff Hayden (MN)
Rep. Frank Hornstein (MN)
Rep. Melissa Hortman (MN)
Rep. Larry Hosch (MN)
Rep. Sheldon Johnson (MN)
Rep. Phyllis Kahn (MN)
Rep. Kate Knuth (MN)
Sen. Gary Kubly (MN)
Rep. Carolyn Laine (MN), Member, Health Care & Human Services Policy & Oversight Committee
Sen. Ron Latz (MN)
Rep. Tina Liebling (MN), Vice Chair, Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight Committee
Rep. Bernie Lieder (MN)
Rep. Diane Loeffler (MN), Member, Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight Committee; Assistant Majority Leader
Sen. Tony Lourey (MN)
Rep. Carlos Mariani (MN)
Rep. Terry Morrow (MN)
Sen. Mee Moua (MN)
Rep. Joe Mullery (MN)
Rep. Erin Murphy (MN), Member, Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight Committee
Rep. Jerry Newton (MN)
Rep. Michael Paymar (MN)
Sen. Lawrence Pogemiller (MN)
Sen. Yvonne Prettner Solon (MN), Member, Health and Human Services Budget Division Committee; Member, Health, Housing and Family Security Committee
Rep. Roger Reinert (MN)
Rep. Brita Sailer (MN)
Rep. Bev Scalze (MN), Member, Health Care and Human Services Finance Division Committee
Rep. Linda Slocum (MN)
Rep. Loren Solberg (MN)
Rep. Paul Thissen (MN), Chair, Health Care & Human Services Policy & Oversight
Rep. Jean Wagenius (MN)
Rep. John Ward (MN)
Sen. Chuck Wiger (MN)
Rep. Mary Coleman (MS)
Rep. Don Calloway (MO)
Rep. Chris Carter (MO), Member, Healthcare Transformation Committee
Sen. Rita Days (MO), Assistant Minority Floor Leader
Rep. Michael Frame (MO)
Rep. Tishaura Jones (MO), Member, Appropriations - Health, Mental Health and Social Services Committee; Member, Health Insurance Committee
Sen. Jolie Justus (MO), Member, Health, Mental Health, Seniors and Families Committee
Rep. Jeanne Kirkton (MO), Member, Health Care Transformation; Member, Appropiations - Health
Rep. Sam Komo (MO)
Rep. Margo McNeil (MO), Member, Health Care Policy Committee
Rep. Charlie Norr (MO)
Rep. Jeanette Oxford (MO)
Rep. Paul Quinn (MO)
Rep. Jill Schupp (MO)
Sen. Jeff Smith (MO), Member, Health, Mental Health, Seniors & Families Committee
Rep. Mary Still (MO)
Rep. Rachel Storch (MO), Democratic Caucus Deputy Whip
MONTANA (Biggest suprise of all, that the Big Sky State and those rebels would be in on this, but then again does also border Canada)
Rep. Dick Barrett (MT)
Rep. Forrestina "Frosty" Calf Boss Ribs (MT)
Sen. Gary Branae (MT)
Rep. Mary Caferro (MT), Vice Chair, Human Services Committee
Rep. Jill Cohenour (MT)
Rep. Robyn Driscoll (MT)
Sen. Ron Erickson (MT)
Rep. Julie French (MT), Member, Human Services Committee; Majority Whip
Rep. Betsy Hands (MT)
Rep. Teresa Henry (MT)
Rep. Sue Malek (MT)
Rep. Margaret MacDonald (MT)
Rep. Carolyn Pease-Lopez (MT), Member, Subcommittee on Health and Human Services
Rep. Michele Reinhart (MT)
Sen. Carolyn Squires (MT)
Sen. Carol Williams (MT), Senate Minority Leader
Rep. Franke Wilmer (MT)
Sen. Jonathan Windy Boy (MT)
Sen. Tanya Cook (NE)
Sen. Ken Haar (NE)
Sen. Danielle Nantkes (NE)
Sen. Jeremy Nordquist (NE)
Sen. Maggie Carlton (NV)
Asm. Ellen Koivisto (NV)
Sen. David Parks (NV)
Asm. Peggy Pierce (NV), Vice Chair, Health and Human Services Committee
NEW HAMPSHIRE (Another with a high number of Tories of the original 13, and as with most New England states, high numbers of Canadian visitors and work force)
Rep. Susan Almy (NH)
Rep. Catriona Beck (NH)
Rep. William Brennan (NH)
Rep. Robert Bridgham (NH), Member, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee
Rep. Suzanne Butcher (NH), Member, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee
Rep. Edward Butler (NH)
Rep. Timothy Butterworth (NH)
Rep. Daniel Carr (NH)
Sen. Jacalyn Cilley (NH)
Rep. John Cloutier (NH)
Rep. Robert Cushing (NH)
Rep. John DeJoie (NH)
Rep. Rich DiPentima (NH), Member, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee
Rep. Susan Ford (NH)
Sen. Martha Fuller Clark (NH), Senate President Pro Tem
Rep. Jill Shaffer Hammond (NH)
Rep. Valerie Hardy (NH)
Rep. Timothy Horrigan (NH)
Rep. Charlotte Houde-Quimby (NH)
Rep. Pamela Hubbard (NH)
Rep. Naida Kaen (NH)
Sen. Sylvia Larsen (NH), President of the Senate
Rep. Steven Lindsey (NH)
Rep. Patrick Long (NH)
Rep. Jim McClammer (NH)
Rep. Evalyn Merrick (NH), Member, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee
Rep. Kate Miller (NH)
Rep. Marcia Moody (NH)
Rep. Lori Movsesian (NH)
Rep. Susi Nord (NH)
Rep. Jessie Osborne (NH)
Rep. Phillip Preston (NH)
Rep. Robin Read (NH)
Rep. Michael Rollo (NH)
Rep. Cindy Rosenwald (NH), Chair, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee
Rep. Trinka Russell (NH)
Rep. Tara Sad (NH)
Rep. Donna Schlachman (NH)
Rep. Dianne Schuett (NH)
Rep. Gilman Shattuck (NH)
Rep. Stephen Shurtleff (NH)
Rep. Suzanne Smith (NH)
Rep. James Splaine (NH)
Rep. Robert Thompson (NH)
Rep. Joy Tilton (NH), Member, Health, Human Services & Elderly Affairs Committee
Rep. Frank Tupper (NH)
Rep. Charles Townsend (NH)
Rep. Charles Yeaton (NH)
Asm. Herb Conaway (NJ), Chair, Health and Senior Services Committee
Sen. Shirley Turner (NJ), President Pro Tempore
NEW MEXICO (High numbers of illegals)
Sen. Carlos Cisneros (NM)
Rep. Nathan Cote (NM), Legislative Health & Human Services Committee
Sen. Dede Feldman (NM), Chair, Legislative Health and Human Service Committee
Sen. Stephen Fischmann (NM)
Rep. Miguel Garcia (NM)
Sen. Eric Griego (NM)
Sen. Linda M. Lopez (NM)
Rep. Patricia Lundstrum (NM)
Rep. James Roger Madalena (NM)
Sen. Cisco McSorley (NM)
Rep. William O'Neill (NM)
Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino (NM), Advisor, Legislative Health and Human Service Committee
Rep. Danice Picraux (NM), Legislative Health & Human Services Committee
Rep. Debbie Rodella (NM)
Rep. Nick Salazar (NM)
Rep. Edward C. Sandoval(NM)
Rep. Mimi Stewart (NM), Chair, Health and Government Affairs Committee
Sen. David Ulibarri (NM)
Asm. James Brennan (NY)
Asm. Adriano Espaillat (NY), Member, Committee on Insurance
Sen. Liz Krueger (NY)
Asm. Joseph Lentol (NY)
Asm. Joan Millman (NY)
Sen. Suzi Oppenheimer (NY)
Sen. Eric Schneiderman (NY)
Rep. Alma Adams (NC)
Rep. Alice Bordsen (NC)
Rep. Angela Bryant(NC)
Rep. Tricia Cotham (NC), Member, Health Committee
Sen. Katie Dorsett (NC), Vice Chair, Health Committee
Rep. Beverly Earle (NC), Chair, Mental Health Reform Committee; Vice Chair, Health Committee
Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield (NC)
Rep. Susan Fisher (NC)
Rep. Melanie Goodwin (NC)
Rep. Rick Glazier (NC), Member, Health Committee; Member, Mental Health Reform Committee
Rep. Larry Hall (NC)
Rep. Pricey Harrison (NC)
Rep. Sandra Spaulding Hughes (NC), Member, Health Care Committee
Rep. Verla Insko (NC), Chair, Health Committee
Sen. Ellie Kinnaird (NC), Co-Chair, Mental Health & Youth Services Committee; Member, Health Care Committee
Rep. Paul Luebke (NC)
Sen. Floyd McKissick (NC)
Rep. Annie Mobley (NC)
Rep. Earline Parmon (NC) Member, Health Care Committee; Member, Mental Health Reform Committee
Rep. Deborah K. Ross (NC), Minority Whip
Sen. Josh Stein (NC), Member, Health Care Committee Rep. Cullie Tarleton (NC)
Sen. Tom Fiebiger (ND)
Rep. Richard Holman (ND), Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. Lee Kaldor (ND)
Rep. Jerome Kelsh (ND)
Sen. Aaron Krauter (ND)
Sen. Tim Mathern (ND)
Sen. Carolyn Nelson (ND)
Sen. Ryan Taylor (ND)
Rep. Lonny Winrich (ND)
Rep. Edna Brown (OH), Chair, Subcommittee on Human Services
Rep. Ted Celeste (OH)
Rep. Michael Foley (OH)
Rep. Robert Hagan (OH), Member, Health Committee
Sen. Dale Miller (OH)
Rep. Ryan Kiesel (OK), Member, Public Health Committee
Rep. Al McAffrey (OK)
Rep. Jeannie McDaniel (OK)
Sen. Jim Wilson (OK), Member, Health & Human Resources Committee
OREGON (Euthanasia is already legal here)
Rep. Phil Barnhart (OR)
Rep. Elizabeth Terry Beyer (OR)
Rep. Peter Buckley (OR)
Rep. Ben Cannon (OR)
Rep. Michael Dembrow (OR), Member, Health Care Committee; Member, Human Services Committee
Sen. Jackie Dingfelder (OR)
Rep. Mitch Greenlick (OR), Chair, Health Care Committee
Rep. Chris Harker (OR), Vice Chair, Health Care Committee
Sen. Mark Hass (OR)
Rep. Betty Komp (OR)
Rep. Nancy Nathanson (OR)
Rep. Tobias Read (OR)
Sen. Diane Rosenbaum (OR), Assistant Majority Leader
Rep. Chip Shields (OR)
Rep. Jefferson Smith (OR)
Rep. Carolyn Tomei (OR), Chair, Human Services Committee
Rep. Brad Witt (OR)
PENNSYLVANIA (Another of the 13 and Ben is spinning right about now)
Rep. Mark Cohen (PA)
Rep. Eugene Depasquale (PA)
Rep. Todd Eachus (PA), House Majority Floor Leader
Rep. Richard Grucela (PA)
Rep. Patrick Harkins (PA)
Sen. Vincent Hughes (PA)
Rep. Babette Josephs (PA)
Rep. Keith McCall (PA), Speaker of the House
Rep. Barbara McIlvaine Smith (PA), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Sen. Robert Mellow (PA)
Rep. Phyllis Mundy (PA)
Sen. Michael O'Brien (PA)
Sen. Michael O'Pake (PA)
Rep. Tony Payton (PA), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. Joseph Preston (PA)
Rep. Josh Shapiro (PA)
Rep. Chelsa Wagner (PA)
Rep. Rosita Youngblood (PA)
Sen. Luz Arce (PR)
RHODE ISLAND (Another of the 13 but haven't yet researched the high number yet)
Rep. Edith Ajello (RI)
Rep. Joseph Almeida (RI)
Sen. Elizabeth Crowley (RI)
Rep. Roberto DaSilva (RI)
Rep. Elizabeth Dennigan (RI)
Sen. Frank Devall (RI)
Rep. Grace Diaz (RI), Secretary, Health, Education and Welfare Committee
Sen. Louis DiPalma (RI)
Rep. Frank Ferri (RI), Member, Health, Education and Welfare Committee
Rep. Christopher Fierro (RI)
Sen. Hanna Gallo (RI)
Rep. Alfred Gemma (RI), Member, Health Care Oversight; Member, Joint Committee on Healthcare Oversight
Rep. Joanne Giannini (RI)
Sen. Maryellen Goodwin (RI)
