U.S.A., Inc. purchased, of course, a hefty share of General Motors, courtesy of the American taxpayers and shareholders, whereupon Mr. Obama then essentially fired a great many American citizens in Detroit, and sold out the smaller individual American bond holders to the UAW's larger interest.
Now it appears the company is going to "formally" file bankruptcy and go through the bankruptcy process.
Of course this bewilders me, since it does seem that perhaps this would have been the first step, so that all the details would be then available to the public as a "public" corporation, but it seems it is only the public's activities that seem to be under scrutiny as of late.
I wonder why the American people might be dissatisfied and distrust their government increasingly more and more each year? Hmmmm....
Below is a response I made to a claimed citizen journalist poster (since those sites now have also been infiltrated by many on stimulus grant monies as "educational" sites it appears, along with the 100 million that was given to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, now also somehow worthy as also an "educational", rather than "corporate commercial" U.S. corporation, who contributed their "take" on the situation and simply believed that selling off the gas guzzlers in GM, Ford and Chrysler's lines will be the "cure" to what ails GM.
I doubt, as with the banks, anything at all truly ails GM, who has low wage plants in China and Mexico now since they've moved essentially offshore also, it is just another tool to use to facilitate global government, amass maximum profit due to those countries socialized and communist governments, and continue to merge our economy with that of the "global community," no matter what the sacrifices and costs to the American people.
Apparently, their homes and jobs are not enough, and we are bringing out the flag more and more and using the American people's love for their country now even as a weapon against them.
I hope any and all Americans left in the border states have been forewarned due to that sale.
Because as one who watched that situation explode since the Reagan years, and if all goes as it appears planned, come September with another push for the amnesty while still promoting open borders with Mexico, it will be sure to raise the ire of a good many of those living in the border states.
More than even those who have been their victims.
The response:
No, the Hummers will simply be bought and driven by the drug cartels members after they start being manufactured at the GM plant in Mexico. And eventually then, Arizona, Mexico and California will "officially" become propety again of Mexico through the drug cartel ownerships and profits, and corporate control of the faces sitting on the various state legislations, whose members are and have been indirectly on the receiving end of the drug cartel and open borders gravy train in one way or another.
Of course, it is all the Americans fault due to the "insatiable need" for drugs by the "people" in THIS country which Ms. Clinton trashed and spoke about to the Mexican governent (when a good 2/3's those with addiction problems started while minors due to their target market).
It couldn't be in order to legalize hard and addictive drugs in order to go in partnership with the Mexican and Chinese governments so that the pharmaceutical industry can cash in on this untapped resource, would it?
I wonder in such event how many new cases of AIDS there would be, or how much the street crimes would then increase in order for those mostly kids to maintain their habits?
Of course, at least that would also stimulate the security and "privatized" jail industry booming now in this country, which is one way to get the kids off the streets. Make a profit off simply the addicted users for their incarcerations to make those high lease payments and private costs, and the legal industry in the pool of clients with all those drug profits to fleece, since the illegal sales to minors then would not cease.
Those kid consumers are an untapped source of revenue, and simply waste those allowances (from those parents still flush now enough to give it) on CDs and video games.
This way that hash and smack will then primarily come in tamper-proof packaging, except for those in the inner city who will have to settle for the lesser quality, but lethal, street variety.
If you can't beat 'em, why not join 'em?
We can't win in a "no win" Middle East war, and with open borders, the "War on Drugs" has simply been a farce. So lets just cash in the chips on bin Laden AND the Mexican drug cartels since apparently neither war is winnable. We've been in Iraq now for eight years and counting, and with open borders since the Mexican-American war.
But our "common defense" high tech security and gadget industry utilized priimarily against the American people since America has dissolved into simply a tourist trap for foreigners is truly booming. California's pleading poverty, while Silicon Valley must be bursting at the seams at this point. Another propaganda spin.
The mid to upper level corporate hotel chains catering to tourists and foreigners haven't been heard from as of yet in the major metropolitan cities seeking their welfare. Those California resorts too are flush, as the AIG sabbatical proved.
Of course, as one who has experience with this situation up close and personally, this situation continues to be due to the federal and state governments which have done absolutely nothing about our border problem since the 60's except use it as a political weapon and for political advantage by both mainstream parties, and the drugs simply have gotten much more addictive and lethal that continue to be sold in front of the local high schools and middle schools in the border states by the year.
And the Chinese GM plant and one in Mexico are those which will be retained as their most profitable and most likely will be kept as simply a joint venture now among U.S.A., Inc., the GM major shareholders (UAW "corporate" and other union pensions primarily), and the UAW Corporation itself, so in essence Obama and our Congress simply used GM in order to entrench our government (as part owner now) more and more with the Chinese and Mexican governments, who most likey will be replacing those American union members which were fired. A "buy-out" in essence skirting around SEC disclosure laws and regulations, as it were. Like the bank "bailouts."
And whose largest imports are not those sold on the stock exchange.
Our government is run now by the bankers and global government "state actor" corporations and "associations" of huge national and multi-national industries, including the legal industry, that once hallowed "profession" who also have truly lost their way in some of the "new industries" due to the voluminous unconstitutional bills they have had a hand in writing for their own future incomes and their protected interests - the ones who funded their campaigns, and then and now are simply turning around and presenting their bill for their contributions during the 2008 election.
What better way to globally merge auto production, and then skim the American shareholders of their investments and retirements in the process?
We need room for all the foreigner invaders who are going to hit our shores real soon from both those countries, in addition to the ones already here that we are pushing to legalize from all reports come September - despite the objections and outrage of the American people and victims living in the border states for these trade agreements, including apparently actual people now more valued for their commercial worth to the global community and these corporate industries at this point for their profit and gain.
And AIG is a London based insurer - so for the first time in history, the American people are now holding the debts for a global corporation, in order to also merge our country and its economy more and more with that of the world, rather than protect our own.
Unbelieveable at this point the utter unawareness of a great many of the American people of what this foreshadows.
Hey, Congress and the Obama Administration just handed out more than 100 million stimulus monies to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (which lobbies against really the Americans public for more laws for their welfare on behalf of their foreign global interests and their outsourced employees in order to fatten their pocketbooks), of course while Americans in the border states continue to face loss of their lives and property for the Chamber's agenda and benefit.
Now they have been deemed an "educational" institution, rather than a corporate "trade" organization. We are not only redefining and burning the Constitution, but the English language now in this country in favor of what? That definition isn't even Spanish.
Mr. Obama is simply the "used car salesman" that was picked to seal the deal, and bury our Constitution and sovereign America it appears forever, and since January clearly has been on a global road trip without stop continuing to sell the agenda to the American people wrapped, of all things, in Lincoln and the American flag.