It appears that the brouhaha surrounding the loss of Adam Lambert to Kris Allen on national television this past week is being blamed on religion, of all things, by many in the liberal mass media press.
Mr. Lambert has been represented as the poor maligned Jewish, questionably gay, loser due to the voting of the Christian religious right.
At first, this writer was actually too astounded to believe that such a ludicrous claim could be made for the upset.
But search the net and you will find article after article mainly from East and West coast writers laying the blame again on religion or "discrimination."
If any watched the last installment, it was fairly clear who came out on top. And also which performer had been consistently better able to vocally connect with the audience the past few weeks of the contest.
Also, which performer over-all was more talented and with more likelihood of having a far longer career in the music business.
While Adam Lambert has an incredible stage personae and vocal range, he is at best a novelty act unless and until he decides to mature and dump the theatrics.
Looking back in musical history, it is clear that Kiss, Alice Cooper, Queen and the rest of the shock rockers had their time in rock history, but their longevity was fairly limited insofar as drawing the crowds for performances.
Whereas Billy Joel, Stevie Wonder, Santana and others with broader range and additional song writing and musical talents have remained a force in the music industry today.
So based on that criteria, who do YOU think actually won?
I rest my case.
But fear not liberals. The controversy that is now surrounding the decision will guarantee Mr. Lambert's career and quite a bit of revenue for at least the next several years.
Where he can then retire to the golf course before 40, as was the case with Alice Cooper, a resident of my former home state of Arizona, and then eventually go on the nostalgia tours.
There is a lesson in there somewhere, Mr. Lambert, and now your career is in your hands.
And congratulations to Kris Allen, since I think we will be seeing you for years to come if your final last four weeks in that competition from all reports were any clue to your potential and future more broad range audience appeal.
And find a new argument, liberals, because the religion card is getting way too old for your sour grapes and political arguments.