It seems according to the ongoing news reports (over a month now) of the BP disaster that the solution the federal government has come up with in order to hold BP accountable for the latest contamination of U.S. waters and fiscal impact on the American public is to hold another public tongue lashing at the public's expense, however, for this foreign based global corporation.
These hearings and special Congressional panels are beginning to mimic the old "Who's on First" routines of the slapstick era.
According to Fox New USA, an affiliate in a great deal of their political ideology and programming with BBC Worldwide, the solution to addressing the problem of the continuing oil spill is for this global corporation to get permission from the U.S. government to drill two more wells, in order to "relieve" the pressure on the well that was involved in this explosion.
Sounds like a real economic stimulus for the British at the cost of Americans once again to this writer - since a great many of those jobs (other than those of the manual labor variety) which will be provided for these new wells will, of course, go to more Brits and/or British subjects.
The fundamental question to this disaster has not been approached by the media it seems in any meaningful way.
And that is, while the U.S. is now involved in a War on Terrorism that just so happens to be focused more and more on developing a greater presence in the Middle East in order to secure many of those oil barons future wealth and prosperity, why is it that the U.S. then is giving "mineral rights" to foreign global corporations such as British Petroleum to the American oil reserves?
In other words, Britain is obtaining access to the oil reserves of the United States for primarily its citizenship's gasoline and petro needs, while the U.S. citizens are paying higher rates for those barrels that are now being imported from the Middle East?
No wonder the United States is facing its largest recession since the Great Depression in the 20's.
The British aren't simply coming, they are here, and this appears to be an economic war we are fighting with both its bankers, and its government.
Just who or what is BP?
British Petroleum until fairly recently was a holding of the British royal family, although it was "officially" privatized. From Britannica Encyclopedia Online Edition:
British Petroleum:
"British petrochemical corporation. Formed in 1909 as the Anglo-Persian Oil Co., Ltd., to finance an oil-field concession granted by the Iranian government to William Knox D'Arcy, it became one of the largest oil companies in the world, with oil fields and refineries in Alaska and the North Sea. The British government was for many years BP's largest single stockholder, but by the late 1980s it had turned over the company to private ownership. In 1987 BP consolidated its U.S. interests by acquiring the Standard Oil Co. In 1998 it merged with Amoco (formerly Standard Oil of Indiana) to form BP-Amoco. In addition to oil and natural gas, it produces chemicals, plastics, and synthetic fibres. Its headquarters are in London."
It will be interesting watching these "hearings," and seeing eventually who will be left holding the bag for the "global economy" once again in this respect.
I'll bet it will be the American taxpayers, in one way or another.
Either for those salaries for this "special panel" and the lost revenue of the American people for this monumental "taking" by Britain of America's mineral rights, or through taxation for the sums that the American public will have to pay in additional gasoline prices across the board for the decades long cleanup of the Gulf Coastline for the "jobs and the economies" of mostly the resident aliens that will be involved from Britainnia.
No wonder also that there is such a push to get an amnesty passed, for that cheap Mexican labor and/or military service for the British Empire's needs both here and abroad.
With Mexico assuming the American border states progressively, and Britain once again with a strong presence in Louisiana and the Canadian border states, it appears that a great many Americans may be fleeing to Kansas, along with Dorothy.
Except that even in the heartland of America, foreigners and foreign interests have gained a foothold.
Since Kansas also has a nuclear generator and reactor whose shares are now sold over that "global" exchange, as do 31 other U.S. states which have also monumentally comprised this nation's national security, on behalf of that "global economy," placing commerce, once again, before the fundamental precepts behind that Constitution.
Whose government continues to sacrifice U.S. lives and property on behalf of foreigners interest at a greater clip by the decades, as the body counts mount.
Wonder if there will be any criminal manslaughter or criminal negligence filed against those Brits.
Don't hold your breath, America, since the sovereign London bankers and British government, those allies, are clearly calling the shots on this one, as they have PROGRESSIVELY with each Administration and Congress since Wilson.