To Any And All Conserve-ative Constitutionalists:
Posted today on many media sites due to the highly controversial intent of Barack Obama to initiate what can only be called a FDR "fireside chat" with America's youth through a televised "back to school" speech throughout the nation, my initial reaction to it as a 60's era Conserve-ative Constitution believing American was that it smacks of FDR's programs and agendas during a similar government initiated economic crisis in this nation - shifting the blame off those responsible (Washington) to asking the people to suck it up and endure.
Or silence and control the masses through using television instead of the radio for his message, since the message of hope and change Mr. Obama presented during his campaign rhetoric has clearly lost its glow for the parents of most of those children he is addressing.
His homey style of communication while wheeling and dealing with global corporate and foreign nationals to undermine both American labor and production that has been the focus of all his efforts since the inaugural appears he hopes such personal appeals can whitewash.
Last month saw the most casualties in the Iraq war almost since its inception. While Mr. Obama speaks of Twitter, Facebook and Google - an industry that is profiting the most actually from both the War in Iraq and the now domestic spying program.
And in using America's children for such a message, does seem to be the ultimate example of the hypocricy and self-aggrandizement that most on the Hill appear to be suffering. A social disease that is self-perpetuating, it seems, the longer thoy remain in Washington and out of touch with those to whom they are charged to serve. The Detroit GM workers I feel would have a clearly different reaction to Mr. Obama's youth message of working hard to reach your dreams.
Many of them, I'm sure, felt they had achieved given their circumstances a pinnacle of success in being involved in one of America's most vital and important inventions and achievements throughout the world.
It is clear that although Mr. Obama as one who graduated from one of America's most expensive and foremost Eastern univerisity's yet still has a basic lack of understanding of our Constitution and framework of government, that his ideas of the importance now in this country of a formal U.S. dictated education has lost its sheen due to the fact that the federal government has injected itself unconstitutionally into the education of America's youth.
Since that truly is something that the American people should decide for their own family's welfare. And also any such public educations would be better served with less federal involvement, and left to the states themselves to determine as was the founders also intention in Jefferson's establishment of the public school system, and the University of Virginia.
Nothing was said of the fact that there were quite a few of our U.S. president's themselves that had little formal education. One of the greatest, Lincoln, is a prime example. Our educational institutions "progressively" have gotten more and more liberal in their goals and agendas, and many American citizens are reacting also accordingly and pulling them out of public schooling in order to home school.
More and more each and every year. Too much of the wrong education can be more detrimental than studying quantum physics.
Or clearly the law and our jurisprudence system at this point in time.
Marxism and communist theories abounded in the Obama message, wrapped in an FDR media ploy and public relations move intended to sterilize Mr. Obama's image with America's youth given that his approval ratings are continuing to decline, as the parent's of those children Mr. Obama is addressing have watched their jobs and savings accounts dwindle due to Washington's global economic agendas and the world government agendas both parties on the Hill at the present time, the Global Socialist Party, now engender.
Creating new jobs is not Mr. Obama's primary function. Protecting the United States and its citizens from all enemies, both foreign and domestic, actually is. Protecting and preserving the civil rights also of those first ten amendments for all Americans in even choosing how much or how long to formally school their own kids is fundamentally one of the most foremost individual rights and liberties there is. Not promoting the U.S. school system or public education in general which has progressively resulted in a losing of the basics in pursuit of the agendas of both Washington and the politicos in the educational system in this country in general.
Protecting America's and American's sovereignty, in other words, both individually and as a nation, as a sovereign nation whose interests are best served by breaking the ties that bind with other nations and agendas that are clearly at cross-purposes to protecting our own vital economic bases and industries and American jobs here in this country. And the future of America's children actually lies in their parent's also more primary input and goals as their primary caregivers - not the government.
And better served protecting those children and the American people in doing their actual jobs, protecting their very lives and livlihoods from any foreign threat compromising either.
Not abroad, or the global expansion of our industrial base to other countries, thus then compromising our own national security also in the process.
Or aligning ourselves for literally decades after World War II with Israel, Britain and other nations whose agendas and intererests are at this point clearly different than our own.
And costing us now American lives in the thousands progressively in the process by not simply facilitating trade agreements or economically beneficial in the present and short term and honoring their countries own sovereignty in the process.
Obama's message was clear. Even going so far as to use his own personal story of his rather unusual upbringing in Indonesia and cross-nationalism in the process in order to garner both support and sympathy from an emerging generation of Americans for his global cause, again, painted in FDR style socialism and "the greater good," that this communique was clearly meant to transmit in its origins and mouthpiece.
The teacher's union must be thrilled as it appears that is the audience that just might have been behind this particular fireside chat. And maybe also those "struggling" banks whose profit margins Obama and Congress have been inordinately interested in protecting and enlarging at the general public's now loss and benefit such as the bank bailouts and "foreclosure rescue" aimed at priimarily satisfying those foreign investors at the American people's yet again expense.
And don't forget also America. Many of our greatest investors and achievers had little "formal" education at all. And many were schooled in their professions and trades outside the classroom, but instead by parents or other caring adults in their lives. Even in my generation, the federal government had far less involvement in local state or community education and really the days of phonics and the basic three Rs turned out some of our greatest inventors and free thinkers whose basic skills and language development were stressed, but who gained far more from then their own initiatives to follow their strengths to wherever they might lead. Using the public libraries more for their further study, and goal directed individual class study in their selected fields. Not "proscribed" agendas formulated by politicians at all.
Forced attendance through the public schools for such a message to our nation's children does speak of desperation at this point, and also clearly an agenda that appears to be at cross purposes with the majority of those children's true authority figures whose knowledge of their child's true gifts and talents and choice in how to develop those gifts is also being undermined in the process through "progeressive" world socialists such as Mr. Obama represents.
For some parents, this might be a good day to let your kids take a "wellness" day.
Since Mr. Obama mentioned washing your hands and staying home from school in order to avoid catching any of those health compromising "bugs."
Monday, September 7, 2009
Obama's Back To School Fireside Chat: FDR Reincarnate?
Barack Obama,
federal government,
United States,
world socialism