With the reported death of Osama bin Laden due to the heroic actions of the U.S. Navy Seals being credited for recent events in Pakistan, although questionable based upon the timing, methods and eventual disposition of the body of the claimed front man for the 9-11 attacks by more than a few Americans with the press and federal government once again ratcheting up the terrorism threats and reports of retaliation, perhaps it is time to step back and review just what has occurred in the 10 years since that horrendous day.
The Patriot Act once again is quietly being brought to the floor of Congress for passage without any real significant changes in the unconstitutional provisions contained within it in violation of the U.S. Constitution as I write and post these recent reports.
Our southern and northern borders remain for the most part unsecured, now 10 long years after 9-11 with the politicians using this issue in the 10 years since in order to build or remain in public office at the cost of literally thousands of additional American lives.
Foreigners, especially Canadians, have been given blanket security clearances and are training on U.S. shores in many military installations across the country, while dissenting Americans opposed to these ever expanding Middle Eastern wars are being targeted by Homeland Security in greater and greater numbers as more and more of these "degrees" are handed out through U.S. universities, and also by the military itself.
A Canadian can be posted and train at NORAD, I recently learned, while an American who attempts to enter those sacred grounds could be shot on sight.
And a Canadian military officer or member has no inherent loyalty oath to the Constitution, or to recognizing the Congress or President as their civilian commanders, even though most of the members of Congress and the President are now afforded to accept campaign contributions from who knows where rather than the "district" or even "country" in which they live and are to protect and defend primarily against foreigners, be they allies or enemies, as it detrimentally affects this nation or its citizenry.
During Bush's last 90 days in office, an "administrative order" was passed affording foreigners from over 35 countries "free pass" visa waivers which simply required 48 hour security checks in order to enter and visit or work in the United States.
More and more work visas are being also handed out to foreigners, even during this recession and post 9-11, and jobs are being handed out by those large global corporations based in the United States as the basis for the requests for those visas in that "no American can be found to do the job as opposed to the "specialized" skills and talents of those foreigners.
Many from former British colonies or territories such as India or Australia, in addition to those Canadians.
The propaganda on Fox, a U.S. pay cable station owned by a former Brit espousing British style conservatism, continues to confuse the issues and undermine our Constitution along with those stations and media publications also owned by the globalists who wish to return this country back to its pre-Revolutionary War status.
Another colony of the Brits, or under British rule and dominion through their extensive holdings in America and even our banks through the Federal Reserve.
This current administration and its loyal press appear to be once again beating the drums for a major offensive in Pakistan post these recent events, in addition to maintaining fronts in both Afghanistan and Iraq, and through its U.S. membership in the U.N., Libya.
While Scotty from American Idol this past week chose to sing an inspirational country-western song about faith, and those events ten long years ago, again on Fox - the national animal of the British who desperately need to use our U.S. troops in order to continue their quest for world economic dominion and control with the Middle Eastern countries being the sole holdouts to this massive global agenda in world socialism.
It appears our current leaders feel they are more "enlightened" and intelligent than those great men who gave their lives to establish this nation, as one unlike any other.
Seems we have come full circle in the short span of less than 300 years, and from all reports, most of the true "natives" are getting quite restless.
And the "change" that is needed appears will not be coming from either the Republicans, or the Democrats who continue to assist in selling this country and its people out to those whose true interests and loyalties lie elsewhere.
Misusing and attempting to marginalize all the "conspiracy theorists" who ask the important and vital questions at this point, and divert attention with weddings, death announcements, and political staged backbiting against those standing in the way of "progress."
Even our churches have been corrupted due to federal faith based grant monies, with strings attached by many of those huge, globally focused churches now also misrepresenting scripture, especially in the Christian faith, with respect to this political maneuvering.
At this point for many, even those gruesome pictures wouldn't answer the fundamental questions that keep nagging many and have for the past 10 years.
Mainly, this "changed" America under both mainstream political parties bears no resemblance to the nation those founders shed their blood to establish those many years ago.
A sovereign America conceived in individual liberty, and free of global wars and British world agendas.
Friday, May 13, 2011
The Decade In Review: Next War, Pakistan?
bin Laden,
foreign policy,
United States,