Tuesday, July 27, 2010

BP's Poster Child Hayward Moves On 18 Million Richer

It was announced by the British and American news sources that Tony Hayward has been "mutually" relieved of his position as BP's CEO by their Board of Directors, although reportedly 18 MILLION richer for his efforts.

Mr. Hayward has been the poster child for BP since the disaster which claimed 11 American lives, and the BP Board in another public relations attempt it appears, has chosen an American for the pilot position of this London based global giant who will be charged with managing all future efforts with respect to the ongoing oil containment (how many new caps will it take?) and cleanup off Louisiana's shores before the spill reaches Greenland by next spring.

Another ploy for the American public, apparently, since although Mr. Hayward definitely was missing a "sensitivity chip" with respect to his scripted appearance before a Congressional Board of Directors over the incident, and also his faux pas in released statements about the ongoing cleanup efforts, his ouster and replacement by an American does appear to be so much of a publicity move mainly for the consumption of the U.S. press most of all and their ongoing spins.

Who have continued and failed to ask the fundamental questions throughout this now three month disaster.

Just how and why did our Congress give mineral rights to a foreign global corporation to America's offshore oil reserves, when we are and have been fighting wars in the Persian Gulf and now Iraq and Afghanistan also to primarily secure "lease rights" for the British over those oil reserves (and, of course, minimize Israel's perceived threat, a country which has enough nuclear power to wipe out at least that half of the world many times over), much of which was lost when the Shah of Iran was removed from power back in the 1970's and the Ayatollah gained control of that country's government.

Just why is America buying not only foreign crude oil from the Middle East, but also now refined barrels from the British of its own oil, taxed at that, in this ongoing partnership with this global corporation that has now resulted in the loss of 11 American lives due to their negligence and a loosey goosey oversight policy by the U.S. regulatory agencies over this global giant whose is now responsible for two major accidents?

I mean, U.S. domiciled oil and gas corporations are better watched than apparently this foreign one was or has been.

It seems BOTH Washington and BP executives and managers were asleep at the wheel, and there are so many unanswered questions left which led to this disaster, and the initial containment efforts thereafter with Washington putting BP in charge of the cleanup once again without oversight, it is truly astounding.

Add to that this presidents arrogance then denying Constitutional due process rights to the American victims of this disaster through the establishment of that "reserve" fund and it appears more and more that Washington is more interested in protecting this foreign global corporation's bottom lines and future federal and state gas tax revenues than it is in actually actively getting this spill contained forthwith, and protecting both America's mineral reserves, and American lives and businesses in the Gulf region.

BP has a huge presence in Louisiana and New Orleans, with the Brits primarily owning many of those older homes in the French Quarter and the Garden District, especially post Katrina (over which the actual events surrounding the breaking of those levees flooding the poorer areas of New Orleans while that "release" instead protected the Quarter and those Brits properties, has caused much local buzz in Louisiana with lawsuits flying with now new building standards and ordinances causing even more of those Americans whose homes were affected to lose their properties now five years later who were left high and dry after those waters receded and with the expense then of these "ex post facto" laws which have majorly impacted those who owned those little bayou fishing shanties without central air).

I mean most of those people cannot get loans to rebuild those shanties, but the developers aren't having much trouble getting financing for redevelopment of many of those areas - and high density housing does bring in more revenue to the state and local coffers, after all, rather than those sleepy little fishing villages along the bayou did.

Just how many barrels of extra oil under those leases has BP sailed out of the Port of New Orleans at this point in order to refine, and then sell back to the American people while Washington and the Southeastern states collect all that extra tax revenue levied on those domestic barrels that have been outsourced for Britain's ultimate gain?

Or is BP also, as a foreign domiciled corporation, exempt from actually paying those gas corporate taxes unlike American based oil and gas corporate entities?

Outsourcing our oil and mineral rights?

Just where is that power enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, since it would appear that this is one "free trade" agreement that is nothing more than a "gimme" to the British at the cost of the American people, also controlling then the price all Americans pay at the pump under "global" market prices.

For their own oil?

Trade agreements were to be mutually beneficial under the common law upon which this country's government is based at least on a "need" basis, although "free trade" wasn't meant to be "free" at all insofar as duties and import taxes on those trade agreements with foreign entities, and it does appear that the British arrogance has not changed much since '76 with respect to the Colonials.

Or the Tories on the Hill who are letting the Brits continue to call the shots, including apparently the newest CEO tagged by the British to continue their publicity campaigns, and damage control while they scam some more of the Americans wealth and precious resources - both mineral, and wildlife (and businesses, homes and lives in this instance).

