This evening briefly while flipping channels (I find I do that frequently with all the political proganda now carried by the cable networks more and more in the interest of ratings), I caught a brief segment of Bill O'Reilly's on Arizona's new law purportedly "cracking down" on the illegal immigrants residing in that state.
As a former 40+ year Arizona resident, I dispute most of all the continued representations of the mainstream networks that there are only an estimated 500,000 illegal immigrants in the State of Arizona.
I would state that the numbers of the illegal Mexicans is rather low if 12 million is the figure throughout the entire United States.
If you count the Canadians, and those from other countries such as South America that also cross the open desert, there are considerably more since most of those Canadians also overstay their visas or cross the borders and migrate to Arizona without formally going through the entire process of naturalization while living there almost full time.
Arizona does, after all, share the largest border with Mexico outside Texas, which most likely would mean that those numbers are higher, and I would guess both states have 80% of the illegal Mexicans in this country.
The climate in those states is more similar to their own, and many have family members also living in those border states.
Tonight, however, Bill O'Reilly was in fine form, as usual, attacking the "liberals" regarding Arizona's new illegal immigrant enforcement laws which have been used by both political parties at both the federal level, and throughout the remaining U.S. states in order to use Arizona as an example for why immigration "reform" is so vitally needed.
Including Mr. Obama, and those state representatives running on the illegal immigrant issue, or whose states are profiting at the Arizona citzenry's also expense until they migrate further north or throughout the country.
Rather than, of course, the federal government doing their primary job in getting those borders fenced and secured in order to stop the flow, and the other states supporting the Arizona legal residents in putting pressure on the federal government to so do in order to protect the lives and property of all Americans who have been adversely affected for decades by this federal negligence.
Bill, of course, came out in support of Arizona's new law, however ill conceived it may be, rather than taking the legal methods under the Constitution in this legislature simply passing a Resolution directing the Arizona Attorney General to sue the federal government for "breach of contract" in dallying on the border security situation now nine long years after 9-11 and the Bush' Administration's continued negligence, and get those sums to get this problem resolved once and for all.
He indicated that the Governor in signing the bill indicated that it would not make Arizona a police state, but would take the handcuffs, as it were, off the local officers in order that they can effectively bring charges against these individuals under state laws backing up the existing federal provisions.
However, if history serves in that state, what the Governor says and what local law enforcement at the county and municipal level does are two different things.
I mean, there are so many levels of government now that one hand doesn't know what the other hand is doing much of the time.
And the fact is, what Bill also doesn't realize is that most of the local law enforcement personnel in Arizona are not long term or native born Arizonans, but transplants from other states who would not know a Mexican from a Navajo, if put to the test.
It would also appear to me that the penalty for breaking this law doesn't at all follow America's adherence to the common law of punishment in this country of letting the punishment fit the crime.
Six months incarceration, and a hefty fine means that most of these individuals will serve time waiting for those deportation hearings and trials which are now given as opposed to the procedures of the past under our Constitution, also at the Arizona and American taxpayer's expense in Sheriff Joe's tent city, a misdemeanor facility in which there has been reported over 12,000 lawsuits filed by various groups and individuals over the conditions in which those misdemeanor offenders are kept, and the treatment - many of whom are simply low level DUI offenders or pot smokers who cannot make bail because the bail amounts now on minor offenses also do not fit the crimes.
Mr. O'Reilly then went on to state that if any individuals were unlawfully "profiled" that there was always the redress of filing a civil suit against the State or local government.
But guess who pays then for those lawsuits, Mr. O'Reilly?
You got it, the Arizona citizens.
This bill apparently in its present form, without first using the proper legal redress for the State against the federal government for negligence, is simply another law feeding the civil rights lawyers in this country at the citizen's expense - in more ways than one.
It appears that the British style of conservatism promoted on Fox TV by Mr. Murdoch's crew is simply another method of increasing this nation's dependence on those British bankers in increasing the federal deficit by using not only the federal government, but the state and local governments in order to so do.
Since the Arizona citizens also pay for "professional liability" and indemnification policies with their state and local taxes for those law enforcement officials, some of which are elected officials contributed to by those very same civil rights lawyers and organizations and many of them domiciled outside the State of Arizona, many in California primarily.
Which bears the question: Just what incentive is there for law enforcement personnel to abide by Ms. Brewer's representations and directives - especially after she leaves office?
Arizona is cash strapped for a reason.
"Laws" such as this one in the name of "jobs and the economies" of the elected officials and their feeder special interests at the Arizona citizens' ultimate expense.
And I am a victim of illegal immigrant crime, not a left winger, and know this law is not what it appears.
It is simply another political tool for the politicians, and stimulus for their special interest backers, and means to threaten many of those illegals upon arrest in order to use for also political or economic reasons for those politicos personally or their backers.
And which law will do nothing whatsoever to address the true problem and negligence of the feds, who are also using it for political reasons rather than doing THEIR jobs.
I wonder if Bill even knows that the fox is the national animal of the British?