Last night I had a few moments to watch briefly several segments from Fox's newest addition to its "conservative" line up on the evening edition of "Huckabee." It was eye-opening, to say the least, as one who is and has always been an American Conservative.
"Governor" Huckabee was introduced (hasn't he left office?), and began the show with an ad and promotion for Gulf shrimp and wisting the Gulf coast this summer since the cleanup has been completed, and the beaches are open and the shrimp simply mouth-watering.
Interspersed with a few comic moments regarding all the ways you can cook or barbeque shrimp, were promptings to "visit the Gulf" and such.
Then the "political" commentary began.
"Governor" Huckabee then went on to lambast Washington on its providing funding to the tune of over a half million dollars to "study shrimp" and their exercise habits using shrimp confined to a hamster's wheel to see just how that might improve, apparently, the taste and fitness of this seafood. Now, don't get me wrong Washington does and has spent outrageously in those earmarks for ridiculous and frivolous expenditures.
But does any American truly believe that those earmarked sums actually did go to provide for the scientific study of shrimp and their exercise capabilities, or rather their friendly campaign donor and his needs instead under the guise of this "study?"
Later in the show, the "Governor" then ran a segment with an old country singer, Ray Stevens, doing a little ditty that demonstrated just how he and his family could get out of debt using Washington's methods for balancing the budgets and providing for its needs in its "administrative" costs.
One such line when referenced printing whatever what was needed and then went on to call these sums "Obama money" and then referenced all the global corporate bailouts, and stimulus monies which have been provided by merely Obama (Congress actually) for such economic expenditures.
What was left out, however, during all the hilarity and pans to the studio audience laughing their literal butts off was that it was George Bush, and not Obama, that started the "stimulus" and bailout money train.
Does Fox and Mr. Huckabee actually believe that Americans memories are truly that short, or that easily propagandized.
Amazing how these ex-NeoCon Republican "entertainment" and political entities continue to get jobs on Fox such as Mr. Huckabee, Mr. Rove, and the like.
Not American Conservatives in any respect, but simply representatives of Washington and their respective self-interests in the name of "fair and unbalanced" reporting. I mean, I just wonder how their positions would jive with our Constitution since Mr. Huckabee is a hawk or was last election, although a represented "Christian" ex-pastor.
Whose only true contribution to last race was his oft-quoted remark that "Jesus would not run for political office."
Definitely not in 21st century America, or as one of the "New Age" Global Republican branch of the Global Socialist Party.
He wrapped up the show with an interview with three young Americans (less than 35) who had suffered during this economic disaster in the U.S., and lost their businesses, or saw the end clearly coming for their particular small businesses. All turned their personal tragedies and disasters into golden eggs by founding new businesses (and where did they get the funding for them, I wonder, since small business loans are almost non-existent for start ups in this economy?) - and did not hold their hands out, as Governor Mike pointed out, during their loss and new ventures for public "golden egg" assistance.
I wonder if Governor Mike has visited the local unemployment offices, and seen that most all in those centers are over the age of his "buck up" and become productive examples? And it never was disclosed just where their assistance and sums for their new ventures came from, or even their moving costs to start businesses in other states or markets?
Maybe Governor Mike should just stick to his food segments.
Since it does appear those are the only pieces with even a shred of research, or truth rather than just more political spin doctoring.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Fox's Huckabee Hilarity: Facts vs. Spins
American economy,
Barack Obama,