In furtherance in just how far and how fast this agenda of negating the U.S. Constitution and those protections which were written in stone within it by our founding fathers in order that true "justice" and the "will" of the people, and not the state, would prevail in both criminal and civil matters in this country as a government "of the people, by the people, for the people," a writer apparently employed or promoted by the U.S. State Department on the website in the "International" Department is apparently of the belief that America's trial by jury provisions are not as "good" as those from the "small country" he was or is from, the current country of residence, however, was omitted.
At least according to an article published on the website in July.
Whether this gentleman is now a naturalized U.S. citizen it is unclear.
Given that each and every naturalized citizen in this country, and federal and state employee is bound by an oath of office to "defend and protect" the Constitution of the United States, if this gentleman is a naturalized citizen and now an employee of our State Department or freelancer paid for his articles on a governmental site, it would appear that his citizenship classes were somewhat deficient in defining the hierachy and reason that the founders demanded such provisions be included due to the abuses which they had suffered under "sovereign" judgements as "subjects" rather than "owners" of their government.
Or the State Department actually is promoting federalism and "sovereighny" that would shock and apall those founders as diametricaly opposed to the entire framework of our government.
With federal and Supreme Court justices now schooled primarily in British based judicial determinations which have now "regressively" occurred in this country, such as that heinous Kelo decision which was no more than the sovereign "taking" and according "land and titles" from one private entity and giving it to another "sovereign subject and developerr" for no true "public purpose" whatsoever as the founders intended to protect their lands and homes, and the now bucketload of political decisions that have come down the pike at each and every level within the past five decades giving our government much more authority and power than it was ever intended to have over the "rights" and "freedoms" of Americans, I just wonder where this writer actually grew up, how old he is, and just where he was educated. Britain?
I wonder if he is aware of the term "Res Ipsa Loquitor" and also the basis and the common law upon which our Constitution was actually based, with the exception of the added provisons which the founders included within our Bill of Rights in order that the citizens in this country would not suffer the stripping of their homes, land, property and dignity which had occurred in Britain and from which they fled as victims of just such beliefs - that there are "classes" of citizens, with some with "blood royal," and others not so blessed and thus not as "worthy" of enjoying the fruits of their labor without paying large and ever increasing alms to the sovereign - be it human or "parlimentary.".
That the government's will is not above that of the "natural" and God given rights of the people. A system based on "innocent until proven guilty" by a unanimous decision - and in which even the "fact" basis and Constitutionality of the law under which an accused is tried is even subject to jury review and determination as to its applicability in each and every INDIVIDUAL case before them.
Not, as judges are bound within the unregulated judicial branch by their own court rules which have placed more than few judges in an untenable position and forced more and more to use "politically" rendered decisions instead of honoring their oath of office, or be canned by the "political organization" of which they are affiliated by Administration, and which are in any event "subjective" judicial opinions, and personal biases not the "tribunals" they were intended to be, except upon Supreme Court reviews, which have been granting themselves and the lower courts "rights of refusal, to now even hear citizen brought complaints outside Constitutional provison.
Especially judges paid by the public taxpayers although appointed by Congress and the President without any real "check and balance" now more and more clearly looking out for their own economic self-interest or political careers, which impartial juries are not so "politically" motivated to do but actually hear the evidence - at least not in prior generations when cases were not "tried" in the media as they are today also due to our sensationalized media seeking ad revenues and dollars, rather than facts with political agendas all their own.
Unfortunately, due to the fact that the U.S. has more lawyers in this country than all of Europe combined, our judicial system has become nothing more than a litigation mill and the idea is to draw cases out and not serve in the interests of justice of those of the accused and the public.
If most cases are plea bargarined, as this writer also so believes at this point in our history, then it is usually because "the State" doesn't have enough evidence to actually try the cases, or even the law or statute under which he is "accused" is blatantly unconstitutional (since now few state or federal legislators are serving their function as the "check' on constitutionality initially) so many truly innocent Americans have been deprived of their day in court and justice or effective renderings by the court on some of those bogus laws and statutes - by America's now truly out of balance legal system based not on discovering truth and based on evidence but even with civil trials, not to mention criminal trials, increasingly going on for years due to delays and legal shenanigans most of all.
You can read the text for yourself. This is what Washington is either hiring or promoting and yet issuing "right wing extremist" memorandums and instituting "terrorism" task forces against the citizenry, and wonders apparently why the people are not at all happy with the "sovereign" now federal and their state governments?
I wonder if this writer is or was previously a lawyer by profession, and if so, just where he got his legal education? Because it is clear he does not truly understand the intended American judicial system as separate and distinct from the rest of the world's and was set forth purposely as one in which "juries of peers" were the best insurance against tyranny.
And just where his former "small country" is actually located.
Because it would appear he was either "schooled" in a British or "government as sovereign" collegiate education whether at this point in this country here or his former homeland makes no real difference. Since it does appear that the Bar Association also must have an "International" mindset in its teaching curriculum at this juncture and also agenda due to the globalists now heading most of this country's major universities, especially those with law schools.
And the American taxpayers are paying this writer's salary or commissions on articles, to undermine the very fabric of our government itself?
Written on the publicly and taxpayer funded website of , it appears that the only "legal" requirement now that the State Department has set forth is that these political writers set forth a disclosure that "the opinions stated in this article do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. government."
Excuse me? Then just what purpose does such an article actually serve, other than to employ foreign writers without any historical backgrounds or knowledge on American govenment and politics?
Since that would be another method of "splitting hairs" with governmental positions promoting what is nothing more than treason on the U.S. Constitution, while the "Globalists" rather than American Department Heads can keep their hands clean using "foreigners" now to do their dirty work and spread their propaganda that are at this point due to yet another global recession due our intermingled economies, getting fed up also with the globalists and their "world socialism" movement in some of their home countries, and would like also a government as this once great nation had for over 100 years prior to the start of the last century, at least.
One "of the people, by the people, for the people" of their respective countries, whose individual interests and whose citizens may be a part of a larger world community, but for which regionally interests many times are as individual as the fingerprints, hearts, minds and talents bestowed on God's creations by him.
