I have to suspect that I must not be the only American that has come to the conclusion that the excuses that are now being given by BP (British Petroleum) over their inability to cap this oil spill that just so happened to occur as the American public was demanding more domestic production, and less reliance on foreign crude due to the ongoing and continuing War on Terrorism (oil) are beginning to sound rather hollow...and familiar.
And Louisiana and the U.S. government's hand wringing also suspect.
Obama has stated that he plans to be "hands on" in the cleaning up of this disaster due also to globalization and foreign ownership of another American vital industry which apparently went for the most part unregulated which resulted in the loss of more American lives at the hands of foreigners.
It is interesting that this was a British company involved, and that although Mr. Obama's efforts have been restricted for the most part in formulating another panel at the taxpayers expense to study just what occurred, I wonder if he has also directed them to study some of those "free trade" agreements with global corporations which are operating outside U.S. regulatory body oversight more and more?
I mean post Katrina and the U.S. recession, it is the British and Canadians who are buying up a great many of those million dollar homes in the French Quarter and Garden District, many of whom also work for BP.
And I wouldn't hesitate to guess that as the U.S. gets involved now in this disaster posthumously, that there is a move in Washington to increase the gasoline taxes then in order to provide for the revenue to clean up this spill, even given the announced "fines" that are being levied against BP (which, I'm sure, will be appealed under those "free trade" agreements, leaving again the American public holding the bag).
Washington, and the Global Socialists in both the Republican and Democratic parties have become oh so predictable.
Sort of like Hollywood, that has taken to making more and more "remakes" of both cancelled television series formats, "digitally enhanced" versions of rereleases, or earlier Hollywood blockbusters as their standard fare.
This country can place a man on the moon, and developed the nuclear bomb, and can't clean up an oil spill.
Since we also have shared that technology with Britain and also those other foreign countries and "allies" who now have again risked American lives for their global commercial gain.
While Congress, and this Adminstration as the last, creates panels and twiddles its thumbs.
Fairly similar to the Katrina disaster and subsequent response, for which many lost their homes for eventual foreign and commercial gain.
For which many of those working still on the reconstruction are, once again, foreigners or illegal government contractor or day labor immigrants.
I wonder if the BP reconstruction will be a replay of the Katrina repairs?
Providing for the jobs and the economy, once again, of foreigners for that global economy?
First AIG (American International Group, but London home domiciled) and now BP.
Kinda makes you wonder....
Well, after the oil settles (pun intended) there will, after all, be then future oil reserves discovered again in the future to guarantee those oil barons and their families continued wealth. I mean this is not really a renewable form of energy for the most part.
Hmmm...maybe BBC Worldwide (an ally of the Fox USA network, it would appear) also needed the cash since this has been a major news story now for a good deal of the last month and those ad revenues and advertisers needs must also be satisfied, no matter what the cost or the spin.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
BP Excuses Beginning To Sound Hollow
federal government,
United States