It was reported in the mainstream media that the "stakeholders," as Mr. Obama so politically correctly labeled the commercial health care industry behind much of the provisions of the efforts toward health care deform waged this past year by various special interests groups, was the most expensive lobbyihg effort to date bar none.
If Americans wish to know really why their health care costs are so high look no further.
Using premium payer dollars to hire huge expensive K Street lawyers and lobbyists is one of them.
Not using those dollars actually for what they were collected for. The actual health care cost of those premium payers. And advertising costs also were off the charts for national and state commercials in order to sell the public on their efforts to increase their "stakes" and wallets once again on Americans' health for their commercial interests.
Whether provided by the government in any socialized plan or mandated by federal statutes, this legislation is by far the largest increase in taxation across the Board for the American public, even exceeding that bogus Cap & Trade tax passed by the House earlier this year for the Wall Street financial sector in order to feed the global and foreign investors most of all - and the global economy and venture capitalists and traders at the expense of the American people once again.
Many of whom now are jobless and homeless due to the world economic socialism agendas of those meeting in Pitttburgh for that G-20 conference, and diametrically opposed to the "intent" of our founders in this country in order to retain America's sovereignty from foreign influence, either politically or economically.
I just wonder how many lives could have been saved with those sums which were paid to those lobbyists, many of whom make five figure salaries and who are not "lawyers" really at all, but merely contract labor employees for these huge now global and national associations and concerns.
Corporate socialism and government in bed together for both of their "corporate" interests at the expense of the American people was actually what the War of '76 was all about, after all.
Not simply taxation without a voice, but foreign dictates for economic purposes. The East India Company was the target of that Boston Tea Party, after all, for a reason.
It appears that instead of "progress" this country's economic policies under both the Democratic and Republican leadership for the last several decades has been more one of regression.
And with Congress now with a less than 15% approval rating, and Mr. Obama's approval rating now beginning to tank, the "dumbing down" of Americans through the reprogramming that is now undertaken in our nation's schools now with this agenda to our youth, especially at the university level, hasn't had wide spread effect our political leaders apparently expected, since in practice its negative impact is now being felt throughout the nation with the continuing decline of the U.S. economy in order to stablize the "global" and on behalf of the foreign and global interests and whose interests are clearly the focus now of Wall Street and Capitol Hill at the cost of the American public and people who actually are the major contributors and provide the bulk of the revenue for their very livelihoods.
Not the individual American investors, or those premium payers subsidizing and funding their global economies, as now the "protected class" of the European bankers who own controlling interests in America's entire economy through ownership of the Wilson created Federal Reserve.
And the natives are clearly getting quite restless.
The true American natives, that is.
By birth, or by allegiance, are now watching their country being sold down the river by the global socialists to foreign interests in order to facilitate what is no more than global communism on a massive scale.
With these now global corporations who are now dictating provisions through their "favored status" on policies throughout the world on now even life and death issues.
Nationalizing health care then leads to government people policing and control.
Government control then leads to each countries policies and provisions in such matters being also dictated to by the WHO and U.N. resolutions for global socialism since this organization has gone way beyond simply as arbiter and forum for trade agreements and the like, to now resolutions directed toward redistribution of the world's population, and population control itself.
And getting a foot in the door with respect to health care in this nation certainly brings this country much closer to the goal of globalism and global dictates on health care as a part of their efforts in order to facilitate their population control mandates, dictates and resolutions throughout the world.
And appears to be more and more dangerous to each and every country's sovereignty and their citizens' chosen forms of government until the people themselves decide to amend or change it, while violently or non-violently as has historically been the case, than any threat of nuclear war by any rogue Middle Eastern nation wishing to expand their land holdings and religious doctrine. It would appear that even those rogue nations would see that their survival, unless that nation is totally self-sufficient, depends on fair and balanced trade with other nations.
China's one child per family laws in its controversial provisions has had heartbreaking consequences and are actually creating an almost one gender society in its focus, and selective abortions in the process based purely on gender in our now "high tech" and the science based focuses of these political organizations more and more.
So when opening your mail after receiving that Notice of Payment Due on your insurance premiums, America, at both the "corporate" and "individual" level, please remember that advertsing and lobbying costs actually are becoming two of the highest expenditures today for most of these global organizations.
And, of course, their executive compensation packages and fringe benefits for those global and national meetings with key legislators and their fellow corporate socialists.
With this now much touted "science based" technology promoted by particularly this Administration, wouldn't you think that global conference calls via satellite would be much cheaper and save both the taxpayers, and the general public funding their perks and careers, and boost the entire world's economy then in the process if they practiced more what they also preach?
Energy and fiscal conservation?
And those sums are coming from you, the rate payers, for both the salaries of those lobbyists, and also the profits for their global investors, which have also now become the priority in their corporate focuses and bottom lines - not the provision of health care to those rate payers as the shared pools they originally were intended to be.
And in this country due to the "publicly" funded service organizations really in which they are now even heavily investing those rate payers dollars more and more in high risk other financial sector investments, clearly cries out at this point, post AIG, for "regulation" of their practices and profit distributions at the federal and state level in the United States per our intended form of government as provided in our Constitution.
Not with our politicians becoming clearly more and more, simply another employee actually of them, and many of their progressively "foreign" edicts, dictates and business practices.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Greedy Health Care Special Interests Wage Most Expensive Campaign Ever
health care,