Who made humanity, based on biblical references, a coat of many colors with regional interests due primarily to their immediate environments and geographical circumstances which significantly impacted their day to day lives and whose geographic "assets" as individual as his children.
The link:
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
States Raising College Tuitions Post Stimulus?
Incredible though it may seem, even after the massive amounts of "stimulus" monies that were supposedly earmarked for higher education at state and public universities throughout the nation, a great many are now announcing that they will be raising the costs of tuition (which was one of those "hooks" designed to manipulate the public pulse once again in order to further devalue our dollar and encourage more and more foreign ownership of American assets at this point).
I don't believe there was any "payback" or "loan" terms attached to those monies, if I am not mistaken. So the colleges which are already receiving funds from the state citizens through both property taxes and sales taxes apparently are going to hit up the state citizens once again for more and more bite of their hard earned cash.
The costs now for most four year public universities rivals that of most privately supported ones at this point in our history. In fact, the costs have almost exceeded those bogus CPI figures compiled by the U.S. Department of Labor by about 10 times their actual reporting figures and the true costs.
Of course, those figures are about as accurate as the bookkeeping and sums that were missing and have been unaccounted for by AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
They bear no true relevance to the cost of living in this country whatsoever, and as one who worked within the corporate law area for many years also know that they are kept artificially low because most union contracts (and divorce decrees also) are based upon those figures for annual "salary" or child support costs.
Which explains also why there are so many single women on welfare when their increases for the costs for the care and education of even one child exceeds those support checks (even at public schools which now surprise parents with the costs for $200 calculators and computers once they reach high school).
Hit a mom with a $200 bill who is receiving $500 per month for child support and over a third is gone to your local Comp USA store.
The quality of our education now is more directed in most areas due to also federal agendas in turning out "science based technology" majors, and it appears even a Harvard education isn't worth the sheepskin it is printed on since it is clear that most of the law schools also are teaching "foreign" and international law as binding in this country.
Such as that which is "regulated" by the American Bar Association, a British carryover actually that only came into power over the legal education in America at the start of last century.
And have "regressively" started reinstituting "global" primarily British and "government as sovereign" law now through the graduates in their curriculum and then issued court decisions ever since all the way up to many recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions.
Many of whom's undergraduate educations were either at Cambridge in Great Britain for their undergraduate course study, or graduated from East Coast "Ivy League" schools that have switched from teaching our Constitution and true Constitutional law based on res ipsa loquitor (the Constitution as it is written and was "intended" by those founders absent lawful and legal amendments per the 9th and 10th) to British based "monarchial" type law with the federal government somehow "sovereign" over both the states, and the citizens rather than merely a "shell" with enumerated powers and duties.
It would appear those Moms that are now home schooling certainly know what they are doing, and have seen that the best education actually is one in which a child's natural interests are pursued rather than governmental agendas.
And quite unbelievable, actually, the nerve of some of these state legislatures and universities with such announcements.
The President of Arizona State University, for instance, now earns over $700,000 per year PLUS benefits that are quite generous in their provision given the state of Arizona's economic situation due to our open borders and "outsourcing "global" and regional employers - which even though the perks aren't quite as good, and our President and Congressional members clearly way overpaid for what they are actually worth at this point, is more than the salary of the President of the United States and exceeds that CPI by about 500 percent or more, actually.
With the recuiting that most of these publicly funded unversities do out of the country actually to foreigners for those extra "out of state" tuition rates (really, out of the States), it would seem that the costs for state residents would be going down and they would at the very least be getting a break in their child's further education as the ones bearing the burden really of its existence.
In fact, Arizona has a Constitutional provision that any and all higher education would remain as "free as possible."
And at over now $7,000 per semester for just tuition alone, $14,000 per year is quite a chunk even for those Joe the Plumbers making less than $50,000 per year - which is actually more than the median wage in this country.
Not having to take a second mortgage out on their now depressed homes in order to afford to send their child for his four year bachelor's degree.
Those banks and European bankers are sure bankrupt with all this American debt they are creating for the "global" market and their own wealth and prosperity, it would appear - now quite blatantly at the American people's expense both in lives, and livelihoods.
And then after that expensive graduation party, watch him wait tables for the global visitors that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce agendas in their "See America" programs have also made sure they have a steady and cheap labor force continuing for generations to come to entertain them, including some of those potential terrorists, because all those "science based" technology jobs are going to the foreigners.
Oh, this little blurb had to do with the University of California and was actually reported by the AP underneath an article about the two year old in Mississippi that helped her mother give birth. Under the REALLY big news.
The AP it appears, is now hiring many of either those foreign British based journalists, or has been bought out by the National Enquirer (I believe which is also owned by the British media consortium now buying up much of the U.S. media and internet based news sources).
I don't believe there was any "payback" or "loan" terms attached to those monies, if I am not mistaken. So the colleges which are already receiving funds from the state citizens through both property taxes and sales taxes apparently are going to hit up the state citizens once again for more and more bite of their hard earned cash.
The costs now for most four year public universities rivals that of most privately supported ones at this point in our history. In fact, the costs have almost exceeded those bogus CPI figures compiled by the U.S. Department of Labor by about 10 times their actual reporting figures and the true costs.
Of course, those figures are about as accurate as the bookkeeping and sums that were missing and have been unaccounted for by AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
They bear no true relevance to the cost of living in this country whatsoever, and as one who worked within the corporate law area for many years also know that they are kept artificially low because most union contracts (and divorce decrees also) are based upon those figures for annual "salary" or child support costs.
Which explains also why there are so many single women on welfare when their increases for the costs for the care and education of even one child exceeds those support checks (even at public schools which now surprise parents with the costs for $200 calculators and computers once they reach high school).
Hit a mom with a $200 bill who is receiving $500 per month for child support and over a third is gone to your local Comp USA store.
The quality of our education now is more directed in most areas due to also federal agendas in turning out "science based technology" majors, and it appears even a Harvard education isn't worth the sheepskin it is printed on since it is clear that most of the law schools also are teaching "foreign" and international law as binding in this country.
Such as that which is "regulated" by the American Bar Association, a British carryover actually that only came into power over the legal education in America at the start of last century.
