Much has been published in the last few days on the mainstream media regarding the purportedly "Christian" military group, Hutaree, which was planning an anti-government attack on some Michigan police officers in order to facilitate a "revolution" in this country in the name of Christ.
As a Christian myself, I would hasten to disagree that this group is either Christian, nor acting in the name of Christ.
Christ was, after all, nonviolent with the exception of his attack on the moneylenders in the Jewish Temple who were desecrating the Temple grounds with their greed and avarice on holy days especially. His attack came this very week in the Christian calendar, and lead, of course, to his eventual cruxifiction.
He was attacking the unGodly principles of those within his own faith who were abusing the masses for their own profit most of all in overcharging on currency conversions for the required tithing sums toward support of the Temple and the Temple priests.
Roman coins had been deemed unacceptable by the Sanhedrin, and thus had to be converted to acceptable currency prior to making those donations from those whose other property sacrifices (such as crops or animal sacrifices) did not meet Jewish law in this respect during Passover.
It is also interesting that these arrests and this story came at a time, once again, when the general citizenry have become increasingly outraged with the goings on in Washington, particularly over the latest unconstitutional taxation on the masses, the Health Care Deform bill which was purportedly signed into law by Mr. Obama, along with other unrelated legislation which was included in that massive bill.
Most Americans are quite aware that fining the public for not purchasing one of the financial industries products, health care insurance, does smack of tyranny and also clearly a "taking" of the public's property without "due process" of law.
Since, of course, none of those now serving on the Hill were in any way duly elected, now that campaign contributions have been afforded them by their own legislation, and recent support of the Supreme Court "legalizing" funding outside their legislative districts - which is against the very fabric of a representative government as the founders created to begin with.
The market was speaking, and the costs of those policies and terms were not affordable or within the reach of many of the boomer generation especially due to the high profit margins those financial sector insurers require in order to feed their stockholders, and also their executives and lobbyists (and, of course, those unduly "elected" candidates).
Regulation was what was called for here of those global and national insurers of their products and rate increase models and structures, and some protection of those stockholders also in the compensation packages for those executives which also impacted their investment in some of those companies. And regulation of just what additional financial products or the degree of risks those insurers could spend those public monies and premiums on.
With Washington charged to regulate national and global commerce one of their delineated duties, not get into bed with them at the general citizenry's expense.
None of those Constitutional focuses were included, or any protection of the public over the costs and annual adjustments on those premiums and the impact which those insurers have over their very lives in fulfilling the terms of those policies when sick, ill or injured, merely a gesture in prohibiting refusals of coverage, but without even addressing the costs once again those higher risk individuals would be required to pay, or be fined by Washington for their disobedience with this "law."
And which practice is already prohibited by the laws of many of the several states to begin with, although many still afford those interstate and intrastate insurers to dictate waivers for much of the public for any and all "pre-existing conditions" which is defined as involving treatment within the five year period prior to application.
Affording outside "foreign" interests then to taint then the voices of their true constituency such as what occurred with this legislation, and giving then special interests, corporately or otherwise, domiciled or living outside legislative districts of those running for office an unequal voice in both the election process, and legislation now progressively.
Corporate personhood wasn't enough of an abridgement of the Constitution and Bill of Rights protections meant to protect the few (the citizens) from the masses (the corporate), what we have here is now a corporate takeover of America, and a global corporate takeover at that by even some non-U.S. domiciled corporations, such as AIG.
In other words, those that have the bucks (or claim corporate bankruptcy for campaign reinbursement expenses) are now calling the shots, as was apparent also from Mr. Obama's consultation with the "stakeholders" for this most recent travesty.
And why this group's site was a .com site if it was a politically focused organization and not a .org site is also beyond me. It appears the site was created in 2006, and then lapsed for a time, and was renewed once again then in 2009.
I have many questions about this purported planned "attack" also, since it does seem to me clearly that politically those in high places have a vested interest in publicizing for the masses stories such as these (although the charges actually can only be those of "intent" since no true "crime" was carried out or committed it would seem), since that bogus Homegrown Terrorist Act was passed by the House of Misrepresentatives back in 2006 (which has not, to my knowledge, even been passed by the Senate, and thus does not even have the force of law fundamentally to begin with).
Seems there could be some self-interest of the government going on here in highly publicizing these purported "crimes of intent" at this point, don't you think?
Now placing the local police and police forces on higher alert just perhaps may be the ultimate aim here, in facilitating a divisive citizenry for their own self-protection post this most recent legislation, or in order to once again justify some of the recent heinous legislation which continues to violate those "unalienable" rights those founders were attempting to protect from such violative acts as this past week once again.
And it would appear that those moneylenders of old, just may be recycling their selfish and unbiblical view of "the law" in reinstituting usury upon the masses in this country again for those bankers and moneylenders profits, which have no Godly precept to begin with.
The charging of usury is forbidden in all religions, however, the interpretation differs and therein lies the rub.
Christians and Muslims believe it is prohibited to charge urusy to anyone, whereas the Jewish faith believes it is a directive that onlhy applies to other Jews. Hence, that was why the Romans put the Jews in charge of moneylending to begin with within the Jewish subsociety, however, those charged with such duties and the Temple priests who were the beneficiaries turning a blind eye to what was occuring progressively in Biblical times as is happening today was what precipitated Christ's attack then on the Temple grounds.
The Jewish moneylenders were charging usury against other Jews against Mosaic law to his people.
And insofar as I have been able to research, those beliefs still remain which was why the British government way back when and the Church of England put the Jewish immigrants to that country in charge of lending and collection of taxes, transferring the Church's historic authority prior to the Middle Ages over moneylending once again back to the Jews.
And usury is any sum over the tithing rate of 10% with respect to banking and moneylending, or taxation.
It is the government and banks continuing in the practice of usury that is actually bankrupting now this country and its citizenry across the board. State and federal taxes now are over usury of most Americans tax home pay after deductions, and then on what they use their wages then on to buy with the state and federal taxes levied combined on purchases also in addition.
Americans are buying less, because they can't afford to buy since Big Daddy and their state governments have now become so greedy, and the bankers which are even holding those sums for future purchases with their fees and costs factored in just to have a bank account or use that little piece of plastic anymore.
Or to buy a home with all those up front junk fees and costs, and escalating terms - nothing more than usury again.
And the name for this group is more similar to "Hatari," that 1960's John Wayne movie, or "Atari" the video game company, than having any Aramaic or Christian basis, it appears.
I wonder if this is another job stimulus for the civil rights lawyers, in criminalizing intent now, since they are being represented by public defenders and a civil rights defense would be most likely the basis of the defense, and thus the state public defenders office eligible for federal monies for their local coffers for this case.
Call me a cynic, but much is rotten in Washington, that much is clear, and most of the state governments increasingly since that also unconstitutional 16th Amendment was passed changing the balance of power which made them more and more dependent on federal monies also due to their excesses, and increasing discretionary expenditures at the cost of funding those duties for which they truly are charged to provide under their state constitutions.
And Michigan is one of those states, thanks to Mr. Obama's layoff of a great many of those auto workers and plant closures, due to all the outsourcing which has also gone unrestrained of the U.S. industrial base, that has been impacted by these Obamanations and this Congress as with the Bush Administration, in its tax and spend philosophies this past year progressively.
There certainly seems to be a good many questions with respect to this incident that seems would bear further research of all Americans.