Washington appears content with the fines it is collecting over this disaster, while serving up its citizenry once again to the Brits who are, after all, hiring those adjusters in order to settle the claims without also any oversight.

Just why haven't those illegal leases been pulled at this point since from news reports, BP also has a big deal going on in Alaska too.

And I wonder how many of the MSM corporate owners own shares in BP due to continuing to carry the spins, without asking the right questions?

And is it just me, or doesn't Tony Hayward look almost like a twin of that actor who played Tony Blair in the movie, "The Queen?"

I hear his next gig is in Russia, after collecting his "golden parachute" payout approved by the BP Board, a better fit it would appear, so he can get his "life back" with a pension, exit bonus and renegotiable salary to boot.

And I'm waiting to see how American this new American BP CEO really is.

Or whether he, too, is just another wannabe Brit, and royal pain in the a** actor with a Yank accent whose faux pas will get wider media publication as a result, or worse than Hayward so that Hayward's yachting while the oil spread will seem ever so more civilized.

The replacement: Robert Dudley.

Now how much more of a Brit by lineage can you be, although expect the Southern drawl to kick in since he did, after all, reside in Mississippi for a time during his tenure with BP which is being played up in the media for all it's worth. Now it is even being reported by the Christian Science Monitor that he actually was "born in Mississippi."

I wonder, truth or desperation with this newest detail? The roots of the surname "Dudley" certainly do run deep in Britain, back to the 14th century, it appears.

It was also reported that BP is a source of national pride in Britain since they hold the wealth of a good percentage of the Brits with investments in their pension plans (the royal family did own it up through the 90's, after all, so may have been by Parliamentary decree and another of their "takings" apparently for Britain's dominion).

I wonder how many Brits write for the AP, another one of those "global" corporations?

Monday, July 26, 2010

BP Smoke and Mirrors Continues

It was announced by the MSM that the CEO of British Petroleum, Tony Hayward, has been relieved of his position in light of the mishandling of the public relations aspect of the BP disaster in the U.S.

It does appear the smoke and mirrors games continue with respect to this disaster, and the loss of 11 American lives which have been, for all intents and purposes, swept under the carpet while Britain continues to assure the "little people" in the United States that they will be taken care of.

That is, those that the Brits claim are worthy of recompensation since Obama has unlawfully removed the Constitutional rights of those affected to sue for their losses and put the matter before their fellow countrymen, and also whose claims that those BP rapists feel are not "excessive" in their estimation.

Unbelieveable, the "foreign" rights once again are being placed as superior to those of the people by this Administration as the last who have no inherent "rights" under our Constitution to begin with. In fact, the protection of American's rights over foreigners was the entire foundation of our Constitution to begin with!

What's missing?

The reporting and investigation by the U.S. media in just how British Petroleum was afforded the almost monopoly on the U.S. oil reserves in the Gulf off Louisiana's coast, while we are fighting a war in the Middle East which is clear has absolutely nothing to do with redressing the attack on this country almost nine years ago, but more in securing a presence in the Middle East for Great Britain after losing those mineral rights when the Shah of Iran was overthrown back in the 1970's.

How our Congress could give mineral rights to America's offshore reserves to a foreign entity in the first place, and one in which their negligence several years ago also resulted in the loss of American lives in Texas, is beyond this writer.

This "free trade" agreement when our dependence on foreign oil has been the banner of both political parties as to why this country continues to be involved in the Middle East just goes to show that both political parties are more aligned with facilitating a "global" dominance in this region at the continued cost of American lives on behalf fundamentally of two foreign governments. Britain's and Israel's.

While our borders remain unsecured, and there are now more foreigners in this country than even pre-9-11, and not for tourism but training at our military installations, and as refugees of this British and Israeli war that has resulted in two subsequent attempts both originating in Great Britain and those British banks that also are the major shareholders behind our Federal Reserve.

War means debt, and also profits for the bankers. And by and large, the London bankers and shareholders are also zionists, since Israel is, after all, the tourist attraction and most visited country by far for religious pilgrammages, although in the true Christian faith Israel has "historical" significance, but since Christ did teach that God was spirit and was everywhere, and not solely in Israel as demonstrated with his Sermon on the Mount, the positions of the Christian fundamentalist community and some others claiming to be Christian is truly perplexing, again, to this writer.

The British actually are the petrol gluttons of the world, as this global corporation which was formerly a holding of the British royal family clearly demonostrates, and with all the focus on "science and technology," it is truly astounding that this oil spill now could be continuing for over three months without a clear resolution in sight.

