In a recent widely published internet article, Barack Obama stated that it was "politics" which was delaying and derailing his much ballyhooed plan to legitimize and legalize the over 12 million estimated illegal immigrants in this country, a majority of which are Mexican nationals.
Since it was the American people primarily that derailed the 2006 illegal immigrant amnesty, I can only assume that Mr. Obama, as with his meeting with the Hispanic members of Congress, was more a political public relations stunt and another political farce in and of itself.
The American people quite clearly spoke about another Reagan era amnesty under Bush. Just what "reform" is actually needed, since there is an immigration and naturalization process already on the books, but rather it is the costs now that are preventing many of those poorer citizens from other countries from going through the established process. I mean, even the paperwork is now printed in Spanish for this particular segment, as opposed to those from other countries who wish to immigrate.
And since, after all, the U.S. is facing the largest recession since the Great Depression, just why would such an undertaking be again pushed at this time, further outraging those who are now homeless and jobless due to the influx of foreigners that have migrated here, legally or not, in the last two decades due to both wars, and those open borders post 9-11?
And just why are these Congressmen representing "special interests" rather than the voice of their constituency, by and large, I ask. Isn't their oath of office also to the Constitution, and recognizing the fact that there is an established naturalization process, and some of their former countrymen are in violation of it and should be forthwith deported?
"Anchor babies" do not create citizenship, according to the true law of the land. Since the Preamble does state, "We the People of the United States, FOR US AND OUR POSTERITY."
But I guess Mr. Obama, as so many on the Hill, hasn't read it lately.
The "Latino vote" should not be an overriding concern on this issue.
The Constitution should.
And until those borders are truly secured now nine years post 9-11, this political posturing appears to be from both sectors of the "global socialists," both Democrat and Republican.
And those taxpayer paid immigrant rights groups and lawyers that are also making their livelihoods on this issue, at the cost of all Americans, even the victims of the continued federal negligence and quite clearly treason in placing misconstrued "foreigners rights" above those of the naturalized and natural Americans.