For Any And All Conserve-ative Americans:
As so much has been left out of the mainstream media coverage on this abysmal health care deform concocted in Washington and led at this point by Max Baucus (D-MT), it is evident that the ownership of our news sources in this country have also been "globalized" with the British and world government corporate interests, that much has been clear.
Montana does, after all, border Canada.
And the bulk of the state legislatures that are supporting also this legislation have also selfish concerns in mind. Due, of course, to the unlawful passage of the 16th amendment that was also concocted behind closed doors and, contrary to the 9th Amendment itself, never placed before the people with respect to a tax (whether direct or indirect) on the fruits of the labor.
A type of tax, actually, that the founders had warned would leave their posterity homeless. And such has been the case in many instances since that time (1913) and during the Great Depression (manipulated by the Federal Reserve, which is no more than a European central bank branch out of London) now in possession of our true wealth, the gold, as security for all those debt notes in circulation.
Flooding the market with those notes of course, then depresses our currency which then in turn also makes U.S. corporations and even public utility companies (such as Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant in Arizona servicing Arizona and parts of California) an attractive investment opportunity. Or a natural disaster and hurricane such as Katrina, or wildfires such as are now suspiciously occurring quite regularly in California more so than at any other time.
Many would say that is due to "global warming."
As one whose father was involved with the home builders and the lumber industry, I would say it is to reduce the amount of available timber in this country for, again, British (Canadian) import and trade agreements since lumber and timber is one of Canada's primary exports to this country.
But also during all of this debate, not a word has been spoken about the fact that absent Medicare and Medicaid benefits, which do cover most citizens at least for catastrophic care in their retirement years, every state in the nation now has such coverage. And it is a major expenditure due to the fact that Washington has also passed legislation affording such coverage for emergency treatments to non-U.S. citizens. And not simply foreign tourists or those working here for on-the-job injuries.
But the deliberate hirers also for the outsourced labor from Mexico, and also those here on work and student visas and other temporary arrangements. In fact, this provision instituted around twenty years ago (another backroom measure) is what has been the draw for so many of the poor Mexican citzens in the border towns, since Mexico also is one of those socialized countries where a great deal of its wealth is concentrated in Mexico City and some of the states there with the greatest populations.
Sort of like how California and parts of Texas received border fencing back in the 90's securing areas around San Diego and El Paso, while Arizona which has the largest open border by far received merely vehicle spikes for those areas which were at that time used by many of the coyotes and big time drug smugglers.
Which, of course, has changed as the terrain has in almost twenty years, since the maps printed in Mexico are revised annually.
The state legislatures which are mostly behind this just so happen to be those New England states, and border states.
The locally passed initiatives denying benefits to illegals such as has occurred in Arizona the past several years due to that state's residents contniued victimization on this issue in countless ways, has also caused those legislators grief from the federally funded illegal immigrant groups which have sprung up headed by lawyers mostly who receive their legal fees also paid by the U.S. taxpayers for any and all "civil rights" violations they bring in the U.S. courts now on behalf of illegals, whether defensive actions or now even afforded access to the courts to prosecute Americans on foreigners behalf for any manner of charges, some legitimate but many which are not. Such as the drug dealer reported suing this country in the Ramos and Compean case for the buckshot actually he received for crossing as a known drug trafficker, from all reports.
So the illegal immigrant gravy train runs wide and deep in this country for a great many in the legal profession especially, as it does for those other corporate interests who profit off those annual work and student visas.
In fact, I visited Mt. Ruthmore a few years ago and was quite surprised at the number of students from the Soviet Union that work in the ice cream store there at the park. I happen to speak with one of them who informed me that they pay immigration attorneys and/or their schools a stipend amounting to about $2,000 U.S. dollars per student per year in order to spend the summer in the U.S. working at some of our national parks and tourist attractions, facilitated through U.S. immigration lawyers.
No U.S. high school or college students were employed in the store during the summer as it was in previous generations, strictly foreigners the day I visited. And lived three and four to a room at a local hotel, which costs were subtracted then from their wages.
On the return trip from a visit to the East Coast for personal reasons also a few years back, I traveled through Williamsburg, Virginia and stayed at an inexpensive hotel there overnight since I had some car trouble on the way. The hotel, as with many of the independently owned hotels in the area, was owned by a U.S. limited liability corporation that employed also Russian students during the peak summer holiday season, and also informed me that there were many lawyers who advertised in their countries for such work visas. She also was living with three others at the hotel, and whose accomodations were also deducted from her pay, but indicated that circumstances right now in Russia are not so good, since all power lies with Moscow under their "democracy."
Although the next day as I resumed my travels I had to laugh when recalling our conversation.
Since I'm sure she knows less than most of those in this country at this point it would appear.
All power does not reside with Moscow (or Washington, for that matter, all appearances now to the contrary in our now out of control Congress and successive Administrations).
All power really lies with the bankers, as with our Federal Reserve. They do, after all, fund the campaigns and the wars for all but a very, very few countries. And both sides, since bankers have really no country loyalty other than as an investment for profit.
And they are, for the most part, British.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
ObamaCare: Leading America Further Into Regressive World Government?
Barack Obama,
health care,
stock market