And also this Administration's again skirting around the Constitution in bypassing its provisions in affording BP and this global corporation the "sovereign rights" to both contain the spill, and settle the damage claims and awards that are due all those in this country which are now and will be in the future fundamentally affected.

Which is actually every single American, in one way or another.

Maybe Mr. Obama needs to pass on the next G-20 global summit, and he and this Congress need to focus on this country's domestic economy, which is now being sacrificed once again for the British in this allied partnership post World War II that has progressively compromised this country and its national security, and economy far worse than the Blitz on London those many years ago.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Obama and Congress Throw Citizens A Bone

With the increasing joblessness and homelessness now increasing across the nation, and outrage of an increasingly dissatisfied electorate with both mainstream political parties and their agendas bypassing both Constitutional provision and restraint, Congress and the Obama Administration threw the American people another bone.

Unemployment benefits checks will be reinstituted.

And just how much is unemployment - about a third of most citizens former take-home pays, over another third less than their former paychecks even after withholding?

Although, of course, this does nothing for the small businesses that have gone under during this banker, Wall Street and political economic recession, or those homeowners who are still in danger of losing their homes due to the illegal loans which were sold in the West and Southwest primarily, since nothing has been done to address the causes of the foreclosure tsunami, just the symptoms.

Loans which have no fundamental basis in our Constitution, based on foreign currencies (the British LIBOR) which were sold to unsuspecting homeowners during the boom who were forced into refinances due to rising costs of ownership.

Especially in the border states which had also seen increases in insurance rates for both autos and homes go off the charts, and whose property taxes were tied into their home valuations.

The predatory lending practices of these banks have simply been promoted by this Administration, pushing Americans to refinance into these same "foreign" based loans, and now even kids for college tuition increases which also have gone off the charts.

Sallie Mae's funding is weighted toward also promoting these London banking index rate loans, and seems to be that this is why Mr. Obama has been on the "get re-educated" and "refinance" bandwagon - to trap the American people who thus far have not been affected and still have their homes, and now even our youth then also into these adjustable foreign based loans.

Seems the "change" which has occurred has been a "change" in the face behind the podium, but not at all the agenda.

Wall Street, the "global" economy and New York profits at the cost of the rest of the country and citzenry.

Since due to those excessive salaries of our "misrepresentatives," they seem to be the heaviest investors in this "global" economy which is being promoted at the cost of America's own.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Hail, Britannia: Britannia Rules The Gulf (And Its Ports)

It was reported that the big news today is that BP has finally once again capped the oil spill in the Louisiana Gulf, at least halting the flow for a few more days.

No promises, of course, that the continuing saga of Deepwater Horizon is truly over.

Meanwhile, it was reported that over 184,000,000 (yes, those were the commas) gallons of oil have spewed into the Gulf, with those Brits then solely in charge of both containing the spill, and the cleanup of the existing oil residue then in the Gulf.

As stated previously, oil and water do not mix, so I just wonder how many of those 184,000,000 gallons of crude went sailing out through the Port of New Orleans to be refined by those Brits at their home refineries, and then sold back to the American people at a profit - which means that the American people will be paying in a roundabout way for all those fines, fees and reimbursements to those in Louisiana affected - since Obama even took away unconstitutionally the rights of those victims to sue in U.S. District Court BP directly for their actual damages, and not simply damages that the BP claims adjusters deem worthy.

With the Prime Minister cautioning those BP executives about "excessive" claims. And apparently authorized and afforded by Washington and Congress under those leases or Obama dictates to use their own claims adjusters working for BP. Now I just wonder whose "bottom line" those claims adjusters are going to be charged to protect, and from all reports BP's "authorized" adjusters are few and already the backlog of claims increasing by the day.

Just how does the Obama Administration and Congress have any authority to circumvent the U.S. Constitution in this respect removing "due process" rights of those individuals and businesses so affected under this supposed reserve. This does seem to be a British mentality and Rule of Law once again. Making the process not public, but private and away from the American public's view also on just how those claims are being settled, and ultimately at the American public's expense since their profit margins are gained at the pumps throughout the South and who knows where else in this now "global" economy. But suffice it to say a good deal of their bottom line profits are gleened from their American service stations and "lease" agreements.

And just how much is "excessive" in light of the loss also of eleven American lives due to this huge global corporations' negligence, one of the largest global industries in the entire world that STILL holds lease rights to America's offshore oil in both Louisiana and in Alaska from all reports.

And since this is the second disaster which has involved bodily injury and loss of American manual laborers lives, which of course were deemed "the little people" by those Brits, just why isn't Congress and the Obama Administration rescinding their lease rights, lease rights that Congress actually had no business handing out to foreign global corporations, especially Britain, to America's offshore oil reserves anyway.

