As the most massive taxation and violation of the Constitution that has occurred since the Wilson treason privatizing the printing of our currency and in effect again handing over the United States back to the British under the Wilson administration that started this downhill slide of America into global corporate socialism was sent to the floor, the mainstream and citizen bloggers that are paid for the spins by some of these industries have been hard at work also trying to make light of the amount of unrest now existing in this country, and outrage of the citizens over these continued industry favoring bills that are bankupting and making more and more homeless throughout the nation such as occurred on Saturday.
Most of the global socialists publications that were screaming for George Bush's resignation and impeachment in continuing the unconstitutional war in Iraq have become suddenly silent in the fact of our continued war under Obama.
Perhaps it is nothing more than another of their politically correct problems when it comes to liberalism from one of a supposedly minority race or religion in this country, as opposed to white Anglo-Saxon Protestants that have become more and more marginalized that take issue with these continued "communistic" policies and agendas.
And the fact that every state throughout the nation now has a form of health care for the truly indigent and those in need due to circumstances beyond their control. And since it is and was the cost of health care keeping many from purchasing these plans, just how is this new legislation going to help anyone except the insurance industry itself I haven't a clue.
It did not at all address the problem, but shifted the burden for the provision of health care upon the public using Washington then as the fall guy for denied claims and is the biggest piece of industry favoring legislation to come down the pike since Nixon and Bush's corporatization of health care that has progressively occurred turning American's health into a global industry now marketed on the New York and Chinese stock exchanges.
No regulation of these industries really was included in the bill, from all reports. And just where was that bastion of civil rights and civil liberties, the ACLU, while all this was going on?
In fact, isn't legislation such as this the most fundamental violation of the "search and seizure" and property rights provisions of our Constitution ever, since at least Wilson and FDR's stated "temporary" solution for the Federal Reserve/British/European banker initiated ramifications of that first depression after World War I?
Interesting once again that the incident in Fort Hood conveniently occurred just as this measure was set for a weekend, mind you, vote. At the outrage of the public.
And this incident at Fort Hood smacks once again as a diversionary tactic.
Just why would a war protester have enlisted in the Army to begin with, even a claimed psychiatrist?
Actually, especially as a psychiatrist?
And war protestors do tend to be pacifists in nature, which is why they are war protestors. And placing this Middle Eastern doctors on a military base in Texas - which also was and is also Bush country and smacks of politics once again in that the border states and West, unlike the blue nosed Northeast, does tend to have the majority of Middle Eastern and Mexican foreigners (and illegals) since the climates do tend to be nearer to that of their former home countries itself - and also far from Washington and its games and political seclusion from the real world.
And since the Middle East situation has been escalating actually since World War II, just why is it that the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization office continues to approve applications then in this country for people from some of these countries to the U.S. given that we are now engaged in a war in the Middle East for which there is much government created hostilities through the terrorism campaigns that have gone on with the media as their agents since 9/11 also on the American people?
Like those "have a plan" ads they run on television now for the profits of their "co-conspirators" the Fox, GE and other "globally" listed mass media networks - many owned actually by avowed zionists or in the case of Fox itself, the British - who actually were responsible for that Balfour Doctrine which was then violated by the British baniker and zionists then progressively since Israel's creation prior to World War I even.
Since the original terms of that agreement did not call for any Palestinian or Christian displacements at all - and that did not happen so there are many in the Middle East that are wary and do not trust the zionists living in both this country, Britian and the Middle East and appears have some basis for that distrust historically.
And that is fact, not opinion.
So just how many more homeless and jobless does Washington intend to create again under this clueless Admiistraton - lead by once again the Global Socialist Party per Ms. Snowe, Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Obama.
And that vote count was truly unbelievable - since that was also politcal and is clealy evident from the votes since what is occurring is that the Administrations are changing but not the agendas whatsoever.
Simply a change in which party is going to play the role of the "heavy" and gain a few seats for their "corporate" memberships, while continuing to trash our Constitution and the founding father's vision right and left such as was done this Saturday and in order to bulk up their own stock portfolios in the process seems to be the agenda here.
Not what kind of country in so doing they will leave their children and grandchildren, but then after all they will be dead and will have a nice little obituary written by that same local media highlighting their "public" disservice careers.
The Pelosis, Snowes and Obamas of this world truly are seeking the world's stage and approval, not their fellow Americans - which was evident by the Saturday vote and spins that have occurred with this legislation in conjunction with their corporate sponsors.
The health care industry, and mainstream media.
After all also, without such crimes as 9/11 and the Fort Hood incident - if there truly was world peace, after all - just what would those cable news stations have to report on, and where would they gain their profits? I mean, wasn't that also the focus of that digital cable bill, since so many Americans choose not to "pay" for such propaganda and terrorism anymore since it is now clear that our media and government officials have a symbiotic relationships in not calling both parties on their true political agendas, World Government economic and political communism actually.
Congratulations, misrepresentatives. You've done Benedict Arnold proud, that's for sure.
And I do believe that treason on the Constitution itself is the highest crime, higher than capital murder in this country even such as represented was committed by this doctor, if that is what truly occurred at this point, at Fort Hood - again a multiple American victim crime which again has occurred just as more and more of the American people are speaking up about their outrage at these continued Washington social communists now that are in office, with Obama's approval ratings plummeting by the day.
Since it is clear that the only change which has now occurred has been the mouthpiece, and not the global communism agendas ala George Bush and the 110th.
As another 60's voice stated: It appears that the "second verse, is clearly same as the first."
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Saturday Massacre: Washington Political Incorrrectness and Treason Continues
Barack Obama,
federal government,
health care,
state government,