Rep. Scott Guthrie (RI)
Rep. Arthur Handy (RI), Member, Health, Education and Welfare Committee
Rep. Joy Hearn (RI), Member, Health, Education and Welfare Committee
Sen. Paul Jabour (RI)
Sen. Charles Levesque (RI), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Sen. Erin Lynch (RI)
Sen. John McBurney (RI)
Sen. Michael McCaffrey (RI)
Rep. Joseph McNamara (RI), Chair, Health, Education and Welfare Committee; Member, Joint Committee on Healthcare Oversight
Sen. Joshua Miller (RI), Member, Health and Human Services Committee
Rep. J. Patrick O'Neill (RI)
Rep. Edwin Pacheco (RI)
Sen. M. Teresa Paiva Weed (RI), Senate President; Member, Joint Committee on Healthcare Oversight
Sen. Rhoda Perry (RI), Chair, Health and Human Services Committee; Member, Joint Committee on Healthcare Oversight
Sen. Juan Pichardo (RI), Secretary, Health and Human Services Committee; Member, Joint Committee on Healthcare Oversight
Rep. Amy Rice (RI)
Rep. Michael Rice (RI)
Rep. Deborah Ruggiero (RI), Member, Health, Education and Welfare Committee
Rep. David Segal (RI)
Rep. Patricia Serpa (RI)
Rep. Mary Ann Shallcross-Smith (RI)
Rep. Raymond Sullivan (RI)
Sen. John Tassoni (RI), Member, Health Care Oversight Committee
Rep. Donna Walsh (RI)
Rep. Anastasia Williams (RI)
SOUTH CAROLINA (Home of Joe Wilson - Although woefully misled since the Feds have been providing health care reimbursement to emergency rooms for illegals under federal statute for at least 20 years, as this former border resident can attest, although used for the flu more than true medical emergencies, or other medical checkups, when their employers should have to provide this if outsourcing, in my opinion)
Rep. Anton Gunn (SC), Member, Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs Committee
Rep. Jay Lucas (SC)
Rep. Anne Parks (SC)
Rep. Elaine Elliott (SD)
Rep. Bernie Hunhoff (SD), Minority Leader
Sen. Sandy Jerstad (SD)
Rep. Larry Lucas (SD)
Rep. Eldon Nygaard (SD), Member, Health & Human Services Committee; Minority Whip
Rep. Darrell Solberg (SD)
Rep. Martha Vanderlinde (SD)
Rep. Joe Armstrong (TN), Chair, Health and Human Services Committee; Chair, Joint Health Equity Committee
Rep. Tommie Brown (TN)
Rep. Kent Coleman (TN)
Sen. Beverly Marrero (TN), Secretary, General Welfare, Health and Human Resources Committee
Rep. Jeanne Richardson (TN), Member, Health and Human Resources Committee; Vice Chair, Subcommittee on Public Health and Family Assistance
Rep. Johnny Shaw (TN)
TEXAS (Another high illegal immigrant state, which also surprises me due to the public's sentiments, by and large, on this issue of health care for illegals provided by the Texans, rather than those outsourcers, although again is New England influenced by the Bush interests)
Rep. Alma Allen (TX)
Rep. Roberto Alonzo (TX)
Rep. Rafael Anchia (TX)
Rep. Valinda Bolton (TX)
Rep. Ellen Cohen (TX), Member, Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services
Rep. Garnet Coleman (TX), Member, Public Health Committee
Rep. Dawnna Dukes (TX), Vice Chair, Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services
Rep. Jim Dunnam (TX)
Rep. Pete Gallego (TX)
Rep. Ana Hernandez (TX), Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. Abel Herrero (TX), Vice Chair, Human Services Committee
Rep. Terri Hodge (TX)
Rep. Carol Kent (TX)
Rep. Tracy King (TX)
Rep. Eddie Lucio III (TX)
Rep. Diana Maldonado (TX)
Rep. Marisa Marquez (TX)
Rep. Elliott Naishtat (TX), Vice Chair, Public Health Committee; Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. Dora Olivo (TX)
Rep. Solomon Ortiz Jr. (TX)
Rep. Eddie Rodriguez (TX)
Sen. Leticia Van de Putte (TX)
Rep. Marc Veasey (TX)
Rep. Armando Walle (TX)
Rep. Jackie Biskupski (UT)
Rep. Rebecca Chavez-Houck (UT), Member, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee
Rep. Christine Johnson (UT)
Rep. David Litvack (UT), Member, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee
VERMONT (Another of the original 13, and high employer of health care industries)
Rep. Janet Ancel (VT)
Rep. Margaret Andrews (VT), Member, Human Services Committee
Sen. Timothy Ashe (VT)
Rep. William Aswad (VT)
Rep. Kenneth Atkins (VT)
Rep. Sonny Audette (VT)
Sen. Claire Ayer (VT), Member, Health Access Oversight Committee
Sen. Susan Bartlett (VT)
Rep. Clem Bissonnette (VT)
Rep. Charles Bohi (VT)
Rep. Bill Botzow (VT)
Rep. Carolyn Branagan (VT)
Rep. Christopher Bray (VT)
Rep. Cynthia Browning (VT)
Rep. Mollie Burke (VT)
Sen. John Campbell (VT)
Rep. Margaret Cheney (VT)
Sen. Matthew Choate (VT), Clerk, Health and Welfare Committee
Rep. Alison Clarkson (VT)
Rep. Jim Condon (VT)
Rep. Chip Conquest (VT)
Rep. Michel Consejo (VT)
Rep. Sarah Copeland-Hanzas (VT), Member, Health Care Committee
Rep. Timothy Corcoran (VT)
Rep. Gale Courcelle (VT), Member, Human Services Committee
Sen. Ann Cummings (VT)
Rep. Susan Davis (VT)
Rep. David Deen (VT)
Rep. Dennis Devereux (VT)
Rep. Johannah Donovan (VT)
Sen. William Doyle (VT)
Rep. Sarah Edwards (VT)
Rep. Alice Emmons (VT)
Rep. Debbie Evans (VT)
Rep. Peter Fagan (VT)
Rep. Michael Fisher (VT), Co-Chair, Mental Health Oversight Committee; Vice-Chair, Human Services
Sen. Ed Flanagan (VT), Vice Chair, Health and Welfare Committee
Rep. William Frank (VT), Member, Health Access Oversight Committee; Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. Eldred French (VT)
Rep. Patsy French (VT), Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. Frank Geier (VT)
Sen. Harold Giard (VT)
Rep. Gary Gilbert (VT)
Rep. Maxine Grad (VT)
Rep. Adam Greshin (VT)
Rep. Sandy Haas (VT), Member, Human Services Committee
Sen. Robert Hartwell (VT)
Rep. Helen Head (VT)
Rep. Martha Heath (VT)
Rep. Mary Hooper (VT)
Rep. Steven Howard (VT)
Rep. Richard Howrigan (VT)
Rep. Tim Jerman (VT)
Rep. Willem Jewett (VT)
Rep. Mitzi Johnson (VT), Member, Mental Health Oversight Committee
Rep. Kathleen Keenan (VT)
Sen. M. Jane Kitchel (VT), Member, Health Access Oversight Committee
Sen. Sara Branon Kittell (VT), Member, Health and Welfare Committee
Rep. Warren Kitzmiller (VT)
Rep. Tony Klein (VT)
Rep. Diane Lanpher (VT)
Rep. Mark Larson (VT)
Rep. Joan Lenes (VT)
Rep. Lucy Leriche (VT), Member, Health Access Oversight; Assistant Majority Leader
Rep. Robert Lewis (VT)
Rep. William Lippert (VT)
Rep. Jason Lorber (VT)
Sen. Virginia Lyons (VT), Member, Health and Welfare Committee
Rep. Terry Macaig (VT)
Sen. Mark MacDonald (VT)
Rep. Steven Maier (VT), Chair, Health Care Committee
Rep. John Malcolm (VT)
Rep. Ann Manwaring (VT)
Rep. Michael Marcotte (VT)
Rep. Richard Marek (VT)
Rep. Cynthia Martin (VT)
Rep. Linda Martin (VT)
Sen. Hull Maynard (VT)
Sen. Richard Mazza (VT)
Sen. Richard McCormack (VT)
Rep. Jim McCullough (VT)
Rep. Francis McFaun (VT)
Rep. Virginia Milkey (VT), Vice Chair, Health Care Committee
Rep. Alice Miller (VT)
Sen. Hinda Miller (VT)
Rep. Sue Minter (VT)
Rep. Mark Mitchell (VT)
Rep. Anne Mook (VT)
Rep. John Moran (VT)
Rep. Mike Mrowicki (VT), Member, Human Services Committee
Sen. Kevin Mullin (VT), Clerk, Health and Welfare Committee; Member, Health Access Oversight Committee
Rep. Floyd Nease (VT)
Rep. Betty Nuovo (VT)
Rep. Anne O'Brien (VT), Co-Chair, Health Access Oversight; Chair, Human Services Committee
Rep. Michael Obuchowski (VT)
Rep. Pat O'Donnell (VT), Member, Health Access Oversight Committee; Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. Scott Orr (VT), Member, Human Services Committee
Rep. Carolyn Partridge (VT)
Rep. Kathy Pellett (VT)
Rep. Peter Peltz (VT)
Rep. Paul Poirier (VT), Member, Health Care Committee
Rep. Dave Potter (VT)
Rep. Ann Pugh (VT)
Sen. Doug Racine (VT), Chair, Health and Welfare Committee; Co-Chair, Joint Committee on Mental Health Oversight; Member, Health Access Oversight
Rep. Kesha Ram (VT)
Sen. Philip Scott (VT)
Sen. Richard Sears (VT)
Rep. Ernest Shand (VT)
Rep. Dave Sharpe (VT)
Sen. Peter Shumlin (VT)
Rep. Megan Smith (VT)
Rep. Shap Smith (VT)
Rep. Robert South (VT)
Rep. Kristy Spengler (VT)
Rep. Tom Stevens (VT)
Rep. Donna Sweaney (VT)
Rep. Tess Taylor (VT)
Rep. George Till (VT)
Rep. Kitty Toll (VT)
Rep. Larry Townsend (VT)
Rep. Ira Trombley (VT), Member, Health Care Committee
Rep. Donald Turner (VT)
Rep. Linda Waite-Simpson (VT)
Rep. Kate Webb (VT)
Rep. Rachel Weston (VT)
Rep. Scott Wheeler (VT), Member, Health Care Committee
Sen. Jeanette White (VT), Co-Chair, Health Access Oversight; Member, Mental Health Oversight
Rep. Jeff Wilson (VT)
Rep. Suzi Wizowaty (VT), Member, Health Care Committee
Rep. John Zenie (VT)
Rep. David Zuckerman (VT)
Del. Kristen Amundson (VA), Member, Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee
Del. David Englin (VA), Member, Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee
Del. Delores McQuinn (VA)
Del. Jim Scott (VA)
Del. Patricia Ticer (VA)
Del. Jeion Ward (VA)
WASHINGTON (Another Canadian border state and whose coveraged doesn't extend to the U.S., but is much influenced by Canadians either visiting or working there)
Rep. Maralyn Chase (WA), Vice Chair, Environmental Health Committee
Rep. Frank Chopp (WA), Speaker of the House
Rep. Judy Clibborn (WA), Member, Health Care and Wellness Committee
Rep. Eileen Cody (WA), Chair, Health Care and Wellness Committee
Rep. Steve Conway (WA)
Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson (WA), Chair, Human Services Committee; Member, Environmental Health Committee
Rep. Hans Dunshee (WA)
Sen. Rosa Franklin (WA), Vice Chair, Health and Long-Term Care Committee; Member, Health Disparities Committee; President Pro Tempore
Sen. Karen Fraser (WA)
Rep. Roger Goodman (WA)
Rep. Bob Hasegawa (WA)
Rep. Sam Hunt (WA), Majority Floor Leader
