Once again, it appears that the hypocricy in Washington has become evident for many Americans outside the Beltway.
While the media labeled "coalition" of forces in the West, including America and its historic "allies" Britain, France and the allied forces since World War II are now waging war on Libya in the "no fly" zone which was established this past week by those same forces, protests by Americans were held across the nation against America's continued involvement in Iraq.
It was reported that the rebellious Americans who defer from American foreign policy on the war were arrested for being too near the White House gates while conducting their demonstrations.
Will wonders never cease?
While Washington is supporting the rebels in Libya, it is arresting its domestic variety for staging their demonstrations where they would have the most coverage and impact.
In front of the White House.
Meanwhile, gas prices throughout the country have gone from $2.65 per gallon one year ago, to the "new" pricing of $3.20 a gallon - an over 30% increase in less than a year.
I wonder if those prices reflect all those barrels that were scammed during the months long "cleanup" and then refined in Britain during Deepwater Horizon this past summer, or whether the revolts now in the Middle East will be reported to blame.
Stay tuned.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Washington Hypocricy Evident Once Again
Deepwater Horizon,
foreign policy,
United States,
Washington D.C.