Sunday, November 1, 2009

America's Economy Continues To Tank While Wall Street and Global Socialists Prosper

While Mr. Obama and his appointed financial czar, Timothy Geithner, continue to rally round the stock ticker proclaiming that the Bush/Obama agendas of stimulating the global economy at the expense of America's own is "working", there are quite a few signs now that things are getting far, far worse than most Americans have yet to realize.

As one who has much experience in what is occurring in the border states as a former 45 year resident of Arizona with the increases in crime and drug trafficking which have been the result of the last Reagan amnesty yet even eight years now after 9/11 continuing in its failure to adequately secure over 500 miles of open desert between the U.S. and Mexico especially, it appears that even though the American people - primarily those on the front lines living in the border states and who have been progressively affected by this agenda and now losing their homes right and left due to increases in insurance and the fraudulent and usurous loans and lending practices promoted by the Fed and global bankers for their socialism agendas and profits most of all, and who were scammed due to lack of regulation of those underwritten by California lenders, are blatantly and clearly being sacrificed by the Global Socialist Party.

And apparently haven't sacrificed enough according to Washington and the merged Democratic and Republican parties per Mr. Obama's and the Fortune 500 media reps "we all must sacrifice" continued pulls at Americans heartstrings.

Just where is that sacrifice coming from with respect to those for which the American people are paying six figure salaries, for the most part, in either wages or benefits, since it does appear the only ones economies who are improving are those holding public office at this point, at also the continuing bankruptcy of the citizenry at large.

The buzz is out once again that Mr. Obama intends to again bring up an "amnesty" for those foreigners now living in this country.

Without, of course, at all addressing the open borders once again.

In fact, the sums for the monies under the Secure Fence Act instead apparently went to buy Blackberries for most of the state legislators throughout the country, and upgrade their personal websites.

While in Lousiana due to a family member's illness, headlines proclaimed that there is a move on to increase the state gasoline taxes now in order to repair a good deal of the roadways that were affected by both Katrina and Gustav.

However, nothing was mentioned about the fact that the entire focuse of that "stimulus" was also promoted and defended over the American people's objections at the amounts as being necessary for infrastructure needs such as the repair work in Louisiana.

I received an interesting response from one of their legislators there on an unrelated issue prior to this announcement over the listings now of the historic homes in the French Quarter which are being handled and brokered by Sotheby's, a British property and investment company - mostly marketing those homes to Canadians and the British.

As an American, I did have a problem with the fact that some of America's foremost historic buildings and more valuable real estate is being sold right and left to foreign interests such as is occurring with those homes.

The legislator who did respond sent me his response via text messaging with a note that the message was being provided by AT&T.

Now it appears, our state and federal legislators are actually unabashedly publicizing their "sponsors" via their email responses.

I wonder if during the next meeting of Congress or on the floor of the state legislature soon we will be seeing our "misrepresentatives" with patches sort of like the drivers in the Indy 500 wear in exchange for the funding they receive for their careers.

While Mr. Obama meets with the Iraqi leaders one week in order to reaffirm his commitment to the Bush agenda for withdrawal of troops prior to the next American presidential election cycle, one week later another attack is made on a Iraqi government building (one in which U.S. contractors were making repairs apparently, and in which in the accord and agreement Mr. Bush agreed and stated that U.S. contractors would not be under U.S. directives, but those of the Iraqi government interestingly enough, thus the political ramifications of this attack also neglected by the U.S. global socialist owned media and press corp).

In essence, Washington not only went into a joint venture in that GM deal, but is now subcontracting and/or "leasing" out American contractors to the Iraqi government in the terms of the accord such as the one executed by Mr. Bush his last 100 days in office.

In which our Constitution provides that such treaties and agreements are the actual duties of Congress, not the president, at all - nor can that power be "shifted" to the executive branch without an actual amendment to the U.S. Constitution actually itself. So much for the Bush/Obama understandings of our actual intended form of government as legally provided in that torn and tattered document residing under glass less than two miles from the hallowed halls of Congress itself.

I wonder if some of those men who were working for those contractors had any idea of their chain of command prior to the bombing?

I don't believe that this is quite what the Americans had in mind when voting last election, and it appears that more and more civilians are instead being offered up as sacrifices for the Global Socialists now agendas, in addition to those living in the border states and those lives lost on September 11, 2001.

I'm wondering also when shares of the Grand Canyon will be listed on the NYSE for foreign ownership and investment.