Sen. Ken Jacobsen (WA)
Sen. Fred Jarrett (WA)
Rep. Ruth Kagi (WA)
Sen. Karen Keiser (WA), Chair, Health and Long-Term Care Committee
Sen. Adam Kline (WA)
Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles (WA)
Rep. Marko Liias (WA)
Sen. Chris Marr (WA), Member Health & Long-Term Care Committee; Member, Comprehensive School Health Reform
Rep. Marcie Maxwell (WA)
Sen. Rosemary McAuliffe (WA)
Sen. Joe McDermott (WA)
Rep. Mark Miloscia (WA), Member, Health & Human Services Appropriations
Rep. Dawn Morrell (WA), Member, Health Care and Wellness Committee
Sen. Ed Murray (WA), Majority Caucus Chair
Sen. Eric Oemig (WA)
Rep. Timm Ormsby (WA)
Rep. Jamie Pedersen (WA), Member, Health Care and Wellness Committee
Sen. Craig Pridemore (WA)
Sen. Debbie Regala (WA)
Rep. Christine Rolfes (WA), Member, Environmental Health Committee
Rep. Mary Helen Roberts (WA)
Rep. Larry Seaquist (WA) Vice Chair, Health and Human Services Appropriations Committee
Rep. Mike Sells (WA)
Sen. Paull Shin (WA), Vice President Pro Tempore
Rep. Larry Springer (WA)
Rep. Dean Takko (WA)
Rep. Kevin Van de Wege (WA)
Rep. Deb Wallace (WA)
Rep. Scott White (WA), Assistant Majority Whip
Rep. Brendan Williams (WA), Majority External Relations Leader
Del. Bonnie Brown (WV)
Del. Michael Ferro (WV)
Del. Barbara Fleischauer (WV), Member, Health and Human Resources Committee
Sen. Dan Foster (WV), Member, Heath & Human Resources Committee
Del. Nancy Guthrie (WV)
Sen. Jeffrey Kessler (WV)
Sen. William Laird (WV)
Del. Michael Manypenny (WV)
Del. Charlene Marshall (WV)
Del. Clif Moore (WV), Assistant Majority Whip
Del. Don Perdue (WV), Chair, Health and Human Resources Committee
Sen. Roman Prezioso (WV)
Sen. Randy White (WV)
Sen. Jack Yost (WV), Member, Health and Human Resources Committee
WISCONSIN (Another Canadian border state)
Rep. Chuck Benedict (WI), Chair, Committee on Public Health
Rep. Terese Berceau (WI)
Rep. Penny Bernard Schaber (WI), Member, Health and Healthcare Reform
Rep. Spencer Black (WI)
Sen. Tim Carpenter (WI), Chair, Public Health, Senior Issues, Long-Term Care and Job Creation Committee
Sen. Spencer Coggs (WI), Member, Public Health, Senior Issues, Long-Term Care and Job Creation Committee
Sen. Jon Erpenbach (WI), Chair, Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and Revenue Committee
Sen. Dave Hansen (WI), Assistant Majority Leader
Rep. Gary Hebl (WI)
Rep. Steve Hilgenberg (WI)
Rep. Andy Jorgensen (WI)
Rep. Frederick Kessler (WI)
Sen. Patrick Kreitlow (WI)
Sen. John Lehman (WI), Majority Caucus Chairperson
Rep. Cory Mason (WI)
Sen. Mark Miller (WI)
Sen. Nick Milroy (WI)
Rep. Sandy Pasch (WI), Vice Chair, Public Health Committee; Member, Health and Healthcare Reform Committee
Rep. Sondy Pope-Roberts (WI)
Rep. Jon Richards (WI), Chair, Health and Healthcare Reform Committee
Sen. Fred Risser (WI)
Sen. Judith Robson (WI), Member, Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and Revenue Committee
Rep. Kelda Roys (WI), Vice Chair, Health and Healthcare Reform Committee
Rep. Donna Seidel (WI), Member, Health and Healthcare Reform Committee; Assistant Majority Leader
Rep. Christine Sinicki (WI)
Rep. Jim Soletski (WI)
Sen. Jim Sullivan (WI)
Rep. Robert Turner (WI)
Rep. Terry Van Akkeren (WI)
Sen. Kathleen Vinehout (WI), Member, Public Health, Senior Issues, Long-Term Care, and Job Creation Committee
Sen. Robert Wirch (WI)
Rep. Josh Zepnick (WI)
Rep. Ted Zigmunt (WI)
Rep. Peter Jorgensen (WY)
So it appears many legislators at the state level also sponsored by either the health care industries in special interest campaign contributions, southwestern or western border states with either high illegal immigrant numbers facing state residents now job and property losses due to the Mexican and/or Canadian borders and influence, or the original 13 colonies that are also close to the Canadian border are behind this, as this administration and the prior one attempt to spin mimmick our countries government with that of Great Britain more and more.
SOURCE: Progressive State Network
federal government,
health care,
state government,
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Obama Speak: Baucus Measures Not A Tax?
CNN today carried a report that Mr. Obama has stated that the new proposals for mandated health care coverage as proposed by Max Baucus (D-Mt) is "absolutely not a tax" on the middle class or American people.
I think, Mr. Obama, that Patrick Henry, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, John Adams, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and those other great framers and founders would dispute your claims. Since "mandating" a seizure of property (money) from the American people to buy a "product" which is what health care insurance actually is, is not within your powers or duties of office nor of the U.S. Congress.
Not without their express consent. Not simply political party publicity focused townhall meetings, not public opinion polls.
Mr. Obama attempted again to spin the measure likening it to mandatory auto insurance which is mandated by most states throughout the nation. Also which laws and statements were really a falsehood and those laws unconstitutional in and of themselves, since there are provisions also in many states that merely provide that you must show proof of financial responsibility in other forms, not mandatory insurance coverage at all.
And that coverage is, after all, determined correctly at the state level, not by federal mandates.
And is, after all, simply for any and all personal liability you might have which might damage the property or other automobile of another driver. And the laws also provide for alternate provisions than insurance, and without such alternatives also technically in violation of most state and the federal Constitution anyway and have made a great business for those professional auto wrecker criminals and their activities, many of whom are employed in the insurance industry themselves or their "preferred vendors", in the process.
And many Americans already, correctly so, dispute those laws on Constitutional grounds also.
Since the entire reason they were passed in the first place actually was in order to lessen the burden to the taxpayers also in the amount of small claims and fender bender property damage court actions that had progressively occurred as more and more Americans started owning automobiles.
And really was a gold mine for the auto insurance industries, and many state residents have been calling for long overdue reform in those laws also progressively, and regulation and accountability of those insurers whose premiums also have increased over and above the CPI levels for many who have never made even a claim, or have had substandard provision under those policy or contractual provisions "progressively" ever since gaining that access to the public's purse unconstitutionally during the last recession in the 70's.
Especially since many states then even took it one ludicrous step further and mandated that you now must have "uninsured" and "under-insured" coverage, which laws are definitely unconstitutional. Meaning you must carry coverage in order to protect yourselves from the damage or fault of another if they object to those laws or are uninsured for any reason.
And strangely enough, foreigners of course are not required to carry auto insurance in this country at all, which has resulted in the higher rates for citizens now in the borders states especially due to accidents caused by uninsured foreign visitors to those mostly tourism focused states, or the Mexican illegals crossing at will.
Since driving is a risk in and of itself, than what actually is lawful and legal in that respect is also making insurance a choice. If you have an expensive automobile than as a piece of property you can choose whether or not to insure that property for risk of loss. If it is damaged due to willful or deliberate negligence of another driver, than the courts are there for such reasons. The entire passage of mandatory insurance laws and that illegal move is now being used in order to somehow paint this Baucus measure as similiar, when it is fundamentally not.
And any such laws mandating the taking of an Americans property for corporate gain and welfare is actually a tax, so I hate to break it to Mr. Obama, but Harvard's law school curriculum at this point truly is suspect in its Constitutional Law courses. That much also is abundantly clear at this point.
Congress and the President have no such authority, period - all their representations to the citizens and public to the contrary. They work for the people, not the other way around, nor do the people work for the insurance industry in this country and their profits and gains at the public's ultimate expense.
What is within their authority is regulation and oversight of these massive global and national insurers. Not getting into bed with them, nor the also huge supplemental plan organizations such as AARP, which sell those policies that are nothing more than gravy for the insurance industries, since they rarely have to provide any benefits under them, using the primary care provider such as Medicare then as the heavy whenever treatments are denied, or the payment of benefits refused. It's all in that fine print.
So how Mr. Obama can NOT paint this as an additional tax on the middle class I haven't a clue. And his amazing oratory skills really are wearing thin on many in this respect and many others. We know a sales gimmick when we see it. The dumbing down of the populace has not reached those proportions quite yet.
