New Hampshire's Governor has cowtowed apparently to the lawyers and Bar Association lobby (largest lobbying group by far at both the federal and state levels in some capacity or another), Chamber of Comerce, gay rights activists and New Hampshire, Inc.'s desire for more state revenue by passing into "law" several bills now affording gay couples the supposed "rights" that are guaranteed under the New Hampshire Constitution to traditional two sex couples.
No matter that the institution of marriage is actual governed under the common civil law as set forth in the Magna Carta and under the "natural" law in which the founders created this great nation over 200 years ago. It appears the U.S. Constitution also is not one in which the New Hampshire state government gives any credence, in addition to the federal government at this point in any manner whatsoever.
An article written by a writer with the the Baptist Press announcing the new legislation indicated that the citizens of New Hampshire have really no recourse to this action other than voting those members of the legislature and the governor out of office next election, rather than as the citizens of California had in initiating a state constitutional amendment after an off the wall California Supreme Court ruling also affording such "rights" in California.
The writer stated that the New Hampshire Constitution has no such provisions.
This writer would disagree. In a government of the people, and since this really is a federal matter and "institution" that is involved here there are several courses the citizens of New Hampshire can take with respect to this legislation - either filing a lawsuit in the federal courts with respect to the common law upon which marriage is based and the founders intent with respect to those "natural law" provisions, or initiate their own Constitutional amendment as California did, since there is no need to provide in codified law a "right" for such an undertaking within any states constitution.
It is an "assumed right," and also common law right in any government specifically declared "of the people, by the people, for the people," as the U.S. Constitutuion and founding documents so state. And also volumes of writings of the founders on just what "unalienable" rights were (as contained in the Bill of Rights), as "endowed by the Creator."
I think the Creator's views are also pretty well documented on such an issue.
And those new "laws" have yet to also be placed before a jury for evaluation as to also their applicability, since juries also in this nation have the right to not only review the facts in any case before them, but also whether or not the "law" is Constitutional, or applicable in the matter placed before them. This is what is known as "jury nullification."
So don't lose hope, citizens of New Hampshire that support traditional marriage and "natural law."
It appears this was more of a "job stimulus" for the legal profession and Chamber of Commerce members in the wedding industries and resorts in New Hampshire as has been the "jobs and the economy other the Constitution" provisions of this legislation and these judicial "opinions" as with most of the other states. Think of all that tax revenue the states will also gain now in violating the Constitution and the sums for all those "license" fees.
And the hefty sums that will be paid to those New Hampshire domestic relations attorneys for some of those divorces.
And how much more taxes the state citizens will be required to pay to give even more jobs to the legal industry in the form of the judges that will be needed for some of those "divorces."
At a time when the economy in most states throughout the nation is now in the toilet, the state legislators and governors really are getting on the "gay marriage bandwagon" in order to help pay their future salaries and their future campaign coffers most of all, it appears, and in times such as these apparently the true Rule of Law can be suspended at will in the interests of "state benefits and interests."
Look for that excuse to be brought up if this ever gets to the Supreme Court, along with the "equal protection under the law" garbage - since there is absolutely no "protection" in marriage for either party anymore in traditional marriage due to community property laws, and no fault divorce, and prior to state involvement on any level, simply recording such "contracts" in the country recorder's office or courthouse records was the "common law" procedure, especially since now there are even laws that have to do with people who die intestate.
And in Louisiana and quite a few other states, it isn't the spouse who automatically inherits all separately owned property at all due to the availability of "joint ownership" designations now within most contracts for home, auto and other purchases, it is actually the "legal" children of any marriage. And adoption papers secure those rights for gay domestic unions involving children since they cannot "procreate" naturally without medical intervention in some form or another, outside adoption.
Most other civil "rights" in marriage now can be satisfied with simple powers of attorneys, wills and joint ownership contracts which cost nothing to prepare and the forms for which can be obtained at your local bookstore.
"Natural law" is one which is not recognized now in New Hampshire, one of those thirteen original colonies.
And Madison is spinning right about now.