It was reported in the mainstream media that after several attempts to get a gay marriage bill passed in the New York legislature, the special interests have finally succeeded - again, diametrically opposed to the foundation of American government and the Constitution upon which it is based.
Marriage is a private contract, after all, and the government has no business "legalizing" or "sanctioning" any or all personal relationships, until of course they then dissolve for "breach of contract."
Appears there may be many lawyers and businesses representatives on the New York legislature, unaware of their Constitutional breach or aware but "frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."
How many divorce lawyers also petitioned for this "new" law, since marriage is also, of course, an institution with its roots in not simply the "common law" upon which that Constitution is based, but also over 3,000 years of legal precedent.
Leave it to New York, that bastion of social unrest and their Wall Street and global corporate special interests to once again favor their economic welfare, over the foundational government created by those founders.
Along with those other six states which also have used our courts, and their special interests these past five or six years to forment their unlawful agendas.
Rather than address the unequal treatment under progressive laws which have been given to married couples, over those single individuals, heads of household and single parents, or long term cooperative living arrangements and regulatory agency "rules" such as Social Security which are not covered by powers of attorneys or state laws governing rights of inheritance.
This was a bold move, which I do feel will come back to haunt the gay community several years down the road.
They have now "invited" Big Brother into their domestic partnership, and custodial arrangements. And through those blood tests involved prior to issuing marriage licenses, even their own health records and personal information.
Be careful what you wish for.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
New York's Gay Marriage Move: Politics as Usual
civil marriage,
common law,
gay marriage,
gay rights,
New York,