The fact that this "proposal" came from a Senator from the State of Montana, a Western state also historically known for its conservatism in Bill of Rights protections and also less populated due to its expansive Western mountain ranges and areas, bespeaks also politically putting a public face on this unconstitutional legislation for public consumption which is, while not socialism that can be outrightly labeled as such in governmentally mandated and taxed provision, nothing more than "corporate" socialism masked as in the "public interest." Which it is not.
Since it is clear that there is a sizeable majority of Americans that see this for what it is. No reform. Simply feeding the insurers and industries once again at the public's ultimate expense since there is little, if any, regulatory or accountability measures included over those insurers and health care providers, or the financial sector and these Wall Street traders that own a great stake in these industries, and also have progressively divested these industries into high risk financial investments which have also impacted the American public in the costs for health insurance in general.
And the middle class auto workers in Detroit, and homeless in Arizona, truly not those you can fool once again in just how much Washington and those on the Hill actually care for the welfare of its lawful and legal citizens, rather than foreign and industry backers at this point in history.
I think, Mr. Obama, that Patrick Henry, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, John Adams, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and those other great framers and founders would dispute your claims. Since "mandating" a seizure of property (money) from the American people to buy a "product" which is what health care insurance actually is, is not within your powers or duties of office nor of the U.S. Congress.
Not without their express consent. Not simply political party publicity focused townhall meetings, not public opinion polls.
Mr. Obama attempted again to spin the measure likening it to mandatory auto insurance which is mandated by most states throughout the nation. Also which laws and statements were really a falsehood and those laws unconstitutional in and of themselves, since there are provisions also in many states that merely provide that you must show proof of financial responsibility in other forms, not mandatory insurance coverage at all.
And that coverage is, after all, determined correctly at the state level, not by federal mandates.
And is, after all, simply for any and all personal liability you might have which might damage the property or other automobile of another driver. And the laws also provide for alternate provisions than insurance, and without such alternatives also technically in violation of most state and the federal Constitution anyway and have made a great business for those professional auto wrecker criminals and their activities, many of whom are employed in the insurance industry themselves or their "preferred vendors", in the process.
And many Americans already, correctly so, dispute those laws on Constitutional grounds also.
Since the entire reason they were passed in the first place actually was in order to lessen the burden to the taxpayers also in the amount of small claims and fender bender property damage court actions that had progressively occurred as more and more Americans started owning automobiles.
And really was a gold mine for the auto insurance industries, and many state residents have been calling for long overdue reform in those laws also progressively, and regulation and accountability of those insurers whose premiums also have increased over and above the CPI levels for many who have never made even a claim, or have had substandard provision under those policy or contractual provisions "progressively" ever since gaining that access to the public's purse unconstitutionally during the last recession in the 70's.
Especially since many states then even took it one ludicrous step further and mandated that you now must have "uninsured" and "under-insured" coverage, which laws are definitely unconstitutional. Meaning you must carry coverage in order to protect yourselves from the damage or fault of another if they object to those laws or are uninsured for any reason.
And strangely enough, foreigners of course are not required to carry auto insurance in this country at all, which has resulted in the higher rates for citizens now in the borders states especially due to accidents caused by uninsured foreign visitors to those mostly tourism focused states, or the Mexican illegals crossing at will.
Since driving is a risk in and of itself, than what actually is lawful and legal in that respect is also making insurance a choice. If you have an expensive automobile than as a piece of property you can choose whether or not to insure that property for risk of loss. If it is damaged due to willful or deliberate negligence of another driver, than the courts are there for such reasons. The entire passage of mandatory insurance laws and that illegal move is now being used in order to somehow paint this Baucus measure as similiar, when it is fundamentally not.
And any such laws mandating the taking of an Americans property for corporate gain and welfare is actually a tax, so I hate to break it to Mr. Obama, but Harvard's law school curriculum at this point truly is suspect in its Constitutional Law courses. That much also is abundantly clear at this point.
Congress and the President have no such authority, period - all their representations to the citizens and public to the contrary. They work for the people, not the other way around, nor do the people work for the insurance industry in this country and their profits and gains at the public's ultimate expense.
What is within their authority is regulation and oversight of these massive global and national insurers. Not getting into bed with them, nor the also huge supplemental plan organizations such as AARP, which sell those policies that are nothing more than gravy for the insurance industries, since they rarely have to provide any benefits under them, using the primary care provider such as Medicare then as the heavy whenever treatments are denied, or the payment of benefits refused. It's all in that fine print.
So how Mr. Obama can NOT paint this as an additional tax on the middle class I haven't a clue. And his amazing oratory skills really are wearing thin on many in this respect and many others. We know a sales gimmick when we see it. The dumbing down of the populace has not reached those proportions quite yet.
The fact that this "proposal" came from a Senator from the State of Montana, a Western state also historically known for its conservatism in Bill of Rights protections and also less populated due to its expansive Western mountain ranges and areas, bespeaks also politically putting a public face on this unconstitutional legislation for public consumption which is, while not socialism that can be outrightly labeled as such in governmentally mandated and taxed provision, nothing more than "corporate" socialism masked as in the "public interest." Which it is not.
Since it is clear that there is a sizeable majority of Americans that see this for what it is. No reform. Simply feeding the insurers and industries once again at the public's ultimate expense since there is little, if any, regulatory or accountability measures included over those insurers and health care providers, or the financial sector and these Wall Street traders that own a great stake in these industries, and also have progressively divested these industries into high risk financial investments which have also impacted the American public in the costs for health insurance in general.
And the middle class auto workers in Detroit, and homeless in Arizona, truly not those you can fool once again in just how much Washington and those on the Hill actually care for the welfare of its lawful and legal citizens, rather than foreign and industry backers at this point in history.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Washington Facilitating Foreign Leveraged Buy-Out Of American Assets?
For Any And All Conserve-ative Americans (not Global Socialists):
Due to many recent events, and some independent research I have done on my own rather recently as a now political refugee in stateless exile from the State of Arizona due to the ramifications which have progressively occurred to many long term residents and former natives in the loss of their homes, jobs and very state to an invasion now that is occurring from Mexico with the federal government's explicit support (hence, twice attempting to provide a "pathway to citizenship" and also amnesty for Mexican nationals in this country presently), and other rather recent legislation that was foreigner friendly at the cost of Americans, it is long overdue in asking some fundamental questions.
Is Washington purposely facilitating a leveraged buyout of American assets, in corporate speak.
After the truth of the bogus "foreclosure rescue" scams have now come to light more and more as throwing money at the Federal Reserve bank branches that were primarily responsible for writing some of those overly restrictive, and high cost "low interest" or "interest only" loans (when many were loaded with junk fees and costs also on the front end) as being nothing more than using those banks to "buy down" those investor's debts in order to then flip those properties for more banker revenue, the MO in Washington is becoming clearer.
Those homes now are being depressed to the point that if Mr. Obama (as Mr. Bush) again pushes for an amnesty, some of those properties taken from the existing Americans who were raped of much of their assets, and now with credit reports precluding any new home purchase for at least a decade, that it will be those "new" Americans that will be seeking some of them.
Who, of course, won't speak very fluent English and thus prime patsies for the next economic manipulation and depression in the next 20 years under those now 40 year loans. That has been the case since this is the third such manipulation in the Southwest in 30 years. First in the 70's, then during the savings and loan Keating disaster, and presently.
Right now, foreign investors own a great deal of stock in some of America's foremost industries, some outright now such as China and the Hummer Division. And even a great many of the American public utility companies, believe it or not, when Washington and the state governments afforded those "public" corporations then to privatize.
Even our nuclear power plants at this point, since Palo Verde in Arizona was privatized after the ratepayers were promised the moon in reduction of utility costs in order to "go green" and go nuclear.
After which, rates skyrocketed then to provide for those foreign investor profits, since their currency also was then higher than our own due to Federal Reserve manipulation.
Which is, after all, owned by the European and British banking cartels.
Interesting enough also, while then homeless yet also concerned for the somewhat declining health of my elderly parents who live outside New Orleans and were evacuated for both Katrina and Gustav recently, and as a now struggling artist and photographer I visited the French Quarter while I was there for an extended period of time during which time my mother suffered two heart surgeries for blockages in her arteries by a South American heart surgeon.
As having both a public and private supplemental plan provided by AARP, the corporate practice to which he belonged failed to check for a blockage when her blood pressure was off the charts and did relatively nothing insofar as testing basically until she eventually did suffer the inevitable.
At that time I also had a chance to visit the still recovering New Orleans greater metropolitan area.
And made a visit to the French Quarter, which I had visited on former trips with my family since my extended family has lived there over 30 years.
The area is still struggling and rebuilding. Mostly with federal contractors hiring illegal immigrant labor for much of the construction, and has it own now Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in order to promote their agendas and welfare.
And the homes which were built on the only really habitable land there in the French Quarter which was surveyed by those original settlers and chosen for their settlement as a port on the highest ground available, are still standing and suffered relatively little damage due to the degree of construction used by those original inhabitants. And of course also built on the highest ground near the Mississippi.
Many are now listed for sale mostly by a British real estate firm, Sotheby's of London, and being marketed to mostly British and Candian citizens.
In fact, I ran in to several of them while walking through the Garden District taking some photographs.
Due to the differences in accents, it didn't take a formal statement of country of origin. Some of the licenses and identifying personalized stickers on their vehicles also were in plain view.
And the most famous "new" American who now owns a good deal of our media and internet news sources is also a former Brit from Australia, Rupert Murdoch.
And bringing his British style of reporting and political agendas with him in the process as not really also assimilating to this country, but attemping to make it more like his own.
So for all you foreigners wishing to leave yours in the belief that America still stands as that beacon of freedom and liberty, and land of opportunity in order enjoy the fruits of your labor, and lower taxation I have news for you.
The British won the war, apparently, without most of the American public being aware, and without firing a shot.
They simply bought our bank. And have progressively also been buying up most of our valuable real estate.
Including those homes now being lost that you hear about on your news in the Southwestern United States for the Mexican nationals, and Canadian retirees.
Who, of course, will be the next victims in this global pyramid scheme.
Due to many recent events, and some independent research I have done on my own rather recently as a now political refugee in stateless exile from the State of Arizona due to the ramifications which have progressively occurred to many long term residents and former natives in the loss of their homes, jobs and very state to an invasion now that is occurring from Mexico with the federal government's explicit support (hence, twice attempting to provide a "pathway to citizenship" and also amnesty for Mexican nationals in this country presently), and other rather recent legislation that was foreigner friendly at the cost of Americans, it is long overdue in asking some fundamental questions.
Is Washington purposely facilitating a leveraged buyout of American assets, in corporate speak.
After the truth of the bogus "foreclosure rescue" scams have now come to light more and more as throwing money at the Federal Reserve bank branches that were primarily responsible for writing some of those overly restrictive, and high cost "low interest" or "interest only" loans (when many were loaded with junk fees and costs also on the front end) as being nothing more than using those banks to "buy down" those investor's debts in order to then flip those properties for more banker revenue, the MO in Washington is becoming clearer.
Those homes now are being depressed to the point that if Mr. Obama (as Mr. Bush) again pushes for an amnesty, some of those properties taken from the existing Americans who were raped of much of their assets, and now with credit reports precluding any new home purchase for at least a decade, that it will be those "new" Americans that will be seeking some of them.
