Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mr. Obama: Competition Will Not Cure What Ails America

The press releases and publicity surrounding Mr. Obama's upcoming State of the Union address on Tuesday have highlighted the thrust of his message to the American people and his response to the defeats the Democrats suffered in the midterm elections.

It is "competition" which will create new jobs, and salvage the piss poor U.S. economy, an economy which has been on a downward spiral for literally decades under both political parties. Gas prices are now inching over $3.00 a gallon once again (in spite of the ever expanding "War on Terror" which continues under the Democrats, costing this country literally billions), and many Americans are now homeless and jobless due to both the mortgage crisis, and outsourcing and insourcing which has gone on and continues in the name of competing in the "global economy."

I have news for Mr. Obama. Competition is not the answer.

In fact, that is what has gotten us into this mess, competing for global dominance, rather than protecting the sovereignty and economy of the good old U.S. of A.

Competing in the global market place has cost this country both its industrial base, and even its own land and resources in the name of "free trade" and simply expanded the stock portfolios and holdings of the few at the cost of the many.

Not exactly what our founders had in mind for this country.

Reinstituting protectionist policies will reverse this trend, and bring America back to the forefront once again. Investing U.S. dollars in our domestically owned businesses and start ups, rather than global corporate conglomerates will bring new jobs to these shores, rather than those of China or India.

China and India can provide their own jobs for their own citizens in developing new industries, rather than piggybacking on the jobs and livelihoods of Americans. And with respect to India, Britain can shoulder their share of building that country's economic future as a former member of the British realm.

Our deficit can be cured rather simply by calling in all our foreign aid debts to all those countries we have supported and funded for over a hundred years, and ending a war that never should have gotten this far to begin with and beginning to secure our own borders from the devastating impact and effects of those open borders on both the property, lives and jobs also of Americans.

Regulating the U.S. banks sufficiently, the ones who create the mortgage meltdown and crisis to begin with in selling loans to U.S. homeowners and home buyers which were not even based on the U.S. currency but the London interbank exchange rates would be a start.

Placing sufficient controls on the Wall Street wheeler dealers who also had a hand in this recession/depression yet whose CEOs salaries have continued to climb also might make a significant impact on placing such salaries and benefits in the hands of those who should have such authority - the shareholders and owners of those global corporate conglomerates, including the small, domestic investors.

And hiring economists whose primary focus are on building up the U.S. economy, and not that of the world's would definitely help.

In short, reestablishing the true Rule of Law in this country once again, our Constitution which was written by Americans for Americans.

Rather than continue on this path that will only lead to the destruction of this country at the hands of foreigners, and foreign governments.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mr. Obama: More Jobs In December? Duh!

Gearing up once again (already) for the 2012 run for the roses, Barack Obama announced from a politically determined location in the hard hit industrial north that the economy is improving and December saw the unemployment rate "dip" to 9.4% from 9.8% the month before.

Since December is a month when there are additions of lower paying temporary retail jobs in the private sector for the holiday season, this announcement should come as no surprise to most Americans whose reaction most likely was similar to mine.

A "duh" moment.

Mr. Obama credits the recently passed legislation reducing tax burdens on capital expenditures for businesses, and other perks which were included in the extension of the Bush tax cuts, including those for the wealthy and large, global corporate conglomerates, as the source rather than the obvious.

Of course, with little monies earmarked for American small businesses and start ups, this new job growth can only be a political maneuver on the part of Washington since nothing really has changed at all in the housing market, banking industry or Wall Street to address the actual problems which created this depression/recession to begin with.

Absolutely nothing.

Except pass more and more backdoor taxes in the form of those global carbon taxes, and health care taxes favoring global industry at the cost of the average American which have not kicked in as of yet, but will impact each and every American on a massive basis in just a few short months, or years.

There has been little, if any, of the promised redlining of our huge bureaucratic public sector jobs and their costs, especially in that newly created massive drain on the public post 9-11, Homeland Security, which also has increased the costs and time for most Americans to even travel in all those new airport taxes for all those body scanners that are now being utilized, while our southern and northern borders remain open and the hugely expensive Middle Eastern war continues.

But what can you expect from a so out of touch Washington that is so far left leaning that the Constitution is not only a "thing of wax" but has been utterly destroyed progressively, and never more so than since the 1960's under both political parties' leadership.

Get ready for more spins, since it appears it is "looks" and "lies" that will once again be a major factor in the next election cycle.

Some things NEVER change.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Wisconsin Politico Unaware Arizona Borders Mexico?

As an example of the horrendous state of America's educational system, below is a link to a Wisconsin Board of Supervisor's meeting wherein one of the members of the Board (a Democrat) alleges that the Arizona border situation and concerns are unwarranted, given that Arizona is not Texas and a state that is far away from the Mexican border.

Really makes you wonder, doesn't it?

This also reminded me of a response I received from a New Mexico legislator (an attorney, at that) who represented in a response to one of my petitions regarding the border situation as one who lived in Arizona for over 45 years that the definition of "America" encompassed all the land and territory extending from the tip of South America to Alaska.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011: A New Decade

Happy 2011, and the beginning of a new decade.

Ringing out the old and bringing in the new is becoming a tradition in the American political landscape and the numbers of Independents and those who are fed up with the two political party system which has merged into the Global Socialist Party seems to be increasing.

Let's hope that trend continues, and we see some real changes rather than merely a change of the face behind the podium.

With the true Americans' voices resonating across this great nation that "progress" isn't "progress" when it is merely global government regression under the leadership of the resurrected British Tory Party with global economic dominion and rulership once again the goal.