Yesterday it was reported in some of the mainstream media news sources that the continuing questions with respect to the actual citizenship status of Barack Obama, who is currently holding the Office of the Presidency in the Unied States was finally "resolved," at least in the "House of Misrepresentatives."
And how was this "resolution" of this contentious issue resolved?
One of the House members from Hawaii, Dean Abercrombie, attached a "rider" to one of the House's ludicrous "official acts" in effect congratulating and acknowledging Hawaii's 50th Anniversary as a state with a little introductory paragraph which stated: "Whereas the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii...."
The "resolution" passed 378-0, with a few of the Republican Global Neocon Socialists who are up for re-election in 2010 "abstaining" rather than actually exhibiting some backbone and voting "nay," until some verifiable proof has been produced due to the fact that Mr. Obama spent much of his youth outside the United States in his formative years and received much of his education also outside the United States, and one of his parents was never a United States citizen.
The founders included that provision for a very specific reason. You cannot "pledge allegiance" and loyalty to the United States if you are either not a natural born or naturalized citizen. And actually it was their intent and belief that those provisions, as this country grew and there were fewer and fewer foreign born individuals immigrating and progressive generations of Americans after the first generation, that in order to hold the highest office in the land, the deeper the roots, at least in the formative years, the better.
Thus the 14 year requirement. Most successive generations then would have been educated in this country prior to the customary "European tour" that most of the gentry engaged in during their teen years in order to learn languages and cultural differences. That was what was behind the original provisions. Since geographic ties are built during the formative years most of all.
Mr. Obama has hired a team from three different law firms to block the continuing challenges to his natural born or naturalized status.
And an "Act of Congress" cannot "resolve" that question independently actually, in a government of the people, without evidence and proof if there is even the remotest possibility that he does not even meet those minimum requirements.
And since they have not changed since that first generation by any legal amendment of the people, they are very, very minimal.
If the past eight years alone are not proof of just how treasonous and "misrepresentative" those now holding Congressional office have truly become and how blatantly contemptuous they are to the actual true law in this country, the United States Constitution, then this attempt to circumvent the people once again is simply another piece of documented evidence that they are all in violation of their oaths of office, which actions are increasing at a rather rapid rate in this now Obama Administration, and thus guilty of treason under it.
The highest criminal action also under it, and in accompanying codified federal statutes in accordance with it.
So when IS that Sargeant at Arms going to start earning his taxpayer paid salary anyway and start arresting these traitors? Or at the very least, the Electoral College serving their function since they are also taxpayer funded and require verifiable proof to the public since it is the public that funds those election campaigns also, although the two mainstream political parties have clearly hijacked our election process.
There have been AT LEAST six different lawsuits filed over this issue, also politically refused by the United States Supreme Court for various "technical" reasons. And it appears that they were running out of excuses, so this little subterfuge instead by the House is clearly nothing more than an attempt to give the Supreme Court somehow an excuse to continue to do so. And any Supreme Court decision then would also become a matter of public record, and the evidenciary material also legally required to be produced under the Freedom of Information Act, since "natural security reasons" could hardly be used to circumvent public disclosure laws in such instance.
Maybe this is one of the moves of the House similar to many which have occurred recently on unconstitutional legislation, such as the Patriot Act, Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Act, Cap and Trade, Economic Recovery Act, and a host of others.
The newest legal maneuver is to pass unconstitutional measures in the House, but leave them in the hopper in the Senate and thus they are not "officially" laws, but are then enacted through the various regulatory bodies as if they were. According to my research, such is the case with the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Act. Since the Senators actually represent the states themselves, this is an attempt to absolve the states also from their liabiity for some of these Acts enforcements against Americans which take state compliance and assistance to enforce.
Another piece of evidence in the treason that is going on. They are now blatantly skirting around the Constitution more and more each session using legal manuevering and technicalities, the media and their regulatory bodies in order to purposely violate it.
This now cannot even be blamed on ignorance anymore, it is "willful" criminal conduct using such measures.
Which is nothing more than tyranny. Another treasonous act under the Constitution.
So when ARE those criminal warrants going to be issued?