Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spin, Deflect, Distract: Health Care Deformers Pull Out All The Stops

As the witching hour approaches on the health care deform measures that are not at all being legislated at the will or desire of the majority of the American people in its current form (without any regulation over the health care industry and sector, but rather backdoor additional taxation on all Americans in one form or another), the distract, deflect and spins cycles are getting wider and deeper, and the wagons are circling.

It was reported by FOXNews (that "fair and balanced" mainstream commercial news organization) that two Black legislators (or African American in this era's venacular, but a different label was preferred up until about 15 years ago when hyphenated descriptives for Americans using countries of origins hadn't yet come into vogue, although I don't call myself a "European American") were harassed by protestors in Washington who hurled some politically incorrect verbiage as they were walking to the House floor for a vote.

Now, I would not say that the word of most Congressional members at this point is something that approximately 85% of the American people would put any stock in whatsoever. And it doesn't appear there were any unbiased eyewitnesses to this occurrence.

Seems we use the race card more and more indiscriminantly, especially when it comes to contentious legislation, and public policy rather than Constitutional provision.

Much was made by one of the legislators likening the abuse he apparently was subjected to as similar to that which he experienced as a protestor during the civil rights movement.

It is strange that what is ocurring right now in this country both over the border issue and illegal immigrant "rights," the swine flu "outbreak" and now this health care deform harkened back to the 60's and 70's.

Only the stakes are getting progressively higher, without any Constitutional basis for them actually whatsoever, so this is not progressive at all - it is actually regressive.

Regressing into a monarchial style of government even those federalists would be apalled over.

It seems history does repeat itself, but this analogy was actually too much for this 60's boomer, since what is occurring now has nothing to do with equal rights of all AMERICANS in employment and educational opportunities most of all, but a backdoor taxation on the public, many of whom are jobless and homeless at this point in the worst recession this country has seen since the Depression, also manipulated by this past Administration and Congress, and this new/old one, since it appears the agendas of the Bush Administration with respect to the war, illegal immigrants, etc., is steaming right along at the behest of the true power beneath the dome, the financial sector and globalist world bankers.

The two party system is what is broken here, and using such political tools and weapons against the masses who are justifiably upset that it was the "stakeholders" that were consulted on this legislation, and the people's true outrage at the escalating costs of health care, and "corporatization" of it since Nixon which has resulted in even lowered birth survival rates with stories such as this one just goes to show the bag of tricks of those Misrepresentatives on the Hill knows no bounds.

A comment was also made with respect to the analogy that one of these Congressmen had never heard of "freedom for the uninsured" or a campaign against MediCare. Say what?

Such a statement is truly incredible the total bending of the Constitution in order to justify somehow the unjustifiable.

I have news for this Congressman also as one of those boomers, Medicare had more than its share of detractors for just such reason as are being brought forth in this new legislation.

There was absolutely no regulation included over the health care providers that were to be the recipients of those backdoor taxes insofar as provision of care. And in fact, there are more and more doctors now refusing to take new Medicare patients for just such reason, lots of paperwork and dictating actually also just what level of treatment is even covered, since alternative treatments which even may be cheaper or less invasive are not MediCare friendly, and most of those benefits get eaten up by the time all those numerous referrals are done simply to get a diagnosis on most elder care - and that would also appear to be behind this new legislation also.

MediCare is broken also, due to its restrictive nature on the types of treatments which are even available, some of whice are lower than those which MediCare does cover. Such as degenerative spinal disorders or other bone and joint problems which are frequently the case for older Americans, which can be treated outside surgical procedures.

Paring down in this legislation also MediCare benefits, forcing more and more of those upcoming boomer retirees to purchase additional insurance just to even have catastrophic health care from those supplemental providers seems to also be part of this disasterous feeding of Wall Street once again on the backs of the American people now for their very lives and health.

But to use the "race" card once again, is getting so, so old to many Americans. Especially connected to legislation such as this.

And also the untruthful statement with respect to those objecting, since it does seem that those who have a problem with this legislation in its current form, and see it for really what it actually is, cross all races and political philosphies.

And if being held accountable by your constituents, the American people no matter what the color, is similar to the walk to Selma, I guess that oath of office meant to hold accountable all civil servants just might not have been clearly understood.

All those free lunches aside mean you are not Joe Private Citizen any longer, but servants of the people, and the people are speaking loud and clear, and they are the ones doing the protesting this time for their very lives.

But FOX and these two Congressmen certainly know how to sensationalize, since this little incident became net news instanteously in attempts to place another sensationalized story and issue in order to shift the focus, once again, which seems to be also the MO on contentious debate and ratings generators for these media moguls who are also part and parcel of the ever increasing garbage coming out of Washington.

And as more than a few Americans have asked, just wonder where both these Congressman can quote that the federal government has any authority whatsoever to give "privileges and immunities" to one segment of the population corporately over another, and mandate that Americans must buy a "product," which health insurance is since it is "commercial."

Very commercial, actually, and very lucrative for all the lawyers, lobbyists, legislators, and looters, such as AIG, where their true job and function is to be regulators of commercial corporate entities (national and global ones particularly, with the states to regulate those commercial corporations operating within strictly state borders under the separation of powers contained in that Constitution as also the intent of the founders for a republican government).

I mean, doesn't this simply mean that Congress is more like a marketing department for the health care industry and their profits, or Wall Street PR men, rather than representatives of the people and their representatives and employees increasingly rather than those living within their legislative districts, their true constituents?

I wonder if these two Congressmen hold any health care sector stocks?

Since it appears to me that this entire last six months has been a study in political spins, deflections and distractions by both of those mainstream political parties - and if the vote goes as has been the case historically with the Cap & Trade, and other unconstitutional legislation, I just wonder who is drawing the short straws this time, and just bet a great deal of these backroom negotiations has to do with bargaining between the Congressional members insofar as just who is, and who is not, going to take the fall come next election, and who has the most credibility to weather the storms to come (such as Mr. Stupak's posturing on the abortion nonissue for the folks back home, since federally funded abortions have been the standard throughout the country since Planned Parenthood went into the abortion business along with its family planning birth control education for lower income Americans and young families as far back as the early 80's).

And what is really incredible is that this vote would be taken on a Sunday to begin with. A day that actually is a holiday for even legislators, and appears that in so doing once again Washington is asserting its sovereignty over the entire foundation of this country's government.

The Creator mentioned and recognized by those founders as the giver of those "unalienable rights," and not government, political parties, or erstwhile rogue Congressmen and women.