And have "regressively" started reinstituting "global" primarily British and "government as sovereign" law now through the graduates in their curriculum and then issued court decisions ever since all the way up to many recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions.
Many of whom's undergraduate educations were either at Cambridge in Great Britain for their undergraduate course study, or graduated from East Coast "Ivy League" schools that have switched from teaching our Constitution and true Constitutional law based on res ipsa loquitor (the Constitution as it is written and was "intended" by those founders absent lawful and legal amendments per the 9th and 10th) to British based "monarchial" type law with the federal government somehow "sovereign" over both the states, and the citizens rather than merely a "shell" with enumerated powers and duties.
It would appear those Moms that are now home schooling certainly know what they are doing, and have seen that the best education actually is one in which a child's natural interests are pursued rather than governmental agendas.
And quite unbelievable, actually, the nerve of some of these state legislatures and universities with such announcements.
The President of Arizona State University, for instance, now earns over $700,000 per year PLUS benefits that are quite generous in their provision given the state of Arizona's economic situation due to our open borders and "outsourcing "global" and regional employers - which even though the perks aren't quite as good, and our President and Congressional members clearly way overpaid for what they are actually worth at this point, is more than the salary of the President of the United States and exceeds that CPI by about 500 percent or more, actually.
With the recuiting that most of these publicly funded unversities do out of the country actually to foreigners for those extra "out of state" tuition rates (really, out of the States), it would seem that the costs for state residents would be going down and they would at the very least be getting a break in their child's further education as the ones bearing the burden really of its existence.
In fact, Arizona has a Constitutional provision that any and all higher education would remain as "free as possible."
And at over now $7,000 per semester for just tuition alone, $14,000 per year is quite a chunk even for those Joe the Plumbers making less than $50,000 per year - which is actually more than the median wage in this country.
Not having to take a second mortgage out on their now depressed homes in order to afford to send their child for his four year bachelor's degree.
Those banks and European bankers are sure bankrupt with all this American debt they are creating for the "global" market and their own wealth and prosperity, it would appear - now quite blatantly at the American people's expense both in lives, and livelihoods.
And then after that expensive graduation party, watch him wait tables for the global visitors that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce agendas in their "See America" programs have also made sure they have a steady and cheap labor force continuing for generations to come to entertain them, including some of those potential terrorists, because all those "science based" technology jobs are going to the foreigners.
Oh, this little blurb had to do with the University of California and was actually reported by the AP underneath an article about the two year old in Mississippi that helped her mother give birth. Under the REALLY big news.
The AP it appears, is now hiring many of either those foreign British based journalists, or has been bought out by the National Enquirer (I believe which is also owned by the British media consortium now buying up much of the U.S. media and internet based news sources).
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Fort Hood Spins Saturate Media
For Any And All American Conserve-atives (not the British variety ala Fox News):
In light of the upcoming funerals and media coverage of the loss of additional American lives in the wake of the Fort Hood incident in Texas this week, it appears now the media spins are getting wider, deeper and more and more furious by the day.
Since America's presence in the Middle East in some form or another has been a fact since that British "taking" of the land now comprising Israel prior to World War I in an agreement entered into between a British Lord of the Realm and a British banker zionist, America's continued loss of life on behalf of this foreign non-U.S. based accord is becoming greater and greater by the year.
And what has been interesting has been one fundamental question which the media has not in any significant manner raised during the past several days of the "analysis" that are being made on both liberally based and focused mainstream sources - funded by either the Republican Globalists or Democratic Globalists ala FOX and CNN.
Just why would an avowed pacifist and war protestor enlisted or continued serving in the U.S. military during the continuation of this war, which has now gone on for more than eight years after the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001.
Most enlistees, or even those career military officers - which is more likely since the accused is or was the base psychiatrist apparently - tours of duties come up for renewal in two to four year increments.
The outrage of the American people, and the clearly questionable now basis for our continued presence in that region has been a well known fact as based upon false intelligence for over five years at this point. And was, after all, the major focus of most of the liberals in their other extra-Constitutional positions who, however, were the major supporters of Mr. Obama in his run for the roses as the "change" candidate, after all. Although disagreement with the continuation of this war as not in any way at all based upon Constitutional provision, or the intent of the founders with respect to defensive wars as hoping this country would remain as neutral as possible in such events as the continued Middle East situation, is not a liberal position at all, but actually a conservative one.
Most of these so called "progressives" and "liberals" of course now have continued to be suspiciously silent, although Mr. Obama is clearly following the Bush agendas and agreements which were reached with the "new" Iraqi government in his last 100 days in office calling for the withdrawal of all American troops by 2011, coincidentally just prior to the new U.S. presidential election cycle.
So it will end just as politically as it began apparenlty - and not legally or Constitutionally brought or now ended in any manner whatsoever.
Now it is being reported the suspect will be tried in a military court, as deemed not an overt act of terrorism. And, of course, terrorism itself is a practice used by many in our media and also those now serving on the Hill against the American people now more so than even most of these branded extremist Iraqi groups - whose very existence and training were, after all, at the hands of the U.S. military to begin with.
The suspects now behavior prior to the incident is now uncovering some connections to spiritual leaders in this country and the Middle East.
But just how did most of these individuals, after all, be approved for immigration to this country I haven't a clue, although the suspect appears to be an American citizen by birth and not an immigrant or naturalized citizen.
And at last count, over 80% of the American people are dissatisfied with our continued presence in this war now that the focus has shifted from the events surrounding what occurred those many years ago, to building up a U.S force and presence now in that region on behalf of Israel most of all once again.
And, of course, to fatten the bank books of the Wall Street financiers and those invested in the military industrial and manufacturing areas in this country. All those "science based" technology firms which this Administration and the last were feeding at the cost of American soldiers and families. Silicon Valley is bursting at the seams at this point, although California's governor whining about a shortfall.
My heart goes out to the families of those affected, but it would appear that the perpetrators and blame that is shifting is being shifted from the true source of the cause of their actual losses.
And that is, once again, a foreign and military policy in this country that is centered not on national security whatsoever, but nation building and agressive and pre-emptive wars.
At the cost of the families of many Americans, not simply those that were and have been lost now in the past eight years - and a domestic security problem that has not been solved at all by the creation of that massive Department of Homeland Security.