Who, of course, won't speak very fluent English and thus prime patsies for the next economic manipulation and depression in the next 20 years under those now 40 year loans. That has been the case since this is the third such manipulation in the Southwest in 30 years. First in the 70's, then during the savings and loan Keating disaster, and presently.
Right now, foreign investors own a great deal of stock in some of America's foremost industries, some outright now such as China and the Hummer Division. And even a great many of the American public utility companies, believe it or not, when Washington and the state governments afforded those "public" corporations then to privatize.
Even our nuclear power plants at this point, since Palo Verde in Arizona was privatized after the ratepayers were promised the moon in reduction of utility costs in order to "go green" and go nuclear.
After which, rates skyrocketed then to provide for those foreign investor profits, since their currency also was then higher than our own due to Federal Reserve manipulation.
Which is, after all, owned by the European and British banking cartels.
Interesting enough also, while then homeless yet also concerned for the somewhat declining health of my elderly parents who live outside New Orleans and were evacuated for both Katrina and Gustav recently, and as a now struggling artist and photographer I visited the French Quarter while I was there for an extended period of time during which time my mother suffered two heart surgeries for blockages in her arteries by a South American heart surgeon.
As having both a public and private supplemental plan provided by AARP, the corporate practice to which he belonged failed to check for a blockage when her blood pressure was off the charts and did relatively nothing insofar as testing basically until she eventually did suffer the inevitable.
At that time I also had a chance to visit the still recovering New Orleans greater metropolitan area.
And made a visit to the French Quarter, which I had visited on former trips with my family since my extended family has lived there over 30 years.
The area is still struggling and rebuilding. Mostly with federal contractors hiring illegal immigrant labor for much of the construction, and has it own now Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in order to promote their agendas and welfare.
And the homes which were built on the only really habitable land there in the French Quarter which was surveyed by those original settlers and chosen for their settlement as a port on the highest ground available, are still standing and suffered relatively little damage due to the degree of construction used by those original inhabitants. And of course also built on the highest ground near the Mississippi.
Many are now listed for sale mostly by a British real estate firm, Sotheby's of London, and being marketed to mostly British and Candian citizens.
In fact, I ran in to several of them while walking through the Garden District taking some photographs.
Due to the differences in accents, it didn't take a formal statement of country of origin. Some of the licenses and identifying personalized stickers on their vehicles also were in plain view.
And the most famous "new" American who now owns a good deal of our media and internet news sources is also a former Brit from Australia, Rupert Murdoch.
And bringing his British style of reporting and political agendas with him in the process as not really also assimilating to this country, but attemping to make it more like his own.
So for all you foreigners wishing to leave yours in the belief that America still stands as that beacon of freedom and liberty, and land of opportunity in order enjoy the fruits of your labor, and lower taxation I have news for you.
The British won the war, apparently, without most of the American public being aware, and without firing a shot.
They simply bought our bank. And have progressively also been buying up most of our valuable real estate.
Including those homes now being lost that you hear about on your news in the Southwestern United States for the Mexican nationals, and Canadian retirees.
Who, of course, will be the next victims in this global pyramid scheme.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
September 11th Message On American History
For Any And All Conserve-ative Americans (not Global Socialists):
Although Mr. Baldwin (a pastor from Florida) continues to ignore the obvious, which is the real power calling the shots in this country insofar as this "globalism" and "world government" agenda and global economy that is now being facilitated at the cost of many Americans in their jobs, homes and very lives at this juncture in the Middle East war (since the Muslim countries have their only "usury free - interest free - banks due to Old and New Testament prohibitions on usury on debt limiting it to as a religious directive and moral directive), what he states here you might find of interest - which was sent to me and forwarded to many others that are none too happy with the continued directions this country is taking.
And the London bankers who are behind it all for their own wealth and gain at the U.S. citizens expense, and are now buying up our very infrastructure, including the nuclear power facilities since they own through shell holding companies and others, a great deal of stock in Palo Verde in Phoenix. And a London firm is also marketing the expensive houses in the French Quarter in New Orleans that survived Katrina now to Canadians and British citizens most of all, and those profits will also go to the London bankers and British.
And a little misled also on what is truly spam on his disclosure. Since spam actually was intended to cover using articles in order to recirculate for ad revenues by commercial interests without the writer's or poster's consent. And mass mailing ads and solicitations for donations for any commercial organization.
Such as, it appears, almost this entire site with its ads for merchandise, books, paid seminars and other "liberty" focused memorabilia, hence a more "liberty as commerce" site most of all apparently and would appear broad based "educational" criteria as a federally taxpayer funded one at that.
Hate America? Count Me Out!
By Chuck Baldwin
September 11, 2009
This column is archived at
On this 8th anniversary of the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon,
it behooves me to comment on the spirit of hatred that seems to motivate
many people in and out of our great land. That the supporters and disciples
of Vladimir Lenin, Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, Mao Tse-tung, and
Adolf Hitler would hate America is understandable. Communism, socialism, and
fascism are diametrically opposed to everything the United States was
founded upon. Therefore, it is not surprising that people who espouse the
tenets of these "isms" would exude hatred for America--at least for the
America of our forebears. What is most disconcerting, however, is the number
of people within our country (and I don't mean illegal aliens) who harbor
hatred in their hearts for our beloved land.
To be sure, one can count me in with those who hate the manner in which the
international banking cartel has wormed its way into the inner workings of
our federal government. I hate the condescending, elitist attitudes of many
in higher education. I hate the way globalists--such as David Rockefeller
and his ilk--have been able to use the federal government to promote and
safeguard their own private financial and political agendas. I hate the way
secularists in public education and private organizations--such as the ACLU,
People For the American Way, the Anti Defamation League, etc.--have been
able to strip our culture of its Christian heritage. I hate the way
politicians from both parties in Washington, D.C., ignore and trample the
U.S. Constitution. I hate the way professing Christians and "conservatives"
turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the warmongering, police-state mentality of
many within the national Republican Party. I hate the way Nancy Pelosi and
her gaggle of liberal Democrats use their power to promote socialism in
America. I hate the liberal bias of the mainstream news media. I hate the
so-called "political correctness" that permeates the philosophy of virtually
every major organization in America these days. I hate the attempts by
liberals and "do-gooders" of all stripes to take away my right to keep and
bear arms. And, yes, I hate the way America's foreign policy has been
manipulated by foreign lobbyists, socialists within the United Nations, and
international business interests.
With all of that said, however, if you hate America, count me out!
If Canaan was the Promised Land for Old Testament Israel, America was an
earthly Promised Land for Christians and lovers of liberty. In the
Providence of God, America was established by the right people, at the right
time, and for the right purpose. With all its shortcomings, the U.S.
Constitution--along with the Bill of Rights--is the greatest governing
document ever devised by man. And the Declaration of Independence is the
greatest birth certificate a nation ever had.
In fact, without the freedom and liberty protected by a 200-year history of
constitutional government, all those anti-America, anti-Constitution, and
anti-Founding Fathers critics out there could not even exist! As God gives
the atheist the breath he uses to blaspheme his Creator, so, too, the
Constitution protects the right of America-haters to foment their delirium.
I do find it demonstrably hypocritical, however, for these 21st Century
preachers to condemn America's Founding Fathers as being disobedient to
Romans 13, only to turn around and celebrate Independence Day--and even
conduct patriotic services in their churches. Even more egregious is the way
these same preachers who condemn the 13 colonies in their fight for
independence against the British Crown so quickly take up the war cry for
military aggression all over the world. Obviously, inconsistency is one of
the most consistent trademarks of Pharisaism.
The problem today is not that America is intrinsically bad. The principles
of religious liberty, State sovereignty, Natural Law, self-government, and
federalism are as righteous and good today as they were in 1776. The
problem today is that the American people have lost touch with these
principles and have allowed those who deny these principles to gain
ascendancy within our land. The problem is, the America that was created 233
years ago is being supplanted with new doctrines and ideas. In fact, the
doctrines and ideas prevalent today are really nothing new: they are the
same antiquated doctrines of centralism and collectivism from which the 13
Colonies broke free so long ago.
So, I say it proudly and loudly: I love the America our Founding Fathers
bequeathed to us. I love our republican form of government. I love America's
Christian heritage. I love the principles of federalism and constitutional
government. I love the Declaration of Independence. I love the Bill of
Rights. I love what our flag represents: a united federation of states. I
love the examples of sacrifices made at Bunker Hill, Lexington Green, and
Concord Bridge. I love the resolve and dedication of the colonial
patriot-preachers known as the Black Regiment [1]. I love the combined
wisdom, courage, and commitment to liberty demonstrated by George
Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Sam Adams, Patrick Henry,
James Otis, Joseph Warren, James Madison, John Jay, et al.
My criticisms and condemnations are reserved for those who would remove
America from her roots, who would strip her of her principles, and who would
destroy the fabric of her foundation. Don't think for one minute that
because I loathe those who are trying to merge America into an international
New World Order or are working to dismantle constitutional government or are
attempting to turn America into a socialist state, that I am in league with
those who, in their hearts, hate America. I claim no brotherhood with them,
for they hate what I love.
[1] To read my column regarding the Black Regiment that is published
exclusively in the current edition of The New American magazine, go here:
And while you're visiting The New American, why don't you subscribe to their
twice-monthly publication? In my opinion, it is the very best news magazine
in the country. I encourage my readers to take out a subscription to The New
American today, and while you're at it, why don't you send one to a friend?
I've been a subscriber for years. To subscribe, go here:
*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these
editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by
credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:
(c) Chuck Baldwin
This email editorial cannot be considered Spam as long as the sender
includes contact information and a method of removal.
To subscribe, click on this link and follow the instructions:
To unsubscribe, click on this link and follow the instructions:
Chuck Baldwin's commentaries are copyrighted and may be republished,
reposted, or emailed providing the person or organization doing so does not
charge for subscriptions or advertising and that the column is copied intact
and that full credit is given and that Chuck's web site address is included.
Editors or Publishers of publications charging for subscriptions or
advertising who want to run these columns must contact Chuck Baldwin for
permission. Radio or television Talk Show Hosts interested in scheduling an
interview with Chuck should contact
Readers may also respond to this column via snail mail. The postal address
is P.O. Box 37070, Pensacola, Florida, 32526. When responding, please
include your name, city and state. And, unless otherwise requested, all
respondents will be added to the Chuck Wagon address list.
Please visit Chuck's web site at
Although Mr. Baldwin (a pastor from Florida) continues to ignore the obvious, which is the real power calling the shots in this country insofar as this "globalism" and "world government" agenda and global economy that is now being facilitated at the cost of many Americans in their jobs, homes and very lives at this juncture in the Middle East war (since the Muslim countries have their only "usury free - interest free - banks due to Old and New Testament prohibitions on usury on debt limiting it to as a religious directive and moral directive), what he states here you might find of interest - which was sent to me and forwarded to many others that are none too happy with the continued directions this country is taking.
And the London bankers who are behind it all for their own wealth and gain at the U.S. citizens expense, and are now buying up our very infrastructure, including the nuclear power facilities since they own through shell holding companies and others, a great deal of stock in Palo Verde in Phoenix. And a London firm is also marketing the expensive houses in the French Quarter in New Orleans that survived Katrina now to Canadians and British citizens most of all, and those profits will also go to the London bankers and British.