Especially since we are still in a War in the Middle East primarily for Britain and the loss of their holdings to those lease rights when the Shah of Iran was removed from power, and the Ayatollah and the religious leaders took over basically the area and country back in the 1970's.

I mean, Iraq's "new" government is another basically Constitutional monarchy, with a Prime Minister and Parliament and in no way mirrors the intended structure of the U.S.'s own, which simply goes to prove just who is in charge of the War in the Middle East on "terrorism."

While, of course, the two subsequent attacks which were circumvented since that time by the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber were actually British citizens, one of whom's father was a high ranking banking official in the Middle East that worked for the London bankers from British reprots.

Canadians are now in abundance in this country, and now even being trained under "free trade" agreements apparently at the U.S. public's expense at many of the U.S. military bases and installations. And more and more foreigners are gaining admittance even into U.S. military colleges and universities in both the West and East.

This "joint" security is costing the U.S. citizens most of all, it appears, rather than the Canadians or the British and placing more and more foreigners on U.S. soil by the year since 9-11.

And hasn't the U.S. learned about training foreign troops only to have those troops eventually turn on the American people eventually, and its civilian population now also per 9-11?

There was even a published report in a newspaper in Colorado that the city and state governments are looking into exercising eminent domain procedures against many Colorado ranchers in order to seize their land and property for the expansion of the military bases which are deemed needed due to the ever expanding "theatres" in the Middle East of Iraq and Afghanistan.

And this is ending a war as "reasonably and safely" as possible? While also expanding then the medical provisions for those suffering from PTSD after six or seven tours of duty at this point, this is working our way toward ending this "undeclared" war on a noun?

Gee, between those flashing signs on most major U.S. highways warming about the consequences of failiing to wear a seatbelt, or "Drink and Drive....Do Time (not even "drunk and drive" due to progressively lower and lower blood alcohol percentages not even Washington but "globally" determined, with "technology" also again being brought forth as "prima facie" evidence throughout the country), I would say that to most the "terrorist threat" in the Middle East is only a matter of degree from that found now at home.

Especially due to even "globalizing" our nuclear reactors and selling shares of them over the global stock exchange to foreigners, along with our mineral rights and infrastructure PROGRESSIVELY.

I just wonder, how long ago was it really that the British took over both the Rule of Law, and the Port of New Orleans in the good ol' U.S. of A?

Maybe that is truly why all these Canadian troops are now stationed on U.S. domestic shores.

And if Posse Commitatus was originally supposed to protect Americans from military overstep and is being used as the "excuse" for not militarizing America's southern borders most of all, just what is protecting the American people from the British, when even its military is now "globalized" and amalgamated with them to this degree? Certainly not Obama or this Congress who are, in fact, in bed with them also it appears in this "joint venture," being dictated quite obviously from London.

Who then speak of the "little people," and actually back in those founders time demeaned those "colonials, Yanks and savages," as somehow not gentlemen or worthy of note.

Seems much hasn't changed from '76 in that respect and so many, many others PROGRESSIVELY REGRESSIVELY by the day, week and month.

Hail, Britannia. Britannia rules the Gulf (and clearly its ports too).

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Washington Wackos: Obama Eases PTSD Veterans Provisions

In a recent story carried by the APP (American Propaganda Press) it was reported that Barack Obama and Congress are in the process of attempting to create legislation which would ease the process by which veterans can access disability benefits in cases involved Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

While this Administration and Congress continue to uptick and expand the "War on Terrorism" and number of tours of duties due to this ever expanding "engagement," now in its ninth year under both Bush and now Obama, of course, the number of cases of such disorders is increasing in leaps and bounds.

Should this not be a clue to those on the Hill that the negative impact of this continuing clearly non-defensive war on behalf mostly of special foreign interests and "global" commercial corporate gains is quite clearly one of the reasons that this country is in the economic quagmire and decline it is?

While, of course, Mr. Obama and the globalists on the Hill continue to leave America's own borders open, and increase through the Department of Homeland Security's Visa Waiver program the risks of another attack on domestic soil instead?

Just what is in the water in D.C. that such totally insane policy continues under this Administration, as with the last?

And just how many new VA hospitals will now be necessary in order to treat these returning troops, in which at this point I wouldn't hesitate to guess that the majority will be suffering such disability in some degree or another with the almost Three Stooges like leadership that has been the hallmark of this ongoing Middle East disaster?

I wonder, what about all the Americans who watched for an entire week the attacks of 9-11 who have not had a full night's sleep since, after viewing the ongoing charades and buck passing which has occurred in the nine years since?

