(For Any And All Conserve-ative Americans)
With all the brouhaha and ballyhoo that has been the buzz on the mainstream and citizen journalism sites of the recent announcement that Barack Obama has been awarded a Nobel "peace" prize for his work in his less than one year in office to many Americans such as myself such a move comes as absolutely no surprise from this politically focused international group.
After all, global socialism is part and parcel of the entire focus of such awards, and world government control of the masses under U.N., World Bank, WHO and other internationally funded and facilitated groups outside of the sovereignty of all nations on the planet its primary and fundamentally its purpose.
What is truly surprising is the fundamental hypocricy of such a position, in that the U.S. is now is engaged in facilitating supposed "peace" through war in the Middle East on behalf of Israel most of all in our continued presence there, and also "global" corporate interests outsoucing both American jobs and industry for their cheap labor needs in the Middle East due to currency fluctuations and the world government agendas which have progressively been at work here through the globalists (mislabeled either Republican or Democrat at this point) esconced there.
But then again, the prize for the award (approximately 1.4 million) is also funded by those same European banking cartel members who were responsible for the creation of Israel in the wake of World War I under the British Balfour Doctrine.
So it appears that the "surprise" of this announcement has to do with just exactly how desperate now those "powers that be" are to now continue facilitating their agendas of world government control by pulling out all the stops.
The list of all the last U.S. presidential recipients of this award reads like a "who's who" of the European banking control and Council on Foreign Relations members which is the U.S. spinoff of their political agendas.
Woodrow Wilson (who created the Federal Reserve "shell" of a a national bank which is owned by the London Rothchild banking family primarily - and the 16th Amendment and "income" tax on Americans in order to profit off of this country and its people and reinstitute British rule in the process), Theodore Roosevelt (another globalist) and Jimmy Carter (an also member of the Council on Foreign Relations responsible for the temporary halt of tensions with respect to Israel, but for which came at a huge cost once again in U.S. involvement now progressively).
Mr. Obama's is facing huge declining ratings at home due to the U.S.'s continued involved in wars now for decades on behalf of Israel and the zionist elements living within this country post World War II, whose agendas are actually diametrically opposed to what this country's roots and founders were all about.
Freedom of religion, and freedom from religious prosecution.
A nation's whose primary tenants would not support the continued involvement in a country whose primary focus is in creating and maintaining a purely Zionist state, not one in which religious differences and practices are given a whole lot of weight at all, other than by mere gesture from most of the reports.
Christians and Muslims are marginalized within the Israeli government, and their interests are and have been progressively abridged since post World War II.
In fact, there are many of the Jewish faith within Israel itself that have been marginalized due to their positions that zionism is not biblical doctrine with respect to the Jewish faith at all.
And with a war still raging unconstitutionally in this country, which was founded on non-interventionism and freedom of religion, and also nationalism and not globalism in the slightest - since we did fight a war to break free from global foreign interests and controls which were compromising this country's safety and security, and had progressively made those founders homeless and jobless in the process, this award smacks of a "bribe" for the international community's agenda once again.
To continue risking American lives, jobs and security for Europe's safety and security most of all. Especially Britain, who entered into this agreement in the first place, but has progressively shifted its wars and costs, and the security of our nation in the process progressively since World War II. That continued unholy "alliance" with Britain facilitated by FDR and Churchill has had a monstrous cost to Americans ever since.
And it appears others in the international community can also see through the political scope of this award. Since the gasps were heard throughout the room when the award was announced, from all reports.
So it does appear that some unseen force and powers that be are behind this "globally focused" organization had a hand in the outcome for political reasons.
Most likely those picking up the tab. Those British bankers, after all, who value Israel more for its real estate potential and tourism, it would appear, than anything else. And tourism is suffering in that region right now due to these continuing conflicts and interventionist policies on behalf of Israel.
This "zionist state" was Britain's creation, after all, not the United States since that Balfour Doctrine precedes World War II by literally decades.
Who appear desperate now that the United States citizens are waking up more and more to who is truly pulling the strings also of our government officials, and this sacrifice of the American people and their safety, security and livelihoods for the global agendas with respect to Israel and the Middle East in order to facilitate total global economic control for their "welfare," and the privileged few that are the elitists that have been involved in this agenda since that Wilson era.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Global Socialist Barack Obama Receives Nobel Peace Prize
federal government,
Federal Reserve,
world economy