And a little misled also on what is truly spam on his disclosure. Since spam actually was intended to cover using articles in order to recirculate for ad revenues by commercial interests without the writer's or poster's consent. And mass mailing ads and solicitations for donations for any commercial organization.
Such as, it appears, almost this entire site with its ads for merchandise, books, paid seminars and other "liberty" focused memorabilia, hence a more "liberty as commerce" site most of all apparently and would appear broad based "educational" criteria as a federally taxpayer funded one at that.
Hate America? Count Me Out!
By Chuck Baldwin
September 11, 2009
This column is archived at
On this 8th anniversary of the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon,
it behooves me to comment on the spirit of hatred that seems to motivate
many people in and out of our great land. That the supporters and disciples
of Vladimir Lenin, Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, Mao Tse-tung, and
Adolf Hitler would hate America is understandable. Communism, socialism, and
fascism are diametrically opposed to everything the United States was
founded upon. Therefore, it is not surprising that people who espouse the
tenets of these "isms" would exude hatred for America--at least for the
America of our forebears. What is most disconcerting, however, is the number
of people within our country (and I don't mean illegal aliens) who harbor
hatred in their hearts for our beloved land.
To be sure, one can count me in with those who hate the manner in which the
international banking cartel has wormed its way into the inner workings of
our federal government. I hate the condescending, elitist attitudes of many
in higher education. I hate the way globalists--such as David Rockefeller
and his ilk--have been able to use the federal government to promote and
safeguard their own private financial and political agendas. I hate the way
secularists in public education and private organizations--such as the ACLU,
People For the American Way, the Anti Defamation League, etc.--have been
able to strip our culture of its Christian heritage. I hate the way
politicians from both parties in Washington, D.C., ignore and trample the
U.S. Constitution. I hate the way professing Christians and "conservatives"
turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the warmongering, police-state mentality of
many within the national Republican Party. I hate the way Nancy Pelosi and
her gaggle of liberal Democrats use their power to promote socialism in
America. I hate the liberal bias of the mainstream news media. I hate the
so-called "political correctness" that permeates the philosophy of virtually
every major organization in America these days. I hate the attempts by
liberals and "do-gooders" of all stripes to take away my right to keep and
bear arms. And, yes, I hate the way America's foreign policy has been
manipulated by foreign lobbyists, socialists within the United Nations, and
international business interests.
With all of that said, however, if you hate America, count me out!
If Canaan was the Promised Land for Old Testament Israel, America was an
earthly Promised Land for Christians and lovers of liberty. In the
Providence of God, America was established by the right people, at the right
time, and for the right purpose. With all its shortcomings, the U.S.
Constitution--along with the Bill of Rights--is the greatest governing
document ever devised by man. And the Declaration of Independence is the
greatest birth certificate a nation ever had.
In fact, without the freedom and liberty protected by a 200-year history of
constitutional government, all those anti-America, anti-Constitution, and
anti-Founding Fathers critics out there could not even exist! As God gives
the atheist the breath he uses to blaspheme his Creator, so, too, the
Constitution protects the right of America-haters to foment their delirium.
I do find it demonstrably hypocritical, however, for these 21st Century
preachers to condemn America's Founding Fathers as being disobedient to
Romans 13, only to turn around and celebrate Independence Day--and even
conduct patriotic services in their churches. Even more egregious is the way
these same preachers who condemn the 13 colonies in their fight for
independence against the British Crown so quickly take up the war cry for
military aggression all over the world. Obviously, inconsistency is one of
the most consistent trademarks of Pharisaism.
The problem today is not that America is intrinsically bad. The principles
of religious liberty, State sovereignty, Natural Law, self-government, and
federalism are as righteous and good today as they were in 1776. The
problem today is that the American people have lost touch with these
principles and have allowed those who deny these principles to gain
ascendancy within our land. The problem is, the America that was created 233
years ago is being supplanted with new doctrines and ideas. In fact, the
doctrines and ideas prevalent today are really nothing new: they are the
same antiquated doctrines of centralism and collectivism from which the 13
Colonies broke free so long ago.
So, I say it proudly and loudly: I love the America our Founding Fathers
bequeathed to us. I love our republican form of government. I love America's
Christian heritage. I love the principles of federalism and constitutional
government. I love the Declaration of Independence. I love the Bill of
Rights. I love what our flag represents: a united federation of states. I
love the examples of sacrifices made at Bunker Hill, Lexington Green, and
Concord Bridge. I love the resolve and dedication of the colonial
patriot-preachers known as the Black Regiment [1]. I love the combined
wisdom, courage, and commitment to liberty demonstrated by George
Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Sam Adams, Patrick Henry,
James Otis, Joseph Warren, James Madison, John Jay, et al.
My criticisms and condemnations are reserved for those who would remove
America from her roots, who would strip her of her principles, and who would
destroy the fabric of her foundation. Don't think for one minute that
because I loathe those who are trying to merge America into an international
New World Order or are working to dismantle constitutional government or are
attempting to turn America into a socialist state, that I am in league with
those who, in their hearts, hate America. I claim no brotherhood with them,
for they hate what I love.
[1] To read my column regarding the Black Regiment that is published
exclusively in the current edition of The New American magazine, go here:
And while you're visiting The New American, why don't you subscribe to their
twice-monthly publication? In my opinion, it is the very best news magazine
in the country. I encourage my readers to take out a subscription to The New
American today, and while you're at it, why don't you send one to a friend?
I've been a subscriber for years. To subscribe, go here:
*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these
editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by
credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:
(c) Chuck Baldwin
This email editorial cannot be considered Spam as long as the sender
includes contact information and a method of removal.
To subscribe, click on this link and follow the instructions:
To unsubscribe, click on this link and follow the instructions:
Chuck Baldwin's commentaries are copyrighted and may be republished,
reposted, or emailed providing the person or organization doing so does not
charge for subscriptions or advertising and that the column is copied intact
and that full credit is given and that Chuck's web site address is included.
Editors or Publishers of publications charging for subscriptions or
advertising who want to run these columns must contact Chuck Baldwin for
permission. Radio or television Talk Show Hosts interested in scheduling an
interview with Chuck should contact
Readers may also respond to this column via snail mail. The postal address
is P.O. Box 37070, Pensacola, Florida, 32526. When responding, please
include your name, city and state. And, unless otherwise requested, all
respondents will be added to the Chuck Wagon address list.
Please visit Chuck's web site at
Barack Obama,
federal government,
September 11th,
world economy
Friday, September 11, 2009
Political Polka: ObamaCare, Joe Wilson and the Mainstream Media
In light of the events with the Wilson incident during Mr. Obama's presentation to the American people and Congress for his health care agendas, it appears that the mainstream media, particularly the AP, are now doing the polka for the policians involved in this incident.
From a report published today by the AP, it appears that supposedly there WAS a provision within that 1,000 page bill that provided for illegal immigrants health care needs, and that those involved in its drafting are going through it with a fine tooth comb in order that those provisions get redrafted and removed.
At least that is what is being told the public by the AP from its "sources."
But what is so incredibly unbelieveable is the inordinate now focus that is being directed due to this little media stunt on strictly the provisions for illegals which were the focus of Mr. Wilsons' little performance.
Since the entire bill in and of itself is so chock full of Bill of Rights violations on the American citizens and public it is quite unbelieveable.
And especially since also there has been for years emergency health care provided by separate legislation for the illegal immigrants in this country.
As a former 45 year border state resident, I can testify to that since when my now 21 year old daughter was four we had to rush her to the emergency room at one point for some digestive difficulties she was having.
And the entire emergency room was filled with illegal immigrants at that time since it was flu season and they were all waiting for their free health care and meds courtesy of Uncle Sam.
We ended up waiting four hours in order for her to be treated since the illegals had priority as we were self-insured at that time, and the hospital was under federal directives at that time to so provide such care since "emergency" was so ill defined and broad in that federal statute and bill (since the Arizona state initiatives denying such coverage had yet to be passed by the Arizona voters, but which also was and has been since ineffective because those hospitals play the system and simply then treat them and apply for those federal monies still available, legislated and appropriated since that bill's passage years ago instead).
Another of those bills and measures that was passed at least 15-20 years ago without the knowledge or consent of the American taxpayers, since the Constitution does only apply to Americans specifically per the Preamble, and those hospitals and health care networks received even public monies and support for their very exitence at the state and municipal levels, and many also receiving reserach and other grant monies billed to U.S. taxpayers.
So it does appear that the AP as a news source is reacting to the Hill's press releases, rather than digging a little deeper as to just how ludicrous that entire performance actually was in the focus of Mr. Wilson's objections.
He's about 20 years too late, and if he is a federal legislator or has been even though South Carolina is not a border state, should and must have been well aware of the existence of this other legislation which already existed and has been reappropriated ever since.
And what a spin and joke, actually, and must have been merely a grab for media attention for both Obama and Mr. Wilson, and to shift again the focus of this legislation.
Given the entire real outrageous and "illegal" provisions contained within it that trump Mr. Wilson's meek and errant staged outrage in their Constitutional violations.
From a report published today by the AP, it appears that supposedly there WAS a provision within that 1,000 page bill that provided for illegal immigrants health care needs, and that those involved in its drafting are going through it with a fine tooth comb in order that those provisions get redrafted and removed.
At least that is what is being told the public by the AP from its "sources."
But what is so incredibly unbelieveable is the inordinate now focus that is being directed due to this little media stunt on strictly the provisions for illegals which were the focus of Mr. Wilsons' little performance.
Since the entire bill in and of itself is so chock full of Bill of Rights violations on the American citizens and public it is quite unbelieveable.
And especially since also there has been for years emergency health care provided by separate legislation for the illegal immigrants in this country.
As a former 45 year border state resident, I can testify to that since when my now 21 year old daughter was four we had to rush her to the emergency room at one point for some digestive difficulties she was having.
And the entire emergency room was filled with illegal immigrants at that time since it was flu season and they were all waiting for their free health care and meds courtesy of Uncle Sam.
We ended up waiting four hours in order for her to be treated since the illegals had priority as we were self-insured at that time, and the hospital was under federal directives at that time to so provide such care since "emergency" was so ill defined and broad in that federal statute and bill (since the Arizona state initiatives denying such coverage had yet to be passed by the Arizona voters, but which also was and has been since ineffective because those hospitals play the system and simply then treat them and apply for those federal monies still available, legislated and appropriated since that bill's passage years ago instead).
Another of those bills and measures that was passed at least 15-20 years ago without the knowledge or consent of the American taxpayers, since the Constitution does only apply to Americans specifically per the Preamble, and those hospitals and health care networks received even public monies and support for their very exitence at the state and municipal levels, and many also receiving reserach and other grant monies billed to U.S. taxpayers.
So it does appear that the AP as a news source is reacting to the Hill's press releases, rather than digging a little deeper as to just how ludicrous that entire performance actually was in the focus of Mr. Wilson's objections.
He's about 20 years too late, and if he is a federal legislator or has been even though South Carolina is not a border state, should and must have been well aware of the existence of this other legislation which already existed and has been reappropriated ever since.