Since that Department has decreased, rather than increased, its budgeting and funding for the measures needed to truly secure this country rather than giving monies to Mexico and Israel in the form of foreign aid for the Silcon Valley venture capitalists profits, many of whose investors are foreigners also, after all, with British and Middle Eastern investors.
Funds were once again cut for the needed border fencing and security, and instead this and the last Administration also expanded its Visa waiver and immigration policies ten fold since 9/11 occurred.
In fact, a better name for this agency at this point is the Department of Homeland Insecurity. With the running of their paid ads warning Americans to "have a plan" appearing to be the only real attempts to actually address the true defensive measures that would fundamentally secure this country from any such future incidents.
Such as reducing the number of airports and such available for those traveling to this country. As Ellis Island was in the past maybe having three or four points of entry, rather than affording foreign based and owned airlines, ships and other modes of travel access to the interior airports and such would and could reduce the threat of any further attacks.
British Airways was given a contract for service to Phoenix years ago, and there are many foreign owned airlines with such contracts throughout the nation at the present time.
It does appear that break downs in communications and also the shear number now of agencies involved in these domestic and foreign surveillance departments are having an adverse affect and not the solution, but part of the problem.
As it appears is becoming now clear in this incident, as it was in the original loss of lives on September 11th - since that also as blamed on a breakdown of communications between the FBI and DoD. Now we have the FBI, DoD and Homeland Security pointing fingers.
So just where is the change, except more of the same, and around another 50 more dead or wounded Americans?
In light of the upcoming funerals and media coverage of the loss of additional American lives in the wake of the Fort Hood incident in Texas this week, it appears now the media spins are getting wider, deeper and more and more furious by the day.
Since America's presence in the Middle East in some form or another has been a fact since that British "taking" of the land now comprising Israel prior to World War I in an agreement entered into between a British Lord of the Realm and a British banker zionist, America's continued loss of life on behalf of this foreign non-U.S. based accord is becoming greater and greater by the year.
And what has been interesting has been one fundamental question which the media has not in any significant manner raised during the past several days of the "analysis" that are being made on both liberally based and focused mainstream sources - funded by either the Republican Globalists or Democratic Globalists ala FOX and CNN.
Just why would an avowed pacifist and war protestor enlisted or continued serving in the U.S. military during the continuation of this war, which has now gone on for more than eight years after the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001.
Most enlistees, or even those career military officers - which is more likely since the accused is or was the base psychiatrist apparently - tours of duties come up for renewal in two to four year increments.
The outrage of the American people, and the clearly questionable now basis for our continued presence in that region has been a well known fact as based upon false intelligence for over five years at this point. And was, after all, the major focus of most of the liberals in their other extra-Constitutional positions who, however, were the major supporters of Mr. Obama in his run for the roses as the "change" candidate, after all. Although disagreement with the continuation of this war as not in any way at all based upon Constitutional provision, or the intent of the founders with respect to defensive wars as hoping this country would remain as neutral as possible in such events as the continued Middle East situation, is not a liberal position at all, but actually a conservative one.
Most of these so called "progressives" and "liberals" of course now have continued to be suspiciously silent, although Mr. Obama is clearly following the Bush agendas and agreements which were reached with the "new" Iraqi government in his last 100 days in office calling for the withdrawal of all American troops by 2011, coincidentally just prior to the new U.S. presidential election cycle.
So it will end just as politically as it began apparenlty - and not legally or Constitutionally brought or now ended in any manner whatsoever.
Now it is being reported the suspect will be tried in a military court, as deemed not an overt act of terrorism. And, of course, terrorism itself is a practice used by many in our media and also those now serving on the Hill against the American people now more so than even most of these branded extremist Iraqi groups - whose very existence and training were, after all, at the hands of the U.S. military to begin with.
The suspects now behavior prior to the incident is now uncovering some connections to spiritual leaders in this country and the Middle East.
But just how did most of these individuals, after all, be approved for immigration to this country I haven't a clue, although the suspect appears to be an American citizen by birth and not an immigrant or naturalized citizen.
And at last count, over 80% of the American people are dissatisfied with our continued presence in this war now that the focus has shifted from the events surrounding what occurred those many years ago, to building up a U.S force and presence now in that region on behalf of Israel most of all once again.
And, of course, to fatten the bank books of the Wall Street financiers and those invested in the military industrial and manufacturing areas in this country. All those "science based" technology firms which this Administration and the last were feeding at the cost of American soldiers and families. Silicon Valley is bursting at the seams at this point, although California's governor whining about a shortfall.
My heart goes out to the families of those affected, but it would appear that the perpetrators and blame that is shifting is being shifted from the true source of the cause of their actual losses.
And that is, once again, a foreign and military policy in this country that is centered not on national security whatsoever, but nation building and agressive and pre-emptive wars.
At the cost of the families of many Americans, not simply those that were and have been lost now in the past eight years - and a domestic security problem that has not been solved at all by the creation of that massive Department of Homeland Security.
Since that Department has decreased, rather than increased, its budgeting and funding for the measures needed to truly secure this country rather than giving monies to Mexico and Israel in the form of foreign aid for the Silcon Valley venture capitalists profits, many of whose investors are foreigners also, after all, with British and Middle Eastern investors.
Funds were once again cut for the needed border fencing and security, and instead this and the last Administration also expanded its Visa waiver and immigration policies ten fold since 9/11 occurred.
In fact, a better name for this agency at this point is the Department of Homeland Insecurity. With the running of their paid ads warning Americans to "have a plan" appearing to be the only real attempts to actually address the true defensive measures that would fundamentally secure this country from any such future incidents.
Such as reducing the number of airports and such available for those traveling to this country. As Ellis Island was in the past maybe having three or four points of entry, rather than affording foreign based and owned airlines, ships and other modes of travel access to the interior airports and such would and could reduce the threat of any further attacks.
British Airways was given a contract for service to Phoenix years ago, and there are many foreign owned airlines with such contracts throughout the nation at the present time.
It does appear that break downs in communications and also the shear number now of agencies involved in these domestic and foreign surveillance departments are having an adverse affect and not the solution, but part of the problem.
