The "Cap & Trade" or "Energy Stimulus" bill passed at the behest and direction of newly inaugurated president (small "p" until that birth certificate is produced) Barack Obama. Obama lobbied heavily on the House Democrats to pass this centerpiece legislation for his "green jobs," agenda. Although if history is any indication, there will be more loss of jobs than gains due to this legislation.
After all, Congress has been handing out corporate welfare to the energy and petro companies for literally decades for their research and development costs in order to promote cleaner forms of fuel and energy. And where has that gotten us?
Nowhere, but has made a bundle for the banks and financiers on Wall Street and shareholders of those energy companies and concerns. As most likely will this fiasco of a bill.
You see, part of the "global economy" plan for this "globally planned" agenda is that the certificates for carbon credits can be exchanged or sold so that companies that are not in compliance can "buy their way" out of their violation.
And with the profits these companies are making on their products and services due to their favored status with Congressional members, who truly believes that this will "stimulate" green jobs and searches for alternative fuels? Not most rational and sane adults, anyway.
Simply addressing the lack of insulation and "chicken wire and stucco" homes that are now being built by the large national and global builders would reduce energy consumption around the world in a matter of months. And eliminate the need for some of those nuclear power plants that are also quite pricey, and then involve more taxpayer costs in order to protect those generators from both internal and external meltdowns.
The building of the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station outside of Phoenix, Arizona in the last several decades certainly did not reduce energy costs to local residents. Nor did it reduce the pollution in any significant matter, since the fact is the Phoenix area is now populated by refugees mostly from other states, and also those literally missions of non-Americans using the state as either a place of commerce, or secondary income source working for the drug cartels.
It was interesting to note that last Friday as the "Cap and Trade" bill was being voted and amendment up to the final hour and vote Friday evening, the website for the House Energy Committee posted a notice stating that due to the amount of emails that they were receiving, the website was shut down until further notice.
As with the "Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Act," it appears the new modus operandi for the sanctuary on the Hill is to "officially" pass unconstitutional legislation in only one house of Congress, and then either hold it in the hopper or pass it without any media attention during a "diversionary" story in the other. And then fund some of those "unofficially" passed bills as if they were the force of law through the various regulatory bodies.
To my knowledge, the memos Ms. Napolitano sent out and the Fusion Centers which are being used to train local law enforcement on these crimes of "perception of intent" have been funded by Congress, although the bill under which such authority would be granted has yet to be passed by the Senate.
Maybe this is self-preservation in order to save face and political careers, and also as a protection against any and all charges of treason or "high crimes and misdemeanors" that could or would be applicable under the circumstances.
Another rather open ended bill was introduced also this session having to do with cybersecurity, the "Cybersecurity Act of 2009," in which Congress was going to authorize the executive office to have final say and jurisdiction regarding the shutdown of the internet and governmental service providers in the event of cyber-attack.
The language was so open ended it afforded the president ultimate authority in such an event of by including not only the event of an outside or foreign bug or virus, but "for other reasons."
I wonder if the shutdown of the House Energy Commissions website last Friday was determined by the president to be one of those "other reasons."
After all, Mr. Obama excels at making apologies for this country and its citizens, and since this was truly a bi-partisan act of treason with presidential support, it would appear that such language was interpreted by those lawyers both within and employed by members of Congress to be within the broad scope of "and for other reasons."
And the most ironic thing about the entire "Cap and Trade" scam further amalgamating the U.S. economy and government with that of the "global community" (global socialism) is that it was passed one week before Independence Day.
A day I predict will live in infamy for our children, and great grandchildren as the greatest act of treason under the existing law of this country, America's Constitution.
A celebration in this country honoring the founders sacrifice in severing their ties and bonds with the global community. Whether intentional or not, a slap in the face of those founders, and all Americans who value their sacrifice and their intention to form a "more perfect union" apart from any foreign influence.
This, America, is your transparent and accountable government.