And what a spin and joke, actually, and must have been merely a grab for media attention for both Obama and Mr. Wilson, and to shift again the focus of this legislation.
Given the entire real outrageous and "illegal" provisions contained within it that trump Mr. Wilson's meek and errant staged outrage in their Constitutional violations.
Global Socialism Agenda In High Gear: Wilson's Performance Part Of The Plan?
In light of the mass media television coverage and events that occurred at Mr. Obama's presentation and national press conference for his health care reforms the other evening, it appears that the upcoming opponent for Mr. Wilson's seat in the House scored a killing.
Raking in over $40,000 in some reports for his upcoming challenge for Mr. Wilson's seat in 2010.
Could there be a method to this madness on the part now of the Socialist Republican and Democratic parties at this juncture, who do work for those European international bankers than own and run our Federal Reserve and whose agenda is fairly clear at this point in its attempts to corner the world's economic resources under their centralized banking system control.
Right now the Democratic Socialists have a majority in the Senate needed for any upcoming legislation. Whether that legislation is Constitutional or not matters not to either party, merely that they each get a share of some air time for their candidates and positions in the process. Most of the voting outcomes are now done behind closed doors, unless you are one of those Americans that only tune in for the final tally yet don't question the results.
The House still remains somewhat of a problem in that there isn't a flush since there still is a Socialist Republican majority there. Or at least enough to cause some problems with the two thirds majority situation.
Most Americans know that none of these "representatives" represent the American people in any manner whatsoever. After all, all of them take out of district campaign donations from corporate special interest groups and industries, most which don't even have statutory offices within their own districts. Thus are not representative of their constituency in the slightest, even without the K Street lunches and cocktail parties.
It is also clear at this point that each change in Administration merely brings more of the same with these two parties in power. Simply a change in the mouthpieces, for the most part.
We are still in the war in the Middle East, the middle class Detroit workers were laid off while the foreign outsourced GM plants are humming right along, and the foreclosure rescue was initiated more to build up Wall Street and protect those foreign investors profits and flip those properties for the banks, so Mr. Obama's rhetoric at election time is nothing more than the same old same old. Flowery campaign speeches, using his amazing oratory skills wrapped in Lincoln to win that coveted prize. Election to the highest public office in land.
It almost appears he has been groomed for this all his adult life, at any rate, or at least since he attended one of America's foremost "liberal" institutions of higher learning teaching "the Law" in more the British, rather than American, manner.
The British, after all, just so happen to own our federal bank, and its subsidiary branches throughout the country. And was also the home base of AIG, the insurer whose assets Mr. Bush and Mr. Obama were more concerned with than the American shareholders - while those executives not only took a trip to one of America's finest four star resorts, but also make a trip to Britain for a "hunting trip," from media reports also while the company was "officially" in bankruptcy due to the practices of primariy its British Mayfair office from the British media reports.
There's an agenda here, folks, and it appears rather than transparency at this point, what we have are about 535 actors now worthy of their own awards show for "Best Performance By An Actor," not to mention "Best Screenplay."
Raking in over $40,000 in some reports for his upcoming challenge for Mr. Wilson's seat in 2010.
Could there be a method to this madness on the part now of the Socialist Republican and Democratic parties at this juncture, who do work for those European international bankers than own and run our Federal Reserve and whose agenda is fairly clear at this point in its attempts to corner the world's economic resources under their centralized banking system control.
Right now the Democratic Socialists have a majority in the Senate needed for any upcoming legislation. Whether that legislation is Constitutional or not matters not to either party, merely that they each get a share of some air time for their candidates and positions in the process. Most of the voting outcomes are now done behind closed doors, unless you are one of those Americans that only tune in for the final tally yet don't question the results.
The House still remains somewhat of a problem in that there isn't a flush since there still is a Socialist Republican majority there. Or at least enough to cause some problems with the two thirds majority situation.
Most Americans know that none of these "representatives" represent the American people in any manner whatsoever. After all, all of them take out of district campaign donations from corporate special interest groups and industries, most which don't even have statutory offices within their own districts. Thus are not representative of their constituency in the slightest, even without the K Street lunches and cocktail parties.
It is also clear at this point that each change in Administration merely brings more of the same with these two parties in power. Simply a change in the mouthpieces, for the most part.
We are still in the war in the Middle East, the middle class Detroit workers were laid off while the foreign outsourced GM plants are humming right along, and the foreclosure rescue was initiated more to build up Wall Street and protect those foreign investors profits and flip those properties for the banks, so Mr. Obama's rhetoric at election time is nothing more than the same old same old. Flowery campaign speeches, using his amazing oratory skills wrapped in Lincoln to win that coveted prize. Election to the highest public office in land.
It almost appears he has been groomed for this all his adult life, at any rate, or at least since he attended one of America's foremost "liberal" institutions of higher learning teaching "the Law" in more the British, rather than American, manner.
The British, after all, just so happen to own our federal bank, and its subsidiary branches throughout the country. And was also the home base of AIG, the insurer whose assets Mr. Bush and Mr. Obama were more concerned with than the American shareholders - while those executives not only took a trip to one of America's finest four star resorts, but also make a trip to Britain for a "hunting trip," from media reports also while the company was "officially" in bankruptcy due to the practices of primariy its British Mayfair office from the British media reports.
There's an agenda here, folks, and it appears rather than transparency at this point, what we have are about 535 actors now worthy of their own awards show for "Best Performance By An Actor," not to mention "Best Screenplay."
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Joe Wilson's Comments: Much Ado About Really Nothing
For Any And All American Conserve-ative Constitutionalists:
All the liberal mainstream and citizen journalists sites today are abuzz with the claimed "outburst" of Joe Wilson, House representative from South Carolina, during Mr. Obama's "sell ObamaCare" message and address to Congress last evening, which of course was really no Congressional address at all but another appeal to the masses for another of Washington's "in your face" agendas and programs at the expense of the taxpayers most of all.
This "health care reform" could better be described as "health care deform" at this point, since most of all those that were consulted were the industry representatives that have thus far created this scenario where many in America at the present time, even if they do have health care coverage, are finding those benefits shrinking year after year, while their costs continue to escalate.
Twenty four hour childbirths and mastectomies have now become the norm, to the point where we now have an infant survival rate that is actually lower than Cuba's, after all.
So has the impact now on quality of care of doctors scheduled for seven or eight heart surgeries in a row in many of these corporately run hospitals and health care networks at the present time. And "staff" infection rates as a result becoming more and more common contracted at those hospitals due to these almost assembly line operations.
Several years ago my brother-in-law went in for arthroscopic surgery due to a basketball injury he suffered, only to have to then be hospitalized thereafter with a staph infection contracted at the clinic in which he had the original procedure done.
During one of the two of my mother's recent heart surgeries, the surgeon involved (from South America) indicated that he had seven such stint surgeries for collapsed arteries scheduled one right after another at the large, corporately owned health care "network" facilities in which he and his megapractice of doctors had contracted in the Southern U.S.
She had to go in for another emergency room visit again then within 60 days since the hospital staff failed to tell her that her recovery time might also result in periodic instances of angina while her heart was re-oxygenating after the surgery, and then failed to give her the needed nitroglycerin in just such an instance.
She, of course, has a publicly provided plan. Medicare. With an AARP paid supplement. But still was not given the needed medications prior to release in order to avoid such an occurrence, which from my research happens in far more instances than it does not.
And due to internet marketing and automated phone call centers and such now with little human contact with these providers now involved in much of these plans, denials of coverage on many claims are now also going through the roof.
What interested me is the reaction of those loony liberals (and I am neither Republican or Democrat, but hold with our Constitution as the true "Rule of Law" and in which it is clear the federal government has no authority to institute such a program at all without the "consent of the governed" in going through the amendment process in order to so do).
Given the unconstitutionality of this legislation at its root, I would say Mr. Wilson's reaction was rather mild in both his stated opposition, and also his choice of wording.
He interrupted Mr. Obama mid-presentation when he was addressing many Americans stated concerns (without also objecting as I do on Constitutional grounds most of all) that coverage for illegal immigrants would be provided.
Which is really laughable in and of itself, because at the present time illegal immigrants already have coverage, as this former 45 year border state resident can attest.
And Mr. Wilson himself should know that already himself. Although, as from South Carolina might now given the enormous amount of unconstitutional legislation Washington has spit out now over the past decades, more and more so though presently one right after another.
After all, he is a federal legislator so should be in the loop, and coverage for illegals for what was supposed to be catastrophic needs only has been provided for literally years due to existing legislation already "passed"
Or if not, the hospitals are getting paid by the feds at the taxpayer's expense anyway, since the new MO appears to be passing unconstitutional legislation in one branch of Congress such as ther House, and then funding it even it it is not "legally" law at all lacking full passage in the Senate. Then what isn't Constitutional law can then still be regulated and funded as if it is, and the bulk of public none the wiser, since most of the lawyers in this country can't understand most of these bills.
Even, it appears, the ones who wrote them.
That has happened with quite a few of these rather bogus unconstitutional property stripping bills as of late, such as the ones now being enacted by the Department of Homeland Security in those Fusion Center Task Forces and memorandums recently circulated instituting the domestic spying programs on lawful Americans according to political profiling.
So this "new" reform obviously is not precluding in any manner that free coverage which is already given to those illegals, and has been for years. All state measures and ballot initiatives to the contrary, it is a federal law that provides such benefits to those who are non-Americans in emergency room visits and treatments.
And those corporate health care networks get paid quite handsomely for those visits, of course courtesy of the American taxpayers who are then billed for those services and visits.
Not their employers, who are paying in most instances below standard wages for their services, saving on state workmen's comp taxation, and then having the Americans whose jobs they have replaced picking up the tab for their "employment benefits" in health care needs for those employees while in this country, many not even holding those massive temporary work visas Washington hands out nowadays like candy at the mere request of the states, or their campaign backers.
Who, by the way, are just as much to blame, many of which now are pleading poverty and bankruptcy as California and Arizona have this past year, two states with an inordinate amount of illegal workers to begin with due to the "petitions" they rush off to Washington for increases in those visas each and every legislative session for their state campaign backers benefits.
In many states, it has gotten to the point where it has adversely affected the quality of care and treatment of lawful Americans in those emergency rooms, especially in the border states where there are six hour waits in many hospital, especially during winter due to all the illegals there waiting for treatment for cases of the flu.
And I'm not speaking of the "swine flu" either, that strain that has suddenly now appeared during this recession, just as it did during the 1970's recession in order to bulk up Wall Street and the pharmeceutical industries and financial wheelers and dealers once again, at the American public's expense.
Washington is getting oh so predictable on their terrorism tactics in order to bulk up their favored industries and Wall Street's bottom lines at his point. In conjunction with the world bankers and WHO.
At least to the boomer's who have seen this all before.
I'm speaking of the 24 hour stomach flu, or regular flu, in which those illegals rush to the emergency wards for their free health care, while auto accident victims, or those with true medical emergencies are waiting in line for treatment, since Uncle Sam's reimbursements and provisions for those illegals exceeds most of those of the citizens paying megabucks for some of those policies in their provisions, or at least in the amount of paperwork involved and screening and complications with many hospital going through the pre-approval processes for insurance patients prior to treatment.
