He has been patting himself on the back in various speaking engagements ever since due to his perceived success in selling this agenda to the medical community and doctors, many of which are already affiliated with big business health care networks and professional associations other than the huge American Medical Association.
Thus, dealing now with Boards of Directors determining care, and also private health care providers due to the negligence of Washington actually performing their jobs in "regulating commerce" and its historic abuses over their practices, which is truly what is needed and would reduce the costs of health care tremendously since maybe some of those huge medical malpractice awards would cease due to their contributory negligence in many of those cases.
Especially since the lid on punitive damages for such awards were removed through the lobbying efforts of the Trial Lawyers Association years ago, which started this mess. Many doctors can't afford to practice, or their rates went off the chart due to the huge amounts they had to pay for malpractice.
And just who are the citizens going to redress a grievance on a governmentally denied claim, or bureautic morass that results in more citizen loss of life or injury? You would think the TLA would be screaming foul at the top of their lungs at this point, since it would appear their livelihoods and gravy train just might be adversely affected, along with their own eventual medical needs and care.
And at least would be happy to rethink their own contributions to this mess of high health care costs in the process, and what the long term effect has been to put this country where it is today.
And work on busting up some of those health care networks which have compromised the quality of care now across the board also after Nixon's bogus HMO concept was signed into law in the 70's, thus the "industry," rather than "profession" changed forever - and not for the better as our infant survival rates now will attest. Lower now than Cuba.
Right now, coverage under Medicare and Medicaid leaves much to be desired for the World War II generation. I can attest to that since after months of high blood pressure registering off the charts, and then even after edema set in, my elderly mother's health care provider never tested her for a blockage and a day after New Year's a little over a year ago, suffered a heart attack which eventually resulted in two different surgeries to correct.
So much for comprehensive coverage. And she even had a "supplemental" plan, no less.
Mr. Obama went on to assure the doctors that this would be another one of his "partnerships," and that it would not in any manner affect private health care coverage, simply expand and provide coverage for those at the present time that cannot afford it.
And I've got a bridge in Alaska to sell you.
Since the primary purchasers of health care are private industries and businesses, what makes Mr. Obama think that these businesses will continue to pick up the costs for private coverage which eats into their profit margins, after all, for those labor costs when they can simply direct their employees to sign up for the governmental "cut rate" plan?
And even with "supplemental" insurance then purchased individually by citizens to afford preventive care (since I'm sure those costs will not be picked up by any public plan), if the government is the primary carrier in such instance (as it was in my mother's case) would it not be the government then still that would determine the level of care and not the secondary provider?
Many private practice doctors have simply now posted signs that indicate that they do not or will not accept new Medicare patients, due to the governmental hoops and red tape involved in getting compensation for their services, and/or dealing with the bureaucracy rather than being able to actually treat patients.
And which government contractor/benefactor will be getting this lucrative new contract?
Mr. Buffett as with his Geico Insurance through another joint venture outside SEC scrutiny? I know Mr. Geithner is overseeing that AIG restructuring outside the scrutiny of the public and Congress at the present time. Not many have the bucks to buy some of that "debt" (if there is any, as a "globally" based corporation, other than that London office mess Americans are now stuck for the tab). I wonder how the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders would fare in such a deal, or whether they would be cut out as the public shareholders were in the GM "joint venture."
Even if that isn't the case and it is funded through taxation and administered by the federal government rather than another "public/private" partnership and governmental contract, exactly how many new employees in Health and Human Services will be needed in order to administer such a hugh undertaking. Does Washington simply plan to enlist all the currently employees of the separate state funded plans simply changing their civil service codes? When those employers and businesses drop those plans, how many new taxpayer paid government workers will be needed.
This sounds like another Chamber of Commerce dream come true, and another unaccountable source of revenue for the Feds bottom line to dip into at will, sort of like Social Security.
And how much time and sessions will it take to work the bugs out and tweak that legislation which most likely has enough holes and cavets in it to fill the Grand Canyon so the lawyers can run with it, and how much it will cost in the added costs for the courts that will be needed when the lawyers then bleed the families and public dry so the government and federal judiciary can then beginning denying claims and coverages in order to set precedents for political purposes?
How many more trillion is this going to cost the taxpayers?
Maybe these Fortune 500 and global businesses, instead of getting capital gains tax breaks, and favored status with legislators at both the state and federal levels, should be paying taxes based upon ther "worth" as property as was the original taxation method used by the founders. Property is taxed. Income is not.
Then maybe some of those buildings on K Street would clear out. And our public servants could get back to "governing," rather than "appeasing" their favored subjects for political (and personal) gain one again.
As with the foreclosure "solution," Middle East whirlwind tour, stimulus sales pitch, illegal joint venture with the Big Three and unions firing and laying off thousands of Americans and raping them of their retirement nest eggs, and now the illegal alien amnesty ploys, Mr. Obama's "Ask Not" speeches are getting harder to swallow, and used car salesman persona and slick salesmen gimmicks less and less credible with each passing month and as this country sinks further and further into a full out recession/depression.
It appears he might want to put away his Blackberry, and start speaking with the people and not the campaign backers, moochers and yes men since it appears this Constitutional lawyer hasn't a clue, other than what the fawning media pundits propagandize, and the U.S. Chamber members and foreign aid lobbyists wheelers and dealers spew - and most of the "news" station ratings are now in the toilet.
That speaks volumes right there on the credibility of the agenda at this point.
Fancy speeches and throwing money at the big business/big union lobbyists and mandating now health care coverage when many are homeless and jobless at this point truly shows that maybe a mental health check is now what is in order for each and every corporate socialist "representative" on the Hill.
No one is listening anymore. Except the news anchors, and that enclave of delusion, Hollywood.