In the wake of the Louisiana BP explosion and disaster, and at the behest, of course, of those also governmentally funded environmental groups in the United States, two states have made noise about banning offshore drilling off their respective coastlines - Calfornia and Florida.
What has been of interest to me has been the timing of this particular disaster, at a time when the American public has been pressing toward more domestic production and less dependence on foreign oil.
Governor Schwartzenegger of Calfornia and Governor Crist of Florida both have publicly stated for the record that both felt in light of the BP disaster in Louisiana that their states were taking a second look at increasing offshore exploration and development of new wells.
Could it just possibly be also that given that there is regulation in this country of oil production and development which was initiated and stepped up primarily due to the fallout from past disasters, especially in Alaska, that it is far more productive and profitable for those who are heavily invested in Wall Street and those U.S. corporations to get their oil from the Middle East, bypassing many of the restrictions and oversight that is involved with those added costs for domestic production?
I mean, it does seem rather fortuitous that this disaster occurred at this time, since the wars in the Middle East continue to be propagandized as one involving mainly our presence there and need for foreign oil - when this just may be a banking and economic war due to fundamentalist Muslim beliefs which has resulted in their having their own banks outside the World Bank and European banking system?
Of course, this disaster, after all the investigations are finally completed, will also involve major repair and reconstruction of those rigs, thus feeding Wall Street and the British bankers and BP once again which has been left out of the mainstream reporting.
Right now, Louisiana is still recovering from both Katrina and Gustav, and construction has become its major industry even surpassing oil and gas exploration, its historic industry.
Which companies also hire a great many of those illegals that supposedly have left the United States due to the decline in the economy - although you wouldn't know it if you had recently visited Louisiana since there is a boom in construction occuring there at the present time and many of those government contractors are hiring those illegals.
Two British terrorist bombers attempting to enter the U.S., and now a British based company involved in the Louisiana disaster.
It does make at least a few Americans pause.
Especially due to the "globalized" economy now in which the U.S. is entrenched thanks to Washington's Constitutional negligence, and that deficit to those British based bankers that own our Federal Reserve is clearly growing in leaps and bounds, while it appears we are taking in more and more of their population from Canada and Australia due to their now stronger currency.
There couldn't be an agenda here, could there?