As it appears is becoming now clear in this incident, as it was in the original loss of lives on September 11th - since that also as blamed on a breakdown of communications between the FBI and DoD. Now we have the FBI, DoD and Homeland Security pointing fingers.
So just where is the change, except more of the same, and around another 50 more dead or wounded Americans?
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Saturday Massacre: Washington Political Incorrrectness and Treason Continues
As the most massive taxation and violation of the Constitution that has occurred since the Wilson treason privatizing the printing of our currency and in effect again handing over the United States back to the British under the Wilson administration that started this downhill slide of America into global corporate socialism was sent to the floor, the mainstream and citizen bloggers that are paid for the spins by some of these industries have been hard at work also trying to make light of the amount of unrest now existing in this country, and outrage of the citizens over these continued industry favoring bills that are bankupting and making more and more homeless throughout the nation such as occurred on Saturday.
Most of the global socialists publications that were screaming for George Bush's resignation and impeachment in continuing the unconstitutional war in Iraq have become suddenly silent in the fact of our continued war under Obama.
Perhaps it is nothing more than another of their politically correct problems when it comes to liberalism from one of a supposedly minority race or religion in this country, as opposed to white Anglo-Saxon Protestants that have become more and more marginalized that take issue with these continued "communistic" policies and agendas.
And the fact that every state throughout the nation now has a form of health care for the truly indigent and those in need due to circumstances beyond their control. And since it is and was the cost of health care keeping many from purchasing these plans, just how is this new legislation going to help anyone except the insurance industry itself I haven't a clue.
It did not at all address the problem, but shifted the burden for the provision of health care upon the public using Washington then as the fall guy for denied claims and is the biggest piece of industry favoring legislation to come down the pike since Nixon and Bush's corporatization of health care that has progressively occurred turning American's health into a global industry now marketed on the New York and Chinese stock exchanges.
No regulation of these industries really was included in the bill, from all reports. And just where was that bastion of civil rights and civil liberties, the ACLU, while all this was going on?
In fact, isn't legislation such as this the most fundamental violation of the "search and seizure" and property rights provisions of our Constitution ever, since at least Wilson and FDR's stated "temporary" solution for the Federal Reserve/British/European banker initiated ramifications of that first depression after World War I?
Interesting once again that the incident in Fort Hood conveniently occurred just as this measure was set for a weekend, mind you, vote. At the outrage of the public.
And this incident at Fort Hood smacks once again as a diversionary tactic.
Just why would a war protester have enlisted in the Army to begin with, even a claimed psychiatrist?
Actually, especially as a psychiatrist?
And war protestors do tend to be pacifists in nature, which is why they are war protestors. And placing this Middle Eastern doctors on a military base in Texas - which also was and is also Bush country and smacks of politics once again in that the border states and West, unlike the blue nosed Northeast, does tend to have the majority of Middle Eastern and Mexican foreigners (and illegals) since the climates do tend to be nearer to that of their former home countries itself - and also far from Washington and its games and political seclusion from the real world.
And since the Middle East situation has been escalating actually since World War II, just why is it that the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization office continues to approve applications then in this country for people from some of these countries to the U.S. given that we are now engaged in a war in the Middle East for which there is much government created hostilities through the terrorism campaigns that have gone on with the media as their agents since 9/11 also on the American people?
Like those "have a plan" ads they run on television now for the profits of their "co-conspirators" the Fox, GE and other "globally" listed mass media networks - many owned actually by avowed zionists or in the case of Fox itself, the British - who actually were responsible for that Balfour Doctrine which was then violated by the British baniker and zionists then progressively since Israel's creation prior to World War I even.
Since the original terms of that agreement did not call for any Palestinian or Christian displacements at all - and that did not happen so there are many in the Middle East that are wary and do not trust the zionists living in both this country, Britian and the Middle East and appears have some basis for that distrust historically.
And that is fact, not opinion.
So just how many more homeless and jobless does Washington intend to create again under this clueless Admiistraton - lead by once again the Global Socialist Party per Ms. Snowe, Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Obama.
And that vote count was truly unbelievable - since that was also politcal and is clealy evident from the votes since what is occurring is that the Administrations are changing but not the agendas whatsoever.
Simply a change in which party is going to play the role of the "heavy" and gain a few seats for their "corporate" memberships, while continuing to trash our Constitution and the founding father's vision right and left such as was done this Saturday and in order to bulk up their own stock portfolios in the process seems to be the agenda here.
Not what kind of country in so doing they will leave their children and grandchildren, but then after all they will be dead and will have a nice little obituary written by that same local media highlighting their "public" disservice careers.
The Pelosis, Snowes and Obamas of this world truly are seeking the world's stage and approval, not their fellow Americans - which was evident by the Saturday vote and spins that have occurred with this legislation in conjunction with their corporate sponsors.
The health care industry, and mainstream media.
After all also, without such crimes as 9/11 and the Fort Hood incident - if there truly was world peace, after all - just what would those cable news stations have to report on, and where would they gain their profits? I mean, wasn't that also the focus of that digital cable bill, since so many Americans choose not to "pay" for such propaganda and terrorism anymore since it is now clear that our media and government officials have a symbiotic relationships in not calling both parties on their true political agendas, World Government economic and political communism actually.
Congratulations, misrepresentatives. You've done Benedict Arnold proud, that's for sure.
And I do believe that treason on the Constitution itself is the highest crime, higher than capital murder in this country even such as represented was committed by this doctor, if that is what truly occurred at this point, at Fort Hood - again a multiple American victim crime which again has occurred just as more and more of the American people are speaking up about their outrage at these continued Washington social communists now that are in office, with Obama's approval ratings plummeting by the day.
Since it is clear that the only change which has now occurred has been the mouthpiece, and not the global communism agendas ala George Bush and the 110th.
As another 60's voice stated: It appears that the "second verse, is clearly same as the first."
Most of the global socialists publications that were screaming for George Bush's resignation and impeachment in continuing the unconstitutional war in Iraq have become suddenly silent in the fact of our continued war under Obama.
Perhaps it is nothing more than another of their politically correct problems when it comes to liberalism from one of a supposedly minority race or religion in this country, as opposed to white Anglo-Saxon Protestants that have become more and more marginalized that take issue with these continued "communistic" policies and agendas.
