It was reported in the mainstream media that Barack Obama has come out of the closet with respect to the ongoing controversy over the building of a Muslim mosque near the Ground Zero site of the 9-11 attacks on this nation nine years ago.
While we are still in an expanded war under Mr. Obama in Afghanistan and Iraq purported still seeking those directly responsible for those planned attacks, with no end really in sight after pledging to end this war as "responsibly" and quickly as possible.
It does appear that if any true movement in this direction will occur, it will occur next year during the uptick for the presidential run for the roses once again either toward the end of this year or beginning of 2011.
What has been lost in this debate is the fact that we ARE still in this war, and in using the "freedom of religion" provisions of our Constitution, it appears that Mr. Obama is tone deaf to the objections of the general citizenry who just might feel that such an enterprise so near the site of the death of over 2,000 American civilians whose religious beliefs might also be violated by such a venture are being ignored for what can only be characterized as a "political" move not a "religious" one.
This is a prime piece of real estate, and in the financial district in New York, so just why would this site be chosen by those in the Muslim community to begin with rather than a site nearer to their flock in a residential or less commercial area?
To those who lost relatives or close family members with religious beliefs, that site has created controversy ever since the debris from Ground Zero was eventually cleared away. Most would like a memorial to the victims constructed there permanently, and it would not appear that any Muslims were killed in that disaster other than the perpetrators, although still rather unclear to the general public just who was ultimately involved, and just who was truly behind that vicious attack on primarily the civilian population, after all.
The bulk of those lost lives were those working within the financial industry, and not government or public sector employees.
Mr. Obama's stance is quite incredible given the fact that this site does have religious meaning to many across the nation and the actual "zoning" that was in effect for this particular site as a commercial district, without asking the fundamental question.
Of all the sites in New York that might be available for such a venture, in areas in which there are far more Muslims residing in residential communities rather than the business district, just what is the ultimate aim here?
Creating a house of worship for the Muslim community, or making a "political" statement?
And just who in the New York state government is also so totally wacked to entertain such an idea while this war is continuing?
To me and most other Americans, a Muslim mosque would be blasphemy on all those lives lost at the hands of Middle Easterners, Muslim or not, since it is quite possible that unnaturalized Middle Easterner's without any fealty or loyalty to this country just might be worshipping there.
Mayor Bloomberg, Mr. Obama, just what ARE you thinking?
A memorial, or another commercial building in a commercial area is what is called for here.
No Christian, Jewish or Muslim church if freedom of religion is the basic precept behind our First Amendment, since this was an attack that involved the loss of life of believers and non-believers alike, and also was directed at our economy most of all.
No Christian Church or Jewish Synagogue were the targets, so it wasn't religion based fundamentally as has continued to be portrayed by the mainstream media.
It was the financial industry and our economy and apparently those working within the global banking industries who were targeted, and our military secondarily.
Maybe reviewing just how and why those particular buildings were targeted for those attacks is what is called for here and what the ultimate agenda actually was an just who would benefit from such an attack since it does appear even with the 9-11 report much has been kept from the general public surrounding what led to those attacks, and it is not simply "conspiracy theorists" that are speaking up in light of this ongoing war - and the detrimental effects of merging our economies with the rest of the world that has placed the lives of the general citizenry and civilians in peril PROGRESSIVELY, while giving away through "free trade" agreements our own oil reserves to the British also PROGRESSIVELY.
And this support in this name of "freedom of religion" is not PROGRESSIVE, nor is it an act that would facilitate greater healing of the wounds of this nation post 9-11.
This is rather "in your face," not a healing gesture at all - nor in any manner with any basis in "freedom of religion" in a country that already has many, many Mosques built in far more suitable residential communities in New York and elsewhere.
Not in a lower Manhattan financial and business district, which makes the true intent of such a proposal abundantly clear.
Politicos and their financial "global" backers love war, whether civil, commercial or foreign. It makes no difference ultimately.
Maybe what is truly called for here is a monument and memorial to Wall Street, the true profiteers post 9-11 that are still cleaning up post 9-11 over the bodies of those innocent victims who it appears clear now nine long years after 9-11 were sacrificed ultimately for the "greater global good," of the "global economy" since our presence in that region and focus has fundamentally changed since that tragic day those many years ago.
While the foreign bankers more so than even the domestic ones continue to profit PROGRESSIVELY.
Correction: Of the over 3,000 lives lost in the 9-11 attacks not counting those which have been publicly announced as the perpetrators and members of the Taliban (since bin Laden as the "mastermind" was portrayed as a Taliban leader, not al Qaida), according to published but unconfirmed sources, approximately 60 people were identified as followers of the Muslim faith which were killed - most of which were either on the planes, or working as police cadets or in the hospitality fields, so less than 2% of the total victims.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Obama Defends Ground Zero Mosque on Religious Grounds?
Barack Obama,
Ground Zero,
Middle East,
New York,