What was interesting were the members of this new Republican Party outreach group, all liberals: Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Sen. John McCain of Arizona and Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney. Neocon and globalists all. In other words, "New World Order" Republicans.
Mr. Bush and Mr. Romney acted as the spokesmen on a whistle stop at a pizza parlor. Their focus, they indicated, was not to recast the Republican Party - but to bring it and its former conservative members into the 21st Century. It was time, they said, to put the Reagan era to rest.
Interesting in that in this writer's opinion, there hasn't really been a true Conservative in federal office since Barry Goldwater in the 1960's. And while the Republican Party has been in the past a proponent of fiscal conservatism - these new spokesmen are certainly not in that mold, but Big Business CEO types that also view the American people and their wallets as a means to enlarging the riches of USA, Inc. and their own in the process. Nor are they small federal government believers.
It appears they have forgotten that the only reason Mr. Obama won the election was that many in this country were voting against the very platform this National Council For A New America represented - more years of war, and a bigger federal government.
Although Mr. Obama has betrayed at this point his campaign positions and rhetoric with respect to significantly drawing down our involvement in the Middle East war and instead merely focusing on bin Laden, and cutting federal spending, it was clear in their rejection of Mr. McCain, a member of this outreach program, that their message clearly was not that which Americans wanted any part of. NeoConservatism, or the "New World Order."
I think the "change" Americans were seeking was a "change" back to fundamental Constitutional principles once again, and faces which were not a part of the problems. Mr. Obama held himself out to be a Constitutional lawyer and packaged himself in Lincoln.
In four more years, as demonstrated by the recent Tea Parties throughout the nation, I don't think near as many Americans are going to be so readily fooled by either the Democrats or Republicans once again.
Or the National Council for A New America.