And the fact that every state throughout the nation now has a form of health care for the truly indigent and those in need due to circumstances beyond their control. And since it is and was the cost of health care keeping many from purchasing these plans, just how is this new legislation going to help anyone except the insurance industry itself I haven't a clue.
It did not at all address the problem, but shifted the burden for the provision of health care upon the public using Washington then as the fall guy for denied claims and is the biggest piece of industry favoring legislation to come down the pike since Nixon and Bush's corporatization of health care that has progressively occurred turning American's health into a global industry now marketed on the New York and Chinese stock exchanges.
No regulation of these industries really was included in the bill, from all reports. And just where was that bastion of civil rights and civil liberties, the ACLU, while all this was going on?
In fact, isn't legislation such as this the most fundamental violation of the "search and seizure" and property rights provisions of our Constitution ever, since at least Wilson and FDR's stated "temporary" solution for the Federal Reserve/British/European banker initiated ramifications of that first depression after World War I?
Interesting once again that the incident in Fort Hood conveniently occurred just as this measure was set for a weekend, mind you, vote. At the outrage of the public.
And this incident at Fort Hood smacks once again as a diversionary tactic.
Just why would a war protester have enlisted in the Army to begin with, even a claimed psychiatrist?
Actually, especially as a psychiatrist?
And war protestors do tend to be pacifists in nature, which is why they are war protestors. And placing this Middle Eastern doctors on a military base in Texas - which also was and is also Bush country and smacks of politics once again in that the border states and West, unlike the blue nosed Northeast, does tend to have the majority of Middle Eastern and Mexican foreigners (and illegals) since the climates do tend to be nearer to that of their former home countries itself - and also far from Washington and its games and political seclusion from the real world.
And since the Middle East situation has been escalating actually since World War II, just why is it that the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization office continues to approve applications then in this country for people from some of these countries to the U.S. given that we are now engaged in a war in the Middle East for which there is much government created hostilities through the terrorism campaigns that have gone on with the media as their agents since 9/11 also on the American people?
Like those "have a plan" ads they run on television now for the profits of their "co-conspirators" the Fox, GE and other "globally" listed mass media networks - many owned actually by avowed zionists or in the case of Fox itself, the British - who actually were responsible for that Balfour Doctrine which was then violated by the British baniker and zionists then progressively since Israel's creation prior to World War I even.
Since the original terms of that agreement did not call for any Palestinian or Christian displacements at all - and that did not happen so there are many in the Middle East that are wary and do not trust the zionists living in both this country, Britian and the Middle East and appears have some basis for that distrust historically.
And that is fact, not opinion.
So just how many more homeless and jobless does Washington intend to create again under this clueless Admiistraton - lead by once again the Global Socialist Party per Ms. Snowe, Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Obama.
And that vote count was truly unbelievable - since that was also politcal and is clealy evident from the votes since what is occurring is that the Administrations are changing but not the agendas whatsoever.
Simply a change in which party is going to play the role of the "heavy" and gain a few seats for their "corporate" memberships, while continuing to trash our Constitution and the founding father's vision right and left such as was done this Saturday and in order to bulk up their own stock portfolios in the process seems to be the agenda here.
Not what kind of country in so doing they will leave their children and grandchildren, but then after all they will be dead and will have a nice little obituary written by that same local media highlighting their "public" disservice careers.
The Pelosis, Snowes and Obamas of this world truly are seeking the world's stage and approval, not their fellow Americans - which was evident by the Saturday vote and spins that have occurred with this legislation in conjunction with their corporate sponsors.
The health care industry, and mainstream media.
After all also, without such crimes as 9/11 and the Fort Hood incident - if there truly was world peace, after all - just what would those cable news stations have to report on, and where would they gain their profits? I mean, wasn't that also the focus of that digital cable bill, since so many Americans choose not to "pay" for such propaganda and terrorism anymore since it is now clear that our media and government officials have a symbiotic relationships in not calling both parties on their true political agendas, World Government economic and political communism actually.
Congratulations, misrepresentatives. You've done Benedict Arnold proud, that's for sure.
And I do believe that treason on the Constitution itself is the highest crime, higher than capital murder in this country even such as represented was committed by this doctor, if that is what truly occurred at this point, at Fort Hood - again a multiple American victim crime which again has occurred just as more and more of the American people are speaking up about their outrage at these continued Washington social communists now that are in office, with Obama's approval ratings plummeting by the day.
Since it is clear that the only change which has now occurred has been the mouthpiece, and not the global communism agendas ala George Bush and the 110th.
As another 60's voice stated: It appears that the "second verse, is clearly same as the first."
Barack Obama,
federal government,
health care,
state government,
Thursday, November 5, 2009
AARP To Endorse Its Own Bill On Health Care Deform
Just to continue to point out now how ludicrous this health care deform continues to be, and how unconstitutional actually instead of regulating those corporate interests rather than getting in bed with them as those on the Hill did all last summer, it was reported in the mainstream media that AARP is now on the bandwagon in order to facilitate passage of this massive bill that was written by AARP, the AMA, corporate labor unions, and financial sector and health care industries.
The spokesman, however, it was reported didn't want to "jump the gun" in the piece published today, since he said it was scheduled to be announced on Thursday by the "corporate" offices of AARP.
AARP ceased to be a senior advocacy group literally years ago, and is now nothing more than a front for the various special interest groups and insurers mainly that those members are marketed to for the supplemental insurance plans under Medicare at the present time.
Policies that in most instance are merely gravy for those insurers, since as the primary care provider Medicare actually calls the shots and approves the levels of treatment. And many doctors due to all the red tape involved with Medicare actually have posted notices that the are now refusing to accept any new Medicare patients.
And you think things would change in that respect with any 'socialized" Washington plan for health care?
The doctors will simply once again shift the costs for their reduced rates to either those that can afford it, or in upping the ante for their research grants and other already government welfare that these industries at the present time receive.
This story, however, was under the story about the cat in Iowa that was discovered to have swine flu, now politically renamed H1N1 so as not to upset some of the faith that believes pigs are satanic and unclean, as they were a part of pagan worships from the Roman age in Greece and Rome.
