Aside from the spins that are now occurring on the Gulf Deepwater Horizon disaster, and all the blustering of those members of Congress looking for some face time in the media and photo ops, the fundamental question that needs to be answered due to now this over six week "containment" effort is, just how many extra barrels of oil has Great Britain gained that have been shipped out of the Port of New Orleans since this disaster began?
Several thousands, maybe?
I mean this is the largest oil spill outside the Exxon Valdez incident (close to Canada also), and oil and water do not mix.
So just how much have the British syphoned off of the U.S. oil reserves in the Gulf?
While Prime Minister Cameron offers not a single apology to the American people, but warns of "excessive claims" against that bogus reserve account that Mr. Obama has widely (and nationally) televised, and then continues to put BP in charge so that he can address the problems of the "global" economy with the G-20? (Global or Government 20, that is), with the Queen?
Just when is that Union Jack going to replace the Stars and Stripes officially?
And isn't it interesting that the State of Louisiana is now "governed" by a Governor whose parents were immigrants from India, another British Territory? And who has been getting more and more national attention as the disasters in Louisiana multiply?
It appears the British Empire and its insatiable needs for world dominion quite clearly in this country did not end with the American Revolution, but simply a different strategy has been in the works for literally decades.
Using naturalized or even native born "Ameuro" Tories to continue the war, which may be why Cornwallis never showed up at Yorktown.
It would have been against the future battle plan.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Remember, America: Cornwallis Never Surrendered
Deepwater Horizon,
Great Britain,
Gulf of Mexico,
oil spill,
United States