It was reported in the APP (American Propaganda Press) that the Israeli lobby, and those Senators and Congressmen beholding to them, were "outraged" at the Obama Administration's chatising of Israel in light of its announcement during Vice President Biden's visit coincidentally of a zoning decision with respect to Jerusalem that flies in the face of peace talks.
It does appear that the election cycle in the U.S. for the 2010 elections is in full swing, and Israel once again is a centerpoint of both parties political posturing for the American Jewish vote.
And while it is interesting that most of these Senators and Congressmen who do receive quite a bit of funding from the Israeli lobby in this country posture, their outrage truly puzzling.
And also strange since a great many of high level officials in the Obama Administration are and have been huge supporters of the Israeli lobby, and also are Jewish, so this "outrage" seems rather contrived, to say the least.
Israel and those lobbying organizations have claimed that Israel is America's strongest ally in the Middle East.
I would state that actually America has been probably Israel's strongest ally since World War II, after the Kennedy Adminstration in assisting it's military with their national defense programs and training their military, since it is rather a matter of public record that Israel has received more foreign aid from this country than any other since the end of World War II.
And does, after all, since the 1960's have its own nuclear weaponry at its disposal, and a crack military due to all the aid we have given them over the course of decades.
Johnson's Adminstration funneled literally billions to Israel, as has each successive administration since that time, whether Republican or Democratic.
That an announcement such as the Israel government's of further expansion in Jerusalem would come during this visit, and at a time when the U.S. was pushing for peace talks does seem rather strange, to say the least.
I would ask, how many Israeli soldiers are now fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, as opposed to the amount of military aid and dollars this country has poured into Israel after it's national security has been compromised in both the '68 war, and as recently as the Carter Administration?
According to most media reports outside the U.S., Israel has enough fire power to nuke the Middle East at least 10 times over, yet is somehow threatened now by the development of nuclear weaponry by other Arab nations, when its actions such as what occurred this past week does not appear to be along the lines of truly wanting peace, but once again a totally Jewish state even outside the provisions of the Balfour Doctrine which with the British, created the state of Israel even prior to World War I.
It does appear that in the U.S. continuing to ally itself with Israel, our national security has been compromised in the process otherwise how would a 9-11 in this country ever have occurred, since our presence in the Middle East has been facilitated by our alliance with Israel these many decades, even though Britain actually was their "creator" to begin with.
The standard of living, and even national security capabilities of Israel are surpassing that of the United States in leaps and bounds, and our economy now has been fundamentally negatively impacted by the fact that even in an economic recession such as occurring in the U.S. at the present time, foreign aid to Israel still appears to be a top priority with those in Washington.
At this point in history, if Israel as an independent Jewish state is meant to be, isn't that now up to the Creator and not the U.S.?
I mean it does seem rather clear that this actually is the aim, all provisions in that Balfour accord to the contrary, since ceding Israeli land gained in the '68 war that was beyond that original accord has literally taken decades to reverse or even bring the parties to the table to rework, even though those lands were not even a part of the original British agreement at its inception.
"Trade with all nations, alliances (permanent) with none."
America's founders.
And why doesn't the Israeli lobby and their synagoges in this country, or the fundamentalist Christian community that hold with the "end of days" scenario as literal rather than allegorical, not simply donate directly to Israel, if that is where their hearts are and not with this country?
Or immigrate and move there themselves?
And isn't this really Britain's problem, more than the U.S., due to the fact that this original accord was between a British lord and zionist, and banker to begin with under the terms of the Balfour Doctrine?
I mean why is the United States, to its now continued detriment and the safety and security of its legal citizens and residents, continuing to be a major player in this scenario when it was the British that actually are responsible for this mess to begin with?