You most likely are on the list, since it doesn't appear they left anyone out, unless you are a government employee drone or work in the mainstream media.
There was an interesting paragraph regarding who it was that actually identified these potential terrorists groups:
"Definitions were derived from a variety of open source materials and
unclassified information, then further developed during facilitated workshops with
DHS intelligence analysts knowledgeable about domestic, non-Islamic extremism in
the United States."
I wonder if these "intelligence analysts" got their degrees online? There is now an online university that is cashing in on this booming surveillance industry offering courses that can be completed in the comfort of your own home for less than it costs for two years at the average technical college.
The memo, Ms. Napoliano claims, was immediately yanked. But, of course, it does appear that many local and state authorities mustn't have gotten that message prior to the Missouri memo surfacing, nor was it addressed in any fundamental way after the tea parties, other than apologies made to the American Legion, a Congressionally created veterans organization.