What about the civilian casualties of this disability and disorder?

And by the way, just what is the definition of a "win" anyway of this "War on Terror," which has resulted in more and more acts of governmental terrorism, per the Patriot Act and increasing surveillance measures on the increasingly outraged American public far in excess of those Mr. Orwell envisioned?

Maybe at this point clearly the need is for each and every member of Congress to schedule their annual checkups, since PTSD just may be also affecting a good portion of those who continue this madness which has even now gone so far as initiating lawsuits by the DOJ at the American public's again ultimate expense against some of the states and their legal citizenry who have been crying out for its federal government to do its primary job first and foremost for nine long years in getting America's borders truly secured before securing those of other foreign nations.

Has anyone checked the White House and Congressional water supply for hallucinogens lately?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Not-So-Independent Day

Happy 4th....although as one who feels the direction this country is taking more and more under the globalists seems our independence is beginning to seem more in mere word than fact.

Surprising to this American that after Prince Harry's coincidental visit during the continuing BP spill and disaster, the second one by this company involving the loss of American lives by the British who somehow gained access to America's offshore mineral rights under one of those "free trade" agreements it would appear, that the Queen herself and members of the British banking houses and parliament aren't lighting those fireworks in New York, Dallas, Los Angeles, Phoenix, New Orleans, Miami and Chicago, especially...

But to all, enjoy the barbeques and fireworks anyway.

Friday, July 2, 2010

World Government Globalists Need A Cause: Global Warming Is It

The AP released a supposed memorandum today dating back to the Nixon Administration in which Patrick Moynihan supposedly warned of the effects of "global warming" due to rising temperatures in the ocean over 30 years ago.

The article, of course, placed carbon particulates as the source, although the memorandums actually were focused more on the warming of the earth's oceans.

I just wonder how much of that warming had been also due to the decades of subterranean nuclear testing which had been done by both the U.S., and several other nations progressively since World War II.

I mean such testing is bound also to have affected in a fundamental way the Earth's platelets, the results of which have contributed to the earthquakes, tsunamis and other "natural disasters" occurring today.

Of that there is no doubt. Explode bombs beneath the Earth's surface, and it is bound to created shifts in the platelets and eventually affect the Earth's core.

As I was also taught in grammar and middle school, there has been a natural progression of heating in the Earth's core since the Ice Age.

So just how many more of these stories are the American people expected to swallow.

Especially since those "meterologists" couldn't even accurately predict the path of Gustav a mere day before hitting landfall?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Obama States Politics Blocking Immigration Deform?

In a recent widely published internet article, Barack Obama stated that it was "politics" which was delaying and derailing his much ballyhooed plan to legitimize and legalize the over 12 million estimated illegal immigrants in this country, a majority of which are Mexican nationals.

Since it was the American people primarily that derailed the 2006 illegal immigrant amnesty, I can only assume that Mr. Obama, as with his meeting with the Hispanic members of Congress, was more a political public relations stunt and another political farce in and of itself.

The American people quite clearly spoke about another Reagan era amnesty under Bush. Just what "reform" is actually needed, since there is an immigration and naturalization process already on the books, but rather it is the costs now that are preventing many of those poorer citizens from other countries from going through the established process. I mean, even the paperwork is now printed in Spanish for this particular segment, as opposed to those from other countries who wish to immigrate.

And since, after all, the U.S. is facing the largest recession since the Great Depression, just why would such an undertaking be again pushed at this time, further outraging those who are now homeless and jobless due to the influx of foreigners that have migrated here, legally or not, in the last two decades due to both wars, and those open borders post 9-11?

And just why are these Congressmen representing "special interests" rather than the voice of their constituency, by and large, I ask. Isn't their oath of office also to the Constitution, and recognizing the fact that there is an established naturalization process, and some of their former countrymen are in violation of it and should be forthwith deported?

"Anchor babies" do not create citizenship, according to the true law of the land. Since the Preamble does state, "We the People of the United States, FOR US AND OUR POSTERITY."

But I guess Mr. Obama, as so many on the Hill, hasn't read it lately.

The "Latino vote" should not be an overriding concern on this issue.

The Constitution should.

And until those borders are truly secured now nine years post 9-11, this political posturing appears to be from both sectors of the "global socialists," both Democrat and Republican.

And those taxpayer paid immigrant rights groups and lawyers that are also making their livelihoods on this issue, at the cost of all Americans, even the victims of the continued federal negligence and quite clearly treason in placing misconstrued "foreigners rights" above those of the naturalized and natural Americans.