As a non-Republican or Democrat, it would appear obvious this entire incident again is being used for political reasons and not seen for the truth in what Mr. Wilson actually stated. Which was, after all, the truth. And he didn't state it by half actually, as a former 45 year border resident can attest.
But I do wonder if he is up for re-election in 2010 unless he truly was clueless that the federal government already provides illegal immigrant emergency care.
Mr. Wilson should have stated the obvious.
And when a public official of Mr. Obama's stature is misrepresenting facts to the public in a nationally held press conference called merely to gain sympathy and support for his unconstitutional program (which it also is, fundamentally), I don't think Mr. Wilson's claimed "outburst" addressed the violative nature of this legislation on the rights of the people by half.
And political correctness actually has contributed to where we are today. And not calling a spade a spade.
Or treason for the treason it actually is.
You go, Joe.
After all, the founders would have been actually calling for the dueling pistols at this point with some of the treason that is now going on at the Hill "progressively" by both of the global socialist parties now in office, the Republicans and Democrats.
But in the long view since it appears Mr. Wilson actually averted the obvious, it appears there was a political agenda and media reason for this "outburst," since even Mr. Wilson should know that in Congress attempting to inflict an additional tax on the American people such as this public health care option would entail to begin with, our Constitution requires a whole lot more than simply town hall type meetings in order to afford Washington to so do.
So it appears this "outburst" was a bi-partisan spin again, without truly addressing the crux of the matter and in order mainly to detract and deflect from the Constitutional abridgement it truly is, without the "consent of the governed" and going through the amendment process to so do in another "property" taking of the American people in the name of what is no more than industry corporate welfare and a governmental power move in taking what is and has been a state matter under federal control instead and then masked as "health care deform."
Probably also with state government support, in order for them also then to gain additional taxpayer revenues for discretionary purposes, since the existing costs to the taxpayers at this point hasn't even been mentioned in whether any rebates can be expected in state taxation.
If history proves consistent, since even with those "stimulus" monies they are still claiming poverty in a great many, don't hold your breath America.
And as with the "mortage foreclosure rescue" it appears the exact same negligence again is occurring with these "solutions," in not at all addressing the actual problems which resulted in this scenario to begin with. Merely the symptoms.
And Washington then either taking them over in "buyouts," or throwing money at the culprits for more profit.
The gist of the matter is this as to why we are where we now are at this point in history.
Washington's continued failure to abide by the "Rule of Law" and actually effectively regulate these corporate commercial organizations benefitting at the public's expense and their policies and practices, rather than continuing, year after year instead, to get in bed with them and giving them corporate welfare and privileges and immunities that they are in no way "lawfully" entitled to from the outset.
All the liberal mainstream and citizen journalists sites today are abuzz with the claimed "outburst" of Joe Wilson, House representative from South Carolina, during Mr. Obama's "sell ObamaCare" message and address to Congress last evening, which of course was really no Congressional address at all but another appeal to the masses for another of Washington's "in your face" agendas and programs at the expense of the taxpayers most of all.
This "health care reform" could better be described as "health care deform" at this point, since most of all those that were consulted were the industry representatives that have thus far created this scenario where many in America at the present time, even if they do have health care coverage, are finding those benefits shrinking year after year, while their costs continue to escalate.
Twenty four hour childbirths and mastectomies have now become the norm, to the point where we now have an infant survival rate that is actually lower than Cuba's, after all.
So has the impact now on quality of care of doctors scheduled for seven or eight heart surgeries in a row in many of these corporately run hospitals and health care networks at the present time. And "staff" infection rates as a result becoming more and more common contracted at those hospitals due to these almost assembly line operations.
Several years ago my brother-in-law went in for arthroscopic surgery due to a basketball injury he suffered, only to have to then be hospitalized thereafter with a staph infection contracted at the clinic in which he had the original procedure done.
During one of the two of my mother's recent heart surgeries, the surgeon involved (from South America) indicated that he had seven such stint surgeries for collapsed arteries scheduled one right after another at the large, corporately owned health care "network" facilities in which he and his megapractice of doctors had contracted in the Southern U.S.
She had to go in for another emergency room visit again then within 60 days since the hospital staff failed to tell her that her recovery time might also result in periodic instances of angina while her heart was re-oxygenating after the surgery, and then failed to give her the needed nitroglycerin in just such an instance.
She, of course, has a publicly provided plan. Medicare. With an AARP paid supplement. But still was not given the needed medications prior to release in order to avoid such an occurrence, which from my research happens in far more instances than it does not.
And due to internet marketing and automated phone call centers and such now with little human contact with these providers now involved in much of these plans, denials of coverage on many claims are now also going through the roof.
What interested me is the reaction of those loony liberals (and I am neither Republican or Democrat, but hold with our Constitution as the true "Rule of Law" and in which it is clear the federal government has no authority to institute such a program at all without the "consent of the governed" in going through the amendment process in order to so do).
Given the unconstitutionality of this legislation at its root, I would say Mr. Wilson's reaction was rather mild in both his stated opposition, and also his choice of wording.
He interrupted Mr. Obama mid-presentation when he was addressing many Americans stated concerns (without also objecting as I do on Constitutional grounds most of all) that coverage for illegal immigrants would be provided.
Which is really laughable in and of itself, because at the present time illegal immigrants already have coverage, as this former 45 year border state resident can attest.
And Mr. Wilson himself should know that already himself. Although, as from South Carolina might now given the enormous amount of unconstitutional legislation Washington has spit out now over the past decades, more and more so though presently one right after another.
After all, he is a federal legislator so should be in the loop, and coverage for illegals for what was supposed to be catastrophic needs only has been provided for literally years due to existing legislation already "passed"
Or if not, the hospitals are getting paid by the feds at the taxpayer's expense anyway, since the new MO appears to be passing unconstitutional legislation in one branch of Congress such as ther House, and then funding it even it it is not "legally" law at all lacking full passage in the Senate. Then what isn't Constitutional law can then still be regulated and funded as if it is, and the bulk of public none the wiser, since most of the lawyers in this country can't understand most of these bills.
Even, it appears, the ones who wrote them.
That has happened with quite a few of these rather bogus unconstitutional property stripping bills as of late, such as the ones now being enacted by the Department of Homeland Security in those Fusion Center Task Forces and memorandums recently circulated instituting the domestic spying programs on lawful Americans according to political profiling.
So this "new" reform obviously is not precluding in any manner that free coverage which is already given to those illegals, and has been for years. All state measures and ballot initiatives to the contrary, it is a federal law that provides such benefits to those who are non-Americans in emergency room visits and treatments.
And those corporate health care networks get paid quite handsomely for those visits, of course courtesy of the American taxpayers who are then billed for those services and visits.
Not their employers, who are paying in most instances below standard wages for their services, saving on state workmen's comp taxation, and then having the Americans whose jobs they have replaced picking up the tab for their "employment benefits" in health care needs for those employees while in this country, many not even holding those massive temporary work visas Washington hands out nowadays like candy at the mere request of the states, or their campaign backers.
Who, by the way, are just as much to blame, many of which now are pleading poverty and bankruptcy as California and Arizona have this past year, two states with an inordinate amount of illegal workers to begin with due to the "petitions" they rush off to Washington for increases in those visas each and every legislative session for their state campaign backers benefits.
In many states, it has gotten to the point where it has adversely affected the quality of care and treatment of lawful Americans in those emergency rooms, especially in the border states where there are six hour waits in many hospital, especially during winter due to all the illegals there waiting for treatment for cases of the flu.
And I'm not speaking of the "swine flu" either, that strain that has suddenly now appeared during this recession, just as it did during the 1970's recession in order to bulk up Wall Street and the pharmeceutical industries and financial wheelers and dealers once again, at the American public's expense.
Washington is getting oh so predictable on their terrorism tactics in order to bulk up their favored industries and Wall Street's bottom lines at his point. In conjunction with the world bankers and WHO.
At least to the boomer's who have seen this all before.
I'm speaking of the 24 hour stomach flu, or regular flu, in which those illegals rush to the emergency wards for their free health care, while auto accident victims, or those with true medical emergencies are waiting in line for treatment, since Uncle Sam's reimbursements and provisions for those illegals exceeds most of those of the citizens paying megabucks for some of those policies in their provisions, or at least in the amount of paperwork involved and screening and complications with many hospital going through the pre-approval processes for insurance patients prior to treatment.
As a non-Republican or Democrat, it would appear obvious this entire incident again is being used for political reasons and not seen for the truth in what Mr. Wilson actually stated. Which was, after all, the truth. And he didn't state it by half actually, as a former 45 year border resident can attest.
But I do wonder if he is up for re-election in 2010 unless he truly was clueless that the federal government already provides illegal immigrant emergency care.
Mr. Wilson should have stated the obvious.
And when a public official of Mr. Obama's stature is misrepresenting facts to the public in a nationally held press conference called merely to gain sympathy and support for his unconstitutional program (which it also is, fundamentally), I don't think Mr. Wilson's claimed "outburst" addressed the violative nature of this legislation on the rights of the people by half.
And political correctness actually has contributed to where we are today. And not calling a spade a spade.
Or treason for the treason it actually is.
You go, Joe.
After all, the founders would have been actually calling for the dueling pistols at this point with some of the treason that is now going on at the Hill "progressively" by both of the global socialist parties now in office, the Republicans and Democrats.
But in the long view since it appears Mr. Wilson actually averted the obvious, it appears there was a political agenda and media reason for this "outburst," since even Mr. Wilson should know that in Congress attempting to inflict an additional tax on the American people such as this public health care option would entail to begin with, our Constitution requires a whole lot more than simply town hall type meetings in order to afford Washington to so do.
So it appears this "outburst" was a bi-partisan spin again, without truly addressing the crux of the matter and in order mainly to detract and deflect from the Constitutional abridgement it truly is, without the "consent of the governed" and going through the amendment process to so do in another "property" taking of the American people in the name of what is no more than industry corporate welfare and a governmental power move in taking what is and has been a state matter under federal control instead and then masked as "health care deform."
Probably also with state government support, in order for them also then to gain additional taxpayer revenues for discretionary purposes, since the existing costs to the taxpayers at this point hasn't even been mentioned in whether any rebates can be expected in state taxation.
If history proves consistent, since even with those "stimulus" monies they are still claiming poverty in a great many, don't hold your breath America.
And as with the "mortage foreclosure rescue" it appears the exact same negligence again is occurring with these "solutions," in not at all addressing the actual problems which resulted in this scenario to begin with. Merely the symptoms.
And Washington then either taking them over in "buyouts," or throwing money at the culprits for more profit.
The gist of the matter is this as to why we are where we now are at this point in history.
Washington's continued failure to abide by the "Rule of Law" and actually effectively regulate these corporate commercial organizations benefitting at the public's expense and their policies and practices, rather than continuing, year after year instead, to get in bed with them and giving them corporate welfare and privileges and immunities that they are in no way "lawfully" entitled to from the outset.
Barack Obama,
federal government,
health care,
Joe Wilson,
South Carolina,
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