It was reported that the big news today is that BP has finally once again capped the oil spill in the Louisiana Gulf, at least halting the flow for a few more days.
No promises, of course, that the continuing saga of Deepwater Horizon is truly over.
Meanwhile, it was reported that over 184,000,000 (yes, those were the commas) gallons of oil have spewed into the Gulf, with those Brits then solely in charge of both containing the spill, and the cleanup of the existing oil residue then in the Gulf.
As stated previously, oil and water do not mix, so I just wonder how many of those 184,000,000 gallons of crude went sailing out through the Port of New Orleans to be refined by those Brits at their home refineries, and then sold back to the American people at a profit - which means that the American people will be paying in a roundabout way for all those fines, fees and reimbursements to those in Louisiana affected - since Obama even took away unconstitutionally the rights of those victims to sue in U.S. District Court BP directly for their actual damages, and not simply damages that the BP claims adjusters deem worthy.
With the Prime Minister cautioning those BP executives about "excessive" claims. And apparently authorized and afforded by Washington and Congress under those leases or Obama dictates to use their own claims adjusters working for BP. Now I just wonder whose "bottom line" those claims adjusters are going to be charged to protect, and from all reports BP's "authorized" adjusters are few and already the backlog of claims increasing by the day.
Just how does the Obama Administration and Congress have any authority to circumvent the U.S. Constitution in this respect removing "due process" rights of those individuals and businesses so affected under this supposed reserve. This does seem to be a British mentality and Rule of Law once again. Making the process not public, but private and away from the American public's view also on just how those claims are being settled, and ultimately at the American public's expense since their profit margins are gained at the pumps throughout the South and who knows where else in this now "global" economy. But suffice it to say a good deal of their bottom line profits are gleened from their American service stations and "lease" agreements.
And just how much is "excessive" in light of the loss also of eleven American lives due to this huge global corporations' negligence, one of the largest global industries in the entire world that STILL holds lease rights to America's offshore oil in both Louisiana and in Alaska from all reports.
And since this is the second disaster which has involved bodily injury and loss of American manual laborers lives, which of course were deemed "the little people" by those Brits, just why isn't Congress and the Obama Administration rescinding their lease rights, lease rights that Congress actually had no business handing out to foreign global corporations, especially Britain, to America's offshore oil reserves anyway.
Especially since we are still in a War in the Middle East primarily for Britain and the loss of their holdings to those lease rights when the Shah of Iran was removed from power, and the Ayatollah and the religious leaders took over basically the area and country back in the 1970's.
I mean, Iraq's "new" government is another basically Constitutional monarchy, with a Prime Minister and Parliament and in no way mirrors the intended structure of the U.S.'s own, which simply goes to prove just who is in charge of the War in the Middle East on "terrorism."
While, of course, the two subsequent attacks which were circumvented since that time by the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber were actually British citizens, one of whom's father was a high ranking banking official in the Middle East that worked for the London bankers from British reprots.
Canadians are now in abundance in this country, and now even being trained under "free trade" agreements apparently at the U.S. public's expense at many of the U.S. military bases and installations. And more and more foreigners are gaining admittance even into U.S. military colleges and universities in both the West and East.
This "joint" security is costing the U.S. citizens most of all, it appears, rather than the Canadians or the British and placing more and more foreigners on U.S. soil by the year since 9-11.
And hasn't the U.S. learned about training foreign troops only to have those troops eventually turn on the American people eventually, and its civilian population now also per 9-11?
There was even a published report in a newspaper in Colorado that the city and state governments are looking into exercising eminent domain procedures against many Colorado ranchers in order to seize their land and property for the expansion of the military bases which are deemed needed due to the ever expanding "theatres" in the Middle East of Iraq and Afghanistan.
And this is ending a war as "reasonably and safely" as possible? While also expanding then the medical provisions for those suffering from PTSD after six or seven tours of duty at this point, this is working our way toward ending this "undeclared" war on a noun?
Gee, between those flashing signs on most major U.S. highways warming about the consequences of failiing to wear a seatbelt, or "Drink and Drive....Do Time (not even "drunk and drive" due to progressively lower and lower blood alcohol percentages not even Washington but "globally" determined, with "technology" also again being brought forth as "prima facie" evidence throughout the country), I would say that to most the "terrorist threat" in the Middle East is only a matter of degree from that found now at home.
Especially due to even "globalizing" our nuclear reactors and selling shares of them over the global stock exchange to foreigners, along with our mineral rights and infrastructure PROGRESSIVELY.
I just wonder, how long ago was it really that the British took over both the Rule of Law, and the Port of New Orleans in the good ol' U.S. of A?
Maybe that is truly why all these Canadian troops are now stationed on U.S. domestic shores.
And if Posse Commitatus was originally supposed to protect Americans from military overstep and is being used as the "excuse" for not militarizing America's southern borders most of all, just what is protecting the American people from the British, when even its military is now "globalized" and amalgamated with them to this degree? Certainly not Obama or this Congress who are, in fact, in bed with them also it appears in this "joint venture," being dictated quite obviously from London.
Who then speak of the "little people," and actually back in those founders time demeaned those "colonials, Yanks and savages," as somehow not gentlemen or worthy of note.
Seems much hasn't changed from '76 in that respect and so many, many others PROGRESSIVELY REGRESSIVELY by the day, week and month.
Hail, Britannia. Britannia rules the Gulf (and clearly its ports too).