It appears the hawk has replaced the dove during Mr. Obama's less than three year run as our nation's president.
During the British tour announced and undertaken post the "capture" and "death" of Osama bin Laden, Mr. Obama has been meeting with the British leaders and hawking his new conversion from his election positions and statements in 2008. Remember, at that time he was challenged as "soft" on war with his stances to end the War in Iraq as soon as "safely" possible, and get our troops back home and end this unconstitutional Middle East takeover in the name of fighting "terrorism" and also tracking down bin Laden.
The "new" British initiative which America and American troops are also expected to support?
Establishing "democracies" throughout the Middle East. Of course, the United States is not a democracy, nor was ever intended to be, but a Constitutional Republic honoring freedom of religion most of all, although with Christian-Judeo roots in its original intent and form. Not extremism in either of those two faiths either in supporting interventionist or even precipitated wars in order to "take over" other countries and their established forms of government, whatever they may be, but affording those people living within those sovereign countries to also stage their own revolutionary wars if "change" is truly needed there, with U.S. diplomatic and arms support if need be, of course if absolutely needed or necessary.
Not direct troop involvement, at any rate.
But no matter, it is clear that the "change" which occurs under a change in leadership in this country has no effect, and instead of abiding by the Constitution it appears a race to see which party can desecrate it even faster.
While all this was being announced, of course, the U.S. Congress and House of "Misrepresentatives" again passed the extension of the Patriot Act, that Act of Congress that was passed post 9-11 in order to fight "terrorism," once again ten long years after 9-11, and also after this recent "capture" and "death at sea" of the purported mastermind.
Where is the outraged citizenry who continue to be marginalized also under this unconstitutional provision and "in your face" violation of America's Bill of Rights?
Most likely on the unemployment line, or now without television sets in order to continue keeping tabs and watching the destruction of the late, great U.S. those founders fought so hard and shed their blood to watch our modern day political machines in bed with the unconstitutional agendas of World War II allies destroy.
Hail, Britainnia. Britainnia rules the Hill.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Obama Hawks British War Strategy
American economy,
border war,
foreign policy,
Great Britain,
Middle East,
United States,