Sunday, August 1, 2010

Deepwater Horizon: Blaming The Coast Guard?

It was interesting this weekend to see articles in the mainstream media now reporting that the Coast Guard has been "authorizing" British Petroleum to use "contaminants" in order to break up the ever widening oil spread in the Gulf after the Deepwater Horizon incident over three months ago.

It appears the spins continue almost as far and wide as this oil has now spread.

In light of the questions of just how and why Congress and the Obama Administration has, for all intents and purposes, given British Petroleum free rein in the containment efforts since this tragedy began, a story such as this bears question. Since it is quite possible that the only "containment" efforts that have been ongoing is the "containment" of thousands of extra barrels of oil for the benefit of the British under those illegally given mineral rights to America's offshore oil reserves.

Now blaming the Coast Guard due to the negligence of this Congress and Administration in originally and immediately pulling BP's offshore leasing rights in light of this SECOND incident involving the loss of American lives and property does seem that Washington and those media moguls are sinking to a level not seen in this country ever before.

The Coast Guard is primarily there for regulation of the domestic coastline perimeter in "directing traffic" and also civilian and commercial safety issues and distress entering and exiting America's ports, with no real legal authority over this ongoing disaster in the magnitude and breadth it initially and has continued to impact the Gulf waters.

Placing the blame and asking failure of our press to ask the fundamental questions does appear that they are attempting also to protect their "global" interests and not report with any accuracy the ongoing saga of Deepwater Horizon.

But continue to wonder why their bottom line profits are deteriorating also by the day, week and month as their advertising and sales revenues continue to decline.

The "global" mainstream media bailout seems to be another disaster just around the bend.

The top news stories were this, and the wedding of Bill and Hillary Clinton's daughter, to a former Goldman Sachs employee and hedge fund manager, under "cottony clouds in New York" (a direct quote from the AP report).

I won't publish the "adjective" I came up with after reading that story.