And those Iowa farmers do deserve a little kick in the pants apparently for getting all heated up after an Iowa judge "legalized" gay marriage "rights" in the State of Iowa, over the protest of a good deal of the population since it did appear that Iowa already had a civil marriage statute that actually already was in force at the time the case was brought by those gay activist civil rights lawyers who are also getting paid their legal fees courtesy of the American taxpayers for these state and federal actions under another one of those "hush hush" 1,000 page bills that Congress no longer reads.
And if this country has to now pass a formal bill and law stating that all members of Congress must read a bill before it is voted on, this country is in a good deal more trouble than most of us already have concluded watching the past Bush and now Obama Administrations since our government now resembles more Barnum & Bailey than the Stars and Stripes at this point.
While it continues to be the civilians and American people who are being victimized and made homeless and jobless more and more by the day.
You know, the GM workers, and those real Joe the Plumbers, not the Mayor Bloombergs, Arnold Schwartezneggers, and other venture capitalists who are selling off this country's prime real estate, and industrial base now right and left.
Congress, the Supreme Court, and Executive office are now titles that are merely the politically correct terminology for "insider traders" and "corporate lobbyists" themselves at this point.
As a matter of fact to show that AARP is not at all an elder advocacy group, I got an application from them many years ago actually.
Before I was even 50 hawking their "reduced rate" insurance policies and other trade affiliated vendors.
I guess 45 is the new 65.
The spokesman, however, it was reported didn't want to "jump the gun" in the piece published today, since he said it was scheduled to be announced on Thursday by the "corporate" offices of AARP.
AARP ceased to be a senior advocacy group literally years ago, and is now nothing more than a front for the various special interest groups and insurers mainly that those members are marketed to for the supplemental insurance plans under Medicare at the present time.
Policies that in most instance are merely gravy for those insurers, since as the primary care provider Medicare actually calls the shots and approves the levels of treatment. And many doctors due to all the red tape involved with Medicare actually have posted notices that the are now refusing to accept any new Medicare patients.
And you think things would change in that respect with any 'socialized" Washington plan for health care?
The doctors will simply once again shift the costs for their reduced rates to either those that can afford it, or in upping the ante for their research grants and other already government welfare that these industries at the present time receive.
This story, however, was under the story about the cat in Iowa that was discovered to have swine flu, now politically renamed H1N1 so as not to upset some of the faith that believes pigs are satanic and unclean, as they were a part of pagan worships from the Roman age in Greece and Rome.
And those Iowa farmers do deserve a little kick in the pants apparently for getting all heated up after an Iowa judge "legalized" gay marriage "rights" in the State of Iowa, over the protest of a good deal of the population since it did appear that Iowa already had a civil marriage statute that actually already was in force at the time the case was brought by those gay activist civil rights lawyers who are also getting paid their legal fees courtesy of the American taxpayers for these state and federal actions under another one of those "hush hush" 1,000 page bills that Congress no longer reads.
And if this country has to now pass a formal bill and law stating that all members of Congress must read a bill before it is voted on, this country is in a good deal more trouble than most of us already have concluded watching the past Bush and now Obama Administrations since our government now resembles more Barnum & Bailey than the Stars and Stripes at this point.
While it continues to be the civilians and American people who are being victimized and made homeless and jobless more and more by the day.
You know, the GM workers, and those real Joe the Plumbers, not the Mayor Bloombergs, Arnold Schwartezneggers, and other venture capitalists who are selling off this country's prime real estate, and industrial base now right and left.
Congress, the Supreme Court, and Executive office are now titles that are merely the politically correct terminology for "insider traders" and "corporate lobbyists" themselves at this point.
As a matter of fact to show that AARP is not at all an elder advocacy group, I got an application from them many years ago actually.
Before I was even 50 hawking their "reduced rate" insurance policies and other trade affiliated vendors.
I guess 45 is the new 65.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
America's Economy Continues To Tank While Wall Street and Global Socialists Prosper
While Mr. Obama and his appointed financial czar, Timothy Geithner, continue to rally round the stock ticker proclaiming that the Bush/Obama agendas of stimulating the global economy at the expense of America's own is "working", there are quite a few signs now that things are getting far, far worse than most Americans have yet to realize.
As one who has much experience in what is occurring in the border states as a former 45 year resident of Arizona with the increases in crime and drug trafficking which have been the result of the last Reagan amnesty yet even eight years now after 9/11 continuing in its failure to adequately secure over 500 miles of open desert between the U.S. and Mexico especially, it appears that even though the American people - primarily those on the front lines living in the border states and who have been progressively affected by this agenda and now losing their homes right and left due to increases in insurance and the fraudulent and usurous loans and lending practices promoted by the Fed and global bankers for their socialism agendas and profits most of all, and who were scammed due to lack of regulation of those underwritten by California lenders, are blatantly and clearly being sacrificed by the Global Socialist Party.
And apparently haven't sacrificed enough according to Washington and the merged Democratic and Republican parties per Mr. Obama's and the Fortune 500 media reps "we all must sacrifice" continued pulls at Americans heartstrings.
Just where is that sacrifice coming from with respect to those for which the American people are paying six figure salaries, for the most part, in either wages or benefits, since it does appear the only ones economies who are improving are those holding public office at this point, at also the continuing bankruptcy of the citizenry at large.
The buzz is out once again that Mr. Obama intends to again bring up an "amnesty" for those foreigners now living in this country.
Without, of course, at all addressing the open borders once again.
In fact, the sums for the monies under the Secure Fence Act instead apparently went to buy Blackberries for most of the state legislators throughout the country, and upgrade their personal websites.
While in Lousiana due to a family member's illness, headlines proclaimed that there is a move on to increase the state gasoline taxes now in order to repair a good deal of the roadways that were affected by both Katrina and Gustav.
However, nothing was mentioned about the fact that the entire focuse of that "stimulus" was also promoted and defended over the American people's objections at the amounts as being necessary for infrastructure needs such as the repair work in Louisiana.
I received an interesting response from one of their legislators there on an unrelated issue prior to this announcement over the listings now of the historic homes in the French Quarter which are being handled and brokered by Sotheby's, a British property and investment company - mostly marketing those homes to Canadians and the British.
