Saturday, June 27, 2009

How Many Blondes On Fox?

With all the news and cable channels lately struggling to retain viewship and also ratings in order to score ad revenues for Rupert Murdoch, Ted Turner and the other media moguls in New York, Hollywood, and beyond due to the "globalization" also of our media industry, it appears that a new drinking game might be in order to replace the "Kevin Bacon" game of the former dorm and college set.....

How many blondes on Fox?

Maybe it is just me, but it does seem to be that Rupert Murdoch has a marketing ploy here that I guess either seems to be working, or he must believe it does in order to promote both his politics, and his station and that is to pair his rather off the wall "political analysts and commentators" such as Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck with a blonde as eye candy for the young, old and middle age male viewers.

I wonder what Fox's stats actually are for female viewers, the major consumers?

I would bet not in the ballpark, and most of those ad agencies and government contracts paid for and billed to Americans for their social welfare and "public service" announcements are not at all reaching their "target" markets. Kids and women.

But it is also good for increasing the wallets of those U.S. Chamber members, and also our national debt with all those "grants" they are indirectly receiving such as the "association" of Fortune 500 members who just received a 100 million grant to "educate" the public on free markets and globalization at taxpayer expense.

The same organization and Chamber members getting all that taxpayer revenue for the "Just Say No" to drugs campaign and "Click It Or Ticket" screams about citizen welfare while lobbying for more and more "freebies for their corporate members and while running ads promoting terrorism on the public. They have even begun using that ploy against each other in the "terrorism" tactics in order to jack up those ratings and ad revenues. But their partnership with the governmental taxpayer funded "Ad Council" their benefactors is what is truly incredible. Not watchdogs, but governmentally funded participants.

So this is conspiracy to terrorize.

The egg frying on the sidewalk was a great one, and now the meth ads.

And did you also noticed how many supposed "lawyers" are "legal analysts," a great many of which is clear have never read our Constitution, or at least have forgotten their high school government classes. And wonder how many of those have actually ever practiced law at all for any length of time?

Or how many former educators, such as Bill O'Reilly, are used to "educate" the public in matters for which apparently he hasn't a clue and is the ultimate example of the dumbing down in our educational system. His staff most likely used the word "bloviate" at one point, and Bill, the great educator, had to look it up and was just thrilled with what he learned and is engaging in the primary teaching tool used in our classrooms.


Only it is repetitive propaganda both in America's schools, and on its media that seems to be the method behind the madness on the Hill.

But don't get me wrong, CNN has their formula for terrorism also, and Keith Olbermayer's apoplexic outbursts during the Bush Administration in his terrorism tactics were also quite incredible. It's amazing how silent he has been on Obama, who is just as much a big government, big business (AND corporate union) backer as Mr. Bush, if not more so, and those Fortune 500 and Chamber members and their globalizism. In fact, CNN is one of them also. Maybe with CNN, however, the game should be "How many Obama worshipers and devotees on CNN?"

So drink up LSU, ASU, UCLA and NYU. How many blondes are there on Fox?