In a report today carried by the AP wire service, it was announced that the U.S. Department of Labor figures are in, and appears that for the last month the rate of unemployment is unchanged, with less jobs lost than anticipated.
I wonder where the USDL is getting its figures?
It would appear that the only barometer they would have for such a report is the number of Americans now collecting unemployment.
And since unemployment benefits have stopped for most since this recession began, it truthfully could be that the number of new Americans applying for unemployment has stabilized, but those that are still not working or have had to take jobs beneath their former salaries or in lower paying work has increased.
Also not included in this report is the number of offsetting jobs that have been created which are those most "created" by this Administration as with the last.
Taxpayer paid government jobs.
Although it is the average middle class Americans that are now paying a heftier burden in order to provide those taxpayer paid jobs to begin with, which is placing more and more of them on the unemployment lines, or in the bankruptcy courts.
Even with as difficult as it is today after the revisions in the bankruptcy code of several years ago, at the behest of the financial sector and those Wall Street bankers, bankruptcies throughout the nation are up.
And those figures were left out of the USDL's report.
The number of new small businesses, or those that have been in business for literally decades now bankrupt and those losses also were not included, since unemployment is not available to those that are self-employed.
Foreclosures are up once again for last month, which means that the American economy is not rallying, and is in fact continuing to sink into a full out depression, at this point, throughout a good many states in the country.
Especially the West and Southwest, due to the questionable loans which were sold to many during the boom, many of which were not even based on the U.S. currency, but the LIBOR or London Interest Bearing Origination Rates.
The home buying market has not significantly improved but is continuing to worsen in those states and many others, since of course the terms of most of those loans have not changed, and the Obama Administration has concentrated most of all on encouraging Americans to refinance instead.
Under the terms of those same loans that were sold which created this tsunmai.
It was announced also that Congress has passed a measure giving companies that hire new workers a tax incentive in the form of a payroll tax deduction.
I have been unable to find much further information on this particular legislation, however, I wonder what kind of payroll tax deduction would be afforded, since the only sums which employers contribute over and above that which they deduct from employee payroll checks for federal income taxes withheld would be Social Security matching sums.
Does this mean Congress, in its infinite wisdom, is now not requiring these large global corporations to match Social Security payments, and thus reducing then those benefits for those employees at retirement?
Or are these credits for all the assundry state required taxes paid, such as unemployment, workmen's comp and the like?
It doesn't appear that it isn't that American companies are not hiring, they are just not hiring Americans but prefer foreign cheaper untaxed labor, I believe that has been the prevailing public opinion.
Simply rewinding and placing the tax back on foreign labor rather than the domestic variety would be the best job stimulus for Americans yet.
The spins off the Hill continue, obviously.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
U.S. Department of Labor Reports Unemployment Figures Unchanged?
federal government,
U.S. Department of Labor,
United States,