As an American, I did have a problem with the fact that some of America's foremost historic buildings and more valuable real estate is being sold right and left to foreign interests such as is occurring with those homes.
The legislator who did respond sent me his response via text messaging with a note that the message was being provided by AT&T.
Now it appears, our state and federal legislators are actually unabashedly publicizing their "sponsors" via their email responses.
I wonder if during the next meeting of Congress or on the floor of the state legislature soon we will be seeing our "misrepresentatives" with patches sort of like the drivers in the Indy 500 wear in exchange for the funding they receive for their careers.
While Mr. Obama meets with the Iraqi leaders one week in order to reaffirm his commitment to the Bush agenda for withdrawal of troops prior to the next American presidential election cycle, one week later another attack is made on a Iraqi government building (one in which U.S. contractors were making repairs apparently, and in which in the accord and agreement Mr. Bush agreed and stated that U.S. contractors would not be under U.S. directives, but those of the Iraqi government interestingly enough, thus the political ramifications of this attack also neglected by the U.S. global socialist owned media and press corp).
In essence, Washington not only went into a joint venture in that GM deal, but is now subcontracting and/or "leasing" out American contractors to the Iraqi government in the terms of the accord such as the one executed by Mr. Bush his last 100 days in office.
In which our Constitution provides that such treaties and agreements are the actual duties of Congress, not the president, at all - nor can that power be "shifted" to the executive branch without an actual amendment to the U.S. Constitution actually itself. So much for the Bush/Obama understandings of our actual intended form of government as legally provided in that torn and tattered document residing under glass less than two miles from the hallowed halls of Congress itself.
I wonder if some of those men who were working for those contractors had any idea of their chain of command prior to the bombing?
I don't believe that this is quite what the Americans had in mind when voting last election, and it appears that more and more civilians are instead being offered up as sacrifices for the Global Socialists now agendas, in addition to those living in the border states and those lives lost on September 11, 2001.
I'm wondering also when shares of the Grand Canyon will be listed on the NYSE for foreign ownership and investment.
As one who has much experience in what is occurring in the border states as a former 45 year resident of Arizona with the increases in crime and drug trafficking which have been the result of the last Reagan amnesty yet even eight years now after 9/11 continuing in its failure to adequately secure over 500 miles of open desert between the U.S. and Mexico especially, it appears that even though the American people - primarily those on the front lines living in the border states and who have been progressively affected by this agenda and now losing their homes right and left due to increases in insurance and the fraudulent and usurous loans and lending practices promoted by the Fed and global bankers for their socialism agendas and profits most of all, and who were scammed due to lack of regulation of those underwritten by California lenders, are blatantly and clearly being sacrificed by the Global Socialist Party.
And apparently haven't sacrificed enough according to Washington and the merged Democratic and Republican parties per Mr. Obama's and the Fortune 500 media reps "we all must sacrifice" continued pulls at Americans heartstrings.
Just where is that sacrifice coming from with respect to those for which the American people are paying six figure salaries, for the most part, in either wages or benefits, since it does appear the only ones economies who are improving are those holding public office at this point, at also the continuing bankruptcy of the citizenry at large.
The buzz is out once again that Mr. Obama intends to again bring up an "amnesty" for those foreigners now living in this country.
Without, of course, at all addressing the open borders once again.
In fact, the sums for the monies under the Secure Fence Act instead apparently went to buy Blackberries for most of the state legislators throughout the country, and upgrade their personal websites.
While in Lousiana due to a family member's illness, headlines proclaimed that there is a move on to increase the state gasoline taxes now in order to repair a good deal of the roadways that were affected by both Katrina and Gustav.
However, nothing was mentioned about the fact that the entire focuse of that "stimulus" was also promoted and defended over the American people's objections at the amounts as being necessary for infrastructure needs such as the repair work in Louisiana.
I received an interesting response from one of their legislators there on an unrelated issue prior to this announcement over the listings now of the historic homes in the French Quarter which are being handled and brokered by Sotheby's, a British property and investment company - mostly marketing those homes to Canadians and the British.
As an American, I did have a problem with the fact that some of America's foremost historic buildings and more valuable real estate is being sold right and left to foreign interests such as is occurring with those homes.
The legislator who did respond sent me his response via text messaging with a note that the message was being provided by AT&T.
Now it appears, our state and federal legislators are actually unabashedly publicizing their "sponsors" via their email responses.
I wonder if during the next meeting of Congress or on the floor of the state legislature soon we will be seeing our "misrepresentatives" with patches sort of like the drivers in the Indy 500 wear in exchange for the funding they receive for their careers.
While Mr. Obama meets with the Iraqi leaders one week in order to reaffirm his commitment to the Bush agenda for withdrawal of troops prior to the next American presidential election cycle, one week later another attack is made on a Iraqi government building (one in which U.S. contractors were making repairs apparently, and in which in the accord and agreement Mr. Bush agreed and stated that U.S. contractors would not be under U.S. directives, but those of the Iraqi government interestingly enough, thus the political ramifications of this attack also neglected by the U.S. global socialist owned media and press corp).
In essence, Washington not only went into a joint venture in that GM deal, but is now subcontracting and/or "leasing" out American contractors to the Iraqi government in the terms of the accord such as the one executed by Mr. Bush his last 100 days in office.
In which our Constitution provides that such treaties and agreements are the actual duties of Congress, not the president, at all - nor can that power be "shifted" to the executive branch without an actual amendment to the U.S. Constitution actually itself. So much for the Bush/Obama understandings of our actual intended form of government as legally provided in that torn and tattered document residing under glass less than two miles from the hallowed halls of Congress itself.
I wonder if some of those men who were working for those contractors had any idea of their chain of command prior to the bombing?
I don't believe that this is quite what the Americans had in mind when voting last election, and it appears that more and more civilians are instead being offered up as sacrifices for the Global Socialists now agendas, in addition to those living in the border states and those lives lost on September 11, 2001.
I'm wondering also when shares of the Grand Canyon will be listed on the NYSE for foreign ownership and investment.
Barack Obama,
federal government,
Middle East,
state government,
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