And just where are those figures coming from?
No surprise, the National Association of Realtors who just might have an ulterior motive in spinning or inflating the numbers due to the market conditions at the present time, and number of jobless and homeless now which has swept the nation since the manipulated "mortgage" crisis and bank bailouts which just so happened to occur during the last presidential election cycle.
In fact, the June 19-21 headline of USA Today also said it all: "Foreclosures Heading Through The Roof."
More Americans are lining up at the soup kitchen, than at the realtors offices, since the homeless now and jobless stats are really off the charts and not this high since the last great depression, also manipulated by the European owned Federal Reserve, branch bankers and Washington.
As far as my personal knowledge and reports from my former home state of Arizona, one of the states hardest hit due to the boom and bust cycle and the many retirees on fixed incomes that also were hard pressed to come up with increasing property taxes and insurance which contributed to some of what is occurring also left out by the media, and those predatory "interest only" and other "creative" loans sold mostly by regional and national California domiciled banks.
Although the State of California doesn't share the entire blame for the now mostly Western and Southwestern home situation, since most of those loans were also underwritten with extra "propert stripping riders and provisos over and above the actual loan documents themselves by the governmentally created Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. How Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae could have been "bankrupt" at all due to some of those usurous loans and terms really is quite inconceivable as one who was forced into such a refinance position and had to refinance a home in 2004 can attest.
It would appear this claimed increase in sales and "recovery" appears to be wishful thinking.
In Arizona, California, Michigan, Nevada and Florida due to also progressive overbuilding in those states for literally decades, and now thousands unable to qualify for fixed rate low interest loans with black marks on their credit records at this point, it will take literally decades - if ever - for the housing market to stabilize, from this 45 year Arizona resident.
In those western border states now in particular, due to the open borders situation and escalating drug war violence which I'm sure that also has affected the marketability of those houses significantly, since who wants to live in a state in which there is a foreign invasion and civil wars now going on due to federal negligence in "providing for the common defense," its actual primary function. Instead of now attempting to "reform" the health care industry according to a "business" model ala Soylent Green and Adolph Hitler on cost/benefit actuary "business" modes and standards.
Plus the fact that few now in this country trust the banking industry now in general. Nor are willing to go into those sliding scale and interest only loans that they are still marketing, some of which are not even based on the U.S. prime interest rate, but the European market.
Nothing essentially has changed which lead to this catastrophe to begin with. And most in the World War II, boomer generation or younger have moral difficulties paying "usurous" sums in order to purchase a home, a home which is now in many areas of the country due to the loan terms and assundry restrictive "use" restrictions and additional costs and provisions, and associated junk fees and charges tacked on for those purchases, nothing more than a foreclosure contract to begin with.
So...nice try, realtors. Since a great many of you also pushed and marketed to many of those retirees and others more home than they really could afford in order to get higher commissions also in the process, the trust in your "industry" also now is about zilch.
Especially those of us who lost ours, and who have made sure we speak the truth, rather than the spins, on just what lead to this, and the commercial and banking interests that were truly responsible - of course, along with the criminal element now residing on Capitol Hill and in our state legislatures who have been in collusion with the corporate interests and their primary "special interest" campaign backers for literally decades.
And the National Association of Realtors is high up on that list also.
Along, of course, with the bankers and their minions - the foreclosure lawyers and scam artists and their breathren in federal and state government.